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Law and Litigation TOC
I - AdaptationLawandPolicy
I - ClimateLawTopics
I - ClimateLitigation
I - Ecocide
I - EnvironmentalLitigation
I - InternationalLaw
I - Litigation/LiabilityasBusinessRisk
I - PolluterPaysPrinciple
I - U.S.ConstitutionalLaw
S - Adaptation Law
S - Children's Trust Litigation
S - Climate Law General
S - Ecocide in International Law
S - International Climate Law
S - National Climate Law
S - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
S - State and Local Climate Law
N - Business Litigation and Liability Risk
N - Business Use of Litigation and Liability
N - Ecocide
N - Evaluating Climate Litigation Strategies
N - International Law and Litigation
N - Legal Strategies for the Climate
N - National Liability
N - State and Local Law
N - U.S. Litigation
T - Climate Litigation Portals
T - Climate Litigation Websites
T - Legal Blogs
T - Legal Topics - Websites
T - Litigation and Liability Networks
V - Litigation and Liability
E - Adapt Law
E - Challenges of Climate Decisionmaking
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Liability Risks
E - Use of Law Against Climate Change Mitigation
SLR Sea Level Rise TOC
I - BoundingSeaLevelRise
I - CommunicatingSLR
I - Flooding
I - MeltwaterPulse
I - RealEstateValuesUnderSLR
I - SLRandMigration
I - SLREconomicImpacts
I - SLRinScenarioPlanning
I - StormSurgeandSeaLevelRise
S - Bounding Global SLR
S - Coastal SLR Adaptation/Resilience
S - Communicating SLR
S - Decision-Making Under SLR Uncertainty
S - Economics of SLR
S - Impacts of SLR
S - Regional SLR
S - Risk Assessment for SLR
S - Risk Management for SLR
S - SLR Sea Level Rise Sources - Topical
S - SLR Vulnerability
S - Storm Surge
N - Arctic Impacts
N - Flood Insurance
N - Real Estate Values and Sea Level Rise
N - SLR Adaptation
N - SLR Bounding
N - SLR Sea Level Rise News - Topical
T - Adapt SLR
T - Sea Level Rise Networks
T - SLR Sea Level Rise Visualizations
V - SLR Sea Level Rise
E - Impacts of SLR
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Real Estate Values and SLR
T - SLR Websites, Blogs, FB Home Pages
E - Litigation and Liability Extracts
E - Adapt Law
E - Business Risk Disclosure Topics
E - CO2 Significance Under CEQA NEPA SEPA
E - Law and Policy by Geography
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Liability Risks
E - Necessity Defense
E - Use of Law Against Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Case Chart - U.S.
2015 Hague District Court orders Dutch Government to reduce Dutch emissions by at least 25% by 2020, a stricter requirement than in the Paris Agreement
2015 Peruvian farmer brings suit against Germany utility RWE for damages, asking compensation based on RWE’s % of global emissions from 1751 to 2010. German Appeals court held the suit admissable.
2016 Conservation Law Foundation sues Exxon based on vulnterability of an Exxon oil tank farm to storm surge and other hazards
2016 Exxon investor files securities fraud class action against Exxon based on failure to disclose recognized risks of climate change.
2017 In Sinnok v. Alaska a group of children sued the state and the Governor for pro-oil policies that exacerbate the impacts of climate change where they live
2019/12 Dutch Supreme Court rejects appeal of Government against District and Appeals Court decisions, letting a reduction requirement of 25% by 2020 stand.
2019/12 New York Court rules for Exxon in securities fraud case
2019 NGOs brought suit against French oil company Total, charging a failure to adequately report and mitigate climate risks
2020/3 Billionaire hedge fund manager threatens to sue banks for lending money to coal-mining companies
2020 Federal Appeals Court finds that Juliana v United States defendants (21 young people) lack standing for their lawsuit
2020 Federal Court of Australia declared than Minister of Environment, in approving a mining project, has a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury or death to persons under 18.
2020 Irish Supreme Court rules that Irish National Mitigation Plan does not comply with the Irish Climate Act because too vague in specifying low carbon transition to 2050
2021/4 German Constitutional Court holds that German Federal Climate Change Act iincompatible with fundamental rights due to vagueness.
2021/4 Paris Administrative Court holds that French Government has failed to comply with commitments under the Paris Agreement. Ordered payment of 1 Euro for moral damages, and ordered action by 12/2022.
2021/5 District Court of the Hauge rules that Shell must cut emissions by 45% by 2030, in first court ruling that companies need to align policies with the Paris Agreement
2021 Cases by category of law 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Cases by sector 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Cases with outcomes favorable to climate action are in the majority
2021 Climate laws and policies around the world as of May 2021
2021 Federal agencies that were defendants in cases 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Grounds of review in cases against governments 2015-2021
2021 Not all cases are aligned with climate goals
2021 Number of cases involving US federal environmental statutes
2021 Number of lawsuits around world by jurisdiction
2021 Outcomes in human rights cases
2021 Plaintiffs and petitioners in “con” cases 2027 - Jan 2021
2021 Plaintiffs and petitioners in “pro” cases 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Proportion of cases with outcomes that are favorable, unfavorable, and neutral (cases outside US)
2021 Proportion of strategic cases over time
2021 Total climate litigation cases over time, U.S. and non-U.S.
2021 Total number recorded climate litigation cases 1986 - 2020 (US vs all other countries)
2021 Who were the defendants in cases 2017 - Jan 2021
Climate Lawsuits Vary Widely
Could the legal system's approach change?
2010 Deutsche Bank - Growth of US Climate Litigation: Trends and Consequences
2015 Bank of England Governor Mark Carney characterizes litigation risks as “significant, uncertain, and non-linear”
2015 was a key year for climate change law, including the Urgenda and Leghari cases
2021 has been an exceptional year for climate iltigation
ClientEarth files first known climate litigation case against a central bank (National Bank of Belgium)
Climate litigation has shifted from retroactive responsibility for disasters to forward-looking to prevent environmental damage
Colombia’s Supreme Court has recognised that fundamental human rights are “substantially linked and determined by the environment and the ecosystem” and that the Columbian Amazon has its own rights.
Even for those who believe that climate litigation can play an important role in bringing the world closer to a 1.5°C trajectory, there is only so much the courts can do.
In Germany the Constitutional Court recognised that “one generation must not be allowed to consume large portions of the CO2 budget while bearing a relatively minor share of the reduction effort, if this would involve leaving subsequent generations with a drastic reduction burden and expose their lives to serious losses of freedom”.
Katrina Breaches Canal Litigation
Leghari case based on constitutional protection of the right to life.
Schneider: There are tools in toolbox other than PTD that are better suited to dealing with climate change. All Dept. of Interior policies now utilize a "climate change lens"
The question remains: how much can climate change cases really contribute to climate action in Australia – and internationally – and will it be enough to turn the current disastrous climate trajectory?
The Urgenda case in the Netherlands was a watershed moment for climate litigation. It was the first time a government was found to owe a legal duty of care to protect people from climate harms.
The vast majority of climate litigation has been in the U.S., but also includes 39 other countries and international courts and tribunals
US, unlike most countries, does not have environmental protection built into its constitution
Vanuatu has launched a campaign to seek an Advisory Opinion from the world’s highest court – the International Court of Justice – on the issue of climate change and human rights.
Weller on potential of tort law for victims of climate change: “in a nutshell, causation and breach of duty cannot be established.”
Whitman: Not clear how PTD model applies to air - very different from using PTD to influence state resource management decisions
E - SLR Sea Level Rise
E - Adapting to Sea Level Rise
E - Decision-Making for SLR
E - Glacier Loss Impacts
E - Global vs. Local SLR
E - Impacts of SLR
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Real Estate Values and SLR
E - SLR Uncertainties
The last 8,000 years of sea level stability correspond to civilization and infrastruture
Can do the same with this image
0000 -10000 (2016) Long term sea level rise implications of current emissions scenarios
0-2000 (2014) Sea level change over the last 2000 years
3oC - Asian cities that will be worst affected by sea level rise
200X A closer look at that 10-32 inches
1800-2100 (2017) Revised global SLR scenarios
1800-2100 projected global sea levels - not modelled
1850-2010 (2013) The growing rate of sea level rise
1870-2010 (2009) Sea level rise since 1880
1880-1990 (1996) Historic role of greenhouse gases in SLR
1880-2020 (2017) Australian sea levels rising faster since 1993
1880-2100 (2014) Global SLR to 2100 based on IPCC scenarios
1900-2100 (2012) Global SLR scenarios
1900-2100 (2012) The rate of SLR is also projected to rise
1900-2100 (2016) Scenarios developed for the Third NCA
1950-2100 (2009) Projections of SLR based on AR4 temperature projections
1970-2010 (2009) SLR happening faster than expected
1980-2010 (2013) Projected vs. actual sea level rise
1980-2100 (2012) Understanding the difference of 2oC vs. 4oC for SLR projections
1990-2005 Observed SLR vs. model projections
1990-2200 (1996) GHG forcing in w/m2 underlying SLR estimates
1990-2300 (1995 ) Cumulative contribution of climate change to SLR
1990-2300 (1996) Global temperature change associated with SLR estimates
1990-2300 (2009) Recent SLR projections
2000-2100 (1983) Estimated contribution of variables to total SLR over time
2009 Long-term relationship of temperatures and sea levels
2011 Top 20 cities for exposed population
2011 Top 20 cities for exposure assets
2011 Top 20 cities for highest proportional increase in asset exposure
2013 NOAA_What will adaptation cost
2013 Temperature changes over the last 65 million years
2013 There is a strong correlation between CO2 and sea level
2015 Historical and projected SLR
2017 It's all about probabilities
2019 CoastalDEM versus SRTM by country
2019 Global populations on land at risk
2019 Global simulated error assessment results
2019 Individual ice sheet contributions to SLR for 2100 temperature scenarios
2019 Key West sea level rise risk by 2050
2019 Median and likely range estimates of the ice sheet SLR contributions for different temperature scenarios and different studies
2019 Number of people at risk by country from a sea level rise of 1.8 meters
2019 PDFs for both temperature trajectory scenarios for combined ice sheet contributions
2019 Pearl River Delta, China and Bangladesh predictions
2019 Permanent inundation surfaces predicted by CoastalDEM and SRTM given the median sea-level projection
2019 Projected sea-level rise contributions from each ice sheet and combined
2019 Southern Florida legacy model of sea level rise risk by 2050 vs. adjusted CoastalDem map
2019 Southern Vietnam: old vs. new projection for 2050
2019 Total global-mean sea-level rise projections
2020 Estimated losses due to sea level rise
2020 Historical experience CO2 vs. temp. and SLR
2020 Impact of sea level rise
2021 Committed sea level rise as a function of long-term global temperature increase
2021 Projected sea level rise for 10 most populous coastal cities in the US with SLR of 50cm and 100cm
2050-2100 (2013) Estimates of SLR in Maryland
2050-2100 (2019) Total global mean sea-level rise projections
2050-2300 (2017) Probabilistic projections of GMSL by RCP over time
2100 (2012) Estimates of projected sea level rise have varied widely
2100 (2013) Projections of potential sea level rise
2100-2300 (2015) Expert opinion on SLR by 2100 and 2300
2100-2300 (2017) Vulnerable populations based on SLR scenarios
2100-2300 (2019) Probability distributions H and L temperature, 2011 and 2300
12000 (2016) Distribution of sea level rise in 10,000 years based on lower emissions scenario
12000 (2016) Impact on countries and cities of 10,000 year SLR projection
Components of Extreme Still and Total Water Level
Could it more than proportional
EBITDA under alternative SLR scenarios
Estimated historical SLR per century
Five global scenarios used in the report
Global temperatures have varied considerably in the past, partially due to major tectonic shifts
Historical and Projected Sea Level
In a couple of decades this will be the "normal" for New Orleans
New Orleans could be an island by 2100
Record of Sea Level Change Over Last 900,000 Years
Sea levels have risen very fast in the past - 65 ft in four centuries some 14,000 years ago
SLR can magnify storm surge magnitude
Summary of Min-Max values based on regional adjustments
The primary causes of global SLR
To look at sea level change, need to look over time
Top 20 cities for exposure, 2010 and 2070
Total water levels for selected extreme events in the U.S.
1. Rely on the IPCC (10-32 inches) or National Climate Assessment (1-4 feet)?
2020-2100 (2012) USACE and NOAA SLR Curves
A lot of progress has been made over the last decade
About 6 million Floridians will need to move inland by century’s end to avoid inundation
Antarctica, long thought to be the “sleeping giant” of sea level rise, is actually a key player. Its ice sheets can change quickly, and in ways that could have huge implications for coastal communities and infrastructure in future.
Clear that SLR analysis needs to account for more variables and uncertainties than in the past
Dramatic sea level rise likely to year 3000, even without further emissions
Future changes in sea level: warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously. But under today’s greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a small taste of what’s to come.
How confident should we be that's the worst case?
How fast will sea levels rise?
Increase in 100-year flooding events based on 1 meter SLR
Massive increases in flood damage for 136 largest coastal cities by 2050
May already be impossible to avoid more than 10 meters of SLR
Per degree committment to SLR based on specific temperature thresholds
Representative GMSL scenarios from 2017 Sweet
Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) has figured out a way to warn people about coastal risk potential without flat-out prohibiting them from buying, financing, or altering those properties
Sea level rise is accelerating
Sea levels rose 10 metres above present levels during Earth’s last warm period 125,000 years ago
SLR unlikely to exceed 1 m this century, but could be several meters next century
The conversation is shifting from just SLR to "extreme still water" and "extreme total water" levels
The U.S. airports most vulnerable to sea level rise
Very few estimates of adaptation limits when it comes to SLR
Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Legal Implications of SLR
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
1. Propery owners of all types need to understand SLR
2. Takings in the era of SLR
3. Insurance law will change with the tides
4. Will Redlining become legal in SLR areas?
5. SLR regulations may hinder development
6. Protecting oceans from the pollution of SLR
7. Land use planning for the new reality
8. Funding SLR adaptation with local taxes
9. What happens are properties become worthless?
10. Architectural restrictions that impede adaptation
11. What responsibilities do owners of submerged properties have?
12. Significant psychological and health issues will result
13. Will there be specialized SLR courts?
14. Mediation will grow in importance
15. Law schools will need to cover SLR law
16. Adapting taxation policies to SLR
17. "Impossibility of performance" may not help landowners
18. What happens with malpractice insurance?
20. Who will count as expert witnesses?
21. Will flood insurance hasten municipal bankruptcies?
22. Returning land to nature may be in the future
23. SLR and the ESA
24. We need proper disclosures for property sales
Neighbor disputes over SLR erosion
Law and Litigation TOC
I - AdaptationLawandPolicy
I - ClimateLawTopics
I - ClimateLitigation
I - Ecocide
I - EnvironmentalLitigation
I - InternationalLaw
I - Litigation/LiabilityasBusinessRisk
I - PolluterPaysPrinciple
I - U.S.ConstitutionalLaw
S - Adaptation Law
S - Children's Trust Litigation
S - Climate Law General
S - Ecocide in International Law
S - International Climate Law
S - National Climate Law
S - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
S - State and Local Climate Law
N - Business Litigation and Liability Risk
N - Business Use of Litigation and Liability
N - Ecocide
N - Evaluating Climate Litigation Strategies
N - International Law and Litigation
N - Legal Strategies for the Climate
N - National Liability
N - State and Local Law
N - U.S. Litigation
T - Climate Litigation Portals
T - Climate Litigation Websites
T - Legal Blogs
T - Legal Topics - Websites
T - Litigation and Liability Networks
V - Litigation and Liability
E - Adapt Law
E - Challenges of Climate Decisionmaking
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Liability Risks
E - Use of Law Against Climate Change Mitigation
SLR Sea Level Rise TOC
I - BoundingSeaLevelRise
I - CommunicatingSLR
I - Flooding
I - MeltwaterPulse
I - RealEstateValuesUnderSLR
I - SLRandMigration
I - SLREconomicImpacts
I - SLRinScenarioPlanning
I - StormSurgeandSeaLevelRise
S - Bounding Global SLR
S - Coastal SLR Adaptation/Resilience
S - Communicating SLR
S - Decision-Making Under SLR Uncertainty
S - Economics of SLR
S - Impacts of SLR
S - Regional SLR
S - Risk Assessment for SLR
S - Risk Management for SLR
S - SLR Sea Level Rise Sources - Topical
S - SLR Vulnerability
S - Storm Surge
N - Arctic Impacts
N - Flood Insurance
N - Real Estate Values and Sea Level Rise
N - SLR Adaptation
N - SLR Bounding
N - SLR Sea Level Rise News - Topical
T - Adapt SLR
T - Sea Level Rise Networks
T - SLR Sea Level Rise Visualizations
V - SLR Sea Level Rise
E - Impacts of SLR
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Real Estate Values and SLR
T - SLR Websites, Blogs, FB Home Pages
E - Litigation and Liability Extracts
E - Adapt Law
E - Business Risk Disclosure Topics
E - CO2 Significance Under CEQA NEPA SEPA
E - Law and Policy by Geography
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Liability Risks
E - Necessity Defense
E - Use of Law Against Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Case Chart - U.S.
2015 Hague District Court orders Dutch Government to reduce Dutch emissions by at least 25% by 2020, a stricter requirement than in the Paris Agreement
2015 Peruvian farmer brings suit against Germany utility RWE for damages, asking compensation based on RWE’s % of global emissions from 1751 to 2010. German Appeals court held the suit admissable.
2016 Conservation Law Foundation sues Exxon based on vulnterability of an Exxon oil tank farm to storm surge and other hazards
2016 Exxon investor files securities fraud class action against Exxon based on failure to disclose recognized risks of climate change.
2017 In Sinnok v. Alaska a group of children sued the state and the Governor for pro-oil policies that exacerbate the impacts of climate change where they live
2019/12 Dutch Supreme Court rejects appeal of Government against District and Appeals Court decisions, letting a reduction requirement of 25% by 2020 stand.
2019/12 New York Court rules for Exxon in securities fraud case
2019 NGOs brought suit against French oil company Total, charging a failure to adequately report and mitigate climate risks
2020/3 Billionaire hedge fund manager threatens to sue banks for lending money to coal-mining companies
2020 Federal Appeals Court finds that Juliana v United States defendants (21 young people) lack standing for their lawsuit
2020 Federal Court of Australia declared than Minister of Environment, in approving a mining project, has a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury or death to persons under 18.
2020 Irish Supreme Court rules that Irish National Mitigation Plan does not comply with the Irish Climate Act because too vague in specifying low carbon transition to 2050
2021/4 German Constitutional Court holds that German Federal Climate Change Act iincompatible with fundamental rights due to vagueness.
2021/4 Paris Administrative Court holds that French Government has failed to comply with commitments under the Paris Agreement. Ordered payment of 1 Euro for moral damages, and ordered action by 12/2022.
2021/5 District Court of the Hauge rules that Shell must cut emissions by 45% by 2030, in first court ruling that companies need to align policies with the Paris Agreement
2021 Cases by category of law 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Cases by sector 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Cases with outcomes favorable to climate action are in the majority
2021 Climate laws and policies around the world as of May 2021
2021 Federal agencies that were defendants in cases 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Grounds of review in cases against governments 2015-2021
2021 Not all cases are aligned with climate goals
2021 Number of cases involving US federal environmental statutes
2021 Number of lawsuits around world by jurisdiction
2021 Outcomes in human rights cases
2021 Plaintiffs and petitioners in “con” cases 2027 - Jan 2021
2021 Plaintiffs and petitioners in “pro” cases 2017 - Jan 2021
2021 Proportion of cases with outcomes that are favorable, unfavorable, and neutral (cases outside US)
2021 Proportion of strategic cases over time
2021 Total climate litigation cases over time, U.S. and non-U.S.
2021 Total number recorded climate litigation cases 1986 - 2020 (US vs all other countries)
2021 Who were the defendants in cases 2017 - Jan 2021
Climate Lawsuits Vary Widely
Could the legal system's approach change?
2010 Deutsche Bank - Growth of US Climate Litigation: Trends and Consequences
2015 Bank of England Governor Mark Carney characterizes litigation risks as “significant, uncertain, and non-linear”
2015 was a key year for climate change law, including the Urgenda and Leghari cases
2021 has been an exceptional year for climate iltigation
ClientEarth files first known climate litigation case against a central bank (National Bank of Belgium)
Climate litigation has shifted from retroactive responsibility for disasters to forward-looking to prevent environmental damage
Colombia’s Supreme Court has recognised that fundamental human rights are “substantially linked and determined by the environment and the ecosystem” and that the Columbian Amazon has its own rights.
Even for those who believe that climate litigation can play an important role in bringing the world closer to a 1.5°C trajectory, there is only so much the courts can do.
In Germany the Constitutional Court recognised that “one generation must not be allowed to consume large portions of the CO2 budget while bearing a relatively minor share of the reduction effort, if this would involve leaving subsequent generations with a drastic reduction burden and expose their lives to serious losses of freedom”.
Katrina Breaches Canal Litigation
Leghari case based on constitutional protection of the right to life.
Schneider: There are tools in toolbox other than PTD that are better suited to dealing with climate change. All Dept. of Interior policies now utilize a "climate change lens"
The question remains: how much can climate change cases really contribute to climate action in Australia – and internationally – and will it be enough to turn the current disastrous climate trajectory?
The Urgenda case in the Netherlands was a watershed moment for climate litigation. It was the first time a government was found to owe a legal duty of care to protect people from climate harms.
The vast majority of climate litigation has been in the U.S., but also includes 39 other countries and international courts and tribunals
US, unlike most countries, does not have environmental protection built into its constitution
Vanuatu has launched a campaign to seek an Advisory Opinion from the world’s highest court – the International Court of Justice – on the issue of climate change and human rights.
Weller on potential of tort law for victims of climate change: “in a nutshell, causation and breach of duty cannot be established.”
Whitman: Not clear how PTD model applies to air - very different from using PTD to influence state resource management decisions
E - SLR Sea Level Rise
E - Adapting to Sea Level Rise
E - Decision-Making for SLR
E - Glacier Loss Impacts
E - Global vs. Local SLR
E - Impacts of SLR
E - Legal Implications of SLR
E - Real Estate Values and SLR
E - SLR Uncertainties
The last 8,000 years of sea level stability correspond to civilization and infrastruture
Can do the same with this image
0000 -10000 (2016) Long term sea level rise implications of current emissions scenarios
0-2000 (2014) Sea level change over the last 2000 years
3oC - Asian cities that will be worst affected by sea level rise
200X A closer look at that 10-32 inches
1800-2100 (2017) Revised global SLR scenarios
1800-2100 projected global sea levels - not modelled
1850-2010 (2013) The growing rate of sea level rise
1870-2010 (2009) Sea level rise since 1880
1880-1990 (1996) Historic role of greenhouse gases in SLR
1880-2020 (2017) Australian sea levels rising faster since 1993
1880-2100 (2014) Global SLR to 2100 based on IPCC scenarios
1900-2100 (2012) Global SLR scenarios
1900-2100 (2012) The rate of SLR is also projected to rise
1900-2100 (2016) Scenarios developed for the Third NCA
1950-2100 (2009) Projections of SLR based on AR4 temperature projections
1970-2010 (2009) SLR happening faster than expected
1980-2010 (2013) Projected vs. actual sea level rise
1980-2100 (2012) Understanding the difference of 2oC vs. 4oC for SLR projections
1990-2005 Observed SLR vs. model projections
1990-2200 (1996) GHG forcing in w/m2 underlying SLR estimates
1990-2300 (1995 ) Cumulative contribution of climate change to SLR
1990-2300 (1996) Global temperature change associated with SLR estimates
1990-2300 (2009) Recent SLR projections
2000-2100 (1983) Estimated contribution of variables to total SLR over time
2009 Long-term relationship of temperatures and sea levels
2011 Top 20 cities for exposed population
2011 Top 20 cities for exposure assets
2011 Top 20 cities for highest proportional increase in asset exposure
2013 NOAA_What will adaptation cost
2013 Temperature changes over the last 65 million years
2013 There is a strong correlation between CO2 and sea level
2015 Historical and projected SLR
2017 It's all about probabilities
2019 CoastalDEM versus SRTM by country
2019 Global populations on land at risk
2019 Global simulated error assessment results
2019 Individual ice sheet contributions to SLR for 2100 temperature scenarios
2019 Key West sea level rise risk by 2050
2019 Median and likely range estimates of the ice sheet SLR contributions for different temperature scenarios and different studies
2019 Number of people at risk by country from a sea level rise of 1.8 meters
2019 PDFs for both temperature trajectory scenarios for combined ice sheet contributions
2019 Pearl River Delta, China and Bangladesh predictions
2019 Permanent inundation surfaces predicted by CoastalDEM and SRTM given the median sea-level projection
2019 Projected sea-level rise contributions from each ice sheet and combined
2019 Southern Florida legacy model of sea level rise risk by 2050 vs. adjusted CoastalDem map
2019 Southern Vietnam: old vs. new projection for 2050
2019 Total global-mean sea-level rise projections
2020 Estimated losses due to sea level rise
2020 Historical experience CO2 vs. temp. and SLR
2020 Impact of sea level rise
2021 Committed sea level rise as a function of long-term global temperature increase
2021 Projected sea level rise for 10 most populous coastal cities in the US with SLR of 50cm and 100cm
2050-2100 (2013) Estimates of SLR in Maryland
2050-2100 (2019) Total global mean sea-level rise projections
2050-2300 (2017) Probabilistic projections of GMSL by RCP over time
2100 (2012) Estimates of projected sea level rise have varied widely
2100 (2013) Projections of potential sea level rise
2100-2300 (2015) Expert opinion on SLR by 2100 and 2300
2100-2300 (2017) Vulnerable populations based on SLR scenarios
2100-2300 (2019) Probability distributions H and L temperature, 2011 and 2300
12000 (2016) Distribution of sea level rise in 10,000 years based on lower emissions scenario
12000 (2016) Impact on countries and cities of 10,000 year SLR projection
Components of Extreme Still and Total Water Level
Could it more than proportional
EBITDA under alternative SLR scenarios
Estimated historical SLR per century
Five global scenarios used in the report
Global temperatures have varied considerably in the past, partially due to major tectonic shifts
Historical and Projected Sea Level
In a couple of decades this will be the "normal" for New Orleans
New Orleans could be an island by 2100
Record of Sea Level Change Over Last 900,000 Years
Sea levels have risen very fast in the past - 65 ft in four centuries some 14,000 years ago
SLR can magnify storm surge magnitude
Summary of Min-Max values based on regional adjustments
The primary causes of global SLR
To look at sea level change, need to look over time
Top 20 cities for exposure, 2010 and 2070
Total water levels for selected extreme events in the U.S.
1. Rely on the IPCC (10-32 inches) or National Climate Assessment (1-4 feet)?
2020-2100 (2012) USACE and NOAA SLR Curves
A lot of progress has been made over the last decade
About 6 million Floridians will need to move inland by century’s end to avoid inundation
Antarctica, long thought to be the “sleeping giant” of sea level rise, is actually a key player. Its ice sheets can change quickly, and in ways that could have huge implications for coastal communities and infrastructure in future.
Clear that SLR analysis needs to account for more variables and uncertainties than in the past
Dramatic sea level rise likely to year 3000, even without further emissions
Future changes in sea level: warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously. But under today’s greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a small taste of what’s to come.
How confident should we be that's the worst case?
How fast will sea levels rise?
Increase in 100-year flooding events based on 1 meter SLR
Massive increases in flood damage for 136 largest coastal cities by 2050
May already be impossible to avoid more than 10 meters of SLR
Per degree committment to SLR based on specific temperature thresholds
Representative GMSL scenarios from 2017 Sweet
Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) has figured out a way to warn people about coastal risk potential without flat-out prohibiting them from buying, financing, or altering those properties
Sea level rise is accelerating
Sea levels rose 10 metres above present levels during Earth’s last warm period 125,000 years ago
SLR unlikely to exceed 1 m this century, but could be several meters next century
The conversation is shifting from just SLR to "extreme still water" and "extreme total water" levels
The U.S. airports most vulnerable to sea level rise
Very few estimates of adaptation limits when it comes to SLR