Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Legal Implications of SLR
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
1. Propery owners of all types need to understand SLR
2. Takings in the era of SLR
3. Insurance law will change with the tides
4. Will Redlining become legal in SLR areas?
5. SLR regulations may hinder development
6. Protecting oceans from the pollution of SLR
7. Land use planning for the new reality
8. Funding SLR adaptation with local taxes
9. What happens are properties become worthless?
10. Architectural restrictions that impede adaptation
11. What responsibilities do owners of submerged properties have?
12. Significant psychological and health issues will result
13. Will there be specialized SLR courts?
14. Mediation will grow in importance
15. Law schools will need to cover SLR law
16. Adapting taxation policies to SLR
17. "Impossibility of performance" may not help landowners
18. What happens with malpractice insurance?
20. Who will count as expert witnesses?
21. Will flood insurance hasten municipal bankruptcies?
22. Returning land to nature may be in the future
23. SLR and the ESA
24. We need proper disclosures for property sales
Neighbor disputes over SLR erosion
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