Headings - Topical Sources
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
The Likelihood of Effective Global Carbon Pricing?
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing in the Electricity Sector
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing System Design
S - Carbon Tax Impacts
S - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
S - Impacts of Pricing Carbon
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - National and Global Carbon Pricing
S - State and Local Carbon Pricing
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Why and How of Pricing Carbon
2010 Freed_Putting a Price on Success: The Case for Pricing Carbon
2012 Climate Strategies_International Industrial Competitiveness Carbon Leakage and Approaches to Carbon Pricing
2012 Jotzo_Australia’s carbon price
2013 Houle_Obstacles to carbon pricing in Canadian provinces
2013 Rozenberg_Funding low carbon investments in the absence of a carbon tax
2013 TFCS_Carbon Pricing A Primer
2014 WECC Carbon Prices Proposal
2014 Weitzman_Can negotiating a uniform carbon price help to internalize the global warming externality
2014 World Bank_Putting a Price on Carbon Statement
2015 AMO_A Carbon Pricing Primer - Cap and Trade and Carbon Tax
2015 Campiglio_Beyond carbon pricing The role of banking and monetary policy in financing the transition to a LCT
2015 Houle_ Carbon pricing in Canadian provinces
2015 Pearse_After Paris: Where now for carbon pricing
2016 Pearse_Moving targets Carbon pricing energy markets and social movements in Australia
2017 Gilbertson_Carbon Pricing A critical perspective for community resistance
2017 Gillingham_Lessons from first campus carbon-pricing scheme
2017 Hogan_Carbon Prices Preferences and the Timing of Uncertainty PPT
2017 Webster_An Insurance Led Response to Climate Change
2018 Mascher_Striving for equivalency across the Alberta British Columbia $$
2018 PMR_Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing
2018 Tvinnereim_Carbon pricing and deep decarbonization
2018 Zhu_A multiscale analysis for carbon price drivers $$
2019 Addicott_Internal Carbon Pricing: Policy Framework and Case Studies
2019 Blume-Werry_A Unilateral Climate and Supply Market Model
2019 Borissov_Carbon pricing, technology transition, and skill-based development
2019 Chen_Hypothesis for a Risk Cost of Carbon Revising the Externalities and Ethics of Climate Change
2019 CPLC_Report of the High Level commission on Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness
2019 Daggash_Higher Carbon Prices on Emissions Alone Will Not Deliver the Paris Agreement
2019 Stiglitz_Addressing Climate Change Through Price and Non-Price Interventions
2019 Wang_Green scheduling model of shuttle tanker fleet considering carbon tax and variable speed factor, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 WBCSD_Carbon Pricing
2019 Zech_Carbon leakage and limited efficiency of greenhouse gas taxes on food products, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 Zhu_A multiscale analysis for carbon price drivers
2020 Barron_Carbon pricing approaches for climate decisions in U.S. higher education - proxy carbon prices
2020 Droege_Pricing Carbon at the Border - Key Questions for the EU
2020 Editorial_Carbon Pricing special issue in the European Economic Review
2020 Kaufman_A near-term to net zero alternative to the social cost of carbon for setting carbon prices
2020 Rosenbloom_Why carbon pricing is not sufficient to mitigate climate change and how sustainability transition policy can help
2020 Shultz_The Pricing Advantage The 12 reasons a national carbon fee is the most cost-effective solution
2021 Axylia_72% of equity funds would not survive if carbon had a price
2021 CCAG_What Role Can Carbon Pricing Play in a Just Net Zero Transition
2021 Green_Does carbon pricing reduce emissions - a review of ex post analyses
2021 Mittenberger_The Good is Never Perfect Why the Current Flaws of Voluntary Carbon Markets Are Services, Not Barriers
2021 Parry_Proposal for an international carbon price floor among large emitters
2021 van den Bremer_The Risk-Adjusted Carbon Price $$
2021 WEF_Increasing Climate Ambition Analysis of an International Carbon Price Floor
2021 World Bank_Carbon Pricing for Climate Action
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