The Pope’s Impact on Climate Change
DC Will the Pope Influence Catholics on CC
I - PapalEncyclical
I - ReligionandClimate
S - Will the Pope Make a Difference?
N - Will the Pope make a difference on climate change?
E - Will the Pope make a difference on climate change?
Can Catholics simply reject a papal encyclical?
What have popes said about the environment before?
2015 Maibach_The Francis Effect How Pope Francis changed the conversation about global warming
2015 Wright_Sociological limitations of the climate change encyclical $$
2017 Landrum_Processing the papal encyclical through perceptual filters: Pope Francis, identity-protective cognition, and climate change concern $$
2017 Landrum_Stop preaching to the converted
2017 Schuklt_Brief exposure to Pope Francis heightens moral beliefs about climate change
2014/12 Catholic Bishops' statement climate change
2015/4 Vatican Climate Summit April 28, 2015
2018/6 Pope Tells Oil Executives to Act on Climate There Is No Time to Lose
Module: Theology Philosophy and the Encyclical
Catholic Lenten Fast for Climate Justice
Catholic Teachings « Catholic Climate Covenant
Catholic Teachings on Climate Change
Fast for the Climate | Stand with the climate fasters
Good Steward Campaign
Greeen Anglicans Carbon Fast Lent 2015
Moral March on Climate - September 20, 2015
The Global Catholic Climate Movement
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