Headings - Topical Sources
S - Economics of SLR
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Real Estate and SLR
2022 Walia_Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism
2004 Bosello_Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change - sea level rise
2009 Nicholls_Impacts of sea-level rise at 4°C and above
2011 Tol_Economic Impacts of Sea Level Rise
2013 Hinkel_Coastal Flood Damage and Adaptation Costs Under 21st Century SLR
2013 Kontogianni_Assessing sea level rise costs and adaptation benefits under uncertainty in Greece $$
2013 NOAA_What Will Adaptation Cost An Economic Framework for Coastal Community Infrastructure
2014 Pycroft_The economic impact of extreme sea-level rise: Ice sheet vulnerability and the social cost of carbon dioxide
2015 Barnes_Economic Evaluation of Coastal Land Loss in Louisiana
2015 Prime_Physical and Economic Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Low Probability flooding events on Coastal Communities
2016 Diaz_A Potential Disintegration of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet -- Economic Implications
2016 Diaz_Estimating global damages from sea level rise with the Coastal Impact and Adaptation Model
2017 Moftakhari_Cumulative Hazard: The Case of Nuisance Flooding
2020 Schinko_Economy-wide effects of coastal flooding due to sea level rise
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