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Public Opinion TOC
I - BarrierstoClimateDecisionMaking
I - ChangingMindsonClimateChange
I - DistrustofScience
I - GlobalWarmingsSixAmericas
I - PublicBeliefs
S - Communicating w Climate Doubters/Deniers
S - Explaining Climate Ambivalence and Polarization
S - Intergenerational Decisionmaking
S - Personal Decisionmaking
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
N - Changing Minds
N - Climate Optimism
N - Public Opinion Tipping Points?
T - Public Beliefs
E - Adaptation Beliefs
E - Public Beliefs
N - Public Beliefs Opinion
N - Climate Optimism
N - Public Opinion Tipping Points?
2015 Wallace_Most Americans See Combating Climate Change as a Moral Duty
8 in 10 people now see climate change as a “catastrophic ...
2006/7 Why is there doubt about global warming? Isn’t it true that simple physics dictates that more CO2
2008/1 Coloring Public Opinion?
2009/11 Apocalypse Fatigue Losing the Public on Climate Change
2016 Monmouth_Public Says Climate Change is Real
2010/6 The Climate Majority
2011/3 Climate change 'number one issue'
2011/7 On experts and global warming
2011/9 Climate Change and Evolution in the 2012 Elections
2012/1 How the public perceives the risks of climate change interview with Paul Slovic
2012/2 Americans Listening to Politicians, Not Climate Scientists
2012/4 What happens when the choir won't sing
2012/4 Worry About U.S. Water, Air Pollution at Historical Lows
2012/6 Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years
2012/7 Post-Stanford poll finds more Americans believe climate change is happening
2012/7 Record Heat Wave Pushes U.S. Belief in Climate Change to 70%
2012/10 Krosnick: Candidates 'May Actually Enhance Turnout As Well As Attract Voters Over To Their Side By Discussing Climate Change'
2012/10 No, you're not entitled to your opinion
2012/11 Will Storm’s Wall Street Impact Influence U.S. Carbon Policy?
2012/12 With more storms the public awakes and starts doing the math
2013/1 Personal Experience of Climate Change May Influence Opinion of It SciTech Daily
2013/2 Peer-Reviewed survey finds majority of scientists skeptical of global warming crisis
2013/3 How extreme weather acts as a catalyst for climate concern
2013/3 Relationship of parties and policies
2013/3 Studying a Climate Community Engagement Success Story
2013/4 It’s Not About the Climate - Part 1
2013/5 Climate research nearly unanimous on human causes, survey finds
2013/7 As Public Opinion Shifts, Candidates Explicitly Run On Doing Something About Climate Change
2013/8 Who distrusts whom about what in the climate science debate?
2013/11 Denial dries up: Americans finally seeing the light on climate change
2013/12 Can People Detect Changes in their Local Climate?
2013/12 Experts: Polls Now Show Americans Of All Stripes Want Action On Climate Change
2014/2 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says
2014/3 In U.S., Most Do Not See Global Warming as Serious Threat
2014/3 Is misinformation about the climate criminally negligent?
2014/4 How “An Inconvenient Truth” Contributed to Partisan Polarization on Climate
2014/5 'Climategate' had only fleeting effect on global warming scepticism
2014/5 Are Americans losing interest in global warming? Hardly. (+video)
2014/5 Changing Blacks’ Attitudes on Green Living
2014/5 Climate change — turned off, tuned out
2014/5 Climate Change Is Here — But That Won’t Make Americans Care
2014/5 Climate Change Is The Single Most Divisive Political Issue, Says Poll
2014/5 Green Fatigue: Public Isn't Affected By Climate Change Scandals
2014/5 I Don’t Want to Be Right
2014/5 NAACP calls for ‘clean energy’
2014/5 Natural gas industry chief: 'Man-made activity' contributes to climate change
2014/5 Sharpening the Latino Focus on Climate Change
2014/5 Spin nation: Americans are losing faith in science
2014/5 Tea Party Members Really, Really Don't Trust Scientists
2014/5 Tories’ scepticism about climate change melts after winter floods – in their constituencies
2014/5 Why Anti-Vaxxers And Climate Change Deniers Believe Things That Aren't True
2014/5 Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us?
2014/5 Why Do People Persist in Believing Things That Just Aren't True?
2014/5 Will public opinion shift with new evidence of climate change?
2014/6 Extreme flooding events influence UK climate views
2014/6 Is sustainability our generation’s D-Day?
2014/6 New Poll Shows Voters Are Ready To Pay To Blunt Climate Change
2014/7 New Survey Public Likes Carbon Taxes with Caveats
2014/7 Survey of Oil and Gas Industry Insiders on Global Warming
2014/7 Taking to the pulpit against climate change
2014/8 Many Republicans Privately Support Action On Climate, Despite Public Statements
2014/8 UK’s winter floods strengthen belief humans causing climate change – poll
2014/9 Climate Disruption's "Confederacy of Dunces"
2014/9 Don't Blame Climate Change Deniers
2014/9 Ecology and Intellectual Movements
2014/9 Most Americans Believe in Climate Change, But Give It Low Priority
2014/10 Economy, Government Top Election Issues for Both Parties
2014/10 Pope says Christians should believe in evolution and Big Bang
2014/11 An Open Letter to Naomi Klein » EcoWatch
2014/11 Mapped: How the world sees climate change
2014/11 Merchants of Doubt shows how public opinion is manipulated
2014/11 Public Religion Report Climate Change
2014/12 Catholic Bishops From Every Continent Call For 'An End To The Fossil Fuel Era'
2014/12 What the world values, in one chart
2015/1 Americans Favor EPA Regulation Over Carbon Tax Or Cap And Trade
2015/1 Attitudes and Beliefs on Science and Technology Topics
2015/1 Global Warming: What Should Be Done?
2015/1 Many Republicans Actually Think Climate Change Is Real
2015/1 NYT_Global Warming National Poll
2015/1 Poll: Voters Want Pretty Much The Opposite Of What Congress Is Doing
2015/1 Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society
2015/1 These New Polls Show Why Americans Should Believe Climate Scientists In 30 Years
2015/2 Climate change divide is about group identity, not politics
2015/2 Climate science literacy unrelated to public acceptance of human-caused global warming
2015/2 Climate Science vs. Climate Science Denial in Word Clouds
2015/2 Emotions, not science, rule U.S. climate change debate
2015/2 How to Change Public Opinion
2015/2 Most people are neither ‘alarmist’ nor ‘in denial’ about climate change
2015/3 Can a Climate Denier Win in 2016?
2015/3 College-Educated Republicans Most Skeptical of Global Warming
2015/3 Kids are smarter than senators on climate change, and this poll proves it
2015/3 Poll: Millennials are no more convinced about global warming than their parents
2015/3 Scientific Consensus on Climate Change as a Gateway Belief
2015/3 Snow in March doesn't make climate change a myth
2015/3 Will new voter demographics move public opinion on climate change?
2015/4 52 Percent of Americans Worried about Climate Change, Yet Few Give the Issue Top Priority
2015/4 Carbon Capture Has climate change made it harder for people to care about conservation?
2015/4 Human-Caused Global Warming: Senators v. Constituents
2015/4 Is Climate Change Real? Here's Why Some Americans Still Have Doubts
2015/4 No Red and Blue Divide When it Comes to Renewable Energy Innovation and CO2 Rules
2015/4 Voters want next president to favor climate policies, poll finds
2015/4 What Americans Think About Climate Change--It's Complicated
2015/4 Yale Climate Opinion Maps
2015/5 A third of Catholics would go green if Pope Francis makes statement on climate change
2015/5 The surprising links between faith and evolution and climate denial — charted
2015/6 Among Republicans, Catholics More Likely to Believe that Global Warming is Happening and Support Policies to Reduce It
2015/6 Do whatever it takes to limit climate change, says global population
2015/6 Jeb, the Pope, and Climate Change
2015/6 This Is How Fast America Changes Its Mind
2015/7 40 percent of adults on Earth have never heard of climate change
2015/7 Analysis of a 119-country survey predicts global climate change awareness and concern
2015/7 Climate Change Seen as Top Global Threat
2015/7 Lindsey Graham: Why Don't Republicans Believe The Scientists On Climate Change?
2015/7 Study reveals what the world thinks of climate change
2015/9 Many Conservative Republicans Believe Climate Change is a Real Threat
2015/9 Sophisticated behavioral economics experiment reveals elites prefer policies that benefit elites - Lawyers, Guns & Money
2015/10 Exxon's Funding of Climate Denial Turned Americans Against Their Own Government for Profit
2015/10 More Americans Perceive Harm from Global Warming, Survey Finds
2015/10 Poll Finds Fewer Americans Than Ever Doubt Climate Change Is Happening
2015/10 Second annual survey of american fears released
2015/10 Study: Climate strategy focused on local impacts is most effective with Americans
2015/10 Teaching the Truth About Climate Change
2015/10 The Challenge of Motivated Reasoning: Science, Education, and Changing Climates
2015/11 Are Polls Ruining Democracy?
2015/11 As scientists worry about warming world, US public doesn't
2015/11 California 6th grade science books: Climate change a matter of opinion not scientific fact
2015/11 Four Factors That Affect How People Feel About Climate Change
2015/11 Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions
2015/11 Great Article in the New Yorker on the B.S. Nature of Polling
2015/11 Pope's call for action on climate change has shifted US views
2015/11 Research Confirms ExxonMobil, Koch-funded Climate Denial Echo Chamber Polluted Mainstream Media
2015/11 Sociologist suggests corporate disinformation at root of climate change polarization
2015/11 The Pope Francis effect: One speech on climate change, a 10-20 point shift in opinion polls
2015/11 What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts
2015/11 Why are so many Americans skeptical about climate change? A study offers a surprising answer.
2015/11 Why so many here doubt climate change? (Opinion)
2015/12 Assessing public support for cap-and-trade
2015/12 Fact vs. Fiction: The UN Climate Talks In Paris
2015/12 Look to our religious leaders for a climate change Plan B
2015/12 Positive Social Media On Climate Action Up 700%
2015/12 The conservative retreat on Climate Change has at last begun
2015/12 The real enemy to progress on climate change is public indifference
2015/12 Why we should shift to local climate metrics
2015/12 Yale Study on Climate and Corporate Funding Confuses Policy Disagreement with Science Denial
2016/1 America has been duped on climate change
2016/1 Climate change and consensus
2016/1 Era of climate science denial is not over, study finds
2016/1 Here’s how scientific misinformation, such as climate doubt, spreads through social media
2016/1 Poll: Americans believe in climate change, remain iffy on the cause
2016/1 The Future is Bright: Millennial Voters Resoundingly Support Climate Action
2016/2 Will extreme weather events get Americans to act on climate change?
2016/3 As Election Year Unfolds, Climate Concern Rises
2016/3 Concern for environmental issues rises ahead of 2016 election
2016/3 Framing climate risk: We need more than a few magic words
2016/3 Most Americans Disagree With Their Congressional Representative On Climate Change
2016/3 Seven Key Takeaways on How the World Views Climate Change
2016/3 Tipping Point On US Public Opinion On Climate Change
2016/3 Way more Americans are worried about climate change
2016/3 Why record numbers of Americans now say humans cause climate change
2016/4 8 maps that reveal Americans' incoherent opinions on climate change
2016/4 Americans and the Environment
2016/4 Climate change perspectives changing among Republicans
2016/4 Half of U.S. Conservatives Say Climate Change Is Real
2016/4 Humans Care More About Climate Change if They Know They're Responsible
2016/4 Many More Republicans Now Believe in Climate Change
2016/4 Most Of Us Believe In Global Warming, But That’s Not Enough To Stop It
2016/4 The climate change generation gap
2016/4 What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts
2016/4 Will the health dangers of climate change get people to care? The science says maybe
2016/5 How 'An Inconvenient Truth' influenced a generation of professionals
2016/5 How Scared or Hopeful Should We Be in a Warming World? @ Clive Hamilton
2016/5 The Literature of Climate Change
2016/5 The United States of climate-change denial — captured in a single map
2016/6 Climate change: poll finds support for strong action at highest level since 2008
2016/6 Conservative Funders of Climate Denial Are Quietly Spending Millions To Generate More Partisan Journalism
2016/6 What Do Americans Really Think About Climate Change?
2016/7 Food shortages and sea level rise US voters' top climate change concerns
2016/7 Global Warming, God and the "End Times"
2016/7 Number of Americans 'Alarmed' by Climate Change Rises in Latest Poll
2016/7 So You Want to Change the World? Are You Willing to Stake Your Beliefs on it?
2016/7 Tobacco and Oil Industries Used Same Researchers to Sway Public
2016/8 As Earth warms, Americans more polarized than ever on climate
2016/8 School's starting: A majority of Americans say global warming should be taught in the classroom.
2016/8 The ludicrous gulf between our climate change goals and reality, in one chart
2016/8 Who Deserves the Right to Choose Green?
2016/9 Environmental Concerns — and Anger — Grow in Month After Thousand-Year Flood Strikes Louisiana
2016/9 One US Population Group Is Very Concerned About Climate Change
2016/9 Partisan polarization on climate change is worse than ever
2016/9 Pope Francis warns the 'destruction' of the environment is contributing to the refugee crisis
2016/9 The Political Divide on Climate Change Partisan Polarization Widens in the U.S.
2016/10 #Hypernormalisation – and why Heathrow plan is proof we exist in a catastrophic fantasyland
2016/10 Clinton, Trump backers divided over fossil fuel energy
2016/10 Pope Francis's edict on climate change has fallen on closed ears, study finds
2016/10 The First Signs Of A Political Climate Change Consensus Are Appearing In Florida | Co.Exist | ideas
2016/11 Finding Hope After the Death of Sustainability
2016/11 The media claims climate isn’t a winning issue. Polls say otherwise.
2016/11 Why Republicans Still Reject the Science of Global Warming
2016/12 Are Public Positions on Climate Change Changing?
2016/12 Climate Change Skepticism May Hinge on Personal Experience
2016/12 It's time to get personal about climate change
2016/12 Science Versus Politics: Ecomodern Dispatches
2016/12 The Three Possible Reasons of Climate Denial – Lenz Blog
2017/1 Americans Say Schools Should Teach Children About the Causes, Consequences, and Potential Solutions to Global Warming
2017/1 Mapping the social acceptance literature
2017/1 Psychologists ask: What makes some smart people so skeptical of science?
2017/1 Science loses out to uninformed opinion on climate change – yet again
2017/1 The seeds of science skepticism
2017/2 Whistleblower: ‘I knew people would misuse this.’ They did - to attack climate science
2017/3 20 Common Myths that Climate Scientists Often Hear
2017/3 How America Lost Faith in Expertise
2017/3 How Americans Think about Climate Change in Six Maps
2017/3 The science of “blue lies”: There’s a reason Trump supporters embrace his alternative facts
2017/3 The Trump Dystopian Nightmare: Nuclear War, Climate Change and a Clash of Civilizations Are All on the Horizon
2017/3 Why We Believe Obvious Untruth
2017/3 Your vote in the 2016 election explains almost everything about your climate beliefs
2017/4 America's Cult of Ignorance
2017/4 Changing minds on a changing climate
2017/4 Climate Change’s Partisan Divide
2017/4 Voters Now Put Much More Emphasis on Global Warming Over Jobs
2017/4 Why Expertise Matters
2017/6 “Do you believe?” is the wrong question to ask public officials about climate change
2017/6 97 Percent Consensus on Climate Change? It's Complicated
2017/6 Climate Change Skeptics Occasionally Become Believers, But Believers Don’t Become Skeptics. Why Is That?
2017/6 How GOP Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science
2017/6 How Much Do You Know About Solving Global Warming?
2017/6 Oil's pipeline to America's schools (long article version)
2017/6 Pipeline to the classroom: how big oil promotes fossil fuels to America's children (short article version)
2017/6 Saying 'climate change' instead of 'global warming' decreases partisan gap by 30 percent in U.S.
2017/6 Voters Aren't Willing to Pay to Fight Climate Change
2017/7 Do Not Talk About Climate Change When Talking About Climate Legislation
2017/7 I’m a climate scientist. And I’m not letting trickle-down ignorance win.
2017/7 In Chile, Many Regard Climate Change As The Greatest External Threat
2017/7 New Survey Shows Majority Of Americans Believe Climate Change Is Real And Caused By Human Activity
2017/8 How farmers convinced scientists to take climate change seriously
2017/8 Islamic State and Climate Change Seen as World’s Greatest Threats, Poll Says
2017/8 Perspectives of Scientists Who Become Targets: Katharine Hayhoe
2017/8 Should You Trust Climate Science? Maybe the Eclipse Is a Clue
2017/8 What changes minds about climate change?
2017/9 Despite mandatory evacuation, many on this Florida island plan to ride out the storm
2017/9 How TV weather presenters can improve public understanding of climate change
2017/9 Miami Always Thinks the Storm Will Turn
2017/9 More Republicans Concerned About Climate Change After Hurricanes
2017/9 Political Divisions in U.S. Are Widening, Long-Lasting, Poll Shows
2017/10 Conservatives rethink climate-change views after hurricanes
2017/10 Most Americans Want Climate Change Policies
2017/10 Seeing God’s Hand in the Deadly Floods, Yet Wondering about Climate Change
2017/10 Why people around the world fear climate change more than Americans do
2017/11 At Yale, we conducted an experiment to turn conservatives into liberals. The results say a lot about our political divisions.
2017/11 Battered by extreme weather, Americans are more worried about climate change
2017/12 How Republicans Think About Climate Change — in Maps
2018/1 Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History
2018/2 2018 Millennial Report
2018/3 About half of Americans don’t think climate change will affect them
2018/3 Global Warming Concern Steady Despite Some Partisan Shifts
2018/4 Americans Support Teaching Children about Global Warming
2018/5 Global Warming Age Gap Younger Americans Most Worried
2018/5 Majorities See Government Efforts to Protect the Environment as Insufficient
2018/5 Millennial Republicans stand out from elders on climate, energy
2018/6 Are Americans Losing Interest in Global Warming?
2018/7 Actually Republicans do believe in climate change
2018/8 Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2018
2018/9 The Climate-Change Debate Has Shifted, Not Ended
2018/10 Farmers' climate denial begins to wane as reality bites
2018/10 How Concerned Are You About Climate Change?
2018/10 How to Shift Public Attitudes and Win the Global Climate Battle
2018/10 Is Climate Change Your 18th Priority?
2018/10 The Rich White Civil War
2018/10 Tia Nelson on How To Create the Climate Voter
2018/10 Trump thinks scientists are split on climate change. So do most Americans
2018/11 Knowledge, Ignorance and Climate Change
2018/11 More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change
2018/11 Where Americans (Mostly) Agree on Climate Change Policies, in Five Maps
2018/12 ‘The heatwave was a wake up call’: readers on a year of climate change anxiety
2018/12 Americans Don’t Understand How Bad Climate Change Is Or What They Can Do About It
2018/12 More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change
2019/1 8 percent of Americans recently changed their minds on climate. What gives?
2019/1 Americans Increasingly Say Climate Change Is Happening Now
2019/1 Global Warming Concerns Rise Among Americans in New Poll
2019/1 Most Americans Believe in Climate Change, Polls Say
2019/1 What Are Some Of The Biggest Climate Change Myths People Still Believe?
2019/1 Who is changing their mind about global warming and why?
2019/2 The Battle over Public Opinion on Climate Is Over
2019/4 Climate Change in the American Mind: Data, Tools, and Trends
2019/4 POLITICS: Climate advocacy pops up in unlikely place: Rotary Clubs
2019/5 Australians overwhelmingly agree climate emergency is nation's No 1 threat
2019/5 Climate crisis more politically polarizing than abortion for US voters, study finds
2019/5 Climate Education for Kids Increases Climate Concerns for Parents
2019/5 How teaching kids about climate change can influence their conservative parents
2019/5 Phase Changes in Public Opinion
2019/5 Polls reveal surge in concern in UK about climate change
2019/6 'This Is an Emergency. We Need the Democrats to Act Like It': Outrage as DNC Announces It Will Not Host 2020 Debate on Climate Crisis
2019/7 Americans Underestimate How Many Others in the U.S. Think Global Warming is Happening
2019/7 What shapes your beliefs about the climate crisis? It’s not just left vs. right.
2019/8 People don't need to 'believe' in climate change to act on it, study suggests
2019/8 The Case for Climate Rage
2019/8 What Explains Voter Aversion to Putting a Price on Carbon
2019/9 Climate crisis seen as 'most important issue' by public, poll shows
2019/9 Florida Will Be The First State To Swing On Climate
2019/9 Global warming is a rising priority for voters
2019/11 'Greta Thunberg effect' driving growth in carbon offsetting
2019/11 Climate Science Proves Scams Don’t Die of Exposure
2019/11 U.S. Public Views on Climate and Energy
2019/12 Climate change: Americans are worried, but still underestimate how serious it is
2020/1 For the first time, the Alarmed are now the largest of Global Warming’s Six Americas
2020/2 Climate change rises as a public priority But its more partisan than ever
2020/2 Climate Change Rises as a Public Priority. But It’s More Partisan Than Ever.
2020/9 Meet the dommers Why some young US voters have given up on climate
2021/1 Climate change is a ‘global emergency’, people say in biggest ever climate poll
2021/1 Survey Finds Majority of Voters Support Initiatives to Fight Climate Change
2021/2 Environmental Voter Project helped put climate near top of national agenda
2021/3 The 'Army Of Environmental Super Voters' Is Growing, And Marching On City Hall
2021/4 Five Myths About Climate Policy
2021/7 Public Opinion and the Limits of Climate Policy
2021/7 Sporadic Environmental Voters Hold the Power to Shift Elections and Turn Red States Blue
2021/9 Majority of young American adults say climate change influences their decision to have children
2021/10 What next on climate? The need for a new moderate flank
2021/12 Small army of volunteers keeping deniers off Wikipedia
2024/3 More people care about climate change than you think
Do You Know More About Climate Change Than The Average American?
Yale Climate Opinion Maps
I - OptimismBias
Headings - News and Opinion
N - Climate Optimism
News Stories | Blogs
2014/1 Reasons for Optimism on Climate Action
2014/4 To My Friend the Climate Defeatist: Here's Why I'm Still In the Fight
2014/12 Let's leave behind the age of fossil fuel. Welcome to Year One of the climate revolution
2016/5 Five keys to debunking climate fatalism
2017/7 10 reasons to be hopeful about climate progress
2017/8 It's critical to go 'all in' on climate optimism
2017/8 Why We Are Naively Optimistic About Climate Change
2017/9 Climate optimism has been a disaster. We need a new language – desperately
2017/11 The seven megatrends that could beat global warming: 'There is reason for hope'
2017/11 We Were Warned
2017/12 Does hope inspire more action on climate change than fear? We don’t know.
2018/1 Which works better: climate fear, or climate hope? Well, it's complicated
2018/4 There’s still hope on global warming — if the world gets to work
2018/7 As Seas Rise, Americans Use Nature to Fight Worsening Erosion
2018/8 An Optimist's Guide to Solving Climate Change and Saving the World
2018/8 From Rooftops to Algae Pools: Orlando’s Vision for Carbon-Free Energy
2018/10 Climate Change A Tale of Two Narratives
2018/12 Economic Perspectives on Deep Decarbonization
2018/12 How we can avoid climate disaster
2018/12 Thinking about Climate on a Dark, Dismal Morning
2019/1 In despair over climate change? Try ‘active hope’
2019/2 It's Possible to Face Climate Horrors and Still Find Hope
2019/6 Maybe We're Not Doomed After All
2019/6 Where to find big ideas for addressing climate change
2019/9 Franzen’s Privileged Climate Resignation Is Deadly And Useless
2019/9 Should We Be More Optimistic About Fighting Climate Change?
2019/12 Climate Reporting in 2019: A Year of Warnings. And Also Hope.
2020/8 What Climate Alarm Has Already Achieved
2020/12 How Has Climate Action Advanced Since the Paris Agreement?
2021/1 Many Scientists Now Say Global Warming Could Stop Relatively Quickly After Emissions Go to Zero
2021/4 More reasons for optimism on climate change than we’ve seen for decades
2021/5 Dare we hope? Here’s my cautious case for climate optimism
2021/9 We're Finally Catching a Break in the Climate Fight
2021/10 Humanity is not trapped in a deadly game with the Earth – there are ways out
2021/11 Ten ways to confront the climate crisis without losing hope
Public Opinion TOC
I - BarrierstoClimateDecisionMaking
I - ChangingMindsonClimateChange
I - DistrustofScience
I - GlobalWarmingsSixAmericas
I - PublicBeliefs
S - Communicating w Climate Doubters/Deniers
S - Explaining Climate Ambivalence and Polarization
S - Intergenerational Decisionmaking
S - Personal Decisionmaking
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
N - Changing Minds
N - Climate Optimism
N - Public Opinion Tipping Points?
T - Public Beliefs
E - Adaptation Beliefs
E - Public Beliefs
N - Public Beliefs Opinion
N - Climate Optimism
N - Public Opinion Tipping Points?
2015 Wallace_Most Americans See Combating Climate Change as a Moral Duty
8 in 10 people now see climate change as a “catastrophic ...
2006/7 Why is there doubt about global warming? Isn’t it true that simple physics dictates that more CO2
2008/1 Coloring Public Opinion?
2009/11 Apocalypse Fatigue Losing the Public on Climate Change
2016 Monmouth_Public Says Climate Change is Real
2010/6 The Climate Majority
2011/3 Climate change 'number one issue'
2011/7 On experts and global warming
2011/9 Climate Change and Evolution in the 2012 Elections
2012/1 How the public perceives the risks of climate change interview with Paul Slovic
2012/2 Americans Listening to Politicians, Not Climate Scientists
2012/4 What happens when the choir won't sing
2012/4 Worry About U.S. Water, Air Pollution at Historical Lows
2012/6 Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years
2012/7 Post-Stanford poll finds more Americans believe climate change is happening
2012/7 Record Heat Wave Pushes U.S. Belief in Climate Change to 70%
2012/10 Krosnick: Candidates 'May Actually Enhance Turnout As Well As Attract Voters Over To Their Side By Discussing Climate Change'
2012/10 No, you're not entitled to your opinion
2012/11 Will Storm’s Wall Street Impact Influence U.S. Carbon Policy?
2012/12 With more storms the public awakes and starts doing the math
2013/1 Personal Experience of Climate Change May Influence Opinion of It SciTech Daily
2013/2 Peer-Reviewed survey finds majority of scientists skeptical of global warming crisis
2013/3 How extreme weather acts as a catalyst for climate concern
2013/3 Relationship of parties and policies
2013/3 Studying a Climate Community Engagement Success Story
2013/4 It’s Not About the Climate - Part 1
2013/5 Climate research nearly unanimous on human causes, survey finds
2013/7 As Public Opinion Shifts, Candidates Explicitly Run On Doing Something About Climate Change
2013/8 Who distrusts whom about what in the climate science debate?
2013/11 Denial dries up: Americans finally seeing the light on climate change
2013/12 Can People Detect Changes in their Local Climate?
2013/12 Experts: Polls Now Show Americans Of All Stripes Want Action On Climate Change
2014/2 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says
2014/3 In U.S., Most Do Not See Global Warming as Serious Threat
2014/3 Is misinformation about the climate criminally negligent?
2014/4 How “An Inconvenient Truth” Contributed to Partisan Polarization on Climate
2014/5 'Climategate' had only fleeting effect on global warming scepticism
2014/5 Are Americans losing interest in global warming? Hardly. (+video)
2014/5 Changing Blacks’ Attitudes on Green Living
2014/5 Climate change — turned off, tuned out
2014/5 Climate Change Is Here — But That Won’t Make Americans Care
2014/5 Climate Change Is The Single Most Divisive Political Issue, Says Poll
2014/5 Green Fatigue: Public Isn't Affected By Climate Change Scandals
2014/5 I Don’t Want to Be Right
2014/5 NAACP calls for ‘clean energy’
2014/5 Natural gas industry chief: 'Man-made activity' contributes to climate change
2014/5 Sharpening the Latino Focus on Climate Change
2014/5 Spin nation: Americans are losing faith in science
2014/5 Tea Party Members Really, Really Don't Trust Scientists
2014/5 Tories’ scepticism about climate change melts after winter floods – in their constituencies
2014/5 Why Anti-Vaxxers And Climate Change Deniers Believe Things That Aren't True
2014/5 Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us?
2014/5 Why Do People Persist in Believing Things That Just Aren't True?
2014/5 Will public opinion shift with new evidence of climate change?
2014/6 Extreme flooding events influence UK climate views
2014/6 Is sustainability our generation’s D-Day?
2014/6 New Poll Shows Voters Are Ready To Pay To Blunt Climate Change
2014/7 New Survey Public Likes Carbon Taxes with Caveats
2014/7 Survey of Oil and Gas Industry Insiders on Global Warming
2014/7 Taking to the pulpit against climate change
2014/8 Many Republicans Privately Support Action On Climate, Despite Public Statements
2014/8 UK’s winter floods strengthen belief humans causing climate change – poll
2014/9 Climate Disruption's "Confederacy of Dunces"
2014/9 Don't Blame Climate Change Deniers
2014/9 Ecology and Intellectual Movements
2014/9 Most Americans Believe in Climate Change, But Give It Low Priority
2014/10 Economy, Government Top Election Issues for Both Parties
2014/10 Pope says Christians should believe in evolution and Big Bang
2014/11 An Open Letter to Naomi Klein » EcoWatch
2014/11 Mapped: How the world sees climate change
2014/11 Merchants of Doubt shows how public opinion is manipulated
2014/11 Public Religion Report Climate Change
2014/12 Catholic Bishops From Every Continent Call For 'An End To The Fossil Fuel Era'
2014/12 What the world values, in one chart
2015/1 Americans Favor EPA Regulation Over Carbon Tax Or Cap And Trade
2015/1 Attitudes and Beliefs on Science and Technology Topics
2015/1 Global Warming: What Should Be Done?
2015/1 Many Republicans Actually Think Climate Change Is Real
2015/1 NYT_Global Warming National Poll
2015/1 Poll: Voters Want Pretty Much The Opposite Of What Congress Is Doing
2015/1 Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society
2015/1 These New Polls Show Why Americans Should Believe Climate Scientists In 30 Years
2015/2 Climate change divide is about group identity, not politics
2015/2 Climate science literacy unrelated to public acceptance of human-caused global warming
2015/2 Climate Science vs. Climate Science Denial in Word Clouds
2015/2 Emotions, not science, rule U.S. climate change debate
2015/2 How to Change Public Opinion
2015/2 Most people are neither ‘alarmist’ nor ‘in denial’ about climate change
2015/3 Can a Climate Denier Win in 2016?
2015/3 College-Educated Republicans Most Skeptical of Global Warming
2015/3 Kids are smarter than senators on climate change, and this poll proves it
2015/3 Poll: Millennials are no more convinced about global warming than their parents
2015/3 Scientific Consensus on Climate Change as a Gateway Belief
2015/3 Snow in March doesn't make climate change a myth
2015/3 Will new voter demographics move public opinion on climate change?
2015/4 52 Percent of Americans Worried about Climate Change, Yet Few Give the Issue Top Priority
2015/4 Carbon Capture Has climate change made it harder for people to care about conservation?
2015/4 Human-Caused Global Warming: Senators v. Constituents
2015/4 Is Climate Change Real? Here's Why Some Americans Still Have Doubts
2015/4 No Red and Blue Divide When it Comes to Renewable Energy Innovation and CO2 Rules
2015/4 Voters want next president to favor climate policies, poll finds
2015/4 What Americans Think About Climate Change--It's Complicated
2015/4 Yale Climate Opinion Maps
2015/5 A third of Catholics would go green if Pope Francis makes statement on climate change
2015/5 The surprising links between faith and evolution and climate denial — charted
2015/6 Among Republicans, Catholics More Likely to Believe that Global Warming is Happening and Support Policies to Reduce It
2015/6 Do whatever it takes to limit climate change, says global population
2015/6 Jeb, the Pope, and Climate Change
2015/6 This Is How Fast America Changes Its Mind
2015/7 40 percent of adults on Earth have never heard of climate change
2015/7 Analysis of a 119-country survey predicts global climate change awareness and concern
2015/7 Climate Change Seen as Top Global Threat
2015/7 Lindsey Graham: Why Don't Republicans Believe The Scientists On Climate Change?
2015/7 Study reveals what the world thinks of climate change
2015/9 Many Conservative Republicans Believe Climate Change is a Real Threat
2015/9 Sophisticated behavioral economics experiment reveals elites prefer policies that benefit elites - Lawyers, Guns & Money
2015/10 Exxon's Funding of Climate Denial Turned Americans Against Their Own Government for Profit
2015/10 More Americans Perceive Harm from Global Warming, Survey Finds
2015/10 Poll Finds Fewer Americans Than Ever Doubt Climate Change Is Happening
2015/10 Second annual survey of american fears released
2015/10 Study: Climate strategy focused on local impacts is most effective with Americans
2015/10 Teaching the Truth About Climate Change
2015/10 The Challenge of Motivated Reasoning: Science, Education, and Changing Climates
2015/11 Are Polls Ruining Democracy?
2015/11 As scientists worry about warming world, US public doesn't
2015/11 California 6th grade science books: Climate change a matter of opinion not scientific fact
2015/11 Four Factors That Affect How People Feel About Climate Change
2015/11 Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions
2015/11 Great Article in the New Yorker on the B.S. Nature of Polling
2015/11 Pope's call for action on climate change has shifted US views
2015/11 Research Confirms ExxonMobil, Koch-funded Climate Denial Echo Chamber Polluted Mainstream Media
2015/11 Sociologist suggests corporate disinformation at root of climate change polarization
2015/11 The Pope Francis effect: One speech on climate change, a 10-20 point shift in opinion polls
2015/11 What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts
2015/11 Why are so many Americans skeptical about climate change? A study offers a surprising answer.
2015/11 Why so many here doubt climate change? (Opinion)
2015/12 Assessing public support for cap-and-trade
2015/12 Fact vs. Fiction: The UN Climate Talks In Paris
2015/12 Look to our religious leaders for a climate change Plan B
2015/12 Positive Social Media On Climate Action Up 700%
2015/12 The conservative retreat on Climate Change has at last begun
2015/12 The real enemy to progress on climate change is public indifference
2015/12 Why we should shift to local climate metrics
2015/12 Yale Study on Climate and Corporate Funding Confuses Policy Disagreement with Science Denial
2016/1 America has been duped on climate change
2016/1 Climate change and consensus
2016/1 Era of climate science denial is not over, study finds
2016/1 Here’s how scientific misinformation, such as climate doubt, spreads through social media
2016/1 Poll: Americans believe in climate change, remain iffy on the cause
2016/1 The Future is Bright: Millennial Voters Resoundingly Support Climate Action
2016/2 Will extreme weather events get Americans to act on climate change?
2016/3 As Election Year Unfolds, Climate Concern Rises
2016/3 Concern for environmental issues rises ahead of 2016 election
2016/3 Framing climate risk: We need more than a few magic words
2016/3 Most Americans Disagree With Their Congressional Representative On Climate Change
2016/3 Seven Key Takeaways on How the World Views Climate Change
2016/3 Tipping Point On US Public Opinion On Climate Change
2016/3 Way more Americans are worried about climate change
2016/3 Why record numbers of Americans now say humans cause climate change
2016/4 8 maps that reveal Americans' incoherent opinions on climate change
2016/4 Americans and the Environment
2016/4 Climate change perspectives changing among Republicans
2016/4 Half of U.S. Conservatives Say Climate Change Is Real
2016/4 Humans Care More About Climate Change if They Know They're Responsible
2016/4 Many More Republicans Now Believe in Climate Change
2016/4 Most Of Us Believe In Global Warming, But That’s Not Enough To Stop It
2016/4 The climate change generation gap
2016/4 What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts
2016/4 Will the health dangers of climate change get people to care? The science says maybe
2016/5 How 'An Inconvenient Truth' influenced a generation of professionals
2016/5 How Scared or Hopeful Should We Be in a Warming World? @ Clive Hamilton
2016/5 The Literature of Climate Change
2016/5 The United States of climate-change denial — captured in a single map
2016/6 Climate change: poll finds support for strong action at highest level since 2008
2016/6 Conservative Funders of Climate Denial Are Quietly Spending Millions To Generate More Partisan Journalism
2016/6 What Do Americans Really Think About Climate Change?
2016/7 Food shortages and sea level rise US voters' top climate change concerns
2016/7 Global Warming, God and the "End Times"
2016/7 Number of Americans 'Alarmed' by Climate Change Rises in Latest Poll
2016/7 So You Want to Change the World? Are You Willing to Stake Your Beliefs on it?
2016/7 Tobacco and Oil Industries Used Same Researchers to Sway Public
2016/8 As Earth warms, Americans more polarized than ever on climate
2016/8 School's starting: A majority of Americans say global warming should be taught in the classroom.
2016/8 The ludicrous gulf between our climate change goals and reality, in one chart
2016/8 Who Deserves the Right to Choose Green?
2016/9 Environmental Concerns — and Anger — Grow in Month After Thousand-Year Flood Strikes Louisiana
2016/9 One US Population Group Is Very Concerned About Climate Change
2016/9 Partisan polarization on climate change is worse than ever
2016/9 Pope Francis warns the 'destruction' of the environment is contributing to the refugee crisis
2016/9 The Political Divide on Climate Change Partisan Polarization Widens in the U.S.
2016/10 #Hypernormalisation – and why Heathrow plan is proof we exist in a catastrophic fantasyland
2016/10 Clinton, Trump backers divided over fossil fuel energy
2016/10 Pope Francis's edict on climate change has fallen on closed ears, study finds
2016/10 The First Signs Of A Political Climate Change Consensus Are Appearing In Florida | Co.Exist | ideas
2016/11 Finding Hope After the Death of Sustainability
2016/11 The media claims climate isn’t a winning issue. Polls say otherwise.
2016/11 Why Republicans Still Reject the Science of Global Warming
2016/12 Are Public Positions on Climate Change Changing?
2016/12 Climate Change Skepticism May Hinge on Personal Experience
2016/12 It's time to get personal about climate change
2016/12 Science Versus Politics: Ecomodern Dispatches
2016/12 The Three Possible Reasons of Climate Denial – Lenz Blog
2017/1 Americans Say Schools Should Teach Children About the Causes, Consequences, and Potential Solutions to Global Warming
2017/1 Mapping the social acceptance literature
2017/1 Psychologists ask: What makes some smart people so skeptical of science?
2017/1 Science loses out to uninformed opinion on climate change – yet again
2017/1 The seeds of science skepticism
2017/2 Whistleblower: ‘I knew people would misuse this.’ They did - to attack climate science
2017/3 20 Common Myths that Climate Scientists Often Hear
2017/3 How America Lost Faith in Expertise
2017/3 How Americans Think about Climate Change in Six Maps
2017/3 The science of “blue lies”: There’s a reason Trump supporters embrace his alternative facts
2017/3 The Trump Dystopian Nightmare: Nuclear War, Climate Change and a Clash of Civilizations Are All on the Horizon
2017/3 Why We Believe Obvious Untruth
2017/3 Your vote in the 2016 election explains almost everything about your climate beliefs
2017/4 America's Cult of Ignorance
2017/4 Changing minds on a changing climate
2017/4 Climate Change’s Partisan Divide
2017/4 Voters Now Put Much More Emphasis on Global Warming Over Jobs
2017/4 Why Expertise Matters
2017/6 “Do you believe?” is the wrong question to ask public officials about climate change
2017/6 97 Percent Consensus on Climate Change? It's Complicated
2017/6 Climate Change Skeptics Occasionally Become Believers, But Believers Don’t Become Skeptics. Why Is That?
2017/6 How GOP Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science
2017/6 How Much Do You Know About Solving Global Warming?
2017/6 Oil's pipeline to America's schools (long article version)
2017/6 Pipeline to the classroom: how big oil promotes fossil fuels to America's children (short article version)
2017/6 Saying 'climate change' instead of 'global warming' decreases partisan gap by 30 percent in U.S.
2017/6 Voters Aren't Willing to Pay to Fight Climate Change
2017/7 Do Not Talk About Climate Change When Talking About Climate Legislation
2017/7 I’m a climate scientist. And I’m not letting trickle-down ignorance win.
2017/7 In Chile, Many Regard Climate Change As The Greatest External Threat
2017/7 New Survey Shows Majority Of Americans Believe Climate Change Is Real And Caused By Human Activity
2017/8 How farmers convinced scientists to take climate change seriously
2017/8 Islamic State and Climate Change Seen as World’s Greatest Threats, Poll Says
2017/8 Perspectives of Scientists Who Become Targets: Katharine Hayhoe
2017/8 Should You Trust Climate Science? Maybe the Eclipse Is a Clue
2017/8 What changes minds about climate change?
2017/9 Despite mandatory evacuation, many on this Florida island plan to ride out the storm
2017/9 How TV weather presenters can improve public understanding of climate change
2017/9 Miami Always Thinks the Storm Will Turn
2017/9 More Republicans Concerned About Climate Change After Hurricanes
2017/9 Political Divisions in U.S. Are Widening, Long-Lasting, Poll Shows
2017/10 Conservatives rethink climate-change views after hurricanes
2017/10 Most Americans Want Climate Change Policies
2017/10 Seeing God’s Hand in the Deadly Floods, Yet Wondering about Climate Change
2017/10 Why people around the world fear climate change more than Americans do
2017/11 At Yale, we conducted an experiment to turn conservatives into liberals. The results say a lot about our political divisions.
2017/11 Battered by extreme weather, Americans are more worried about climate change
2017/12 How Republicans Think About Climate Change — in Maps
2018/1 Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History
2018/2 2018 Millennial Report
2018/3 About half of Americans don’t think climate change will affect them
2018/3 Global Warming Concern Steady Despite Some Partisan Shifts
2018/4 Americans Support Teaching Children about Global Warming
2018/5 Global Warming Age Gap Younger Americans Most Worried
2018/5 Majorities See Government Efforts to Protect the Environment as Insufficient
2018/5 Millennial Republicans stand out from elders on climate, energy
2018/6 Are Americans Losing Interest in Global Warming?
2018/7 Actually Republicans do believe in climate change
2018/8 Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2018
2018/9 The Climate-Change Debate Has Shifted, Not Ended
2018/10 Farmers' climate denial begins to wane as reality bites
2018/10 How Concerned Are You About Climate Change?
2018/10 How to Shift Public Attitudes and Win the Global Climate Battle
2018/10 Is Climate Change Your 18th Priority?
2018/10 The Rich White Civil War
2018/10 Tia Nelson on How To Create the Climate Voter
2018/10 Trump thinks scientists are split on climate change. So do most Americans
2018/11 Knowledge, Ignorance and Climate Change
2018/11 More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change
2018/11 Where Americans (Mostly) Agree on Climate Change Policies, in Five Maps
2018/12 ‘The heatwave was a wake up call’: readers on a year of climate change anxiety
2018/12 Americans Don’t Understand How Bad Climate Change Is Or What They Can Do About It
2018/12 More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change
2019/1 8 percent of Americans recently changed their minds on climate. What gives?
2019/1 Americans Increasingly Say Climate Change Is Happening Now
2019/1 Global Warming Concerns Rise Among Americans in New Poll
2019/1 Most Americans Believe in Climate Change, Polls Say
2019/1 What Are Some Of The Biggest Climate Change Myths People Still Believe?
2019/1 Who is changing their mind about global warming and why?
2019/2 The Battle over Public Opinion on Climate Is Over
2019/4 Climate Change in the American Mind: Data, Tools, and Trends
2019/4 POLITICS: Climate advocacy pops up in unlikely place: Rotary Clubs
2019/5 Australians overwhelmingly agree climate emergency is nation's No 1 threat
2019/5 Climate crisis more politically polarizing than abortion for US voters, study finds
2019/5 Climate Education for Kids Increases Climate Concerns for Parents
2019/5 How teaching kids about climate change can influence their conservative parents
2019/5 Phase Changes in Public Opinion
2019/5 Polls reveal surge in concern in UK about climate change
2019/6 'This Is an Emergency. We Need the Democrats to Act Like It': Outrage as DNC Announces It Will Not Host 2020 Debate on Climate Crisis
2019/7 Americans Underestimate How Many Others in the U.S. Think Global Warming is Happening
2019/7 What shapes your beliefs about the climate crisis? It’s not just left vs. right.
2019/8 People don't need to 'believe' in climate change to act on it, study suggests
2019/8 The Case for Climate Rage
2019/8 What Explains Voter Aversion to Putting a Price on Carbon
2019/9 Climate crisis seen as 'most important issue' by public, poll shows
2019/9 Florida Will Be The First State To Swing On Climate
2019/9 Global warming is a rising priority for voters
2019/11 'Greta Thunberg effect' driving growth in carbon offsetting
2019/11 Climate Science Proves Scams Don’t Die of Exposure
2019/11 U.S. Public Views on Climate and Energy
2019/12 Climate change: Americans are worried, but still underestimate how serious it is
2020/1 For the first time, the Alarmed are now the largest of Global Warming’s Six Americas
2020/2 Climate change rises as a public priority But its more partisan than ever
2020/2 Climate Change Rises as a Public Priority. But It’s More Partisan Than Ever.
2020/9 Meet the dommers Why some young US voters have given up on climate
2021/1 Climate change is a ‘global emergency’, people say in biggest ever climate poll
2021/1 Survey Finds Majority of Voters Support Initiatives to Fight Climate Change
2021/2 Environmental Voter Project helped put climate near top of national agenda
2021/3 The 'Army Of Environmental Super Voters' Is Growing, And Marching On City Hall
2021/4 Five Myths About Climate Policy
2021/7 Public Opinion and the Limits of Climate Policy
2021/7 Sporadic Environmental Voters Hold the Power to Shift Elections and Turn Red States Blue
2021/9 Majority of young American adults say climate change influences their decision to have children
2021/10 What next on climate? The need for a new moderate flank
2021/12 Small army of volunteers keeping deniers off Wikipedia
2024/3 More people care about climate change than you think
Do You Know More About Climate Change Than The Average American?
Yale Climate Opinion Maps
I - OptimismBias