Headings - News and Opinion
N - SCC Critiques
News Stories | Blogs
Social Cost of Carbon 101
2009/9 Manzi The Socialism Implicit in the Social Cost of Carbon
2010/4 Study: US setting cost of carbon perilously low
2013/6 Critics say little science behind new SCC estimate
2013/6 GOP senators slam 'significant change' to carbon costs
2013/6 Greenberg_WSJ contradicts experts on SCC
2013/6 Obama's Social Cost of Carbon Trick
2013/6 Schaus - Social cost of carbon - another example of data manipulation
2013/11 Why The EPA’s “Social Cost of Carbon” Fails
2014/11 Why the "Social Cost of Carbon" is Wrongly One-Sided
2021/2 Top economists warn US against underestimating climate damage
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