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Social Cost of Carbon TOC
I - SCCandtheSternReport
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - SCCasRiskManagement
I - SCCDeployment
I - SCCIncorporationofUncertainty
I - SCCLimits
I - UltimateCostofCarbon
I - USGovernmentSCC
S - Economic Discounting
S - Evaluating SCC Estimates
S - Federal SCC Determination
S - IAMs Integrated Assessment Models
S - Intergenerational Decisionmaking
S - Quantifying Economic Impacts
S - SCC and Risk Adversity
S - SCC Applications
S - SCC Critiques
S - SCC Estimates
S - SCC in Litigation
S - SCC in Policy
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - SCC Uncertainties
S - Sectoral Social Costs
N - Economic Discounting
N - SCC Applications
N - SCC Critiques
N - SCC in Litigation
N - SCC Introduction
N - SCC Risk Averse
N - The Right SCC?
T - SCC Networks
T - Social Cost of Carbon Individuals
Topical Websites, Blogs, FB Home Pages
V - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
E - A Negative SCC
E - Implications of Discounting Future Damages
E - Integrated Assessment Modeling
E - Risks of SCC Reliance
E - SCC Critiques
E - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
E - UCC Ultimate Cost of Carbon
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - Economic Discounting
N - SCC Applications
N - SCC Critiques
N - SCC in Litigation
N - SCC Introduction
N - SCC Risk Averse
N - The Right SCC?
2013/6 Godelnik_Can the New Social Cost of Carbon Estimate Help Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
2013/6 Social Cost of Carbon Estimates Jump: Pollution is More Expensive
2013/6 The Obama climate move that nobody noticed
2013/6 The Rising Cost of Carbon Pollution
2013/7 Changes in SCC under scrutiny
2013/7 Economic stagnation not excuse for climate inaction
2013/7 Enion_EPA and the SCC
2013/7 Social Cost Of Carbon Heats Up Debate As House Resists White House Metric
2013/7 Why estimating the SCC is important
2013/8 ‘Social cost of carbon’ draws coal, oil industry lobbying
2013/8 Robert S. Pindyck in his own words
2013/8 Update on social cost of carbon was overdue
2013/9 Counting the Cost of Fixing the Future
2013/9 SCC: A continuing little-told story
2013/9 Social Cost of Carbon Goes Mainstream
2013/10 Freakonomics » The Science May Be Settled, But the Economics Isn’t
2013/10 New Study Tracks the Social Cost of Carbon
2013/10 While assessing carbon pricing, we're missing the big questions
2013/11 How to Make Low-Cost Power Look Unaffordable
2013/11 Refining estimates of the SCC
2013/11 Social cost of carbon
2013/11 Social cost of carbon part II
2013/11 The 'Social Cost of Carbon'? A Hidden Tax
2013/11 The Heritage Hooligans and the SCC
2013/11 What is the social cost of carbon?
2014/2 Coal Industry Report On Social Cost Of Carbon Relies On Climate Science Denial
2014/3 Missing Pieces – The Cost of Carbon Pollution
2014/3 OMB's Social Cost of Carbon Raises Concerns
2014/7 Emissions Carbon cost will not stop oil-sands work
2014/7 The Social Cost of Carbon’s Next Frontier, or Dead End? – The Climatographers
2014/7 What to do about the “Social Cost of Carbon” metric? — Part 1
2014/7 What to do about the “Social Cost of Carbon” metric? — Part 2
2014/8 GAO finds no fault with ‘social cost of carbon’
2014/8 The GAO’s Whitewash on the Social Cost of Carbon
2014/10 Costing damages from climate change offers only a partial guide to choice of policy
2014/12 CEQ Releases New Guidance on Including Climate in Environmental Impact Statements
2014/12 Maintaining a reliable value of the cost of climate change: new report
2014/12 This is the kind of climate bill Congress should pass (but won’t)
2014/12 White House Updates Draft Guidance on Climate Change Considerations in NEPA Review
2015/1 Carbon dioxide's 'social cost' undervalued, new study suggests
2015/1 Estimated social cost of climate change not accurate, Stanford scientists say
2015/1 Is the Social Cost of Carbon Determinable?
2015/1 Long-term economic shocks imply taking strong, early action on climate change, study shows
2015/1 New economic model may radically boost the social cost of carbon
2015/2 The High Cost of Climate Uncertainty
2015/2 Understanding the Social Cost of Carbon — and Connecting It to Our Lives
2015/2 University Group Seeks Change In Cost Estimate On Carbon Emissions
2015/2 Using the Social Cost of Carbon to Measure the Impact of Federal Actions
2015/3 Fossil fuels are way more expensive than you think
2015/3 IER Comment on CEQ’s Consideration of SCC in NEPA Reviews
2015/3 The Real Cost of Coal
2015/4 BLM crafting guidance on social cost of carbon
2015/6 Don’t Anchor a Carbon Tax to the Social Cost of Carbon
2015/6 My Power Point on the Social Cost of Carbon
2015/7 A Case of Reverse Causality?
2015/7 How much higher? The growing consensus on the federal SCC estimate
2015/7 OMB Acknowledges (Most) of Our Comments on the Social Cost of Carbon, Engages None
2015/7 Why the federal government should shadow price carbon
2015/8 Global Benefit-Cost Analysis in US Climate Policy: Heresy or Evolutionary Logic?
2016/3 BOEM Ignores Downstream Emissions and Social Cost of Carbon in EIS for Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Program
2016/4 Carbon Tax based on Social Cost of Carbon: Cost Benefit Analysis in Disguise?
2016/6 A Back Door National Price on Carbon?
2016/8 New York's Clean Energy Standard is a key step toward pricing carbon pollution fairly
2016/10 Report: Exelon's new Illinois nuclear subsidy bill recalls New York program design
2016/11 Nicholas Stern: cost of global warming ‘is worse than I feared’
2016/11 The Magical Powers of the Social Cost of Carbon
2016/12 Economists agree: economic models underestimate climate change
2017/1 RFF on the Issues: New Guidance for Calculating Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon
2017/1 Scientists have a new way to calculate what global warming costs. Trump’s team isn’t going to like it.201
2017/2 Carbon Brief Summary Q&A for the SCC
2017/2 Q&A: The social cost of carbon
2017/2 Why a climate economist is giving carbon's 'social cost' a second look
2017/3 Curbing climate change has a dollar value — here's how and why we measure it
2017/3 FERC plans technical conference on state generation supports in wholesale markets
2017/3 Why the Social Cost of Carbon Is Critical for America to Make Sound Policies
2017/5 Colorado regulators seize the climate fight in landmark ruling on carbon costs
2017/5 Colorado Utilities Commission Requires Consideration of Social Cost of Carbon
2017/5 Whither the Social Cost of Carbon?
2017/7 A bridge to somewhere California AB-398 cap and trade re-authorization to 2030
2017/8 Trump’s attack on social cost of carbon could end up hurting his fossil fuel push
2017/10 Unpacking the Administration’s Revised Social Cost of Carbon
2017/11 Carbon’s economic damage costlier than thought based on current science
2017/11 EPA Revises the Social Cost of a Potent Greenhouse Gas
2018/5 Washington Utilities Told To Factor Social Cost Of Coal Into Planning Decisions
2018/7 Why is this group updating the "social cost of carbon"?
2018/8 Trump Put a Low Cost on Carbon Emissions. Here’s Why It Matters.
2018/9 Social cost of carbon: why climate change is a global injustice
2018/9 US to be hit worse than almost any other country by climate change, report says
2018/10 Whose Climate Damages Should Count? – Energy Institute Blog
2019/2 Measuring the 'social cost' of power
2020/2 The True Price of Carbon by Gernot Wagner
2020/3 An Easy, No-Fuss, Climate Fix for that Big First Day in Office
2020/8 The cost of Killer Heat A Rising Risk of Death in Poor Nations
2020/9 Climate change will ultimately cost humanity $100,000 per ton of carbon, scientists estimate
2021/2 Biden is hiking the cost of carbon. It will change how the U.S. tackles global warming.
2021/3 Recalculating the Cost of Climate Change
2021/6 Professors explain the social cost of carbon
2021/7 Calculating the extinction cost of carbon
2021/7 Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds
2021/10 Improving Discounting in the Social Cost of Carbon
2021/10 Working Toward a New Social Cost of Carbon
I - SCCCritiques
Headings - News and Opinion
N - SCC Critiques
News Stories | Blogs
Social Cost of Carbon 101
2009/9 Manzi The Socialism Implicit in the Social Cost of Carbon
2010/4 Study: US setting cost of carbon perilously low
2013/6 Critics say little science behind new SCC estimate
2013/6 GOP senators slam 'significant change' to carbon costs
2013/6 Greenberg_WSJ contradicts experts on SCC
2013/6 Obama's Social Cost of Carbon Trick
2013/6 Schaus - Social cost of carbon - another example of data manipulation
2013/11 Why The EPA’s “Social Cost of Carbon” Fails
2014/11 Why the "Social Cost of Carbon" is Wrongly One-Sided
2021/2 Top economists warn US against underestimating climate damage
Social Cost of Carbon TOC
I - SCCandtheSternReport
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - SCCasRiskManagement
I - SCCDeployment
I - SCCIncorporationofUncertainty
I - SCCLimits
I - UltimateCostofCarbon
I - USGovernmentSCC
S - Economic Discounting
S - Evaluating SCC Estimates
S - Federal SCC Determination
S - IAMs Integrated Assessment Models
S - Intergenerational Decisionmaking
S - Quantifying Economic Impacts
S - SCC and Risk Adversity
S - SCC Applications
S - SCC Critiques
S - SCC Estimates
S - SCC in Litigation
S - SCC in Policy
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - SCC Uncertainties
S - Sectoral Social Costs
N - Economic Discounting
N - SCC Applications
N - SCC Critiques
N - SCC in Litigation
N - SCC Introduction
N - SCC Risk Averse
N - The Right SCC?
T - SCC Networks
T - Social Cost of Carbon Individuals
Topical Websites, Blogs, FB Home Pages
V - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
E - A Negative SCC
E - Implications of Discounting Future Damages
E - Integrated Assessment Modeling
E - Risks of SCC Reliance
E - SCC Critiques
E - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
E - UCC Ultimate Cost of Carbon
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - Economic Discounting
N - SCC Applications
N - SCC Critiques
N - SCC in Litigation
N - SCC Introduction
N - SCC Risk Averse
N - The Right SCC?
2013/6 Godelnik_Can the New Social Cost of Carbon Estimate Help Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
2013/6 Social Cost of Carbon Estimates Jump: Pollution is More Expensive
2013/6 The Obama climate move that nobody noticed
2013/6 The Rising Cost of Carbon Pollution
2013/7 Changes in SCC under scrutiny
2013/7 Economic stagnation not excuse for climate inaction
2013/7 Enion_EPA and the SCC
2013/7 Social Cost Of Carbon Heats Up Debate As House Resists White House Metric
2013/7 Why estimating the SCC is important
2013/8 ‘Social cost of carbon’ draws coal, oil industry lobbying
2013/8 Robert S. Pindyck in his own words
2013/8 Update on social cost of carbon was overdue
2013/9 Counting the Cost of Fixing the Future
2013/9 SCC: A continuing little-told story
2013/9 Social Cost of Carbon Goes Mainstream
2013/10 Freakonomics » The Science May Be Settled, But the Economics Isn’t
2013/10 New Study Tracks the Social Cost of Carbon
2013/10 While assessing carbon pricing, we're missing the big questions
2013/11 How to Make Low-Cost Power Look Unaffordable
2013/11 Refining estimates of the SCC
2013/11 Social cost of carbon
2013/11 Social cost of carbon part II
2013/11 The 'Social Cost of Carbon'? A Hidden Tax
2013/11 The Heritage Hooligans and the SCC
2013/11 What is the social cost of carbon?
2014/2 Coal Industry Report On Social Cost Of Carbon Relies On Climate Science Denial
2014/3 Missing Pieces – The Cost of Carbon Pollution
2014/3 OMB's Social Cost of Carbon Raises Concerns
2014/7 Emissions Carbon cost will not stop oil-sands work
2014/7 The Social Cost of Carbon’s Next Frontier, or Dead End? – The Climatographers
2014/7 What to do about the “Social Cost of Carbon” metric? — Part 1
2014/7 What to do about the “Social Cost of Carbon” metric? — Part 2
2014/8 GAO finds no fault with ‘social cost of carbon’
2014/8 The GAO’s Whitewash on the Social Cost of Carbon
2014/10 Costing damages from climate change offers only a partial guide to choice of policy
2014/12 CEQ Releases New Guidance on Including Climate in Environmental Impact Statements
2014/12 Maintaining a reliable value of the cost of climate change: new report
2014/12 This is the kind of climate bill Congress should pass (but won’t)
2014/12 White House Updates Draft Guidance on Climate Change Considerations in NEPA Review
2015/1 Carbon dioxide's 'social cost' undervalued, new study suggests
2015/1 Estimated social cost of climate change not accurate, Stanford scientists say
2015/1 Is the Social Cost of Carbon Determinable?
2015/1 Long-term economic shocks imply taking strong, early action on climate change, study shows
2015/1 New economic model may radically boost the social cost of carbon
2015/2 The High Cost of Climate Uncertainty
2015/2 Understanding the Social Cost of Carbon — and Connecting It to Our Lives
2015/2 University Group Seeks Change In Cost Estimate On Carbon Emissions
2015/2 Using the Social Cost of Carbon to Measure the Impact of Federal Actions
2015/3 Fossil fuels are way more expensive than you think
2015/3 IER Comment on CEQ’s Consideration of SCC in NEPA Reviews
2015/3 The Real Cost of Coal
2015/4 BLM crafting guidance on social cost of carbon
2015/6 Don’t Anchor a Carbon Tax to the Social Cost of Carbon
2015/6 My Power Point on the Social Cost of Carbon
2015/7 A Case of Reverse Causality?
2015/7 How much higher? The growing consensus on the federal SCC estimate
2015/7 OMB Acknowledges (Most) of Our Comments on the Social Cost of Carbon, Engages None
2015/7 Why the federal government should shadow price carbon
2015/8 Global Benefit-Cost Analysis in US Climate Policy: Heresy or Evolutionary Logic?
2016/3 BOEM Ignores Downstream Emissions and Social Cost of Carbon in EIS for Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Program
2016/4 Carbon Tax based on Social Cost of Carbon: Cost Benefit Analysis in Disguise?
2016/6 A Back Door National Price on Carbon?
2016/8 New York's Clean Energy Standard is a key step toward pricing carbon pollution fairly
2016/10 Report: Exelon's new Illinois nuclear subsidy bill recalls New York program design
2016/11 Nicholas Stern: cost of global warming ‘is worse than I feared’
2016/11 The Magical Powers of the Social Cost of Carbon
2016/12 Economists agree: economic models underestimate climate change
2017/1 RFF on the Issues: New Guidance for Calculating Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon
2017/1 Scientists have a new way to calculate what global warming costs. Trump’s team isn’t going to like it.201
2017/2 Carbon Brief Summary Q&A for the SCC
2017/2 Q&A: The social cost of carbon
2017/2 Why a climate economist is giving carbon's 'social cost' a second look
2017/3 Curbing climate change has a dollar value — here's how and why we measure it
2017/3 FERC plans technical conference on state generation supports in wholesale markets
2017/3 Why the Social Cost of Carbon Is Critical for America to Make Sound Policies
2017/5 Colorado regulators seize the climate fight in landmark ruling on carbon costs
2017/5 Colorado Utilities Commission Requires Consideration of Social Cost of Carbon
2017/5 Whither the Social Cost of Carbon?
2017/7 A bridge to somewhere California AB-398 cap and trade re-authorization to 2030
2017/8 Trump’s attack on social cost of carbon could end up hurting his fossil fuel push
2017/10 Unpacking the Administration’s Revised Social Cost of Carbon
2017/11 Carbon’s economic damage costlier than thought based on current science
2017/11 EPA Revises the Social Cost of a Potent Greenhouse Gas
2018/5 Washington Utilities Told To Factor Social Cost Of Coal Into Planning Decisions
2018/7 Why is this group updating the "social cost of carbon"?
2018/8 Trump Put a Low Cost on Carbon Emissions. Here’s Why It Matters.
2018/9 Social cost of carbon: why climate change is a global injustice
2018/9 US to be hit worse than almost any other country by climate change, report says
2018/10 Whose Climate Damages Should Count? – Energy Institute Blog
2019/2 Measuring the 'social cost' of power
2020/2 The True Price of Carbon by Gernot Wagner
2020/3 An Easy, No-Fuss, Climate Fix for that Big First Day in Office
2020/8 The cost of Killer Heat A Rising Risk of Death in Poor Nations
2020/9 Climate change will ultimately cost humanity $100,000 per ton of carbon, scientists estimate
2021/2 Biden is hiking the cost of carbon. It will change how the U.S. tackles global warming.
2021/3 Recalculating the Cost of Climate Change
2021/6 Professors explain the social cost of carbon
2021/7 Calculating the extinction cost of carbon
2021/7 Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds
2021/10 Improving Discounting in the Social Cost of Carbon
2021/10 Working Toward a New Social Cost of Carbon
I - SCCCritiques