Headings - Topical Sources
S - Climate Change Scenarios
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Climate Scenario Variables
2015 DOT_The Year is 2045
2017 Raftery_Less than 2oC warming by 2100 unlikely
2050 Global Normative Scenario
2005 Raskin_Global Scenarios Background Review for the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
2018 Voskoboynik_Overcoming Fear to Create Our Ecological Future
2000 Allen_Quantifying the uncertainty of forecasts of anthropogenic change
2008 Petersen_A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change
S - Geography-Specific Scenarios
S - SocioEconomic Pathways
Millenium Project_2025 Science and Technology Management Scenarios
2005 Raskin_Global Scenarios in Historical Perspective
2006 Collins_Towards quantifying uncertainty in transient climate change
2006 Smartmeme_Mapping 2020 Charting a Precautionary Future
2007 Aguiar_Future Scenarios and Climate Trends
2007 USCCSP_Scenarios of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Atmospheric Concentrations
2008 Cayan_Overview of the California climate change scenarios project
2008 Randers_Global collapse Fact or fiction?
2008 Shell_Energy Scenarios to 2050
2008 Tellus_Contours of the Future Alternative Scenarios for the Boston Region
2009 EPA_Land Use Scenarios National Scale Housing Density Scenarios Consistent with Climate Change Storylines
2009 Holmgren_How Communities Can Adapt to Peak Oil and Climate Change
2009 Lopes_Human extinction scenario frameworks $$
2010 UNDP_Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Scenarios
2011 Anderson Beyond dangerous climate change emissions scenarios for a new world
2011 C2SM_Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2011
2011 C2SM_Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2011 Summary
2011 Halal_Global MegaCrisis A Survey of Four Scenarios on a Pessimism-Optimism Axis
2011 Halal_Global MegaCrisis Four Scenarios Two Perspectives
2011 Mastrandrea_Climate change in California: scenarios and approaches for adaptation
2011 Moss_U.S. NCA Scenarios for Assessing Our Climate Future Issues and Methodological Perspectives
2011 Shell Scenarios_Signals and signposts
2012 Devitt_Civil war climate change and development A scenario study for sub-Saharan Africa $$
2012 Hammond_The World in 2030
2012 Raper_IPCC gazes into the future
2012 Wilkinson_Learning with futures to realise progress towards sustainability - WBCSD Vision 2050 Initiative
2013 Evans_Future Scenarios as a Research Tool Investing Climate Change Impacts Adaptation Options $$
2013 KPMG_Future State 2030 The global megatrends shaping governments
2013 Shell_New Lens Scenarios - A Shift in Perspective for a World in Transition
2013 Wayne_The Beginners Guide to Representative Concentration Pathways
2014 Arnell_The global-scale impacts of climate change on water resources and flooding under new climate and socio-economic scenarios
2014 DGR_Three Decisive Ecological Warfare Scenarios
2014 Lane_An institutional critique of new climate scenarios
2015 Hazeleger_Tales of future weather $$
2015 Paltsev_Integrated economic and climate projections for impact assessment $$
2015 Rogelj_Energy system transformations for limiting end-of-century-warming to below 1.5 degrees $$
2015 Schaeffer_Mid- and long-term climate projections for fragmented and delayed-action scenarios
2015 Waring_Predicting large wildfires across western North America by modeling seasonal variation in soil water balance
2013 Slade_American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival
2016 Echeverri_TWI2050 - The world in 2050
2016 Roudier_Projections of future floods and hydrological droughts in Europe under a +2°C global warming
2017 Mauritsen_Committed warming inferred from observations
2018 Aas_Pacific Northwest Pathways to 2050
2018 Olson_Pacific Northwest Low Carbon Scenario Analysis
2018 Sevellec_A novel probabilistic forecast system predicting anomalously warm 2018-2022 reinforcing the
2018 Steffen_Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene