Headings - Topical Sources
S - SCC Estimates
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Evaluating SCC Estimates
S - Federal SCC Determination
2013 Nordhaus_The Climate Casino Risk, Uncertainty and Economics
200X Greenspan-Bell_Calculating the Social Cost of Carbon
1994 Fankhauer_The economic costs of global warming damage - a survey
1994 Fankhauser_Evaluating the social costs of greenhouse gas emissions - working paper
1995 Fankhauser_Evaluating the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2002 Clarkson_Estimating Social Cost of Carbon Emissions
2004 Bosello_Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change - sea level rise
2004 Tol_Marginal Damage Costs of CO2 Emissions - assessment of uncertainties
2005 Ceronsky_Checking the price tag on catastrophe - the social cost of carbon under non-linear climate response -- Working Paper
2006 Ackerman_Climate Change - the Costs of Inaction
2006 Stern Review
2006 Watkiss_The Social Cost of Carbon
2007 Dietz_Some economics of ‘dangerous’ climate change
2007 Nordhaus_A Review of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change $$
2007 Ruth_The US Economic Impacts of Climate Change and the Costs of Inaction
2007 Weitzman_A Review of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
2008 Ackerman_The Cost of Climate Change
2008 Goulder_Economics of Climate Change
2008 Hanemann_What is Economic Cost of Climate Change
2008 Stern_Economics of Climate Change
2008 Taylor_What Will Climate Change Cost
2009 Ackerman_The Economics of 350: The Benefits and Costs of Climate Stabilization
2009 Freeman_Climate Change and U.S. Interests
2009 Heal_The economics of climate change: a post-stern perspective $$
2009 Hope_How High Should Climate Change Taxes Be
2009 Hope_The social cost of CO2 and the optimal timing of emissions reductions under uncertainty
2009 Tol_International Inequity Aversion and the Social Cost of Carbon
2009 Tol_The Economic Effects of Climate Change
2009 Watkiss_Climate Economics, Policy and SCC in UK and EU PPT
2010 Ackerman_Damage Estimates and the Social Cost of Carbon: The Need for Change
2010 Ackerman_The Need for a Fresh Approach to Climate Change Economics
2010 Ackerman_The Social Cost of Carbon
2010 Ebi_Social Vulnerability and Risk
2010 Goodstein_An Initial Estimate of the Cost of Lost Climate Regulation Services
2010 Griffiths_Social Cost of Carbon Estimates for Regulatory Impact Analyses PPT
2010 Gulledge_Workshop Summary Assessing the Benefits of Avoided Climate Change
2010 Hope_SCC and the Optimal Timing of Emissions Reductions under Uncertainty
2010 Lester_The Economics of Climate Change Impacts
2010 MacCracken Challenges to Providing Quantitative Estimates of the Impacts of Climate Change
2010 Masur Climate Regulation and the Limits of Cost Benefit Analysis
2010 Newbold The Social Cost of Carbon Made Simple
2010 Stanton_Emission Reduction, Interstate Equity, and Price of Carbon
2011 Ackerman Climate Risks and Carbon Prices - Revising the SCC
2011 Ceronsky_Checking the price tag on catastrophe The social cost of carbon under non-linear climate response (updated version)
2011 Hausker_Social Cost of Carbon and Competing Decision Frameworks
2011 Morgan_Valuation Techniques for Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigaiton Options: Methodological Perspectives for the National Climate Assessment
2011 Sussman_Workshop Report: Valuation Techniques and Metrics for Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Options
2011 Tol_The Social Cost of Carbon
2012 Ackerman_Climate Risks and Carbon Prices: Revising Social Cost of Carbon
2012 Marten_Estimating the social cost of non-CO 2 GHG emissions: Methane and nitrous oxide $$
2013 Ackerman_Climate Economics the State of the Art
2013 Barnett - Social Cost of Carbon PPT
2013 Hope_Critical issues for the calculation of the social cost of carbon $$
2013 Hope_The social cost of CO2 in a low-growth world
2013 Litterman_What is the right price for carbon emissions
2013 Pindyck_Pricing Carbon When We Don’t Know the Right Price
2014 Ackerman_Richard Tol on Climate Policy
2014 Dorsey_Social Cost of Carbon Some Not So Rhetorical Questions for Consideration
2014 GAO_Development of Social Cost of Carbon Estimates
2014 Gayer_Determining the Proper Scope of Climate Change Benefits
2014 Nordhaus_Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon
2014 Pizer_Using and improving the social cost of carbon
2014 Rose_Understanding the Social Cost of Carbon A Technical Assessment
2014 van den Bergh_A lower bound to the social cost of CO2 emissions
2014 van der Ploeg_Growth, Renewables and the Optimal Carbon Tax
2014 Waldhoff_The Marginal Damage Costs of Different GHGs
2015 Aldy_Pricing climate change mitigation $$
2015 Howard_Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change
2015 Lewis_The Social Cost of Carbon Computer Aided Sophistry PPT
2015 Mendelsohn_Estimating the Social Cost of Carbon
2015 Reilly_Notes from Presentation - Social Cost of Carbon
2015 Rose_Characterizing and advancing understanding of the SCC
2015 Schlenker_Social Cost of Carbon Agricultural Sector
2015 Shindell_The social cost of atmospheric release $$
2016 Nordhaus_Projections and Uncertainties about Climate Change in an era of Minimal Climate Policies
2017 Howard_Few and not so far between A Meta analysis of climate damage estimates
2017 Moore_New science of climate change impacts on agriculture implies higher social cost of carbon
2017 NAS_Valuing Climate Changes Updating Estimation of the Social Cost of Carbon Dioxide
2018 Ricke_Country-level social cost of carbon $$
2018 Shayegh_Recalculating the Social Cost of Carbon
2019 IPI_A lower bound - why SCC does not capture critical climate damages
2021 Rennert_The Social Cost of Carbon Advanced in Long-Term Probabilistic Projections of Population
2021 Wagner_Eight priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon
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