Climate Change Philanthropy
I - CatalyticPhilanthropy
I - ClimateActionasNonStateAction
I - PhilanthropyandClimateChange (Deep Dive)
S - Philanthropy
N - Philanthropy
T - Funders Philanthropies Foundations
T - Who's Funding What
V - Climate Philanthropy and Collective Action
V - MacArthur Competition Proposals - Climate Change
2016 Morena_The Price of Climate Action Philanthropic Foundation
2018 Reich_Just Giving Why Philanthropy is Failing Democracy
E - Role of Philanthropic Action
2007 CEA_Design to Win Philanthropy's Role in the Fight
2010 Lawrence_Climate change - US foundation response
2016 CCR_Philanthropy Beyond Carbon Neutrality
2017 GGCA_How Can Funders Accelerate Climate Action 2018-2020
2018 Engler_Funding Social Movements How Mass Protest
2018 Hewlett Foundation_Climate Initiative Strategy 2018-2023
2018 Nisbet_Strategic philanthropy in the post cap and trade years
2019 Nisbet_Climate Philanthropy and the Four Billion Dollars
2015/12 Foundations Must Move Fast to Fight Climate Change
2017/5 "No Time for Business as Usual." How a Progressive Funder is Changing in the Trump Era
2017/5 Basic Science Funders Ask, "How Do We Know if Our Giving is Working?"
2017/5 Where the Action Is: A Top Climate Funder Looks to States, Communities, and Business
2017/7 A Funding Effort to Build a Stronger, More Diverse Climate Movement
2017/8 If an Asteroid Were Hurtling Toward Earth, How Would Philanthropy Respond?
2017/12 2050: Philanthropic Priorities for Climate Action
2017/12 Hewlett Foundation announces $600 million philanthropic commitment to climate change
2018/1 Perspectives on Finding and Funding Bold Ideas
2018/7 Where Climate Philanthropy Needs to Go Next — Inside Philanthropy
2018/10 That Dire New Climate Report is a Call to Action for Every Funder.
2018/10 The IPCC Report is a Wake Up Call for Scholars, Advocates, and Philanthropists
2019/1 Climate Philanthropy and the Four Billion (Dollars, That Is) – Matthew Nisbet
2019/1 The Promise of Incentive Prizes
2019/2 How Liberatory Philanthropy and Restorative Investing Can Remake the Economy
2007 2030 Mitigation potentials at <$100/ton
2007 Current philanthropic funding by sector
2007 Design to win strategy
2007 Philanthropic funding required - 11 GT potential
2007 Philanthropy can help implement CCS
2007 Philanthropy's multiple entry points
2007 The importance of policy in driving reductions
2018 Philanthropic climate funding 2011 - 2015
Philanthropic funding can claim significant successes
The IPCC's 2018 report challenges philanthropic conventional wisdom
There are important questions that need to be asked about the role of philanthropy
There are signs of change in philanthropic thinking
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