Headings - Topical Sources
S - Taxing Carbon
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Carbon Tax Impacts
2011 Stelzer_Carbon Taxes: An Opportunity for Conservatives
2015 Kreiser_Design, Experiences and Issues (Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Series, #15)
2015 Parry_Implementing a US Carbon Tax: Challenges and Debates
EMF 32: US GHG and Revenue Recycling Scenarios
1992 Repetto_Green Fees How a Tax Shift Can Work for the Economy and the Environment
1994 Goulder_Environmental Taxation and the Double Dividend
2003 Charney_Modeling Practices and Their Ability to Assess Tax Expenditure
2007 Metcalf_A Proposal for a US Carbon Tax Swap
2007 Whitesell_Carbon taxes cap and trade administration and US legislation $$
2008 CBO_Policy Options for Reducing CO2 Emissions
2008 Milne_The Reality of Carbon Taxes in the 21st Century
2008 WRI_Bottom Line on Carbon Taxes
2009 Gayer_On the merits of a carbon tax
2009 Global Utmaning_Carbon taxation a forgotten climate policy tool?
2009 Hope_How High Should Climate Change Taxes Be
2009 Metcalf_The design of a carbon tax
2009 SP_Hybrid Carbon Pricing Issue to consider when carbon taxes and cap and trade systems interact
2009 Sumner_Carbon Taxes A Review of Experience and Policy Design Considerations
2010 Andrew_Carbon tax - Challenging neoliberal solutions to climate change
2010 Galston_The future is now - A balanced plan to stabilize public debt
2011 Antos_AEI Fiscal Solutions A Balanced Plan for Fiscal Stability and Growth
2011 Davis_Estimating the effect of a gasoline tax on carbon emissions $$
2011 Gros_The case for taxing carbon at the border
2011 Mori_Washington State Carbon Tax Fiscal and Environmental Impacts
2011 Oreskes_Metaphors of Warfare: time to revisit a carbon tax
2011 Parry_Are carbon taxes the only good alternative
2011 Strand_Strategic Climate Policy with Offsets and Incomplete Abatement
2012 CBO_Offsetting Costs of a Carbon Tax on Low-Income Households
2012 Davenport_Conservative Activists Pushing Carbon Tax
2012 de Mooij_Fiscal Policy to Mitigate Climate Change
2012 GGI_The World Needs Carbon Taxes, Despite Troubled Economic Times
2012 Harrison_A Tale of Two Taxes: The Fate of Environmental Tax Reform
2012 Hoel_Carbon Taxes and the Green Paradox
2012 Horne_British Columbias Carbon Tax
2012 Kreiser_Carbon Pricing, Growth And The Environment by Larry Kreiser, Ana Yábar Sterling, Pedro Herrera, Janet E. Milne, Hope Ashiabor,
2012 Muro_Institute A Modest Carbon Tax to Reduce Carbon Emissions
2012 Murphy_Carbon Tax Swap Deals A Review and Critique
2012 MWR Strategies_Carbon Tax Survey
2012 Ramseur_Carbon Tax Deficit Reduction and Other Considerations
2012 Rausch_carbon tax revenue and the budget deficit a win-win solution
2012 RFF_Considering a US Carbon Tax Frequently Asked Questions
2013 Branger_Would border carbon adjustments prevent carbon leakage and heavy industry competitiveness losses
2013 Edjabou_The effect of using consumption taxes on foods to promote climate friendly diets â“ The case of Denmark
2013 Elgie_BC's Carbon Tax Shift after 5 Years
2013 Goulder_Carbon Taxes vs. Cap and Trade: A Critical Review
2013 Goulder_Tax Reform and Environmental Policy Options for recycling revenue from a tax on carbon dioxide
2013 Handley_Reaffirming the case for a briskly rising carbon tax
2013 Harrison_The Political Economy of British Columbia's Carbon Tax $$
2013 Hillman_Changing climate for carbon taxes: who’s afraid of the WTO
2013 Hsu_Politics and Climate Change What Impedes a Carbon Tax
2013 Komanoff_The Decarbonization Revenue Calculator PPT
2013 Light_NEPA’s Footprint Information Disclosure as a Quasi-Carbon Tax on Agencies
2013 Marron_Carbon taxes and corporate tax reform
2013 McLure_Selected International Aspects of Carbon Taxation
2013 Metcalf_Using the Tax System to Address Competition Issues with a Carbon Tax
2013 Morris_Proposal 11 The many benefits of a carbon tax
2013 NERC_Carbon Tax and Shift How to make it work for Oregon's Economy
2013 OECD_Taxing Energy Use A Graphical Analysis
2013 Pezzey_Carbon tax needs thresholds to reach its full potential
2013 REMI_Impact of a Carbon Tax on MPPT
2013 Repetto_Cap and Trade Contains Global Warming Better Than a Carbon Tax
2013 Rivers_Salience of Carbon Taxes in the Gasoline Market
2013 Rozenberg_Funding low carbon investments in the absence of a carbon tax
2013 Souza-Rodrigues_Demand for Deforestation in the Amazon
2013 Sutter_Is an Optimal Carbon Tax Relevant
2014 Amdur_Public Views on a Carbon Tax Depend on the Use of Revenue
2014 CTC_Design of economic instruments for reducing US carbon emissions
2014 Guzman_Beyond the Carbon Tax Personal Carbon Trading and British Columbia
2014 Holt_Why the U.S. Must Pass an Aggressive Carbon Tax Now
2014 Meltzer_A carbon tax as a driver of green technology innovation and the implications for trade
2014 Morris_A Carbon Tax in Broader U.S. Fiscal Reform Design and Distributional Issues
2014 NERC_Economic and Emissions Impacts of a Clean Air Tax or Fee in Oregon SB306
2014 Nystrom_The Economic Climate Fiscal Power and Demographic Impacts of a National Fee-and-Dividend Carbon Tax
2014 Rausch_Markets versus Regulation: The Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of US Climate Policy Proposals
2014 REMI_Environmental Tax Reform in California Economic and Climate Impact
2014 REMI_Modeling the Economic Demographic and Climate Impacts of a Carbon Tax in MA
2014 van der Ploeg_Growth, Renewables and the Optimal Carbon Tax
2014 Warren_Optimal Carbon Tax Doubled
2014 Weitzman_Can negotiating a uniform carbon price help to internalize the global warming externality
2014 Williams_The initial incidence of a carbon tax across U.S. states
2014 Wolak_Universities Can do Better Than Symbolism A Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax
2014 World Bank_Putting a Price on Carbon with Tax - background note
2015 Beck_Carbon tax and revenue recycling Impacts on households in British Columbia $$
2015 Brooks_Climate change justice through taxation? $$
2015 Calderon_Achieving CO2 reductions in Colombia Effects of carbon taxes and abatement targets $$
2015 CCL_Carbon Fee and Dividend Proposal
2015 Franks_Why Finance Ministers Favor Carbon Taxes, Even if They Do Not Take Climate Change into Account
2015 Holt_Branding Climate: How to Pass a $200 Carbon Tax by 2017
2015 Murray_British Columbias revenue neutral carbon tax A review of the latest grand experiment in environmental policy $$
2015 Murray_British Columbias revenue-neutral carbon tax: A review of the latest grand experiment in environmental policy $$
2015 Reeves_Ulysses goes to Washington
2015 Rivers_Salience of carbon taxes in the gasoline market $$
2015 Rivers_The Effect of Carbon Taxes on Agricultural Trade $$
2015 Snyder_Tax and trade A hybrid climate policy instrument to control carbon prices and emissions $$
2015 Stone_Designing Rebates to Product Low-Income Households under a Carbon Tax
2016 Andrade_Limit Pricing and the ineffectiveness of the carbon tax $$
2016 Beck_A rural myth? Sources and implications of the perceived unfairness of carbon taxes in rural communities $$
2016 Bookbinder_Why the Coal Industry Should Embrace a Carbon tax
2016 Carl_Tracking global carbon revenues A survey of carbon taxes versus cap and trade in the real world $$
2016 Chen_Using a Carbon Tax to Meet US International Climate Pledges
2016 CPLC_What are the options for using carbon pricing revenues
2016 der Ploeg_Second-best carbon taxation in the global economy The Green Paradox and carbon leakage revisited $$
2016 FWW_The British Columbia Carbon Tax: A Failed Experiment
2016 Hafstead_Adding Quantity Certainty to a Carbon Tax
2016 Halstead_Unlock the Climate Puzzle: Why we are failing to reduce emissions in time
2016 Kortum_Border Adjustments for Carbon Emissions Basic concepts and design
2016 Marron_How to use carbon tax revenues
2016 Morris_State-Level Carbon Taxes Options and Opportunities for Policymakers
2016 Murray_Increasing Emissions Certainty Under a Carbon Tax
2016 Nadel_Learning from 19 Carbon Taxes What does the evidence show
2016 OECD_Effective Carbon Rates - Read On-Line
2016 OECD_Effective Carbon Rates Pricing CO2 Through Taxes and Emissions Trading Systems - Executive Summary
2016 PMR Technical Workshop 17 Carbon Pricing
2016 Rautiainen_Carbon taxation of the land use sector The economics of soil carbon
2016 Verde_Energy and climate hand-in-hand: Financing RES-E support with carbon revenues $$
2017 Andersson_Cars carbon taxes and CO2 emissions
2017 AngusReid_The price aint right Canadians liked carbon tax in theory but support declines as plan becomes a reality
2017 Banet_Effectiveness in climate regulation Simultaneous application of a carbon tax and an emissions trading scheme
2017 Bauman_Opportunities for Carbon Taxes at the State Level
2017 CLC_A Winning Trade How Replacing the Obama era climate regulations with a carbon dividends program would yield
2017 Climate Leadership Council_The Conservative Case for Carbon Dividends
2017 Dong_Exploring impact of carbon tax on Chinas CO2 reductions and provincial disparities $$
2017 Gundlach_To negotiate a carbon tax - rough map of policy interactions
2017 Horowitz_Methodology for Analyzing a Carbon Tax
2017 Kotchen_Public willingness to pay for a US carbon tax and preferences for spending the revenue
2017 Metcalf_Implementing a carbon tax
2017 Morris_US carbon tax and earned income tax credit
2017 Rossi_Carbon Taxation by Regulation
2017 Skinner_The Adam Smith Plan to Save Markets and the Climate PPT
2017 Taylor_An alternative to carbon taxes to finance renewable energy systems and offset hydrocarbon based GHG emissions $$
2017 Topos_Carbon Tax Research Summary
2017 Webster_Insurance companies should collect a carbon levy
2017 Yuan_The Revenue Implications of a Carbon Tax
2018 Arora_EMF32 results from NEMS Revenue Recycling
2018 Barron_Policy insights from the EMF 32 study on US carbon tax scenarios
2018 Carbon Dividends Plan Survey Results
2018 Caron_Exploring the Impacts of a National US CO2 Tax and Revenue Recycling Options
2018 Chen_The sensitivity of CO2 emissions under a carbon tax to alternative baseline forecasts
2018 Climate Change Economics Special Issue on Carbon Taxation
2018 Fawcett_Introduction to the EMF 32 study on US carbon tax scenarios
2018 Haites_Carbon taxes and greenhouse gas emissions trading systems what have we learned $$
2018 Haites_Experience with Carbon Taxes and GHG Emissions Trading Systems
2018 Jansson_Environment consumption taxes on animal food products to mitigate GHG emissions
2018 McFarland_Overview of the EMF 32 study on US carbon tax scenarios
2018 McKibbin_The role of border carbon adjustments in a US carbon tax
2018 Sands_US carbon tax scenarios and bioenergy
2018 Schultz_The Dividend Advantage
2018 Sheng_Re-analyzing the economic impact of a global bunker emissions charge $$
2018 The intergenerational incidence of green tax reform
2018 Timilsina_Carbon tax for achieving China's NDC: Simulation of some design features
2018 Wu_Game analysis between government and enterprises considering consumers low carbon awareness
2018 Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication_National Survey Results on the Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan October 2018
2018 Young_Carbon Tax Pricing Impact on Consumers
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