Headings - Topical Sources
S - Cost-Benefit Analysis
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
2015 Watkiss_The Costs and Benefits of Adaptation
2016 Dobes_Social Cost-Benefit Analysis in Australia and New Zealand
1999 Halsnaes_Economics of Greenhouse Gas Limitations
2004 Farrow_Using Risk Assessment Benefit Cost Analysis and Real Options to Implement a Precautionary Principle
2005 McInerey_Economically optimal risk reduction strategies
2007 Lovins_Economic Case for Climate Protection
2008 Ackerman_Critique of Cost Benefit Analysis and Alternative Approaches to Decision-Making $$
2014 Madrick_Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World
2008 ISET_From Risk to Resilience WP 9 Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Disaster Risk Reduction
2008 ISET_From Risk to Resilience WP1 - The Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology
2008 ISET_From Risk to Resilience WP5 - Uttar Pradesh Drought Cost-Benefit Analysis
2008 Livermore_The Cost-Benefit Compass Navigating the Perfect Storm of Economic Environmental and Energy Challenges
2018 Lomborg_Prioritizing Development A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the United Nations SDGs
2008 ISET_From Risk to Resilience WP4 - Evaluating Costs and Benefits of Flood Reduction
2008 ISET_From Risk to Resilience WP6 - Costs and Benefits of Flood Mitigation in the Lower Bagmati Basin
2009 Lohmann_Toward a different debate in environmental accounting: The cases of carbon and cost-benefit
2010 Hammitt_Benefit-Cost Analysis vs. the Precautionary Principle $$
2010 Masur Climate Regulation and the Limits of Cost Benefit Analysis
2010 Tol_The costs and benefits of EU climate policy for 2020
2011 Ehlen_A preliminary cost-benefit study of a Sandia wind farm
2011 Revesz_Retaking Rationality: How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and Our Health
2012 Hammitt_Positive vs Normative Justifications for Benefit Cost Analysis $$
2012 van Ierland_Cost benefit analysis for climate change adaptation
2013 Cropper_How Should Benefits and Costs be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context -- RFF Workshop
2013 Dudley_OMBs Reported Benefits of Regulation Skepticism
2013 Koomey_Moving beyond benefit-cost analysis of climate change
2014 Ackerman_Limitations of integrated assessment models of climate change $$
2014 Lempert_Embedding some benefit-cost concepts into decision support processes with deep uncertainty
2014 NW Power Planning Council_Issue Paper Methodology for Determining Quantifiable Environmental Costs and Benefits
2014 Sunstein_The Real World of Cost-Benefit Analysis Thirty Six Questions
2015 Chiabai_Using cost and benefits to assess adaptation options
2015 The Nairobi Work Programme_Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Adaptation Options
2016 Adler_Benefit Cost Analysis and Distributional Weights An Overview $$
2016 CHARIM_Chapter 6.3 Cost-benefit analysis for disaster reduction measures
2016 Darmstadter_Global Benefit Cost Analysis in US Climate Policy
2017 Adler_Priority for the worse-off and the social cost of carbon $$
2017 Roth_Evaluation Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Ecosystem Based Adaptation in Vietnam
2019 Conlon_Benefit cost analysis electric vehicle deployment New York State
2019 Gigli_Cost-benefit analysis of a circular economy project: a study on a recycling system for end-of-life tyres, Journal of Cleaner Production
2020 Livermore_Reviving Rationality: Saving Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Sake of the Environment and Our Health
2020 Glanemann_Paris Climate Agreement passes the cost-benefit test
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