Topical Questions
Why AREN'T we responding in a risk averse manner?
Questions for Topical Analysis
Under-Estimating Climate Risk
"Our risk brains are still searching for lions in the Serengeti!"
Climate change is the ultimate "wicked problem;" and we can't get our heads around wicked problems
Economic self-interest has generated substantial opposition to the transformation required to successfully tackle climate change
Individuals face huge cognitive dissonance regarding a low carbon transition given the obvious benefits of 100 years of fossil fuel reliance
Our 2- and 4-year term system of representative government is unsuited to solving long-term wicked problems
Our brains encounter dozens of cognitive biases in trying to grasp and respond to climate change, including the very basic "optimism bias"
Our legal system is largely unsuited to responding to a problem with the characteristics of climate change
We are wedded to an economic paradigm that discounts climate risk and effectively undercuts a risk response
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