Headings - Topical Sources
S - Storytelling
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
2002 Sawyer_Calculating God
2010 Macy_Pass it On: Five Stories That Can Change the World
S - Business Story Telling
S - Environmental and Climate Storytelling
2015 Gallopin_Global Scenarios Explorations in the Scientific Imagination
200X New Organizing Inst_Story of Self Trainers Notes - Intro to Public Narrative
2007 Keen_Empathy and the Novel
2000 Haven_Super Simple Storytelling
2010 Cobb_Prelude A novel about secrets, treachery and the arrival of peak oil
2011 Liu_The Gardens of Democracy A New American Story of Citizenship the Economy and the Role of Government
2013 Olson_Connection: Hollywood Storytelling Meets Critical Thinking
2015 Olson_Houston We Have a Narrative - Why Science Needs Story
S - Positive Stories
2016 Howell_Own Your Story - Your DIY Guide
200X Kapoor_Crafting Visual Stories With Data PPT
1999 Ritual Abuse, Hot Air, and Missed Opportunities
2017 Haskell_The Songs of Trees
2018 Beckert_Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy
2018 Olson_Don't Be Such a Scientist (2nd Edition)
2019 Dry_The Story of the Scientists Who Unraveled the Mysteries of Our Oceans, Atmosphere, and Ice Sheets and Made the Planet Whole
2016 Callahan_Putting Stories to Work
2012 Smith_Lead With a Story
2014 Karia_TED Talks Storytelling
2018 Evans_The Myth Gap What Happens When Evidence and Arguments Aren't Enough?
2023 Vaillant_A True Story from a Hotter World
2009 Futerra_Sell the Sizzle
2009 Tonn_A singular chain of events $$
2012 Kemp-Benedict_Telling better stories - strengthening the story in story and simulation
2021 Lockwood_1001 Voices on Climate Change Everyday Stories of Flood, Fire, Drought, and Displacement from Around the World
2012 Sachs_Winning the Story Wars GA
2012 Sachs_Winning the Story Wars
2019 Olson_Narrative is Everything A New Approach to Communication
2011 Goodman_Storytelling Best Practices: Websites
2012 Park_Learning Gardens Storytelling Opportunities PPT
2012 Zunshine_Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (Theory and Interpretation of Narrative)
2024 Vigliotti_Stories from the Front Lines of Climate Change in Small-Town America
2013 Bowman_Storytelling and the scenario process: Understanding success and failure
2011 Wilson_Redirect: Changing the Stories We Live By
2013 Dirksen_Narrative Techniques for Learning
2013 Epler_How to Change the World with Strategic Storytelling
2013 Kerns_Storytelling and power of making headlines
2013 Resource Media_Seeing is Believing
2013 Sachs_Storywars PPT
2013 Schneider-Mayerson_What Almost Was The Politics of the Contemporary Alternative History Novel
2014 Hoffmann_The Tensions of Scientific Storytelling
2015 Burnam-Fink_Creating narrative scenarios: Science fiction prototyping at Emerge $$
2015 Fortes_Long-term energy scenarios: Bridging the gap between socio-economic storylines and energy modeling
2015 Guston_The Rightful Place of Science: Creative Nonfiction
2015 Judge_Vegetarian Utopias: Visions of dietary patterns in future societies and support for social change $$
2015 Miller_Narrative futures and the governance of energy transitions $$
2015 Olson_Houston we have a narrative
2015 Raven_The New Narrative: Applying narratology to the shaping of futures outputs $$
2016 Bushnell_Where is it all going
2016 Lovins_Needed: A Better Story, Humanistic Management Journal
2016 Oppermann_Telling stories of failure narrative constructions of foreign policy fiascos $$
2017 Canning_Trump vs Truth the Battle of the Story
2018 Arnold, Annika_Climate Change and Storytelling - Narratives and Cultural Meaning in Environmental Communication
2018 Sze_Stories from the field - public engagement through environmental humanities
2019 Faure_Four low-carbon futures for a Swedish society beyond GDP growth, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 Holgate_Climate and Crises: Magical Realism as Environmental Discourse
2019 Mecklin_Why we must describe doomsday to keep it from happening
2019 Olson_Narrative is Everything
2020 Gustafson_Personal Stories Can Shift Climate Change Beliefs and Risk Perceptions
2004 Shearer_Applying Burke’s Dramatic Pentad to Scenarios
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