Headings - Topical Sources
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Carbon Pricing 101
S - Carbon Pricing in the Electricity Sector
S - National and Global Carbon Pricing
S - State and Local Carbon Pricing
1991 DRI McGraw Hill_Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Federal Energy Policy, Imperial Oil
2008 Grubb_Carbon prices in Phase III of the EU ETS
2009 Snoddon_Carbon Pricing in Canada Options and Specifics
2010 World Bank Carbon Finance_State and Trends of the Carbon Market_low_res
2011 Caripis_Australia's carbon pricing mechanism $$
2012 Grubb_Carbon pricing after Copenhagen An updated assessment
2012 World Bank_State and Trends of the Carbon Market
2013 Chattopadhyay_Carbon pricing in Australia - an expensive way to reduce carbon from the electricity sector
2013 Climate Group_Carbon-Pricing Insight Briefing
2013 Ecofys_Mapping Carbon Pricing Initiatives
2013 OECD_Effective Carbon Prices
2013 Point Carbon_Q4 2013 REDD Price Report
2014 Chamberlin_Reconciling scientific reality with realpolitik: moving beyond carbon pricing to TEQs
2014 Ecofys_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2014
2015 Ecofys_Carbon Pricing Watch 2015
2015 Ecofys_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
2015 Knight_Keeping it cool Moving towards global carbon pricing
2016 Ecofys_Carbon Pricing Watch 2016
2016 Ecofys_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
2016 Kaufman_Contribution to the High Level Commission
2016 PMR Technical Workshop 17 Carbon Pricing
2017 Boussemart_Worldwide carbon shadow prices during 1990-2011 $$
2017 CPLC_2016-2017 Carbon Pricing Leadership Report
2017 Ecofys_Carbon Pricing Watch 2017
2017 Ecofys_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
2017 Metivier_Global panorama of carbon prices in 2017 PPT
2017 Shukla_Revising the carbon pricing challenge after COP21 and COP22
2017 Wood Mackenzie_Carbon pricing -- gaining steam
2018 Narassimhan_Carbon pricing in practice A review of existing emissions trading systems
2018 OECD Effective Carbon Rates
2018 World Bank_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
2019 World Bank_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
2020 World Bank_State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2020
2021 Prosper_Carbon Trade: The Dawn of a New Age of Investing: An Introduction to Investing in a Sustainable World
2021 World Bank_Carbon Pricing for Climate Action
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