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Finance Sector
I - AdaptationFinance
I - AGF HighLevelAdvisoryGrouponClimateFinance
I - BankingRisk
I - Blockchain
I - CleanTechFinancing
I - ClimateFinance
I - ConservationFinance
I - CryptoCurrencies
I - EquatorPrinciples
I - EvaluatingClimateFinance
I - EvaluatingtheGreenEconomy
I - FiduciaryResponsibilityBusinessCase
I - FinanceSectorAdaptation
I - FinanceSectorResponses
I - FinanceSectorRisk
I - FinancialSystemShocks
I - FinancingAdaptation
I - FinancingREDDandREDD+
I - GreenBanks
I - GreenClimateFund
I - GreenFunds
I - GreenGrowth
I - GreenJobs
I - PensionFunds
I - SolutionasClimateFinance
I - SRISociallyResponsibleInvestment
S - Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Finance
S - Conservation Finance
S - ESG Impact Investing
S - Finance Sector
S - Finance Sector Adaptation to Climate Change and Risk
S - Finance Sector and a Low Carbon Transition
S - Finance Sector Climate Risk
S - Financing Adaptation
S - Financing Green Growth
S - Financing Innovation
S - Fossil Fuels and Fossil Free Investing
S - Green Bonds
S - Green Growth
S - Green Growth Investment Barriers
S - Investing for Climate Change Impact
S - Investing for Green Growth
S - Investing in Adaptation
S - Investing Opportunities in Climate Solutions
S - Investor Decision-Making in Response to Climate Change
S - Stranded Assets
S - Systemic Risk
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Climate Finance
N - Credit Rating Impacts
N - Finance Sector
N - Finance Sector Risk
N - Funding Adaptation
N - Green Bonds
N - Green Growth Climate Finance
N - Investor Climate Response
N - Systemic Climate Risk
T - Adapt Funding
T - Climate Finance
T - Cryptocurrencies Blockchain
T - Finance Sector
E - Banking Sector
E - Climate as Investment Risk
E - Climate Finance
E - ESG Critiques
E - ESG Investing
E - Finance Sector Responses
E - Finance Sector Risk
E - Financial Sector
E - Green Growth
E - Greening the Financial System
E - Pension Fund Risk and Risk Management
N - Cryptocurrencies Blockchain
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Offset Tokenization
2015/5 Why Bitcoin Could Be Much More Than a Currency
2015/10 Certificates, Reputation, and the Blockchain – MIT MEDIA LAB – Medium
2016/6 All you need to know about blockchain, explained simply
2016/6 How blockchain technology can prevent the next financial crisis, disrupt Uber, and give us control of our data — Quartz
2017/4 Can this startup use blockchain to brew up more sustainable coffee?
2017/8 Cryptocurrency—A New Tool to Help Combat Wildlife Trafficking
2017/9 Artists are mining cryptocurrency with wind to fund climate science — Quartz
2017/9 Digital Currencies Won't Kill the Dollar
2017/9 What the Hell Is an Initial Coin Offering?
2017/10 An Explanation of Initial Coin Offerings
2017/10 Bitcoin Mining 'Wastes Vast Amounts of Energy, Harms E...
2017/10 Can Bitcoin Replace the Dollar?
2017/11 Blockchains Use Massive Amounts of EnergyâBut Thereâs a Plan to Fix That
2017/11 Initial Coin Offerings Horrify a Former S.E.C. Regulator
2017/11 Why Cryptocurrencies Could Push The Dollar From World Reserve Currency Status
2017/12 2018: The Year Central Banks Begin Buying Cryptocurrency
2017/12 BitCO2in: is there a way to make cryptocurrencies climate-neutral?
2017/12 Bitcoin could cost us our clean-energy future
2017/12 Can renewable power offset bitcoin's massive energy demands?
2017/12 Coinbase is going to add altcoins, which experts say will make life easier for Aussie investors
2017/12 Here’s the one currency worse for the environment than bitcoin
2017/12 Indiegogo Goes Where Few Companies Dare: Into Initial Coin Offerings
2017/12 The Environmental Case Against Bitcoin
2017/12 The Great Bitcoin Scam
2018/1 In the World of Cryptocurrencies, Somethings Gotta Give in 2018
2018/1 SEC, CFTC warn of risk of virtual currencies and initial coin offerings
2018/1 Startups Are Raising Billions Using Initial Coin Offerings
2018/1 Ten 2018 predictions from the co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute — Quartz
2018/1 Why Bitcoin's Value Could Eventually Approach Zero
2018/2The Crypto Market Is Down Over 50% from 2018 Highs
2018/2 Central banks will hold bitcoin and ether in 2018
2018/2 Visualizing Why Banks Hate Cryptocurrencies
2018/3 Be thankful for bitcoin even if you think its a scam
2018/5 Can blockchain unblock climate finance?2018/5
2018/7 Blockchain and the Environment: Killer or KIller App?
2018/8 Move over, Bitcoin bros: A green cryptocurrency is here
2018/10 Bitcoin can push global warming above 2 C in a couple decades
2019/6 The Commons Engine's Cohort Strategy for Regenerative Agriculture
2020/2 How to save the planet and make climate change “just go away” using blockchain and cryptocurrency
2021/3 Five Things Brands Need To Know About NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
2021/3 NFTs, explained: what they are, and why they’re suddenly worth millions
2021/3 Selling Social Media Posts for $1.5 Million? Blockchain-Certified Tweet Sales Spark NFT Controversy
2021/3 What's An NFT? And Why Are People Paying Millions To Buy Them?
2021/4 Experts debate Bitcoin climate footprint in latest Cointelegraph Crypto Duel
2021/4 Overcoming the dual crises of climate change and greenwashing with DigitalMRV
2021/5 Bitcoin Devours More Electricity Than Many Countries
2021/5 Imogen Heap captures 20 tonnes of CO2 with debut NFT drop
2021/5 NFTb Partners With Nori to Enable Artists to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Their NFTs
2021/6 DeFi Is Helping to Fuel the Crypto Market Boom—and Its Recent Volatility
2021/6 Introducing Gemini Green Offsetting Bitcoin Carbon Emissions
2021/6 Why Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Now And What They Could Mean For Climate Change? (2/2)
2021/8 How Yomna and the Environmental Credit Scoring System (ECSS) can help us solve climate change
2021/10 AIR and Energy Web Help U.S. Policymakers and Regulators Connect the Dots on Crypto and Climate
2021/10 Could a 'carbon coin' solve the climate crisis?
2021/12 Could the Blockchain help save the Amazon? (commentary)
N - Mitigation Top Level
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
N - Academia and Mitigation
N - Activism
N - Agricultural Mitigation
N - Arts and Humanities
N - Behavior Change
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Carbon Footprinting
N - Cities and Climate
N - Climate Backlash
N - Diet and Climate
N - Electric Sector Responses
N - Forestry Mitigation
N - Gaming and Climate Communication
N - Land Use Change
N - Market Mechanisms
N - Mitigation Economics
N - Mitigation Evaluation
N - Mitigation Initiatives
N - Mitigation Progress
N - Net Zero Emissions
N - Nuclear Energy
N - Philanthropy
N - Politics and Policy
N - Proposed Silver Bullets
N - Social Movements
N - Social Sciences
N - Solutions Technologies and Strategies
N - Technology Innovation
200X/XX How to Stop Two Thirds of the Earth From Turning Into a Desert
2001 Individual Responsibility: A Spiritual Perspective
2008/2 $1 Trillion U.S. Carbon Market By 2020
2009/6 2,000 Watt Society
2009/7 Why Does David Suzuki Hate Trees?
2009/10 Buying Music Online Can Cut Carbon by 80%, Study Says
2009/11 Surface area required to continuously offset the CO2 emissions of the world
2009/12 Marshall_Why We Find It So Hard to Act Against Climate Change
2010/? ACTION ALERT! Is Greenpeace International set to become GE – Greenpeace Electric?
2010/1 EYES WIDE SHUT | TckTckTck exposé
2010/1 Is There Such a Thing as Safe Sex when Sleeping With the Enemy?
2010/4 Mainstream Green Groups Cave In on Climate
2010/4 U.S. Military Battles Massive Carbon Footprint
2011/1 Climate News Snooze?
2011/1 Global miners adopt ‘wait-and-see’ approach to climate actions
2011/1 Risk management in the era of unpredictability
2011/1 What If Everything You Knew About Projected Global Warming Was Wrong?
2011/2 Feed-in tariff review accused of demolishing investor confidence
2011/3 'Chain gang' of UK NGO's chips away at fossil fuel investments
2011/3 Climate change 'number one issue'
2011/3 Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California
2011/3 Senate OKs bill to close coal plant
2011/3 The push to expand West Coast ports for coal exports is counterproductive
2011/4 Surface area required to equal energy of Marcellus shale gas
2011/7 Advanced CO2 Capture Project Abandoned Due to "Uncertain" U.S. Climate Policy
2011/7 Carbon chaos in Canberra
2011/8 From the Ground Up
2011/9 Surface area required to replace mountain top removal
2012/2 ‘Green’ disclosures bump up stock prices
2012/4 Study of 600 US corporations shows disappointing progress on sustainability
2012/5 Trees Absorb Less Carbon in Warming World Than Experts Have Assumed
2012/6 Cities Lead Effort to Curb Climate Change as Nations Lag
2012/6 Climate change activists scale gates of Buckingham Palace and chain themselves to railings
2012/6 Coal-Plant Plunge Threatens Billions in Pollution Spend
2012/6 Governments potentially liable if infrastructure not climate resilient after Louisiana court decision
2012/6 More challenges to renewable energy standards
2012/6 Quakes 'undermine carbon storage strategy'
2012/6 UK govt. having a hard time getting homes insulated
2012/7 Biofuels by the Numbers
2012/7 North Carolina lawmakers reject sea level rise predictions
2012/7 Plan to get bureaucrats savvy to climate change risks easy to ignore
2012/7 Ski resorts around the U.S. tap renewable energy sources to combat climate change
2012/7 The big money behind the assault against sea level rise science in North Carolina
2012/8 Black Hills Energy pulling plug on solar program in southern Colorado
2012/8 Carbon Tax Would Have Many Benefits
2012/8 City of Davis, military join to lobby for solar
2012/8 City workers to share green vehicles
2012/9 The Social Cost of Carbon: How to Do the Math?
2012/9 Why it's okay to mix up climate mitigation, adaptation
2012/11 Climate management will be the key to massively improving renewable energy performance and the eradication of poverty
2012/11 Entering the Murky Solutions Space
2012/11 Green nudge: The classic social comparison experiment by Opower
2012/11 Why Businesses Must Focus on Climate Change Mitigation AND Adaptation
2012/12 AGU scientist asks, ‘Is earth f**ked?’ Surprising answer: Resistance is NOT futile!
2013/2 Haven’t heard of the Citizens Climate Lobby? Join the Club! – The Climatographers
2013/6 Advanced Biofuels Help Military Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil
2013/6 Pandora’s Myths vs. the Facts
2013/7 Adaptation Or Mitigation? Lessons From Abolition In The Battle Over Climate Policy – ThinkProgress
2013/7 Bank of America Tower and the LEED Ratings Racket:
2013/7 Market for coal to fall off, making new export facilities questionable
2013/7 New Study: Coastal Nature Reduces U.S. Risk from Storms
2013/7 Pandora's Terrifying Promise: Can Nuclear Power Save the Planet?
2013/8 Forests: A Rising Global Climate Superpower?
2013/8 How solar and EVs will kill the fossil fuel dinosaurs - Energy Post
2013/8 Japan Boosts Carbon Credits Investment in Emerging Markets
2013/8 LEED Lies: Bank Of America's "Green" Skyscraper Is Actually An Energy Guzzler7
2013/9 Alaska, Spirit soar in airline fuel-efficiency techniques
2013/9 Disney to up the ante on carbon offsets
2013/9 Green Bonds and Climate Change Solutions
2013/9 Naomi Green groups may be more damaging than climate change deniers
2013/9 NY Times Says Earth Has Unlimited Carrying Capacity,
2013/9 Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Counting Carbon
2013/9 With rooftop solar on rise, U.S. utilities strike back
2013/10 Despite Climate Concern, Global Study Finds Fewer Carbon Capture Projects
2013/10 Don't Let Conservation Finance Go The Way Of Obamacare And Climate Science
2013/10 ICAO Assembly climate change outcome hailed by industry but seen as a missed opportunity by environmental NGOs
2013/10 ICAO States reach agreement on roadmap towards a global MBM but Europe suffers defeat over EU ETS on GreenAir Online
2013/10 Limiting Population Growth Is Not the Answer to Global Warming
2013/10 Study Shows That Human Beings Are Too Selfish to Fix Climate Change
2013/10 Will Solar Save the Planet?
2013/11 Billions of Dollars of New Potential Financing with Solar Securitization
2013/11 How We Revised Our Interactive Look at Global Footprints – The Great Energy Challenge Blog
2013/11 International Coal Summit Putting Faith in the Carbon Capture Techno-Dream
2013/12 'Every little helps' is a dangerous mantra for climate change
2013/12 Big Oil, Major Firms Plan for Carbon Price ·
2013/12 Can we save the planet, keep the lights on, and avoid freezing to death?
2013/12 Rethinking How to Split the Costs of Carbon
2014/1 Climate change madness: The fate of the planet now depends on Kickstarter
2014/1 Reasons for Optimism on Climate Action
2014/1 Street artists trace against time — and sea-level rise
2014/1 U.N. warns us to eat less meat and lay off biofuels, or we’re in for it
2014/1 Why Does New York Hate the Sharing Economy?
2014/2 Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg appointed UN cities and climate chief
2014/2 How Retiring members of Congress Can Help Fight climate change.
2014/2 Nuclear power project financing option sticks ratepayers
2014/3 Deal of the century: buy out the US coal industry for $50bn
2014/3 Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas Is A Dreadful Idea For The Climate
2014/4 Corn biofuels worse than gasoline on global warming in short term – study
2014/4 Washington governor wants state off coal-based electricity
2014/5 A Site That Tracks Your Carbon Footprint And Rewards You For Beating Your Neighbors | Co.Exist | ideas
2014/5 Asia must show the way on climate change — Jose Ramos Horta
2014/5 Climate change is divisive. Climate solutions are not.
2014/5 Climate Change: City Targets Zero Emissions: City aims for carbon neutrality by 2050
2014/5 Climate Scientist Fears His "Wedges" Made It Too Easy
2014/5 Does the marathon hasten climate change?
2014/5 Participation is democratising; it's now time to democratise climate solutions
2014/5 What if everyone in the world became a vegetarian
2014/6 Brazil Has Done More To Stop Climate Change Than Any Other Country, Study Finds
2014/6 Climate mitidaption: Marriage of convenience
2014/6 Energy Department Bombshell: LNG Has No Climate Benefit For Decades, IF EVER*
2014/6 Go Easy on the Climate Fatalists. They're Having a Hard Time
2014/6 Hybrid cars losing market share
2014/6 Hydrogen-fueled cars face uncertain market in California
2014/6 Monitor: Pumping heat
2014/6 Ohio Becomes The First State To Freeze Its Renewable Energy Standard
2014/7 Giving Up Meat Could Halve The Carbon Footprint Of Your Diet | Co.Exist | ideas
2014/7 Renewables Projected To Add Triple The Capacity Of New Fossil Fuel Plants By 2030
2014/7 Ten Ideas For How We Can Save the Planet
2014/8 Eat more meat and save the world: the latest implausible farming miracle
2014/8 Emerging solar plants scorch birds in mid-air
2014/8 Tiny critters could be a powerful tool against climate change
2014/8 Why George Monbiot is wrong: grazing livestock can save the world
2014/9 25 year experiment shows ants can break down minerals, sequester CO2
2014/9 Cutting Carbon City By City Could Have A Huge Impact On Climate Change
2014/9 MIT's new cement recipe could cut carbon emissions by more than half
2014/9 Only $1 Trillion: Annual Investment Goal Puts Climate Solutions Within Reach
2014/9 What can small cities do to fight climate change?
2014/9 What is the Potential of Distributed Generation?
2014/9 Wind Energy Management and Transportation Linkage
2014/10 Post-Panamax Bulk Carrier Rides Air Bubble Blanket to Reduce Emissions
2014/10 Reducing Carbon Emissions in Washington State
2014/10 Renewables And Efficiency Made Up 70 Percent Of The Drop In U.S. Emissions Since 2007
2014/11 What it Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change
2014/12 Cities on a Path to a 100% Renewable Future
2014/12 INTERVIEW-Green Climate Fund to back energy "paradigm shift"
2014/12 Pope to push for action on climate change
2014/12 What’s a University to do about Climate Change? |
2014/12 Why climate change is forcing some environmentalists to back nuclear power
2015/1 Four-fifths of global coal reserves 'must stay in ground' to tackle climate change
2015/1 Home of the ‘Indy 500′ Also a Home of Energy Innovations
2015/1 It's Not Too Late To Stop Climate Change, And It'll Be Super-Cheap
2015/1 Limiting Tar Sands, Coal, Arctic Oil Is Key to 2°C Goal
2015/1 More People and Workers…but Reduced Carbon Emissions
2015/1 Pendleton, Oregon, Blazing New Paths on Energy Use
2015/1 The Millennials Own the Fight Against Climate Change | Grayson Sussman-Squires
2015/1 Virginia Beach Public Schools Taking Lead on Energy
2015/2 Bill Gates Is Still Wrong On Climate Change, It Will Undo His Foundation's Work
2015/2 Could these big data projects fix climate change?
2015/2 FutureGen Dead Again: Obama Pulls Plug On ‘NeverGen’ Clean Coal Project
2015/2 Microsoft launches Tech Talent for Good as employees raise record-breaking $117 million
2015/2 Pro Sports & The Environment: A Winning Combination
2015/2 Religious Leaders Confronting Climate Change
2015/2 Wetlands, swamps 'hold great potential' to store carbon, fight climate change
2015/2 World’s first climate-positive data center being built in Sweden
2015/3 Employing shame for environmental change
2015/3 For Bioenergy Mandates and Subsidies Trump even Carbon Tax
2015/3 Jeremy Leggett: world can win the ‘carbon war’
2015/3 Lord Stern: development and climate finance should not be separated
2015/3 When is a shipping container not a shipping container? When it's a farm
2015/4 Can Climate Scientists Make A Difference by Not Flying?
2015/4 No, Flying Is Not Greener Than Driving
2015/4 Pope Francis forces the issue on climate change
2015/4 Swinging Between Optimism and Pessimism on Climate Change
2015/4 The race is on: Vancouver commits to 100% renewable energy
2015/4 Urban Sprawl, Cars Hamper Cities’ Best Efforts on CO2
2015/5 As carbon emissions climb, so too has the Earth's capacity to remove CO2 from the atmosphere
2015/5 Do Audi’s Claims About Competitive Carbon-Neutral Diesel Stack Up to Reality?
2015/5 Hawaii Sets Goal of 100% Renewables by 2045
2015/5 The 100-RE Club
2015/6 Art making climate connections
2015/6 China Can Stop Catastrophic Climate Change. But Will It?
2015/7 A fleet of ‘robocabs’ could dramatically slash vehicle emissions, study suggests
2015/7 Avoiding a Climate Inferno
2015/7 Beijing Is Finally Getting Serious About Climate Change
2015/7 How techies can volunteer their skills to help nonprofits
2015/7 How we can curb climate change by turning waste into gourmet mushrooms — TED Fellows — Medium
2015/7 The Gaping Hole in Earth System Modelling
2015/8 Carbon credits undercut climate change actions
2015/8 Here's a Look at the 12 Data Science for Social Good Projects
2015/8 Regeneration Global Transformation in Catastrophic Times
2015/8 Small steps on a planetary concern
2015/9 Big green projects to help the climate
2015/9 China’s Climate Policies: How Have They Performed, and Where Do They Need to Go?
2015/9 Climate change: Why beef is the new SUV (Opinion)
2015/9 The Future of Foundations Impact at Scale?
2015/9 The Next XPrize Will Award $20 Million For New Uses Of Carbon Dioxide | Co.Exist | ideas
2015/10 $20 Million Prize Aims To Get Contestants To Turn Carbon Pollution To Something Useful
2015/10 Climate-Concerned Billionaires Should Buy Coal
2015/10 Fresh Hope for Combating Climate Change
2015/10 Green fuel Podcast
2015/10 MIT announces five-year plan for action on climate change
2015/10 Pulp Fiction The European Accounting Error That's Warming the Planet
2015/10 The Promise of Sustainable Biochar
2015/11 Business could deliver two-thirds of emissions cuts needed for 2C
2015/11 Immediate Push on Climate-Smart Development Can Keep More than 100 Million People Out of Poverty
2015/12 2 Degrees, $100 Billion: The World Climate Agreement, By The Numbers
2015/12 Biomass, Biofuel, Biopower, and Bioenergy: Sound So Cool But Wreck the Climate and Rip Us Off
2015/12 Climate Change Gets Fashionable: The Fashion Industry Embraces The President’s Climate Change Initiative
2015/12 Discussing the 'success' of limiting aviation emissions is just hot air
2015/12 Four Questions About Corporate Emissions, Answered through New Interactive Tool
2015/12 From the Archives, 2005: How Much Warming Is Too Much?
2015/12 How 'third way' technologies can help turn tide on climate
2015/12 Our obsession with comfort is the carbon conundrum everyone ignores
2015/12 Paris climate deal: reaction from the experts
2015/12 The real enemy to progress on climate change is public indifference
2015/12 Why we need a 'space race' approach to saving the planet
2016/1 Eat Well and Don't Wreck the Planet - Choose Organic
2016/1 Fatal Flaws In EPA’s Latest Voluntary Methane Program Highlight Need For Concrete Rules « Breaking Energy
2016/1 Hydro dam boom threatens a third of the world's freshwater fish
2016/1 Soil Carbon Sequestration and Biochar Technologies
2016/1 The Eat Local myth: Seattle study sheds light on urban agriculture’s true capacity
2016/2 Has Masdar turned into a ghost town?
2016/2 Radical carbon dioxide removal projects could be a risky business
2016/2 Ten Things More Important than the Clean Power Plan in Limiting Carbon Emissions in the U.S.
2016/2 The solution to climate change that has nothing to do with cars or coal
2016/2 The Transition movement, climate change, commons and REDD
2016/3 Can Sports Environmentalists Aid in the Fight Against Climate Change?
2016/3 Why Fixing Climate Change Is Women’s Work
2016/4 How Can We Reduce Concrete's Hefty Carbon Footprint?
2016/4 Reducing Food Waste Could Curb Climate Change
2016/4 What’s a Carbon Farmer? How California Ranchers Use Dirt to Tackle Climate Change
2016/4 What’s deadly dull and can save the world? (Hint
2016/5 Almost Everything You Know About Climate Change Solutions Is Outdated, Part 1
2016/5 Are Universities Actively Thwarting Efforts to Combat Climate Change?
2016/6 All you need to know about blockchain, explained simply
2016/6 How blockchain technology can prevent the next financial crisis, disrupt Uber, and give us control of our data — Quartz
2016/6 Make building standards top priority for tackling climate change, says IEA chief
2016/7 A Hydropower Opportunity for Climate Goals
2016/7 Green Bonds a Low Carbon Economy Driver After COP2
2016/7 Negative Emissions Key to Meeting 2°C Threshold
2016/9 Hundreds of new dams could mean trouble for our climate
2016/9 Our Use of Eco-Labels Is Set to Soar – For Products, Brands ... and People?
2016/10 Prince Charles to launch global push to protect soil health worldwide
2016/11 Excess carbon emissions are a failure of design
2016/11 Finding Hope After the Death of Sustainability
2016/11 How Obama's climate change legacy is weakened by US investment in dirty fuel
2016/11 New greenhouse technology can grow food and generate electricity — Quartz
2016/11 Stop buying organic food if you really want to save the planet
2016/11 UN Report 1.5 Degree Limit to Improve Growth
2016/12 The case for putting people before nature Part 3
2017/1 The Life-Changing Magic of Decluttering in a Post-Apocalyptic World
2017/1 Why cheap energy is the biggest threat to climate action
2017/3 Could a Moore's Law for carbon emissions halt climate change?
2017/3 How we can turn railroads into a climate solution
2017/3 Plants could be supercharged to absorb more carbon dioxide
2017/4 'Drawdown' and global warming's hopeful new math
2017/4 Empowerment of women worldwide key to achieving competing goals of food sufficiency and biodiversity protection
2017/4 My vertical underwater farming can restore the seas
2017/4 Next 10 years critical for achieving climate change goals
2017/4 Whales Keep Carbon out of the Atmosphere
2017/5 Global greening may be a double-edged sword
2017/5 Planting trees cannot replace cutting carbon dioxide emissions, study shows
2017/6 Embracing the Impossible - Taking Back our Climate
2017/6 Webb_New Report Urges the Australian Government to Adopt an Emissions Reduction Policy
2017/8 Case studies from nine countries show climate change mitigation co-benefits
2017/8 It’s time to start talking about “negative” carbon dioxide emissions
2017/8 Why clean innovation makes business sense
2017/8 Why Empowering Women Is the Best Way to Solve Climate Change
2017/10 It’s Time to Invest in Negative Carbon
2018/1 The Only Force That Can Beat Climate Change Is the U.S. Army
2018/2 Vast bioenergy plantations could stave off climate change—and radically reshape the planet
2018/2 Working and Natural Lands, From Sources to Sinks Blog Post #6
2018/5 Could resurrecting mammoths help stop Arctic emissions?
2018/6 Alien Anthropocene: How Would Other Worlds Battle Climate Change?
2018/7 Milestones In The Fight Against Climate Change
2018/8 Here’s How to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions Without Taxing Them
2018/9 Kelp and carbon sequestration: exporting terrestrial GHG accounting to the deep sea
2018/10 The world isn't even getting the easy fixes to combat climate change done
2018/12 From ‘The Necessary is Impossible’ to ‘The Impossible is Necessary’
2018/12 How bamboo can help combat climate change
2019/2 How to Cut U.S. Emissions Faster? Do What These Countries Are Doing.
2019/3 Climate change – what can WE do about it?
2019/3 How to Rebuild Global Carbon Sinks
2019/4 A natural solution to the climate disaster
2019/4 Adaptation is the poor cousin of climate change policy
2019/4 Can game theory help solve the problem of climate change?
2019/4 Climate change is a terrifying. Here's how to change course and build a green economy
2019/4 There’s an opportunity for a big step forward on climate
2019/6 Conservation Finance Takes Off as the Netherlands Issues One of the Largest Green Bonds Ever
2019/6 The new plan to remove a trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere: Bury it
2019/8 Seaweed sinks deep taking carbon with it
2019/10 Climate change: Big lifestyle changes are the only answer
2019/11 Cement's CO2 Emissions Are Solved Technically, But Not Economically
2020/5 Kelp is coming: How seaweed could prevent catastrophic climate change
2021/2 Maine startup aims to pull carbon out of the atmosphere by growing and -- then sinking -- kelp farms
2021/4 Now Is Our Last Best Chance to Confront the Climate Crisis
I - SolutionasBlockchain(andDigitalCurrencies)
Headings - News and Opinion
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
News Stories | Blogs
Climate Change, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Course Links - Blockchain
2014/11 World's First 'Carbon Off-Set' Blockchain Asset Launches » Brave New Coin
2015/3 All aboard the blockchain express
2015/12 How Blockchain Can Help Combat Climate Change
2016/6 The blockchain climate fix
2016/11 Blockchain may fuel the energy industry
2017/1 What can blockchain do for the environment?
2017/2 AiraLab and Microsoft Russia to start blockchain platform for carbon credit trading
2017/3 Carbon Credit Management on the Fabric Blockchain
2017/5 Bitcoin-Inspired Computer Algorithms Could Help Save the Planet
2017/5 Can bitcoin’s cryptographic technology help save the environment?
2017/5 Eco Coin - A sustainable currency for planet Earth
2017/6 Blockchain and Renewable Energy Are Utterly Disrupting Society as We Know It
2017/6 How Blockchain Technology Could Boost Climate Action
2017/6 WTF is The Blockchain? – Hacker Noon
2017/8 The Carboncoin Story
2017/9 7 Ways Blockchain Can Save The Environment and Stop Climate Change
2017/9 CarbonX and ConsenSys Put P2P Carbon Credit Trading on the Blockchain
2017/9 How blockchain will help save the environment
2017/9 New ‘Carbon Currency’ Harnesses Blockchain Tech to Measure Footprint of Financial Transactions
2017/9 New blockchain-based 'carbon currency' aims to make carbon pricing mainstream
2017/9 Tokens for Climate Change? How We Can Rise Above ICO Mania
2017/10 Can Personal Carbon Trading Take Off On The Blockchain?
2017/10 How Blockchain Could Give Us a Smarter Energy Grid
2017/10 Is blockchain the singularity point for the environment?
2017/11 Blockchain — the bane and blessing of energy consumption
2017/11 Blockchain in Energy Transition
2017/11 Can More Transparency, New Technology Save Small Island States?
2017/12 Blockchain Initiatives for Climate There is no plan B
2017/12 crypto currencies and carbon markets – Michele Stua – Medium
2017/12 Implementing the Paris Agreement with Blockchain Technology
2017/12 Kontrol Energy to create Blockchain technology solutions for Carbon offsets
2017/12 The Hard Math Behind Bitcoin's Global Warming Problem
2017/12 The missing link for renewable energy investment? Blockchain
2017/12 Why Climate Change will only be Solved with Blockchain
2018/1 Artificial intelligence and climate change will ruin us, but blockchain and women will save us — Quartz
2018/1 Blockchain for the grid Major blockchain technologies
2018/1 Cryptocurrency Mining is Destroying the Environment
2018/1 Cryptocurrency's Electrical Demand Will Drop Drastically
2018/1 UN Supports Blockchain Technology for Climate Action
2018/1 Why don't carbon markets work? Double counting.
2018/2 From bait to plate
2018/2 So You've Decided to Write a Blockchain Energy Whitepaper. Why Should We Believe You?
2018/2 Vitalik Buterin Donates $2.4 Million In Ether To Anti-...
2018/3 Blockchain probably isn’t the answer, but it prompts compelling questions
2018/3 Carbon wrangling is the only way forward to reverse climate change
2018/4 10 things the world can do to reverse climate change
2018/4 Airplanes emit carbon dioxide. Nori can help remove it
2018/4 How Smart Companies are Using Blockchain to Improve Resilience in Wake of Climate Change
2018/4 How to move money into where it is needed to restore the climate
2018/4 NORI Fighting global warming with blockchain
2018/5 Ben & Jerry’s scoops blockchain carbon trading pilot
2018/6 Blockchain for the energy sector – Energy Web Foundation advances
2018/7 Climatecoin is becoming a blockchain reference of the new carbon markets
2018/10 How Blockchain Can Make Carbon Markets More Accessible
2018/11 Leveraging blockchain technology to reduce carbon footprint
2018/11 Nori In Its Own Words: 6 Questions (Blockchain Report Excerpt)
2018/11 REDD Unchained_Blockchain and Climate Change Mitigation
2019/10 AI For Climate Action
2020/7 Carbon Credits Have a Double-Spend Problem. This Microsoft-Backed Project Is Trying to Fix It
2021/3 NFTs Are Hot. So Is Their Effect on the Earth’s Climate
2021/4 NFTs Are Shaking Up the Art World. They May Be Warming the Planet, Too.
2021/8 Carbon Markets & Retail Offset Pricing
2021/11 Cryptocurrency Klima stirs up the carbon credit market
2021/12 Could the Blockchain help save the Amazon?
Finance Sector
I - AdaptationFinance
I - AGF HighLevelAdvisoryGrouponClimateFinance
I - BankingRisk
I - Blockchain
I - CleanTechFinancing
I - ClimateFinance
I - ConservationFinance
I - CryptoCurrencies
I - EquatorPrinciples
I - EvaluatingClimateFinance
I - EvaluatingtheGreenEconomy
I - FiduciaryResponsibilityBusinessCase
I - FinanceSectorAdaptation
I - FinanceSectorResponses
I - FinanceSectorRisk
I - FinancialSystemShocks
I - FinancingAdaptation
I - FinancingREDDandREDD+
I - GreenBanks
I - GreenClimateFund
I - GreenFunds
I - GreenGrowth
I - GreenJobs
I - PensionFunds
I - SolutionasClimateFinance
I - SRISociallyResponsibleInvestment
S - Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Finance
S - Conservation Finance
S - ESG Impact Investing
S - Finance Sector
S - Finance Sector Adaptation to Climate Change and Risk
S - Finance Sector and a Low Carbon Transition
S - Finance Sector Climate Risk
S - Financing Adaptation
S - Financing Green Growth
S - Financing Innovation
S - Fossil Fuels and Fossil Free Investing
S - Green Bonds
S - Green Growth
S - Green Growth Investment Barriers
S - Investing for Climate Change Impact
S - Investing for Green Growth
S - Investing in Adaptation
S - Investing Opportunities in Climate Solutions
S - Investor Decision-Making in Response to Climate Change
S - Stranded Assets
S - Systemic Risk
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Climate Finance
N - Credit Rating Impacts
N - Finance Sector
N - Finance Sector Risk
N - Funding Adaptation
N - Green Bonds
N - Green Growth Climate Finance
N - Investor Climate Response
N - Systemic Climate Risk
T - Adapt Funding
T - Climate Finance
T - Cryptocurrencies Blockchain
T - Finance Sector
E - Banking Sector
E - Climate as Investment Risk
E - Climate Finance
E - ESG Critiques
E - ESG Investing
E - Finance Sector Responses
E - Finance Sector Risk
E - Financial Sector
E - Green Growth
E - Greening the Financial System
E - Pension Fund Risk and Risk Management
N - Cryptocurrencies Blockchain
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Offset Tokenization
2015/5 Why Bitcoin Could Be Much More Than a Currency
2015/10 Certificates, Reputation, and the Blockchain – MIT MEDIA LAB – Medium
2016/6 All you need to know about blockchain, explained simply
2016/6 How blockchain technology can prevent the next financial crisis, disrupt Uber, and give us control of our data — Quartz
2017/4 Can this startup use blockchain to brew up more sustainable coffee?
2017/8 Cryptocurrency—A New Tool to Help Combat Wildlife Trafficking
2017/9 Artists are mining cryptocurrency with wind to fund climate science — Quartz
2017/9 Digital Currencies Won't Kill the Dollar
2017/9 What the Hell Is an Initial Coin Offering?
2017/10 An Explanation of Initial Coin Offerings
2017/10 Bitcoin Mining 'Wastes Vast Amounts of Energy, Harms E...
2017/10 Can Bitcoin Replace the Dollar?
2017/11 Blockchains Use Massive Amounts of EnergyâBut Thereâs a Plan to Fix That
2017/11 Initial Coin Offerings Horrify a Former S.E.C. Regulator
2017/11 Why Cryptocurrencies Could Push The Dollar From World Reserve Currency Status
2017/12 2018: The Year Central Banks Begin Buying Cryptocurrency
2017/12 BitCO2in: is there a way to make cryptocurrencies climate-neutral?
2017/12 Bitcoin could cost us our clean-energy future
2017/12 Can renewable power offset bitcoin's massive energy demands?
2017/12 Coinbase is going to add altcoins, which experts say will make life easier for Aussie investors
2017/12 Here’s the one currency worse for the environment than bitcoin
2017/12 Indiegogo Goes Where Few Companies Dare: Into Initial Coin Offerings
2017/12 The Environmental Case Against Bitcoin
2017/12 The Great Bitcoin Scam
2018/1 In the World of Cryptocurrencies, Somethings Gotta Give in 2018
2018/1 SEC, CFTC warn of risk of virtual currencies and initial coin offerings
2018/1 Startups Are Raising Billions Using Initial Coin Offerings
2018/1 Ten 2018 predictions from the co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute — Quartz
2018/1 Why Bitcoin's Value Could Eventually Approach Zero
2018/2The Crypto Market Is Down Over 50% from 2018 Highs
2018/2 Central banks will hold bitcoin and ether in 2018
2018/2 Visualizing Why Banks Hate Cryptocurrencies
2018/3 Be thankful for bitcoin even if you think its a scam
2018/5 Can blockchain unblock climate finance?2018/5
2018/7 Blockchain and the Environment: Killer or KIller App?
2018/8 Move over, Bitcoin bros: A green cryptocurrency is here
2018/10 Bitcoin can push global warming above 2 C in a couple decades
2019/6 The Commons Engine's Cohort Strategy for Regenerative Agriculture
2020/2 How to save the planet and make climate change “just go away” using blockchain and cryptocurrency
2021/3 Five Things Brands Need To Know About NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
2021/3 NFTs, explained: what they are, and why they’re suddenly worth millions
2021/3 Selling Social Media Posts for $1.5 Million? Blockchain-Certified Tweet Sales Spark NFT Controversy
2021/3 What's An NFT? And Why Are People Paying Millions To Buy Them?
2021/4 Experts debate Bitcoin climate footprint in latest Cointelegraph Crypto Duel
2021/4 Overcoming the dual crises of climate change and greenwashing with DigitalMRV
2021/5 Bitcoin Devours More Electricity Than Many Countries
2021/5 Imogen Heap captures 20 tonnes of CO2 with debut NFT drop
2021/5 NFTb Partners With Nori to Enable Artists to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Their NFTs
2021/6 DeFi Is Helping to Fuel the Crypto Market Boom—and Its Recent Volatility
2021/6 Introducing Gemini Green Offsetting Bitcoin Carbon Emissions
2021/6 Why Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Now And What They Could Mean For Climate Change? (2/2)
2021/8 How Yomna and the Environmental Credit Scoring System (ECSS) can help us solve climate change
2021/10 AIR and Energy Web Help U.S. Policymakers and Regulators Connect the Dots on Crypto and Climate
2021/10 Could a 'carbon coin' solve the climate crisis?
2021/12 Could the Blockchain help save the Amazon? (commentary)
N - Mitigation Top Level
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
N - Academia and Mitigation
N - Activism
N - Agricultural Mitigation
N - Arts and Humanities
N - Behavior Change
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Carbon Footprinting
N - Cities and Climate
N - Climate Backlash
N - Diet and Climate
N - Electric Sector Responses
N - Forestry Mitigation
N - Gaming and Climate Communication
N - Land Use Change
N - Market Mechanisms
N - Mitigation Economics
N - Mitigation Evaluation
N - Mitigation Initiatives
N - Mitigation Progress
N - Net Zero Emissions
N - Nuclear Energy
N - Philanthropy
N - Politics and Policy
N - Proposed Silver Bullets
N - Social Movements
N - Social Sciences
N - Solutions Technologies and Strategies
N - Technology Innovation
200X/XX How to Stop Two Thirds of the Earth From Turning Into a Desert
2001 Individual Responsibility: A Spiritual Perspective
2008/2 $1 Trillion U.S. Carbon Market By 2020
2009/6 2,000 Watt Society
2009/7 Why Does David Suzuki Hate Trees?
2009/10 Buying Music Online Can Cut Carbon by 80%, Study Says
2009/11 Surface area required to continuously offset the CO2 emissions of the world
2009/12 Marshall_Why We Find It So Hard to Act Against Climate Change
2010/? ACTION ALERT! Is Greenpeace International set to become GE – Greenpeace Electric?
2010/1 EYES WIDE SHUT | TckTckTck exposé
2010/1 Is There Such a Thing as Safe Sex when Sleeping With the Enemy?
2010/4 Mainstream Green Groups Cave In on Climate
2010/4 U.S. Military Battles Massive Carbon Footprint
2011/1 Climate News Snooze?
2011/1 Global miners adopt ‘wait-and-see’ approach to climate actions
2011/1 Risk management in the era of unpredictability
2011/1 What If Everything You Knew About Projected Global Warming Was Wrong?
2011/2 Feed-in tariff review accused of demolishing investor confidence
2011/3 'Chain gang' of UK NGO's chips away at fossil fuel investments
2011/3 Climate change 'number one issue'
2011/3 Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California
2011/3 Senate OKs bill to close coal plant
2011/3 The push to expand West Coast ports for coal exports is counterproductive
2011/4 Surface area required to equal energy of Marcellus shale gas
2011/7 Advanced CO2 Capture Project Abandoned Due to "Uncertain" U.S. Climate Policy
2011/7 Carbon chaos in Canberra
2011/8 From the Ground Up
2011/9 Surface area required to replace mountain top removal
2012/2 ‘Green’ disclosures bump up stock prices
2012/4 Study of 600 US corporations shows disappointing progress on sustainability
2012/5 Trees Absorb Less Carbon in Warming World Than Experts Have Assumed
2012/6 Cities Lead Effort to Curb Climate Change as Nations Lag
2012/6 Climate change activists scale gates of Buckingham Palace and chain themselves to railings
2012/6 Coal-Plant Plunge Threatens Billions in Pollution Spend
2012/6 Governments potentially liable if infrastructure not climate resilient after Louisiana court decision
2012/6 More challenges to renewable energy standards
2012/6 Quakes 'undermine carbon storage strategy'
2012/6 UK govt. having a hard time getting homes insulated
2012/7 Biofuels by the Numbers
2012/7 North Carolina lawmakers reject sea level rise predictions
2012/7 Plan to get bureaucrats savvy to climate change risks easy to ignore
2012/7 Ski resorts around the U.S. tap renewable energy sources to combat climate change
2012/7 The big money behind the assault against sea level rise science in North Carolina
2012/8 Black Hills Energy pulling plug on solar program in southern Colorado
2012/8 Carbon Tax Would Have Many Benefits
2012/8 City of Davis, military join to lobby for solar
2012/8 City workers to share green vehicles
2012/9 The Social Cost of Carbon: How to Do the Math?
2012/9 Why it's okay to mix up climate mitigation, adaptation
2012/11 Climate management will be the key to massively improving renewable energy performance and the eradication of poverty
2012/11 Entering the Murky Solutions Space
2012/11 Green nudge: The classic social comparison experiment by Opower
2012/11 Why Businesses Must Focus on Climate Change Mitigation AND Adaptation
2012/12 AGU scientist asks, ‘Is earth f**ked?’ Surprising answer: Resistance is NOT futile!
2013/2 Haven’t heard of the Citizens Climate Lobby? Join the Club! – The Climatographers
2013/6 Advanced Biofuels Help Military Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil
2013/6 Pandora’s Myths vs. the Facts
2013/7 Adaptation Or Mitigation? Lessons From Abolition In The Battle Over Climate Policy – ThinkProgress
2013/7 Bank of America Tower and the LEED Ratings Racket:
2013/7 Market for coal to fall off, making new export facilities questionable
2013/7 New Study: Coastal Nature Reduces U.S. Risk from Storms
2013/7 Pandora's Terrifying Promise: Can Nuclear Power Save the Planet?
2013/8 Forests: A Rising Global Climate Superpower?
2013/8 How solar and EVs will kill the fossil fuel dinosaurs - Energy Post
2013/8 Japan Boosts Carbon Credits Investment in Emerging Markets
2013/8 LEED Lies: Bank Of America's "Green" Skyscraper Is Actually An Energy Guzzler7
2013/9 Alaska, Spirit soar in airline fuel-efficiency techniques
2013/9 Disney to up the ante on carbon offsets
2013/9 Green Bonds and Climate Change Solutions
2013/9 Naomi Green groups may be more damaging than climate change deniers
2013/9 NY Times Says Earth Has Unlimited Carrying Capacity,
2013/9 Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Counting Carbon
2013/9 With rooftop solar on rise, U.S. utilities strike back
2013/10 Despite Climate Concern, Global Study Finds Fewer Carbon Capture Projects
2013/10 Don't Let Conservation Finance Go The Way Of Obamacare And Climate Science
2013/10 ICAO Assembly climate change outcome hailed by industry but seen as a missed opportunity by environmental NGOs
2013/10 ICAO States reach agreement on roadmap towards a global MBM but Europe suffers defeat over EU ETS on GreenAir Online
2013/10 Limiting Population Growth Is Not the Answer to Global Warming
2013/10 Study Shows That Human Beings Are Too Selfish to Fix Climate Change
2013/10 Will Solar Save the Planet?
2013/11 Billions of Dollars of New Potential Financing with Solar Securitization
2013/11 How We Revised Our Interactive Look at Global Footprints – The Great Energy Challenge Blog
2013/11 International Coal Summit Putting Faith in the Carbon Capture Techno-Dream
2013/12 'Every little helps' is a dangerous mantra for climate change
2013/12 Big Oil, Major Firms Plan for Carbon Price ·
2013/12 Can we save the planet, keep the lights on, and avoid freezing to death?
2013/12 Rethinking How to Split the Costs of Carbon
2014/1 Climate change madness: The fate of the planet now depends on Kickstarter
2014/1 Reasons for Optimism on Climate Action
2014/1 Street artists trace against time — and sea-level rise
2014/1 U.N. warns us to eat less meat and lay off biofuels, or we’re in for it
2014/1 Why Does New York Hate the Sharing Economy?
2014/2 Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg appointed UN cities and climate chief
2014/2 How Retiring members of Congress Can Help Fight climate change.
2014/2 Nuclear power project financing option sticks ratepayers
2014/3 Deal of the century: buy out the US coal industry for $50bn
2014/3 Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas Is A Dreadful Idea For The Climate
2014/4 Corn biofuels worse than gasoline on global warming in short term – study
2014/4 Washington governor wants state off coal-based electricity
2014/5 A Site That Tracks Your Carbon Footprint And Rewards You For Beating Your Neighbors | Co.Exist | ideas
2014/5 Asia must show the way on climate change — Jose Ramos Horta
2014/5 Climate change is divisive. Climate solutions are not.
2014/5 Climate Change: City Targets Zero Emissions: City aims for carbon neutrality by 2050
2014/5 Climate Scientist Fears His "Wedges" Made It Too Easy
2014/5 Does the marathon hasten climate change?
2014/5 Participation is democratising; it's now time to democratise climate solutions
2014/5 What if everyone in the world became a vegetarian
2014/6 Brazil Has Done More To Stop Climate Change Than Any Other Country, Study Finds
2014/6 Climate mitidaption: Marriage of convenience
2014/6 Energy Department Bombshell: LNG Has No Climate Benefit For Decades, IF EVER*
2014/6 Go Easy on the Climate Fatalists. They're Having a Hard Time
2014/6 Hybrid cars losing market share
2014/6 Hydrogen-fueled cars face uncertain market in California
2014/6 Monitor: Pumping heat
2014/6 Ohio Becomes The First State To Freeze Its Renewable Energy Standard
2014/7 Giving Up Meat Could Halve The Carbon Footprint Of Your Diet | Co.Exist | ideas
2014/7 Renewables Projected To Add Triple The Capacity Of New Fossil Fuel Plants By 2030
2014/7 Ten Ideas For How We Can Save the Planet
2014/8 Eat more meat and save the world: the latest implausible farming miracle
2014/8 Emerging solar plants scorch birds in mid-air
2014/8 Tiny critters could be a powerful tool against climate change
2014/8 Why George Monbiot is wrong: grazing livestock can save the world
2014/9 25 year experiment shows ants can break down minerals, sequester CO2
2014/9 Cutting Carbon City By City Could Have A Huge Impact On Climate Change
2014/9 MIT's new cement recipe could cut carbon emissions by more than half
2014/9 Only $1 Trillion: Annual Investment Goal Puts Climate Solutions Within Reach
2014/9 What can small cities do to fight climate change?
2014/9 What is the Potential of Distributed Generation?
2014/9 Wind Energy Management and Transportation Linkage
2014/10 Post-Panamax Bulk Carrier Rides Air Bubble Blanket to Reduce Emissions
2014/10 Reducing Carbon Emissions in Washington State
2014/10 Renewables And Efficiency Made Up 70 Percent Of The Drop In U.S. Emissions Since 2007
2014/11 What it Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change
2014/12 Cities on a Path to a 100% Renewable Future
2014/12 INTERVIEW-Green Climate Fund to back energy "paradigm shift"
2014/12 Pope to push for action on climate change
2014/12 What’s a University to do about Climate Change? |
2014/12 Why climate change is forcing some environmentalists to back nuclear power
2015/1 Four-fifths of global coal reserves 'must stay in ground' to tackle climate change
2015/1 Home of the ‘Indy 500′ Also a Home of Energy Innovations
2015/1 It's Not Too Late To Stop Climate Change, And It'll Be Super-Cheap
2015/1 Limiting Tar Sands, Coal, Arctic Oil Is Key to 2°C Goal
2015/1 More People and Workers…but Reduced Carbon Emissions
2015/1 Pendleton, Oregon, Blazing New Paths on Energy Use
2015/1 The Millennials Own the Fight Against Climate Change | Grayson Sussman-Squires
2015/1 Virginia Beach Public Schools Taking Lead on Energy
2015/2 Bill Gates Is Still Wrong On Climate Change, It Will Undo His Foundation's Work
2015/2 Could these big data projects fix climate change?
2015/2 FutureGen Dead Again: Obama Pulls Plug On ‘NeverGen’ Clean Coal Project
2015/2 Microsoft launches Tech Talent for Good as employees raise record-breaking $117 million
2015/2 Pro Sports & The Environment: A Winning Combination
2015/2 Religious Leaders Confronting Climate Change
2015/2 Wetlands, swamps 'hold great potential' to store carbon, fight climate change
2015/2 World’s first climate-positive data center being built in Sweden
2015/3 Employing shame for environmental change
2015/3 For Bioenergy Mandates and Subsidies Trump even Carbon Tax
2015/3 Jeremy Leggett: world can win the ‘carbon war’
2015/3 Lord Stern: development and climate finance should not be separated
2015/3 When is a shipping container not a shipping container? When it's a farm
2015/4 Can Climate Scientists Make A Difference by Not Flying?
2015/4 No, Flying Is Not Greener Than Driving
2015/4 Pope Francis forces the issue on climate change
2015/4 Swinging Between Optimism and Pessimism on Climate Change