Headings - Topical Sources
S - Assessments of Societal Climate Risks
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Assessments of Business Climate Risks
S - Country Specific Risk Assessment
S - Global Risk Assessment
S - Risk Assessment for SLR
S - Vulnerability to Climate Change
2007 Desonie_Climate: Causes and Effects of Climate Change (Our Fragile Planet)
2008 Weart_The Discovery of Global Warming $$
2015 Mann_Dire Predictions: Understanding Climate Change (2nd Edition)
200X Cardona_Disaster Risk Assessment and Stratification Using the Hybrid Loss Exceedance Curve
200X Westen_Multi Hazard Risk Assessment and Evaluation PPT
1983 NAS_Changing Climate - Report of the Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee
2000 IPCC_Guidance papers on the cross cutting issues of the Third Assesssment Report
2007 IPCC_Fourth Assessment Report
2007 Sims_IPCC Fourth Assessment Report - WG III - Chapter 4 - Energy Supply
2008 Garnaut_The Garnaut Climate Change Review
2009 Hahn_The Livelihood Vulnerability Index: A pragmatic approach to assessing risks from climate variability and changeâ”A case study in Mozambique
2009 Solomon_Irreversible Climate Change
2009 USGCRP_Society -- section in Global Climate Change Impacts in the US - pgs 99-152
2010 Backus_Climate Uncertainty and Implications for the US (3 page overview)
2010 Germanwatch_Global Climate Risk Index
2010 Plattner_From AR4 to AR5 New Scenarios in the IPCC Process PPT
2010 Strong_Climate science 2009-2010 major new discoveries
2011 Blunden_State of the Climate in 2010
2011 Karl_State of the Climate in 2010 PPT
2011 Lowry_Is risk itself a climate related harm
2012 Blunden_State of the Climate in 2011
2012 Caldeira_The Great Climate Experiment
2012 Karl_State of the Climate 2011 - Summary Slides
2012 van der Sluijs_Uncertainty and Dissent in Climate Risk Assessment A Post-Normal Perspective $$
2013 Frame_Assessment of the first consensus prediction on climate change
2013 IPCC_Climate Change 2013 - The Physical Science Basis GA
2013 Jordan_Going beyond two degrees - risks and opportunities of alternative options
2013 Katz_Uncertainty Analysis in Climate Change Assessments
2013 Stocker_The WG1 Contribution to the IPCC 5th Assessment Report PPT
2013 Usher_An expert elicitation of climate, energy and economic uncertainties
2013 Velasquez_Hybrid loss exceedance curve (HSLC) for risk assessment
2013 Wuebbles_A Focus on the Science IPTT AR5 PPT
2014 Blunden_State of the Climate in 2013
2014 Hone_Framing the challenge through the IPCC 5th Assessment Report PPT
2014 IPCC_2014 Climate Change Synthesis Report
2014 IPCC_AR5_Defence_Briefing_WEB_EN__
2014 IPCC_Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report
2014 Karl_State of the Climate in 2014 PPT
2014 USGCRP_National Climate Assessment
2014 WMO_WMO Statement on the status of the global climate in 2013
2015 Blunden_State of the Climate in 2014
2015 Houghton_Global Warming: The Complete Briefing 5
2015 IPPR_Known Unknowns: The Hidden Threats that Climate Risks Pose to British Prosperity
2015 King_Climate Change a Risk Assessment
2015 OECD_Climate Change Risks and Adaptation $$
2015 Spratt_Recount It's Time to Do the Math Again
2016 Bettis_The risk of climate ruin
2016 Blunden_State of the Climate in 2015
2016 Ecoact_Climate risk assessment and adaptation
2016 Gordon_The Risky Business Project
2016 Mysiak_Risk assessment across DRR and CCA communities opportunities and gaps
2016 UNEP_GEO-6_Global Environment Outlook Regional assessment for North America
2016 UNESCO_Assessing the Risks of Climate Change
2016 Veldkamp_Towards a global water scarcity risk assessment framework incorporation of probability distributions
2016 Walberg_Resiliency Assessment Framework
2017 Comprehensive assessment of climate change risks $$
2017 McNeeley_Expanding vulnerability assessment for public lands The social complement to ecological approaches.
2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment
2019 Mulder_Governance and climate risk: a view from the Netherlands
2020 Raimi_Florida Climate Outlook Assessing Physical and Economic Impacts to 2040
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