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N - Antarctic Impacts
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Climate Change and the Antarctic
2012/7 Antarctic started melting before global warming hysteria, study says
2012/8 Antarctica warmth unusual but not unique
2012/10 Is Antarctica's warming natural or man-made
2013/12 Continued West Antarctic ice loss
2014/4 April 29 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record – Highest In 32 Years
2014/5 Antarctica's ice sheet shrinking faster than ever
2014/5 This Ice Sheet Will Unleash a Global Superstorm Sandy That Never Ends
2014/5 West Antarctic ice collapse 'could drown Middle East and Asia crops'
2014/5 What ‘unstoppable’ Antarctic ice melt means for Western cities — High Country News
2014/7 Bad news about rising sea levels as quickening Antarctic winds lead to faster ice melt
2014/7 Change In Antarctic Sea Ice Trend Not So Extreme, Study Finds
2014/8 Error identified in satellite record may have overestimated Antarctic sea ice expansion
2014/9 2002 Larsen B ice shelf collapse likely due to rising temps
2014/9 Record Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Exceeds 20m Sq. Km
2014/11 New study shows warm waters are melting Antarctica from below
2015/3 Antarctica is basically liquefying
2015/3 Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming?
2015/4 Antarctica’s Record High Temp Bodes Ill for Ice
2015/4 How long does it take Antarctica to notice the Northern Hemisphere is warming?
2015/8 The melting of Antarctica is bad news for humans. But it might make penguins pretty happy.
2015/9 Scientists declare an ‘urgent’ mission – study West Antarctica, and fast
2015/11 Antarctica is Gaining Ice. Here's Why That's Actually Not Good News
2015/11 Melting ice in west Antarctica could raise seas by three metres, warns study
2015/11 NASA Scientist Warned Deniers Would Distort His Antarctic Ice Study
2015/11 Still losing mass.
2016/2 Antarctica could be much more vulnerable to melting than we thought
2016/2 Have We Been Wrong in Our Understanding of Ice Streams?
2016/2 Weakening Ice Shelves Raise Sea Level Rise Concerns
2016/3 Antarctic ice melt could drive sea levels up twice as high as we thought
2016/3 New model shows Antarctica alone could raise sea level a meter by 2100
2016/5 ‘Fundamentally unstable’: Scientists confirm their fears about East Antarctica’s biggest glacier
2016/5 Why Is Antarctica's Sea Ice Growing While the Arctic Melts? Scientists Have an Answer
2016/6 Antarctica’s penguins could be decimated by climate change
2016/7 Don’t be fooled by a cooling Antarctica — warming is winning out
2016/7 This new Antarctica study is bad news for climate change doubters
2016/10 West Antarctica Begins to Destabilize With ‘Intense Unbalanced Melting’
2016/10 What Happens When Antarctica Melts?
2016/11 West Antarctica is in huge trouble. But now, scientists say the problem may date back to 1945
2016/12 Scientists confirm that warm ocean water is melting the biggest glacier in East Antarctica
2017/2 A Crack in an Antarctic Ice Shelf Grew 17 Miles in the Last Two Months
2017/2 Antarctic tipping points for a multi-meter sea level rise
2017/4 Antarctic Ice Reveals Earth’s Accelerating Plant Growth
2017/4 Arctic climate warming higher and faster than expected
2017/4 Vast rivers and waterfalls discovered across Antarctica
2017/5 Antarctic Ice Loss 2002-2016
2017/6 Animation shows huge crack growing in Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf
2017/6 Antarctic sea ice levels have shrunk to record low levels for late June
2017/6 Scientists stunned by Antarctic rainfall and a melt area bigger than Texas
2017/7 Larsen C Ice Shelf Break is Only Start of Antarctica Melting From Climate Change
2017/7 New cli-fi novel on Antarctic collapse
2017/7 The Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse is just the Beginning
2017/10 Worrying new research finds that the ocean is cutting through a key Antarctic ice shelf
2017/11 Ancient Antarctic explains today’s warming world
2018/2 Could More Snow in Antarctica Slow Sea Level Rise?
2018/4 U.S.-U.K. science armada to target vulnerable Antarctic ice sheet
2018/4 Underwater melting of Antarctic ice far greater than thought, study finds
2018/6 Antarctic ice loss has tripled in a decade. If that continues, we are in serious trouble.
2018/6 Land uplift ‘could prevent’ collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet
2018/6 Ocean waves and lack of sea ice can trigger Antarctic ice shelves to disintegrate
2018/8 How the Antarctic is helping combat climate change
2018/12Climate’s Big Unknown: What’s Happening Beneath Antarctica’s Ice?
2019/4 How Are They Different? Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
2019/4 Unexpected Source Fuels Rapid Melt at World's Biggest Ice Shelf
2019/7 ‘Precipitous’ fall in Antarctic sea ice since 2014 revealed
2019/7 This Plan to Stop Sea Level Rise by Blasting Antarctica With Snow Is Extremely Wild
2019/9 What happens if the Antarctic ice sheet becomes destabilized
2019/9 Will Antarctic Ice Doom Us All?
2019/10 If warming exceeds 2°C, Antarctica's melting ice sheets could raise seas 20 metres in coming centuries
2019/10 New study: Antarctica’s tipping point is closer than we thought
2019/11 Asynchronous Antarctic and Greenland ice-volume contributions to the last interglacial sea-level highstand
2019/11 What’s Driving Antarctica's Meltdown?
2019/12 Antarctic ice sheets could be at greater risk of melting than previously thought
2019/12 Glacial Geoengineering and the Law of Antarctica
2019/12 Record hit for most ice to melt in Antarctica in one day, data suggests: "We Are in a Climate Emergency"
2020/1 Global Ice Melt Matches Worst-Case Climate Scenario, Study Says
2020/1 Temperatures at a Florida-Size Glacier in Antarctica Alarm Scientists
2020/1 The Guardian view on an ice-sheet collapse: threatening the world’s coasts
2020/1 Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica is being melted by warm ocean water, new research confirms
2020/2 Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record with a reading of 18.3C
2020/3 Denman Glacier is retreating into Antarctica’s deepest valley. 5 feet of sea level rise are at stake.
2020/5 Climate change leading to an increase of green snow in Antarctica
2020/6 The Iciest Waters Around Antarctica Are Less Icy
2020/7 First active leak of sea-bed methane discovered in Antarctica
2020/9 Antarctica could melt 'irreversibly' due to climate change, study warns
2020/9 Antarctica could melt 'irreversibly' due to climate change, study warns
2020/12 Ice sheet uncertainties could mean sea level will rise more than predicted
2021/1 Global ice loss accelerating at record rate, study finds
2021/1 Global Ice Loss on Pace to Drive Worst-Case Sea Level Rise
2021/4 Climate tipping points may have been reached already, experts say
2021/5 Antarctic ice sheet melt more concerning than previously thought
2021/5 Antarctic ice sheet retreat could trigger chain reaction
2021/5 Antarctica’s Doomsday Glacier: How Doomed Are We?
2021/5 when Antarctica melts, will gravity changes lift up land and lower sea levels?
2021/6 Antarctic lake suddenly disappears
2021/6 Satellite images reveal ice shelf protecting Antarctic glacier is on the verge of collapse- Technology News, Firstpost
2021/10 The polar vortex south shift is such a powerful climatic event to trigger an ice age to begin, and already happened some tens of thousands of years ago
2021/12 ‘The Fuse Has Been Blown, ’ and the Doomsday Glacier Is Coming for Us All
2021/12 Crucial Antarctic Glacier Likely to Collapse Much Earlier than Expected
2021/12 Giant cracks push imperilled Antarctic glacier closer to collapse
2021/12 New study finds world's strongest ocean current speeding up
2021/12 Scientists watch giant ‘doomsday’ glacier in Antarctica with concern
2021/12 Thwaites: Antarctic glacier heading for dramatic change
2012/3 Antarctic ice shelves tearing apart, satellite shows