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Carbon Offsets TOC
I - CarbonOffsetAlternatives
I - RemovalsvsReductions
I:MarketMechanisms (Deep Dive)
S - Additionality of Offsets
S - Business Use of Offsets
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Neutrality
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Evaluating the CDM
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Offset Design
S - Offset Evaluations/Critiques
S - Offset Guides
S - Offset Leakage
S - Offset Projects
S - Offset Standards
S - Offset Strategies
S - Offset Supplies and Costs
S - Offset Types
S - Offsets in Policy
S - Other Offset Criteria
S - REDD and REDD+
S - Sector-Based Offsets
S - The Offsets Business
S - Trading and Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
N - Aviation Offsets
N - Carbon Markets
N - Carbon Neutrality
N - Carbon Offset Critiques
N - Carbon Offset Defenses
N - Carbon Offsets
N - Carbon Offsets Round 2
N - Corporate Offset Commitments
N - Evaluating Carbon Offsets
N - Green Power Purchasing
N - Keystone pipeline and offsets
N - Land Use Offsets
N - Pitching Carbon Offsets
N - REDD and REDD+
N - The Business of Offsets
N - Using Carbon Offsets
N - Voluntary RECs as Offsets
V - Carbon Trading and Offsets
V - Market mechanisms
E - Evaluating Carbon Offsets
E - Land Use Based Offsets
E - Offset Criteria
T - Carbon Offset Networks
T - Offset Individuals
T - Offset Projects
T - Offset Protocols
T - Offset Providers (Most websites checked 8/3/2016)
T - Offset Standards
S - Carbon Offset Sources
2015 Kolmuss_Handbook of Carbon Offset Programs
200X Brown_Carbon Sinks for Abating Climate Change Can They Work?
201X Akzo Nobel carb offset case study
1994 TAA Esquinas Carbon Offset Land Conservation Initiative (Ecoland)
2002 Subak_Forest certification eligibility as a screen for CDM sinks projects $$
2004 Bachram_Climate fraud and carbon colonialism The new trade in GHGs $$
2005 Trexler_Carbon defies commodity pricing
2006 Litvak_Overview of Carbon Markets
2007 Coulter_Carbon Reductions and Offsets Making Activities Effectively Carbon Neutral
2008 Bumpus_Accumulation by decarbonization and the governance of carbon offsets $$
2008 Coulter_Carbon Reductions and Offsets
2008 Diamant_GHG Emissions Offsets Definition Benefits and Interaction with Cap and Trade
2008 Dodds_Assessing awareness of carbon offsetting by travellers and travel
2008 NCEP GHG Market Oversight
2008 Roland-Holst_Carbon emission Offsets and Criteria Pollutants A California Assessment
2008 SEI Carbon Offsetting and Air Travel part 1
2009 Aldrich_Valuation of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Under Greenhouse Gas Regulations
2009 Carbonless Promise_Carbon Offsets The currency of the Future
2009 Corbera_How do regulated and voluntary carbon offset schemes compare $$
2009 Grubb_reinforcing_carbon_markets_under_uncertainty
2009 Irving_EPA Offsets Experience and Analysis
2009 Kotchen_Voluntary Provision of Public Goods for Bads A Theory of Environmental Offsets
2009 Saidel_Carbon Credits and Energy Efficiency $$
2009 Trexler_What's a Carbon Offset?
2010 Borenstein_Markets for Anthropogenic Carbon Within the Larger Carbon Cycle
2010 Clarke_The over the counter market for forest carbon offsets An insight into pricing in a market without common price signals $$
2010 Fankhauser_Designing carbon markets
2010 Lovell_Understanding carbon offset technologies $$
2010 Trexler The What Why and What of Offsets
2010 Trexler_International Offsets Debate
2010 Trexler_The What Why and How of Offsets_Purdue
2010 World Bank Carbon Finance_State and Trends of the Carbon Market_low_res
2011 Brainerd_Recommendations for Purchasing Carbon Offsets
2011 Eijgelaar_Voluntary Carbon Offsets a Solution for Reducing Tourism Emissions
2011 EPRI new approaches to offsets
2011 Martin_Climate_change__investment_and_carbon_markets_and_prices
2011 Nordic Perspective of carbon markets
2011 Parkhurst_Offsets - Challenges and Opportunities PPT
2011 Taylor Carbon Derivatives and Environmental Products
2012 Anderson_Interview on Carbon Offsets
2012 Dargush A critical role for carbon offsets
2012 Dodds_Industry perspectives on carbon offset programs in Canada and the U.S.
2012 EDF_The Role of Offsets in Californias Cap and Trade Regulation FAQs
2012 Galick_Analysis of the production and transaction costs of forest carbon offset projects in the USA
2012 Siikamaki_Land Use and Forestry Offsets
2012 Ziegler_Stated versus revealed knowledge: Determinants of offsetting CO 2 emissions from fuel consumption in vehicle use
2013 CAR_Offsets and CEQA Mitigating Impacts via Offsite Credits
2013 Erickson_Implications of international GHG offsets on global climate change mitigation $$
2013 Lyman_Better get it right the first time - CARB’s offset invalidation provisions
2013 Zeppel_Assessing motivations for carbon offsetting by environmentall certified tourism enterprises $$
2014 ICROA_Unlocking the hidden value of carbon offsetting
2015 Calvin_Global climate energy and economic implications of international energy offsets programs $$
2015 Kollmus_Overview of Carbon Offset Programs Similarities and Differences
2015 PMR_Overview of Carbon Offset Programs Similarities and Differences
2016 Gren_Policy design for forest carbon sequestration A review of the literature
2016 Kelly_Forest offsets and the California compliance market Bringing an abstract ecosystem good to market
2016 Lamb_The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
2016 Segerstedt_Increasing adoption of voluntary carbon offsets among tourists $$
2016 Thamo_Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration perspectives on additionality leakage and permanence $$
2017 Aguilar-Stoen_Better safe than sorry Indigenous peoples carbon cowboys and the governance of REDD in the Amazon $$
2017 Babakhani_Improving carbon offsetting appeals in online airplane ticket purchasing testing new messages and using new test methods $$
2017 Dulaney_Carbon Offsets and Health Co-Benefits
2017 Lo_After CDM: Domestic carbon offsetting in China
2017 Penrith_How do Offsets Work PPT
2017 Rochecouste_Farmer perceptions of the opportunities and constraints to producing carbon offsets from Australian farms $$
2018 CAR_Climate Forward Program Manual
2018 Poseidon_White Paper Empowering people to save the planet with every purchase
2018 Riksrevisjonen_The Office of the Auditor General of Norways Investigation of Norways International Climate and Forest Initiative
2019 Broekhoff_Securing Climate Benefit A Guide to Using Carbon Offsets
2019 Greene_Carbon offsets for freight transport decarbonization
2019 Michaelowa_Additionality revisited Guarding the integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement
2019 Schneider_Lessons learned from the first round of applications by carbon-offsetting programs for CORSIA
SOCAR version Agricultural Producers and Offset Markets
Corner House Comments on CARB Scoping Paper - Evaluating the Potential Role of Sector-Based Offsets
201X CR_The Carbon Reserve Climate Policy
2003 Sedjo_Inter-trading permanent emissions credits and rented temporary carbon emissions offsets: some issues and alternatives
2009 Reinhardt_South Pole Carbon Asset Management Going for Gold $$
2010 EPRI Sectors Overview PPT
2010 EPRI_Carbon Market Fundamentals PPT
2010 EPRI_Proposals for Sectoral Crediting PPT
2010 EPRI_The Potential of Energy Sector Offsets PPT
2013 Ehrenstein_The Conditional Sink Counterfactual Display in the Valuation of a Carbon Offsetting Reforestation Project
2016 Haya_Carbon Offsets in California: Science in the Policy Development Process
2016 Wells_Ethical carbon offsetting - Guidelines and lessons from smallholder and community carbon projects
2016 WWF_Greener Skies? Supply and Sustainability of Carbon Credits and Alternative Fuels for International Aviation
2018 Barreto_A study of carbon offsets and RECs to meet Bostons mandate for carbon neutrality by 2050
2018 Schneider_Crediting Forest-Related Mitigation Under International Carbon Market Mechanisms: A synthesis of environmental integrity risks
2018 Warnecke_Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA PPT
2019 Warnecke_Robust eligibility criteria essential for new global scheme to offset aviation emissions
2020 Bjornberg_What if anything is wrong with offsetting nature
2020 Carbon Market Watch_Above and Beyond Carbon Offsetting - Alternatives to Compensation for Climate Action and Sustainable Development
2020 Denton_An examination of the gap between carbon offsetting attitudes and behaviors: Role of knowledge, credibility and trust
2021 Benson_All That Glitters is Not Green
2021 Climatographers_Carbon Offset Scoring White Paper
2021 IPIECA_The Role of Carbon Offsets in GHG Mitigation and Enhanced Ambition
2021 Wood_Towards net zero: Practical policies to offset carbon emissions
2022 CDP_CDP Technical Note: Retirement and Cancellation of Instruments
2022 IVEY_Leakage and Avoided Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Private Mineral Rights Voluntary Carbon Credits
2022 Sylvera_The State of Carbon Credits 2022
2022 Wei_Exploring development and evolutionary trends in carbon offset research: A bibliometric perspective
2023 Paul_Carbon Farming Are soil carbon certificates a suitable tool for climate change mitigation
2023 Sylvera_Permission to Pollute, or Pivotal for Progress?
2023 Sylvera_The State of Carbon Credits 2023
2023 Trove Research_Investment Trends and Outcomes in the Global Carbon Credit Market
S - Additionality of Offsets
S - Business Use of Offsets
S - Carbon Neutrality
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Corporate Use of Offsets
S - Evaluating the CDM
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Offset Design
S - Offset Evaluations/Critiques
S - Offset Guides
S - Offset Projects
S - Offset Standards
S - Offset Strategies
S - Offset Supplies and Costs
S - Offset Types
S - Offsets As Business Risk
S - Offsets General
S - Offsets in Policy
S - Offsets Round 2
S - REDD Markets
S - Sector-Based Offsets
S - The Offsets Business
S - Trading and Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Undercutting Corporate Action
S - UNFCCC Article 6 Market Mechanisms
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
2019 Haya_Managing Uncertainty in Carbon Offsets Insights from California's Standardized Approach
Indigo Agriculture: Harnessing Nature
09 Sources Headings
S - Offset Standards
Headings for Books, Reports, Journal Articles
Carbon Offset Headings
Headings (Carbon Offsets Sample)
2008 Kollmuss_Making Sense of the Voluntary Carbon Market A Comparison of Carbon Offset Standards
2008 Merger_Comparison of Carbon Offset Standards for Climate Forestation Projects
2009 Foley_Extending rotation age for carbon sequestration: A cross-protocol comparison of North American forest offsets
2009 Nickerson_CCARs Forest Protocols Addressing Permanence and Leakage
2010 American Carbon Registry
2010 Broekhoff_Climate Action Reserve Program and Process
2010 Diamant_A Comparison of GHG Emissions Offset Project Development and Approval Processes
2010 EPRI_Elements of the Voluntary Carbon Standard PPT
2011 Stevens_Comparative study of selected greenhouse gas offset protocols $$
2013 The Gold Standard Methodology PPT
2013 Zero2Nature_Project Development Standard
2014 Melo_Integrating multiple benefits in market-based climate mitigation schemes: The case of the Climate, Community and Biodiversity certification scheme
2014 Ruysschaert_Towards global voluntary standards - Questioning effectiveness of attaining conservation goals
2015 ACR_CCS Offset Methodology
2016 Grasslands Alliance Certification Standard - Supporting Sustainability in Beef Cattle
2018 CAR_Climate Forward Program Manual
2018 CAR_Forecast Methodology Approval Manual
2019 CAR_Climate Forward A new market option to accelerate climate action
2019 Michaelowa_Overview and Comparison of Existing Carbon Crediting Schemes
2020 TNC_Public Comments for Gold Standards Paper
2021 Broekhoff_Assessing crediting scheme standards and practices for ensuring unit quality under the Paris Agreement
2021 Carbon Coalition_Carbon Coalition Scoring Criteria and Methodology
2021 National Treasury_Carbon Offset Regulation Amendments
Carbon Offsets TOC
I - CarbonOffsetAlternatives
I - RemovalsvsReductions
I:MarketMechanisms (Deep Dive)
S - Additionality of Offsets
S - Business Use of Offsets
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Neutrality
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Evaluating the CDM
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Offset Design
S - Offset Evaluations/Critiques
S - Offset Guides
S - Offset Leakage
S - Offset Projects
S - Offset Standards
S - Offset Strategies
S - Offset Supplies and Costs
S - Offset Types
S - Offsets in Policy
S - Other Offset Criteria
S - REDD and REDD+
S - Sector-Based Offsets
S - The Offsets Business
S - Trading and Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
N - Aviation Offsets
N - Carbon Markets
N - Carbon Neutrality
N - Carbon Offset Critiques
N - Carbon Offset Defenses
N - Carbon Offsets
N - Carbon Offsets Round 2
N - Corporate Offset Commitments
N - Evaluating Carbon Offsets
N - Green Power Purchasing
N - Keystone pipeline and offsets
N - Land Use Offsets
N - Pitching Carbon Offsets
N - REDD and REDD+
N - The Business of Offsets
N - Using Carbon Offsets
N - Voluntary RECs as Offsets
V - Carbon Trading and Offsets
V - Market mechanisms
E - Evaluating Carbon Offsets
E - Land Use Based Offsets
E - Offset Criteria
T - Carbon Offset Networks
T - Offset Individuals
T - Offset Projects
T - Offset Protocols
T - Offset Providers (Most websites checked 8/3/2016)
T - Offset Standards
S - Carbon Offset Sources
2015 Kolmuss_Handbook of Carbon Offset Programs
200X Brown_Carbon Sinks for Abating Climate Change Can They Work?
201X Akzo Nobel carb offset case study
1994 TAA Esquinas Carbon Offset Land Conservation Initiative (Ecoland)
2002 Subak_Forest certification eligibility as a screen for CDM sinks projects $$
2004 Bachram_Climate fraud and carbon colonialism The new trade in GHGs $$
2005 Trexler_Carbon defies commodity pricing
2006 Litvak_Overview of Carbon Markets
2007 Coulter_Carbon Reductions and Offsets Making Activities Effectively Carbon Neutral
2008 Bumpus_Accumulation by decarbonization and the governance of carbon offsets $$
2008 Coulter_Carbon Reductions and Offsets
2008 Diamant_GHG Emissions Offsets Definition Benefits and Interaction with Cap and Trade
2008 Dodds_Assessing awareness of carbon offsetting by travellers and travel
2008 NCEP GHG Market Oversight
2008 Roland-Holst_Carbon emission Offsets and Criteria Pollutants A California Assessment
2008 SEI Carbon Offsetting and Air Travel part 1
2009 Aldrich_Valuation of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Under Greenhouse Gas Regulations
2009 Carbonless Promise_Carbon Offsets The currency of the Future
2009 Corbera_How do regulated and voluntary carbon offset schemes compare $$
2009 Grubb_reinforcing_carbon_markets_under_uncertainty
2009 Irving_EPA Offsets Experience and Analysis
2009 Kotchen_Voluntary Provision of Public Goods for Bads A Theory of Environmental Offsets
2009 Saidel_Carbon Credits and Energy Efficiency $$
2009 Trexler_What's a Carbon Offset?
2010 Borenstein_Markets for Anthropogenic Carbon Within the Larger Carbon Cycle
2010 Clarke_The over the counter market for forest carbon offsets An insight into pricing in a market without common price signals $$
2010 Fankhauser_Designing carbon markets
2010 Lovell_Understanding carbon offset technologies $$
2010 Trexler The What Why and What of Offsets
2010 Trexler_International Offsets Debate
2010 Trexler_The What Why and How of Offsets_Purdue
2010 World Bank Carbon Finance_State and Trends of the Carbon Market_low_res
2011 Brainerd_Recommendations for Purchasing Carbon Offsets
2011 Eijgelaar_Voluntary Carbon Offsets a Solution for Reducing Tourism Emissions
2011 EPRI new approaches to offsets
2011 Martin_Climate_change__investment_and_carbon_markets_and_prices
2011 Nordic Perspective of carbon markets
2011 Parkhurst_Offsets - Challenges and Opportunities PPT
2011 Taylor Carbon Derivatives and Environmental Products
2012 Anderson_Interview on Carbon Offsets
2012 Dargush A critical role for carbon offsets
2012 Dodds_Industry perspectives on carbon offset programs in Canada and the U.S.
2012 EDF_The Role of Offsets in Californias Cap and Trade Regulation FAQs
2012 Galick_Analysis of the production and transaction costs of forest carbon offset projects in the USA
2012 Siikamaki_Land Use and Forestry Offsets
2012 Ziegler_Stated versus revealed knowledge: Determinants of offsetting CO 2 emissions from fuel consumption in vehicle use
2013 CAR_Offsets and CEQA Mitigating Impacts via Offsite Credits
2013 Erickson_Implications of international GHG offsets on global climate change mitigation $$
2013 Lyman_Better get it right the first time - CARB’s offset invalidation provisions
2013 Zeppel_Assessing motivations for carbon offsetting by environmentall certified tourism enterprises $$
2014 ICROA_Unlocking the hidden value of carbon offsetting
2015 Calvin_Global climate energy and economic implications of international energy offsets programs $$
2015 Kollmus_Overview of Carbon Offset Programs Similarities and Differences
2015 PMR_Overview of Carbon Offset Programs Similarities and Differences
2016 Gren_Policy design for forest carbon sequestration A review of the literature
2016 Kelly_Forest offsets and the California compliance market Bringing an abstract ecosystem good to market
2016 Lamb_The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
2016 Segerstedt_Increasing adoption of voluntary carbon offsets among tourists $$
2016 Thamo_Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration perspectives on additionality leakage and permanence $$
2017 Aguilar-Stoen_Better safe than sorry Indigenous peoples carbon cowboys and the governance of REDD in the Amazon $$
2017 Babakhani_Improving carbon offsetting appeals in online airplane ticket purchasing testing new messages and using new test methods $$
2017 Dulaney_Carbon Offsets and Health Co-Benefits
2017 Lo_After CDM: Domestic carbon offsetting in China
2017 Penrith_How do Offsets Work PPT
2017 Rochecouste_Farmer perceptions of the opportunities and constraints to producing carbon offsets from Australian farms $$
2018 CAR_Climate Forward Program Manual
2018 Poseidon_White Paper Empowering people to save the planet with every purchase
2018 Riksrevisjonen_The Office of the Auditor General of Norways Investigation of Norways International Climate and Forest Initiative
2019 Broekhoff_Securing Climate Benefit A Guide to Using Carbon Offsets
2019 Greene_Carbon offsets for freight transport decarbonization
2019 Michaelowa_Additionality revisited Guarding the integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement
2019 Schneider_Lessons learned from the first round of applications by carbon-offsetting programs for CORSIA
SOCAR version Agricultural Producers and Offset Markets
Corner House Comments on CARB Scoping Paper - Evaluating the Potential Role of Sector-Based Offsets
201X CR_The Carbon Reserve Climate Policy
2003 Sedjo_Inter-trading permanent emissions credits and rented temporary carbon emissions offsets: some issues and alternatives
2009 Reinhardt_South Pole Carbon Asset Management Going for Gold $$
2010 EPRI Sectors Overview PPT
2010 EPRI_Carbon Market Fundamentals PPT
2010 EPRI_Proposals for Sectoral Crediting PPT
2010 EPRI_The Potential of Energy Sector Offsets PPT
2013 Ehrenstein_The Conditional Sink Counterfactual Display in the Valuation of a Carbon Offsetting Reforestation Project
2016 Haya_Carbon Offsets in California: Science in the Policy Development Process
2016 Wells_Ethical carbon offsetting - Guidelines and lessons from smallholder and community carbon projects
2016 WWF_Greener Skies? Supply and Sustainability of Carbon Credits and Alternative Fuels for International Aviation
2018 Barreto_A study of carbon offsets and RECs to meet Bostons mandate for carbon neutrality by 2050
2018 Schneider_Crediting Forest-Related Mitigation Under International Carbon Market Mechanisms: A synthesis of environmental integrity risks
2018 Warnecke_Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA PPT
2019 Warnecke_Robust eligibility criteria essential for new global scheme to offset aviation emissions
2020 Bjornberg_What if anything is wrong with offsetting nature
2020 Carbon Market Watch_Above and Beyond Carbon Offsetting - Alternatives to Compensation for Climate Action and Sustainable Development
2020 Denton_An examination of the gap between carbon offsetting attitudes and behaviors: Role of knowledge, credibility and trust
2021 Benson_All That Glitters is Not Green
2021 Climatographers_Carbon Offset Scoring White Paper
2021 IPIECA_The Role of Carbon Offsets in GHG Mitigation and Enhanced Ambition
2021 Wood_Towards net zero: Practical policies to offset carbon emissions
2022 CDP_CDP Technical Note: Retirement and Cancellation of Instruments
2022 IVEY_Leakage and Avoided Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Private Mineral Rights Voluntary Carbon Credits
2022 Sylvera_The State of Carbon Credits 2022
2022 Wei_Exploring development and evolutionary trends in carbon offset research: A bibliometric perspective
2023 Paul_Carbon Farming Are soil carbon certificates a suitable tool for climate change mitigation
2023 Sylvera_Permission to Pollute, or Pivotal for Progress?
2023 Sylvera_The State of Carbon Credits 2023
2023 Trove Research_Investment Trends and Outcomes in the Global Carbon Credit Market
S - Additionality of Offsets
S - Business Use of Offsets
S - Carbon Neutrality
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Corporate Use of Offsets
S - Evaluating the CDM
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Offset Design
S - Offset Evaluations/Critiques
S - Offset Guides
S - Offset Projects
S - Offset Standards
S - Offset Strategies
S - Offset Supplies and Costs
S - Offset Types
S - Offsets As Business Risk
S - Offsets General
S - Offsets in Policy
S - Offsets Round 2
S - REDD Markets
S - Sector-Based Offsets
S - The Offsets Business
S - Trading and Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Undercutting Corporate Action
S - UNFCCC Article 6 Market Mechanisms
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
2019 Haya_Managing Uncertainty in Carbon Offsets Insights from California's Standardized Approach
Indigo Agriculture: Harnessing Nature