Headings - Topical Sources
S - Offset Standards
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
2018 CAR_Forecast Methodology Approval Manual
2019 CAR_Climate Forward A new market option to accelerate climate action
2008 Kollmuss_Making Sense of the Voluntary Carbon Market A Comparison of Carbon Offset Standards
2008 Merger_Comparison of Carbon Offset Standards for Climate Forestation Projects
2009 Foley_Extending rotation age for carbon sequestration: A cross-protocol comparison of North American forest offsets
2009 Nickerson_CCARs Forest Protocols Addressing Permanence and Leakage
2010 American Carbon Registry_EPRI GHG Emissions Offset Policy Dialogue
2010 Broekhoff_Climate Action Reserve Program and Process
2010 Diamant_A Comparison of GHG Emissions Offset Project Development and Approval Processes
2010 EPRI_Elements of the Voluntary Carbon Standard PPT
2011 Stevens_Comparative study of selected greenhouse gas offset protocols $$
2013 The Gold Standard Methodology PPT
2013 Zero2Nature_Project Development Standard
2014 Melo_Integrating multiple benefits in market-based climate mitigation schemes: The case of the Climate, Community and Biodiversity certification scheme
2014 Ruysschaert_Towards global voluntary standards - Questioning effectiveness of attaining conservation goals
2015 ACR_CCS Offset Methodology
2016 Grasslands Alliance Certification Standard - Supporting Sustainability in Beef Cattle
2018 CAR_Climate Forward Program Manual
2019 Michaelowa_Overview and Comparison of Existing Carbon Crediting Schemes
2020 TNC_Public Comments for Gold Standards Paper
2021 Broekhoff_Assessing crediting scheme standards and practices for ensuring unit quality under the Paris Agreement
2021 Carbon Coalition_Carbon Coalition Scoring Criteria and Methodology
2021 National Treasury_Carbon Offset Regulation Amendments
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