Headings - Topical Sources
S - Adaptation Economics
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Financing Adaptation
2010 World Bank Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change - Ecosystem Services (1)
2015 Brown_Estimating mobilized private climate finance for adaptation - Executive Summary
2015 Little_Funding climate adaptation strategies with climate derivatives
200X Watkiss_Estimating the Costs and Benefits of Climate Change Adaptation in Europe
2007 Agrawala & Fankhauser_Economic Aspects of Adaptation to Climate Change
2007 EEA_Climate Change: The cost of inaction and cost of adaptation
2007 Schipper_Climate Change Adaptation and Development Exploring the Linkages
2009 NACWA_Confronting Climate Change An Early Analysis of Water and Wastewater Adaptation Costs
2009 Oxfam_The New Adaptation Marketplace: Climate change and opportunities for green economic growth
2009 Parry_Assessing the Costs of Climate Adaptation
2009 The Cost to Developing Countries of Adapting to Climate Change
2010 DEFRA_Adapting to climate change - Analysing the role of government
2010 SE AdaptCost Health Adaptation Costs_Africa
2010 SEI AdaptCost Financial Flow Analysis for Adaptation Needs_Africa
2010 UNEP Adaptation Costs in African Agriculture v-6 with references
2010 UNEP_Analysis of the Economic Costs of Climate Change Adaptation in Africa
2010 WB Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change - Synthesis Report
2010 WB The Costs to Developing Countries of Adaptating to Climate Change
2010 WB_Economic Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Projects
2011 ADB_Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia
2011 Baker_How can air travel contribute to the costs of adapting to climate change
2011 de Bruin_An economic analysis of adaptation to climate change under uncertainty
2011 Fankhauser_From adaptation to climate-resilient development - costs of climate-proofing Millennium Development Goals in Africa
2011 Fankhauser_Spending adaptation money wisely
2011 Leichenko_ClimAID Annex III - An Economic Analysis of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations in New York State
2011 Narain_Estimating costs of adaptation to climate change
2011 Swiss Re_Economics of Climate Adaptation
2011 UNFCCC_Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Adaptation Options
2011 WRI_Adapting for the Green_Economy
2011 Yohe_Economics of coastal adaptation solutions in uncertain world
2012 Downing_Views of the frontiers in climate change adaptation economics $$
2012 Michel-Kerjan_Catastrophe Risk Models for Evaluating Disaster Risk Reduction Investments
2012 Tol_Economics of Adaptation
2012 van Ierland_Cost benefit analysis for climate change adaptation
2012 Wreford_Estimating the costs of climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector.
2013 DEFRA Economics of Climate Resilience - Synthesis Report
2013 Dumas_Optimal growth with adaptation to climate change $$
2013 ERG_What will adaptation cost An economic framework for coastal community infrastructure
2013 Hinkel_Coastal Flood Damage and Adaptation Costs Under 21st Century SLR
2013 Kunreuther_Reducing Losses from Flood-Related Disasters PPT
2013 NOAA_What Will Adaptation Cost An Economic Framework for Coastal Community Infrastructure
2013 Ou-Yang_An Economic Analysis of Climate Adaptations to Hurricane Risk in St. Lucia
2013 Tsvetanov_The economic value of delaying adaptation to sea-level rise: An application to coastal properties in Connecticut $$
2013 West_Preserving Value through Adaptation to Climate Change
2014 Ahmed_Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia
2014 CDP_Protecting Our Capital How climate adaptation in cities creates a resilient place for business
2014 Donahue_Economic Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation in BC Agriculture
2014 Neumann_Joint effects of storm surge and sea-level rise on US Coasts New economic estimates of impacts adaptation and benefits of mitigation
2015 The Nairobi Work Programme_Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Adaptation Options
2016 Markandya_Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation
2018 Chinowsky_The Impact of Climate Change Projected Adaptation Costs for Boulder County PPT
2022 GCA_State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2022
2018 ADB_Economics of climate change in SE Asia
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