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Carbon Pricing 101
The Likelihood of Effective Global Carbon Pricing?
2022 Which countries have put a price on carbon?
2018 Why is carbon pricing in some countries more successful than in others?
2022 Which countries have put a price on carbon?
N - Carbon Price Forecasting
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Carbon Pricing Impacts
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Emissions Trading
N - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
N - Internal Carbon Pricing - Business and Other
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - State Carbon Pricing
N - Taxing Carbon
2007/6 Climate Change: Caps vs. Taxes
2016 Synapse’s 2016 CO2 Price Forecast Is Out
2017 RFF_An emissions containment reserve for RGGI - how might it work PPT
2010/4 The Carbon Price Paradox
2010/8 How Climate Policy Could Address Fiscal Shortfalls
2010/12 Energy and Resource Conservation
2010/12 It’s Time for a Carbon Tax
2010/12 The Failure of Emissions Trading
2012/1 The Case For A Carbon Tax (Book Review)
2012/7 Let the evidence speak for itself on the effect of carbon taxes
2012/7 The Potential Role of a Carbon Tax in U.S. Fiscal Reform
2013/2 Want a Pro-Growth Pro-Environment Plan? Economists Agree: Tax Carbon.
2013/3 Disney, Microsoft and Shell opt for self-imposed carbon emissions taxes
2013/3 PMR Tackling Climate Change Pricing Carbon to Achieve Mitigation
2013/3 The Tax Favored By Most Economists
2013/4 Impact of the EU ETS
2013/6 China unveils pioneering carbon trading scheme in Shenzhen
2013/7 Bad Incentives For Green Choices |
2013/7 Fantasy carbon-tax modelling overcomes arithmetic
2013/7 Rethinking the Role of Carbon Price in Climate Change Policy
2013/8 Carbon price in China: first trading market overtakes EU's ETS
2013/10 Emissions Caps Regulation and Legislation
2013/10 International Carbon Offsets in EU Climate Legislation – Time to say Good-bye?
2013/11 Green levies may well be 'crap'. The way to deal with carbon is to bury it
2013/11 World Energy Council Says, We Need Strong & Predictable Carbon Pricing!
2013/12 Big corporations are getting ready for carbon taxes, even if we’re not
2013/12 Big Oil, Major Firms Plan for Carbon Price ·
2013/12 Companies and emissions: Carbon copy
2013/12 Is Carbon Pricing a Diversion From the Real Story? | Carol Pierson Holding
2013/12 Large Companies Prepared to Pay Price on Carbon
2014/1 Cap-and-Trade Throws a Wrench into the Gears of Green Consumerism |
2014/2 British Columbia LNG Tax to Raise Billions on Gas Exports
2014/3 All You Need to Know About BC’s Carbon Tax Shift in Five Charts
2014/3 British Columbia Enacted the Most Significant Carbon Tax in the Western Hemisphere. What Happened Next Is It Worked.
2014/3 Exxon assumes long-term $80 emissions price as investors back GHG disclosure
2014/3 Surprise! Even A Crazy-High Carbon Tax Would Help California Businesses
2014/4 How will British Columbia power its liquified natural gas industry? — High Country News
2014/4 Inslee orders a move toward limits on carbon emissions
2014/4 South African carbon tax will allow companies to offset emissions
2014/4 Will Oregon Cook Up a Carbon Tax?
2014/5 A Price Tag on Carbon as a Climate Rescue Plan
2014/5 Can a Carbon Tax Calm the "War On Coal?"
2014/5 Cap and trade lives on through the states
2014/5 Could Australia really dismantle its carbon price?
2014/5 For a Canadian Province, Gas Boom Presents a Conundrum
2014/5 State & Trends Report Charts Global Growth of Carbon Pricing
2014/5 The ‘black hole’ of Chinese carbon trading
2014/5 The Most Interesting Climate Policy Debate You Haven’t Heard Of
2014/5 The state of carbon pricing: Around the world in 46 carbon markets
2014/5 U.S. Lags in Carbon Tax to Fight Climate Change
2014/6 Businesses object to carbon trading introduction
2014/6 Cap-And-Trade Could Be Cheaper Than Power Plant And Car Regulations, Study Finds
2014/6 Companies speak out on putting a price on carbon
2014/6 Higher Carbon Is Needed to Spur Clean Energy: Vattenfall
2014/6 How Carbon Pricing Can Boost the Bottom Line
2014/6 Powerful emitters ignore Beijing carbon scheme deadline and question its authority, says report
2014/6 Taxing the truth on carbon pricing
2014/6 The Northeast’s Cap-And-Trade System Just Had Its Most Successful Auction Ever
2014/6 Unlocking Cost Savings with Cap-and-Trade |
2014/6 Why A National Carbon Tax Would Be Amazing
2014/7 British Columbia's carbon tax: The evidence mounts
2014/7 Carbon Pricing and Politics Solutions - Part 2
2014/7 Five reasons for the new senate to keep the carbon price (Australia)
2014/7 Politics and Carbon Pricing and Carbon Revenues - Part 3
2014/7 Why Investors Support a Price on Carbon
2014/8 Carbon Pricing and Northwest Businesses
2014/8 New Study Suggests Airline Ticket Prices Need To Increase For Climate Policies To Work
2014/8 Storify: Who Supports Putting a Price on Carbon?
2014/8 The carbon tax: why a bipartisan idea is still held up
2014/8 Why Business Leaders Support a Price on Carbon
2014/9 "Put a Price on Carbon. Now." | Peter Bakker
2014/9 73 Countries and Over 1,000 Businesses Speak Out in Support of a Price on Carbon
2014/9 At least 150 companies prep for carbon prices
2014/9 British Columbia’s carbon tax shift: An environmental and economic success
2014/9 Businesses double down on carbon pricing while Capitol Hill idles
2014/9 Cap and Trade in the Peoples Republic of Carbon |
2014/9 Carbon pricing is no-brainer for big corporations
2014/9 Carbon pricing necessary to ensure long-term investments support low-carbon future
2014/9 Chile becomes first South American country to tax carbon
2014/9 Companies Ready for Carbon Pricing
2014/9 EU polluters to land €5bn windfall under 'carbon leakage' proposal
2014/9 Global investors push for carbon pricing ahead of UN climate summit
2014/9 Global investors urge leaders to act on carbon pricing before UN meeting
2014/9 Half the World Wants to Tax Carbon The Other Half is the Problem
2014/9 How to move ahead quickly on carbon pricing
2014/9 Is There A Right Price For Carbon?
2014/9 Oil Companies Quietly Prepare For a Future of Carbon Pricing
2014/9 Price slowly rising on carbon emissions in US cap-and-trade states
2014/9 Real-World Barriers to Carbon Pricing - Part 1
2014/10 Expanding on the California Climate Credit | Mike Sandler
2014/11 A Carbon Tax on Me: How to Cut Emissions, Save Money, Invest for the Future and Help End Energy Poverty
2014/11 Carbon Washington Calls For 2016 Carbon Tax Intiative
2014/11 Eberhard_All the World’s Carbon Pricing Systems in One Animated Map
2014/11 PMR Getting Ready for Carbon Pricing Policies Challenges and Opportunities for the Energy SEctor
2014/11 Technical Meeting on Interactions Between Energy and Carbon Pricing Policies
2014/12 Abbott loses anti-climate ally as Harper flags carbon price rethink
2014/12 Are we going to have a serious discussion about carbon pricing now?
2014/12 Can a state fill a budget gap with a price on carbon? Wash. may soon know
2014/12 Detailed carbon tax report shows potential for significant emissions reductions in Oregon
2014/12 It's Time to Put a Price on Carbon
2014/12 Making Climate Promises Count
2014/12 Oil price slump a "golden opportunity" to price carbon
2014/12 See The Rise Of Carbon Pricing Around The World
2014/12 Study recommends state ‘carbon tax’ to fight climate change
2014/12 Testing Carbon Pricing in Brazil: 20 Companies Join an Innovative Simulation
2014/12 This is the kind of climate bill Congress should pass (but won’t)
2014/12 What’s a University to do about Climate Change? |
2015/1 A Major Canadian Province Provides Carbon Tax Leadership
2015/1 First Tax Oil Then Carbon
2015/1 Guest: A bipartisan approach to climate action
2015/1 Justin Trudeau says carbon pricing should be left to provinces
2015/1 Oil’s swoon creates the opening for a carbon tax
2015/1 Raise the Gas Tax |
2015/1 Tipping Point for Carbon Pricing Just Got Closer
2015/1 Why now is the right time for a U.S. carbon tax
2015/2 Carbon Pricing Pays the Way for Cleaner Energy
2015/2 ShellBOMB – Big Oil CEO Pivots on Carbon: Calls for “Carbon Pricing System”
2015/2 The market doesn't charge for Florida's climate risk
2015/2 Why is Naomi Klein So Cool on a Carbon Tax
2015/3 A new framework for climate policy Why carbon pricing is not enough
2015/3 Carbon price should increase up to 200% to avoid tipping point, says study
2015/3 Study: increasing EU carbon price would have ‘extremely limited’ impact on business
2015/3 Swiss carbon tax proposal defeated in landslide vote
2015/3 The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax
2015/4 Carbon Pricing Helping Farmers Ease Methane Pollution
2015/4 Carbon Tax Polling Milestone 2/3 Support if Revenue-Neutral
2015/4 Carbon Tax Provides Solution That Could Scale Globally
2015/4 Carbon Vouchers: A Small-Government Approach
2015/4 GLOBE-Net The Way Forward
2015/4 Is a carbon price the best way to implement the EPA's Clean Power Plan?
2015/4 Should Carbon Tax Revenue Be Used to Retire Debt?
2015/4 Task force recommends Yale adopt carbon charge
2015/4 Thousands of coal workers march in Berlin in protest against climate tax
2015/4 Ulysses goes to Washington: Political myopia and policy commitment devices
2015/4 What If Polluters Paid and You Got the Money?
2015/4 Yale to impose carbon tax on itself, led by the man who helped invent it
2015/5 BUSINESS: More than 2,000 companies call for lowering emissions using a price on CO2
2015/5 Carbon pricing is achieving critical mass as governments learn from one another
2015/5 Harvard Economist Charts Escape From Kyoto
2015/5 Port of Portland pushed to kill carbon fee on propane export terminal and save backers millions annually
2015/6 Big Oil Asks for Carbon Price
2015/6 Carbon Pricing Unlikely in Paris
2015/6 Energy bosses call for carbon pricing system
2015/6 Statoil CEO: We know carbon pricing actually works
2015/7 A Carbon Tax Gains Grassroots Momentum in Washington State
2015/7 Carbon Pricing is Saving the NE Money
2015/7 Carbon Pricing Spurs Economic Development in Oregon
2015/7 France Quadruples Carbon Price
2015/7 Membership has its Co-benefits
2015/8 Bipartisan Plaudits for Rep. Delaney’s “Tax Pollution, Not Profits Act”
2015/8 Carbon credits undercut climate change actions
2015/8 Clean Fuels vs Carbon Tax in the Pacific Northwest
2015/8 Controlling carbon emissions from U.S. power plants: How a tradable performance standard compares to a carbon tax
2015/8 Why Carbon Taxes Aren't a Silver Bullet
2015/9 A New Model for Carbon Pricing Using Blockchain Technology
2015/9 Bankers Ask for Carbon Tax
2015/9 Climate economists are coming around to the idea that a carbon tax isn't enough
2015/9 Companies accelerate carbon pricing plans to mitigate risk
2015/9 Companies Taking Carbon Pricing Seriously
2015/9 Faster track to better carbon prices
2015/9 How Do Companies Put a Price on Carbon?
2015/9 Microsoft Leads Movement to Offset Emissions with Internal Carbon Tax
2015/9 New Principles to Help Accelerate the Growing Global Momentum for Carbon Pricing
2015/9 Paris, give us carbon pricing
2015/9 Putting a price on carbon, one jurisdiction at a time
2015/9 There's a Simpler Way to Fight Climate Change, California
2015/9 To comply with the Clean Power Plan, states should tax carbon
2015/9 Vietnam Carbon Pricing Technical Training
2015/9 What Energy Efficiency Hero Gets Wrong
2015/10 CarbonWA the heck is going on?
2015/10 Everyone’s favorite climate change fix
2015/10 The Path to Carbon Pricing by Christine Lagarde and Jim Yong Kim
2015/10 These World Leaders Agree: We Need A Price On Carbon
2015/11 4 Corporate Carbon Pricing Do’s and Don’ts
2015/11 So your company supports carbon pricing. Now what?
2015/11 These could be the first U.S. states to tax carbon — and give their residents a nice paycheck
2015/12 After Paris
2015/12 Assessing public support for cap-and-trade
2015/12 Carbon Pricing: Not Such a Clean Option
2015/12 For big business seeking CO2 emissions price, a ray of hope from Paris
2015/12 Half of global executives support carbon pricing, EY survey finds
2015/12 How should we tax the world's biggest carbon emitters?
2015/12 Oil Companies Call for Stronger Carbon Pricing | Margo T. Oge
2015/12 REBATE Act would push Paris climate goals forward, CCL says
2015/12 Sanders wants to put price on carbon pollution
2015/12 The basics of putting Cool Pricing to work
2015/12 The pathways to carbon pricing
2015/12 The Right Way to Tax Carbon
2015/12 UN on wrong track with plans to limit global warming to 2C, says top scientist
2015/12 Washington Carbon Tax Initiative Gets Enough Signatures To Go On The 2016 Ballot
2015/12 What is an Internal Carbon Price, and Should My Business Implement One?
2015/12 Yale introduces innovative carbon charge program with 20 ‘living laboratories’ around campus