Headings - News and Opinion
N - Taxing Carbon
News Stories | Blogs
2007/6 Climate Change: Caps vs. Taxes
2010/8 How Climate Policy Could Address Fiscal Shortfalls
2010/12 It’s Time for a Carbon Tax
2012/1 The Case For A Carbon Tax (Book Review)
2012/7 Let the evidence speak for itself on the effect of carbon taxes
2012/7 The Potential Role of a Carbon Tax in U.S. Fiscal Reform
2013/2 Want a Pro-Growth Pro-Environment Plan? Economists Agree: Tax Carbon.
2013/3 The Tax Favored By Most Economists
2013/7 Fantasy carbon-tax modelling overcomes arithmetic
2014/2 British Columbia LNG Tax to Raise Billions on Gas Exports
2014/3 All You Need to Know About BC’s Carbon Tax Shift in Five Charts
2014/3 British Columbia Enacted the Most Significant Carbon Tax in the Western Hemisphere. What Happened Next Is It Worked.
2014/3 Surprise! Even A Crazy-High Carbon Tax Would Help California Businesses
2014/4 How will British Columbia power its liquified natural gas industry? — High Country News
2014/4 South African carbon tax will allow companies to offset emissions
2014/5 Can a Carbon Tax Calm the "War On Coal?"
2014/5 For a Canadian Province, Gas Boom Presents a Conundrum
2014/5 The Most Interesting Climate Policy Debate You Haven’t Heard Of
2014/5 U.S. Lags in Carbon Tax to Fight Climate Change
2014/6 Taxing the truth on carbon pricing
2014/6 Why A National Carbon Tax Would Be Amazing
2014/7 British Columbia's carbon tax: The evidence mounts
2014/7 Politics and Carbon Pricing and Carbon Revenues - Part 3
2014/8 The carbon tax: why a bipartisan idea is still held up
2014/9 British Columbia’s carbon tax shift: An environmental and economic success
2014/9 Chile becomes first South American country to tax carbon
2014/9 How to move ahead quickly on carbon pricing
2014/11 A Carbon Tax on Me: How to Cut Emissions, Save Money, Invest for the Future and Help End Energy Poverty
2014/11 Carbon Washington Calls For 2016 Carbon Tax Intiative
2014/12 Detailed carbon tax report shows potential for significant emissions reductions in Oregon
2014/12 Study recommends state ‘carbon tax’ to fight climate change
2014/12 This is the kind of climate bill Congress should pass (but won’t)
2015/1 A Major Canadian Province Provides Carbon Tax Leadership
2015/1 First Tax Oil Then Carbon
2015/1 Guest: A bipartisan approach to climate action
2015/1 Oil’s swoon creates the opening for a carbon tax
2015/1 Raise the Gas Tax |
2015/1 Why now is the right time for a U.S. carbon tax
2015/2 Why is Naomi Klein So Cool on a Carbon Tax
2015/3 Swiss carbon tax proposal defeated in landslide vote
2015/3 The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax
2015/4 Carbon Tax Polling Milestone 2/3 Support if Revenue-Neutral
2015/4 Carbon Tax Provides Solution That Could Scale Globally
2015/4 Carbon Vouchers: A Small-Government Approach
2015/4 Should Carbon Tax Revenue Be Used to Retire Debt?
2015/4 Thousands of coal workers march in Berlin in protest against climate tax
2015/4 Ulysses goes to Washington: Political myopia and policy commitment devices
2015/4 What If Polluters Paid and You Got the Money?
2015/4 Yale to impose carbon tax on itself, led by the man who helped invent it
2015/7 A Carbon Tax Gains Grassroots Momentum in Washington State
2015/8 Bipartisan Plaudits for Rep. Delaney’s “Tax Pollution, Not Profits Act”
2015/8 Clean Fuels vs Carbon Tax in the Pacific Northwest
2015/8 Controlling carbon emissions from U.S. power plants: How a tradable performance standard compares to a carbon tax
2015/9 Climate economists are coming around to the idea that a carbon tax isn't enough
2015/9 Microsoft Leads Movement to Offset Emissions with Internal Carbon Tax
2015/9 There's a Simpler Way to Fight Climate Change, California
2015/9 To comply with the Clean Power Plan, states should tax carbon
2015/9 What Energy Efficiency Hero Gets Wrong
2015/11 These could be the first U.S. states to tax carbon — and give their residents a nice paycheck
2015/12 How should we tax the world's biggest carbon emitters?
2015/12 REBATE Act would push Paris climate goals forward, CCL says
2015/12 The Right Way to Tax Carbon
2015/12 Washington Carbon Tax Initiative Gets Enough Signatures To Go On The 2016 Ballot
2016/1 How a Carbon Tax Would Cut Emissions from Shipping and Aviation
2016/1 How Making Polluters Pay Could Fix Oregonians’ Local Potholes
2016/2 Carbon Tax: The Low Oil Price Opportunity
2016/2 Time for a carbon tax
2016/3 A climate skeptic calls for a carbon tax — The Daily Climate
2016/3 Does a Carbon Tax Work? Ask British Columbia
2016/4 Airline emissions and the case for a carbon tax on flight tickets
2016/4 Carbon Fee Debate Goes Mainstream in Washington State
2016/4 Carbon Tax based on Social Cost of Carbon: Cost Benefit Analysis in Disguise?
2016/4 Coal economy workers need help—and a carbon tax could provide it
2016/4 Column: A carbon tax is a conservative answer to climate change
2016/4 Denmark ethics council calls for tax on red meat to fight 'ethical problem' of climate change
2016/4 Help for Coal Country from a Carbon Fee?
2016/4 The political hurdles facing a carbon tax — and how to overcome them
2016/5 Buying Urgency: Overcoming political barriers to carbon pricing
2016/6 Carbon Fee and Dividend: A reply to David Roberts
2016/7 To tax or not to tax—that is the question
2016/7 What to consider when designing a state-level carbon tax
2016/8 Is Cap-and-Trade or Carbon Tax Better for Business?
2016/8 Tax carbon, California — the rest of the nation will thank you
2016/8 Washington Carbon Tax Ballot Initiative Picks Up Biggest Corroboration Yet
2016/9 Why We Need a Carbon Tax, And Why It Won’t Be Enough by Bill McKibben
2016/10 “Why Does Exxon Mobil Favor a Carbon Tax?” by Robert Repetto
2016/10 Bloomberg: Trudeau’s national carbon tax a model that should be ‘widely copied’ around the world
2016/10 How a tax on carbon has divided Northwest climate activists
2016/10 Putting Carbon Tax Revenue to Work in Washington State
2016/10 The British Columbia Carbon Tax: A Failed Experiment in Market-Based Solutions to Climate Change
2016/10 The left’s opposition to a carbon tax shows there’s something deeply wrong with the left
2016/10 Why Aren’t Environmentalists Supporting a Carbon Tax in Washington State? |
2016/11 A Climate Change Policy That Benefits The Poor
2016/11 Carbon Tax, RIP?
2016/11 Ensuring Environmental Outcomes from a Carbon Tax
2016/11 The battle over Washington state’s proposed carbon tax has gotten even weirder
2016/11 Washington state alliance to push a reworked carbon-tax proposal
2016/11 Washington State Voters Reject Nation's First Carbon Tax
2016/11 Washington voters reject initiative to impose carbon tax on fossil fuels
2016/12 Canada sets its first national carbon price at C$10 a tonne
2016/12 Research Center Proposes Carbon Tax on Unsustainable Food
2017/1 A Conservative Carbon Tax
2017/1 A U.S. carbon tax and the Earned Income Tax Credit: An analysis of potential linkages
2017/1 The wisdom of a carbon tax
2017/2 ‘A Conservative Climate Solution’: Republican Group Calls for Carbon Tax
2017/2 10 things you should know about the carbon tax
2017/2 A conservative proposal for a carbon tax
2017/2 A Conservative Answer to Climate Change
2017/2 A Conservative Case for Taxing Carbon
2017/2 A Rare Republican Call to Climate Action
2017/2 About that carbon tax idea….
2017/2 Exxon's New Chief Endorses Carbon Tax to Combat Climate Change
2017/2 Is the US Ready for a Carbon Tax?
2017/2 Progressives Need to Get Over Themselves and Support This GOP-Backed Carbon-Tax Plan
2017/2 The Biggest Obstacle to a Republican Climate Policy: Republicans
2017/3 Conservatives' Embrace of a Carbon Tax Requires Revisiting the Coal Impact
2017/3 The conservative carbon tax: Right idea, wrong tool
2017/4 Guess Who’s for a Carbon Tax Now
2017/5 Carbon taxation 101: Is using the price signal a good way to help with global warming? Or will pigs fly first?
2017/5 Climate change: $4 trillion carbon tax is needed to save humanity from global warming, say economists
2017/5 Defying Trump, these state leaders are trying to impose their own carbon taxes
2017/5 Would Hayek Want a Carbon Tax?
2017/6 Beyond Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes
2017/6 Carbon Dividend Coalition Grows, Raising Hopes for Rapid Emissions Cuts
2017/6 Exxon, BP and Shell back carbon tax proposal to curb emissions
2017/6 Showing the Cost Side of the Climate Equation in a New Light
2017/6 The Trick to Make Capitalism Help Solve Climate Change
2017/6 To Negotiate a Carbon Tax: A Rough Map of Policy Interactions, Tradeoffs, and Risks
2017/9 BC Is Increasing Its Carbon Tax!
2017/9 Our View: Bipartisan carbon tax no longer pie in sky
2017/11 Will Washington State Pass the Nation’s First Carbon Tax? – Mother Jones
2017/12 Everyone in the world should be taxed on their energy footprint
2018/2 A Carbon Tax Is Popular, But District Lawmakers Can't Decide How To Implement It
2018/3 Moving Forward with a Carbon Tax in Washington State: Only A Revenue-Neutral Approach is Viable (Part I)
2018/4 Carbon taxes could make significant dent in climate change, study finds
2018/4 It’s simple, really — raise carbon taxes and cut income taxes
2018/4 The Carbon Fee Initiative (1631) Has Major Problems: Let's Try Something Better
2018/6 Carbon Dividends Plan Survey Results
2018/6 New Group, With Conservative Credentials, Plans Push for a Carbon Tax
2018/6 Opinion: The carbon tax fallacy
2018/6 We’re finally told what the carbon tax will cost us. Are you sitting down?
2018/7 A new GOP carbon tax proposal is a long shot, but it’s a shot worth taking
2018/7 Carbon tax won’t harm economy, but climate change will: study - National
2018/7 Fuel for thought: A most unusual solution to global warming
2018/7 House Republican Is Proposing a $23 Carbon Tax
2018/7 Shell, BP sign letter praising bill taxing carbon emissions - Axios
2018/9 Poll finds support for business-backed carbon tax plan
2018/9 Social cost of carbon: why climate change is a global injustice
2018/9 Washington’s proposed carbon tax: Smart move in a scary time
2018/10 Best way to fight climate change? Put an honest price on carbon
2018/10 Canada’s Justin Trudeau is betting his reelection on a carbon tax
2018/10 Carbon tax debate: the top 5 things everyone needs to know
2018/10 The Myth of a Conservative Carbon Tax: Environmentalists Infiltrate
2018/10 The People Of Washington State Look Set To Vote Themselves A Carbon Tax
2018/10 Washington’s Carbon Tax: Take Two
2018/10 Why Exxon is backing the fight for a carbon tax
2018/11 A Carbon Tax Wave? 7 States Considering Carbon Pricing to Fight Climate Change
2018/11 Green hypocrisy? Washington state voters keep proving it’s not easy being green
2018/11 The Carbon Tax Is Dead, Long Live the Carbon Tax
2018/12 Climate deal excludes tax on CO2, green groups furious
2018/12 Do you want a carbon tax, or do you want to be lied to?
2018/12 France's protesters are part of a global backlash against climate-change taxes
2018/12 Why greens are turning away from a carbon tax
2019/1 A carbon tax back from the dead? Stranger things have happened.
2019/1 Economists’ Statement on Carbon Dividends
2019/1 Opinion: It’s time to accept that Alberta’s carbon tax works
2019/3 Carbon Tax Plans: How They Compare and Why Oil Giants Support One of Them
2019/6 Going 'Zero Carbon' Is All The Rage. But Will It Slow Climate Change?
2019/6 Ontario court upholds validity of Trudeau's federal carbon tax
2019/7 Is it time to impose a carbon tax?
2019/7 Is the moment finally ripe for carbon taxes?
2019/7 Smart Climate Deniers Love Carbon Taxation
2019/8 Carbon Tax: Idea Gains Steam among Conservatives
2019/9 Carbon tax campaign unveils new details and backers
2019/10 A Carbon Tax That Is Good for Conservative Clean Energy
2019/10 Riots and trade wars: Why carbon taxes will not solve climate crisis
2019/10 Some economics nerds just realized how much climate change will cost us
2019/10 To save climate, tax carbon at $75 per ton: IMF
2019/11 Bipartisan Climate Bill Could Cut Pollution 38% by 2030
2019/11 Hiking carbon tax to $210 cheapest way to hit climate targets: commission
2019/12 Airlines Hit Out at Europe’s Green Deal Plan for Jet-Fuel Tax
2020/1 Would a Carbon Tax Hurt the Economy? – Energy Institute Blog
2020/2 Carbon Taxes Alone Aren’t Good Climate Policy: Gernot Wagner
2020/4 It’s Time for a Carbon Tax—Now
2020/6 Carbon pricing is growing globally, but still faces headwinds in the U.S.
2020/8 A simpler, more useful way to tax carbon to fight climate change
2021/2 Carbon tax chatter returns to shake up climate politics
2021/2 Why should developing countries implement carbon pricing when even advanced economies fall woefully short?
2021/4 The EU wants a carbon tax on imports — would it be an effective climate solution?
2021/4 The world’s first carbon border tariff, explained
2021/7 Carbon Tax, Beloved Climate Policy, Dies at 47
2021/8 Not a carbon tax, but a climate-based economic development incentive bigger than the carbon tax
2021/8 Would A $100 Per Ton Carbon Tax Get ExxonMobil To Right Its Errant Ways?