Headings - Topical Sources
S - Federal SCC Determination
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
2009 Pew Center on Global Climate Change_Recommendations in responses to OMB regulatory process on benefit-cost analysis
2010 Interagency Working Group_Technical Support Document Social Cost of Carbon
2010 USEPA_Technical Support Document - Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis Under EO 12866
2012 Kopp The U.S. Government’s Social Cost of Carbon Estimates after Their First Two Years: Pathways for Improvement
2013 CERES_Comments on Proposed SCC Regulation
2013 Dudley_OMBs Reported Benefits of Regulation Skepticism
2013 EFF_Comments on Proposed SCC Regulation
2013 Interagency Working Group_Technical Support Document - Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulation under EO 12866
2013 Interagency Working Group_Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis
2014 EDF_Comments on valuation of the SCC
2014 Sierra Club_Comments on Technical Support Document for Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis
2015 Marten_Incremental CH4 and N2O mitigation benefits consistent with the US Government's SC-CO2 estimates $$
2021 Carleton_Updating the United States Government's Social Cost of Carbon
2021 Wagner_Eight priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon
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