Headings - Topical Sources
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Will the Pope Make a Difference?
2014 Borick_American Acceptance of Global Warming Retreats in Wake of Winter 2014
2014 Capstick_What is climate change scepticism - Examination of the concept
2015 AP_American attitudes toward the pope following his visit to the US
2015 Tabola_American Climate Values 2014 Supplement Health and Climate Impacts
2015 Van der Linden_Improving public engagement with climate change
2016 Bedford_Does Climate Literacy Matter A Case Study of U S Students Level of Concern about Anthropogenic Global Warming $$
2016 CICCA_Understanding the Views and Actions of U.S. Farmers Towards Climate Change
2016 Leiserowitz_Climate Change in the American Mind
2016 Lewis_Can public perceptions of Australian climate extremes be reconciled with the statistics of climate change
2016 Ranney_Climate Change Conceptual Change Scientific Information Can Transform Attitudes
2016 Shi_Knowledge as a driver of public perceptions about climate change reassessed
2017 ACP_Finding Common Ground Over 95% of Americans Agree We Have a Moral Responsibility to be Good Stewards
1982 Rossiter_Conservatism in America
2010 Leiserowitz_Race Ethnicity and Climate Change
2014 Anderegg_Public interest in climate change over past decade and effects of climategate event
2015 Bofferding_Middle and high school students' conceptions of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies $$
2015 Carle_Climate Change Seen as Top Global Threat
2015 Pew Research November 5 Survey Topline Results
2015 Yale Project CC Comm_Climate Change in the American Mind
2016 Fowler_The states of public opinion on the environment
2016 Ranney_Increased Wisdom from the Ashes of Ingorance and Surprise Numerically Driven Inferencing Global Warming
2016 Vogel_Review - Cheap and Clean How Americans Think About Energy in the Age of Global Warming
2017 Nichols_The Death of Expertise The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters
2010 Leiserowitz_Americans Knowledge on Climate Change
2015 Cook_Rational Irrationality Modeling Climate change Belief Polarization Using Bayesian Networks
2015 Papoulis_Public perception of climate change in a period of economic crisis
2017 Mainieri_Green Buying The influence of environmental concern on consumer behavior $$
2017 Monmouth University_Life on the Mid-Atlantic Coast 2017
2017 Ray_Extreme weather exposure and support for climate change adaptation
2018 ACS_Millennial Climate Concern Spikes and They're Acting on it
2018 Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication_National Survey Results on the Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan October 2018
200X Bothun_Six Americas PPT
200X Chimnani_How Millentials Feel About Climate Change PPT
200X Telefonica_Millenial Survey Global Results
National Surveys on Energy and Environment - NSEE
NSF Award Search: Award#1430781
NSF Award Search: Award#1459872
1992 Zaller_The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion
1994 Bostrom_What Do People Know About Global Climate Change? 1. Mental Models
1994 Read_What Do People Know About Global Climate Change? 2. Survey Studies of Educated Laypeople
1995 Dunlap_Global Concern for the Environment: Is Affluence a Prerequisite? $$
2000 Sandman_Media Campaigns
2002 Sterman_Cloudy skies: assessing public understanding of global warming
2003 Baldassare_PPIC Statewide Survey Special Survey on Californians and the Environment
2003 Leiserowitz_American Opinions on Global Warming
2003 McCright_Defeating Kyoto - Conservative Movement's Impact on U.S. Climate Change Policy
2003 Schultz_Reframing Environmental Messages to be congruent with American values
2005 Leiserowitz_American Risk Perceptions: Is Climate Change Dangerous?
2005 Rose_Climate Change Communications - Dipping a Toe Into Public Motivation
2006 EcoAmerica_The American Environmental Values Survey
2006 Jamieson_An American Paradox
2006 Krosnick_The origins and consequences of democratic citizens policy agendas
2006 Leiserowitz_Climate Change Risk Perception and Policy Preferences
2007 Becken_Tourists Perception of International Air Travel s Impact on the Global Climate and Potential Climate Change Policies
2007 George Mason_What are Americans doing about climate change
2007 Scientific American Editors Enough Hot Air Already
2007 Sterman_Understanding public complacency about climate change: adults mental models of climate change violate conservation of matter $$
2007 Sterman_Understanding Public Complacency About Climate Change
2007 Sunstein_On the Divergent American Reactions to Terrorism and Climate Change
2008 Bowman_A Meeting to Assess Public Attitudes About_CC
2008 Davidson_Arguing About Climate Change
2008 EcoAmerica_The American Climate Values Survey Moving Toward a Tipping Point
2008 EDF_Are We Ready - Preparing for Public Health Challenges of Climate Change
2008 Finney_Climate Change, Privilege and Consciousness
2008 Guenther_Self-enhancement and belief perseverance
2008 Herr_ReGreen The Ecological Roadmap
2008 Hoerner and Robinson_Climate of Change
2008 Jacques_The organization of denial: Conservative think tanks and environmental skepticism
2008 Kellstedt_Personal Efficacy, the Information Environment, and Attitudes Toward Global Warming and Climate Change in the United States
2008 Moser_Toward a deeper engagement of US public on climate change
2008 Pidgeon_Climate change or nuclear power - No thanks!
2008 Scientific American Editors_Climate Fatigue
2008 Semenza_Public Perception of Climate Change - voluntary mitigation and barriers
2008 Whitmarsh_Are flood victims more concerned about climate change than other people The role of direct experience in risk perception and behavioural response $$
2009 Bengston_Rapid Issue Tracking: A Method for Taking the Pulse of the Public Discussion of Environmental Policy
2009 Bittle_energy learning curve
2009 Briguglio_Defining and assessing the risk of being harmed by climate change
2009 Cronin_Why don't well-educated adults understand accumulation? A challenge to researchers, educators, and citizens
2009 EcoAmerica_Climate and Energy Truths Our Common Futures
2009 HSBC_Climate Confidence Monitor 2009
2009 Leiserowitz_Climategate_Public Opinion_and Loss of Trust
2009 Leiserowitz_Global Warming's Six Americas_An Audience Segmentation
2009 Malka_Knowledge and Climate Concern
2009 Malka_The Association of Knowledge with Concern About Global Warming: Trusted Information Sources Shape Public Thinking
2009 Moser_Communicating Climate Change and Motivating Civic Action - renewing democracies
2009 Moser_Costly Knowledge - politics of public understanding and engagement on climate
2010 Akerlof_Public perceptions of Climate Change as a Human Health Risk
2010 Americans Knowledge of Climate Change 389A39E7d01
2010 Climate Change in American Minds
2010 Feinberg_Apocalypse Soon Dire Messages Reduce Belief in Global Warming
2010 Ferguson_Collective guilt mediates effect of beliefs about global warming on willingness to engage in mitigation behavior
2010 Green Alliance_From Hot Air to Happy Endings How to Inspire Public Support
2010 Halady_Does awareness to climate change lead to behavioral change? $$
2010 Hamilton Do Scientists Agree About Climate Change Public Perceptions
2010 Howell_Lights, camera, action? Altered attitudes and behaviour in response to the climate change film The Age of Stupid
2010 HSBC_Climate Confidence Monitor 2010
2010 In Science We Trust
2010 Joireman_Effect of outdoor temperature, heat primes and anchoring on belief in global warming
2010 Leiserowitz_Climate change in the American mind
2010 Leiserowitz_Geoengineering and Climate change in the Public Mind
2010 Leiserowitz_Global Warming and Six Americas
2010 Maibach_A National Survey of News Directors About Climate Change
2010 Maibach_A National Survey of Television Meteorologists
2010 Maibach_What the audience research tells us about how to build consumer demand for renewables PPT
2010 McConochie_64 Psychological Facets of Conservative and Liberal Worldviews
2010 McCright_Politicization of Climate Change
2010 Mccright_The effects of gender on climate change knowledge and concern in the American public
2010 Reynolds_Now What Do People Know About Global Climate Change? Survey Studies of Educated Laypeople
2010 Rolfe-Redding_The Six Americas of Climate Change PPT
2010 Rosenberg_Climate change - a profile of US climate scientists perspectives
2010 Weber_What shapes perceptions of climate change?
2010 Wheres the Carbon Increasing public understanding of global warming with improved college science education $$
2010 WSP_Opinions on a Low Carbon Future
2010 Yale Climate Comm_Americans Action to Conserve Energy, Reduce Waste
2010 Yale Climate Comm_Climate Change in the American Mind
2010 Yale Climate Comm_Global Warming's Six Americas
2010 Yale Climate Comm_Public Support for Climate and Energy Policies
2010 Yale Project on Climate Change Communication_Global Warming’s Six Americas
2010 Yohe_Reasons for concern about climate change in the US
2010 YPCC_The Climate Change Generation?
2011 Akerlof_A rose by any other name -- What the public calls climate change
2011 Attari_Public Misperceptions and effective behaviors PPT
2011 Bellamy_Beyond the tipping point Understanding perceptionsn of abrupt climate change and their implications $$
2011 Borick_National Survey of American Public Opinion Climate change
2011 Bostrom_Causal thinking and support for climate change policies
2011 Bredenberg_Does Public Believe in Anthropogenic Climate Change
2011 Casti_Four Faces of Tomorrow
2011 Cohen_Eyes wide shut UK consumer perceptions on aviation climate impacts and travel decisions
2011 Davis_Energy and Environment Consumer Survey
2011 Ding_Support for climate policy and societal action are linked to perceptions about scientific agreement
2011 EcoAmerica_Change of Atmophere: Connecting with Americans on Climate -- Conference Report
2011 EcoAmerica_The American climate and environmental values survey
2011 EcoAmerica_Trends in America’s Climate and Environmental Attitudes
2011 Ekwurzel_Increasing Public Understanding of Climate Risk
2011 Fineberg_Apocalypse Soon? Dire Messages Reduce Belief in Global Warming by Contradicting Just World Beliefs
2011 Hamilton_Climate Change Partisanship, Understanding, and Public Opinion
2011 Hamilton_Do You Believe the Climate is Changing
2011 Hamilton_Education, politics and opinions about climate change
2011 Hansen_Case For Young People and Nature
2011 Harris_Climate change - Public Skeptical scientists sure
2011 Hobson_Public responses to climate change_the role of deliberation in building capacity for adaptation action
2011 Hoffmann_The Growing Climate Divide
2011 Howe_History and climate - A road map to humanistic scholarship on climate change
2011 Hurlbert_Evaluating climate justice – attitudes and opinions of individual stakeholders
2011 Kahan Cultural Cognititon of Scientific Consensus
2011 Kahan_Tragedy of the Risk Perception Commons
2011 Knight_Talk of the Enemy - Adversarial Framing and Climate Change Discourse
2011 Krosnick and MacInnis_National Survey on American Public Opinion
2011 Leiserowitz_Politics and global warming - Democrats Republicans Tea Party
2011 Leiserowitz_Public Support for Climate and Energy Policy
2011 Leiserowitz_Public Understanding of Climate Science
2011 Leviston_Baseline survey of Australian attitudes to climate change
2011 Lorenz_How social influence can undermine wisdom of crowd effect
2011 McCright_Cool Dudes: The denial of climate change among conservative white males in the United States
2011 McCright_Political orientation moderates American beliefs in climate change
2011 McCright_The Politicization of Climate Change and Polarization in the American Publics Views of Global Warming
2011 Mellman Group_Focus Group Finding
2011 Munoz_Perceptions of Climate change The Role of Art and the Media
2011 Nagel_Climate Change, Public Opinion, and the Military Security Complex
2011 Orderud_Norwegian mayoral awareness of and attitudes towards climate change
2011 Pike_American Climate Attitudes
2011 Pugliese_Fewer Americans, Europeans View Global Warming as a Threat
2011 Roberts_Field Notes Applied Expertise in Sustainability and Climate Change
2011 Roberts_Krill looks and feelers - dialogue on expanding perceptions of climate change data
2011 Shepardson_Students’ conceptions about the greenhouse effect
2011 Shwom_Facts and Values in Climate Change Public Opinion
2011 Skarboe_Publics perception of climate change and policy options
2011 Somerville_Communicating the Science of Climate Change
2011 Somerville_How much should public know about climate science
2011 Stern_Improving the Public’s Understanding of Climate Change
2011 Villar_No Decline in MA residents Belief in and Concern About Global Warming
2011 Ward Communicating the Climate Science Perfect Storm
2011 Whitmarsh_Public engagement with carbon and climate change To what extent is the public carbon capable $$
2011 Wolf_Individual understandings - perceptions and engagement on climate
2011 Yale Project Climate Change Comm_Public Support for Climate 2011
2012 Baker_Risk Perceptions and Preparedness Among Mid-Atlantic Coast Residents
2012 Borick_Continued Rebound in American Belief
2012 Bowerman_How much is too much - public opinion perspective
2012 Brechin_Shaping US climate opinion
2012 Brulle_Partisan Battles and Shifting Public Opinion
2012 Brulle_Shifting public opinion on climate change an empirical assessment
2012 Chatham House_Climate change and energy security - assessing the impact of information
2012 Corner_Psychology Science literacy and climate views
2012 Druckman_How Scientific Evidence Links Attitudes to Behaviors
2012 ecoAmerica_Trends in Americas Climate and Environmental Attitudes
2012 Farnsworth_The Structure of Scientific Opinion on Climate Change
2012 Gaillard_The climate gap
2012 Grossman_Physical Risks from Climate Change Guide
2012 Hansen_Climate Dice - Public Perception of Climate Change
2012 Howe_Global perceptions of local temperature change
2012 Kahan_The polarizing impact of science literacy and numeracy on perceived climate change risks
2012 Kleber_Energy and the Republican Party Conservative Values in Action
2012 Kohut_Trends in American Values 1987-2012 Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush Obama Years
2012 Krosnick_Trends in American Public Opinion on Global Warming Policies Betweeen 2010 and 2012
2012 Leiserowitz & Thaker_Climate Change in the Indian Mind
2012 Mayer_Stories of Climate Change Competing Narratives the Media and U.S. Public Opinion 2001-2010
2012 Miller_Climate Change Generation X Attitudes Interest and Understanding
2012 Miller_Gen X attitudes on climate change
2012 Pew_More say there is solid evidence of global warming
2012 Pidgeon_Public understanding of and attitudes to climate change
2001 Durnill_The Making of a Conservative Environmentalist
2012 Polonsky_The impact of general and carbon-related environmental knowledge on attitudes and behavior of US consumers $$
2012 Rabe_Public Opinion on Climate Policy Options
2012 Rabinovich_Communicating climate science: The role of perceived communicators' motives
2018 Evans_The Myth Gap What Happens When Evidence and Arguments Aren't Enough?
2012 Otto_America’s Science Problem
2012 Ranney_Changing Global Warming Beliefs With Scientific Information
2012 Ratter_Between hype and decline: recent trends in public perception of climate change
2012 Reser_Public risk perceptions understanding and responses to climate change and natural disasters in Australia
2012 Roser-Renouf_Political Benefits of taking pro climate stand in 2012
2012 Safi_Rural Nevada and Climate Change
2012 Scott_The securitization of climate change in world politics
2012 Scruggs_Declining public concern about climate change: Can we blame the great recession?
2012 Sierra Club_Latinos and the Environment Survey
2012 Smith and Leiserowitz_Rise of GW Skepticism
2012 Spence_The Psychological Distance of Climate Change
2012 Swim_Psychology and Climate Change Beliefs Impacts and Human Contributions $$
2012 Szafran_If Local Weather Was Our Only Indicator: Modeling Length of Time to Majority Belief in Climate Change
2012 Twenge_Generational Differences in Young Adults in Life Goals
2012 UCS Increasing Public Understanding of Climate Risks and Choices
2012 van Riper_Australian resident attitudes toward pro-environmental behaviour and climate change impacts on Great Barrier Reef
2012 Yale Proj CC Comm_Fracking in the American Mind
2012 Yale Project CC Comm_American's Actions to Limit GW
2012 Yale Project CC Comm_Climate change in the American Mind
2012 Yale Project Climate Change Comm_Public Support for Climate and Energy Policies
2012 Yale Project on Climate Change Communication_Potential Impact of GW on the 2012 Pres Election
2013 Akerlof_Do people personally experience global warming, and if so how, and does it matter? $$
2013 Arbuckle_Farmer beliefs and concerns about climate change and attitudes toward adaptation and mitigation: Evidence from Iowa
2013 Barnes Contribution of anthropology to the study of climate change
2013 Borick_National surveys on energy and environment
2013 Boykoff_Political economy media and climate change
2013 Clark_Knowledge Helps Mechanistic Information and Numeric Evidence
2013 CRO Forum_Environmental Social and Governance factors in Country Risk Management – a new horizon
2013 de Groot_Values, Perceived Risks and Benefits, and Acceptability of Nuclear Energy
2013 Derugina_How do people update? The effects of local weather fluctuations on beliefs about global warming
2013 Donner_The influence of national temperature fluctuations on opinions about climate change in the U.S. since 1990
2013 Druckman_How Elite Partisan Polarization Affects Public Opinion Formation
2013 Druckman_Public opinion stunted policy support
2013 EcoAmerica_New facts old myths - polling trends
2013 EESI_Polling American public on climate change fact sheet
2013 Engler_Climate of Change: What Does an Inside-Outside Strategy Mean?
2013 Georgetown Climate Center_Polling demonstrates strong support for state and federal government action on climate and energy policies
2013 Gerst_The interplay between risk attitudes and low probability high cost outcomes
2013 Hamilton_Blowing in the Wind: Short-Term Weather and Belief in Anthropogenic Climate Change
2013 Harker-Schuch_Opinions and knowledge about climate change science in high school students $$
2013 Harring_Should we trust in values Explaining public support for pro-environmental taxes
2013 Herr_How to Engage the Public in Climate Adaptation PPT
2013 Howe_Who remembers a hot summer or a cold winter? The asymmetric effect of beliefs about global warming on perceptions of local climate conditions in the U.S.
2013 Krosnick_Does the American Public Support Legislation GHGs
2013 Krosnick_The American Public’s Perspective on Sea Level Rise
2013 Krosnick_U.S. Views on Climate Adaptation and Sea Level Rise: Survey Briefing
2013 Leiserowitz_Climate change in the Californian Mind
2013 Leiserowitz_Climate change in the Ohioan mind
2013 Leiserowitz_Climate change in the Texan mind
2013 Leiserowitz_Climate Change in the Coloradoan Mind
2013 Levin_Recent Polling on Youth Voters
2013 Leviston_Your opinion on climate change might not be as common as you think
2013 Lewandowsky_The pivotal role of perceived scientific consensus
2013 Maibach_Perceptions of Extreme Weather and Climate Change in Virginia
2013 Myers_The relationship between personal experience and belief
2013 Nature Climate Change Editorial Board_Climate consensus
2013 Nordhaus_Public opinion on climate change (book chapter) $$
2013 Pew_GOP Deeply Divided Over Climate Change
2013 Philo_Communicating Climate Change and Energy Security: New Methods in Understand Audiences
2013 Prior_The impact of accuracy incentives on partisan bias in reports of economic perceptions
2013 Rabe_The Chilling Effect of Winter 2013 on American Acceptance of Global Warming
2013 Sarewitz_Climate must be seen to bridge the political divide
2013 Schweizer_Changing the Conversation about Climate Change - A Theoretical Framework
2013 Sherman-Morris_The Public Response to Hazardous Weather Events: 25 Years of Research
2013 Skocpol_What It Will Take to Counter Extremism and Engage Americans in Fight against Global Warming
2013 UNF_Global Research Findings PPT
2013 Volmert_Just the earth doing its own thing
2013 Weber_Psychology - Seeing is Believing
2013 Yale Climate Project_Climate Change Beliefs
2013 Yale Project_Extreme Weather and Climate Change in the American Mind
2014/4 American Climate Values 2014 Webinar on Vimeo
2014 Abbott_Climate change: lived experience, policy and public action $$
2014 Aklin_Perceptions of scientific dissent undermine public support for environmental policy $$
2014 Ansolabehere_Cheap and Clean: How Americans Think about Energy in the Age of Global Warming
2014 Bohr_Public views on the dangers and importance of climate change: predicting climate change beliefs in the United States through income moderated by party identification
2014 Bowerman_We're Not That Far Apart PPT
2014 Capstick_Public perception of cold weather events as evidence for and against climate change
2014 Castree_Changing the intellectual climate
2014 Chaudoin_American evangelicals and domestic versus international climate policy $$
2014 de Kraker_Internet public opinion on climate change: a world views analysis of online reader comments
2014 De Kraker_Internet public opinion on climate change: a world views analysis of online reader comments $$
2014 Denniss_Self and world in lay interpretations of climate change $$
2014 Dunlap_Clarifying anti-reflexivity – conservative opposition to impact science and scientific evidence
2014 Ecklund_Religious Communities Science Scientists and Perceptions
2014 ecoAmerica_American Climate Values 2014
2014 Egan_Local weather and climate concern
2014 Global Challenges Foundation_The Pulse of International Sentiment
2014 Hamilton_Do You Trust Scientists About the Environment_
2014 IAGP_Public and other stakeholder perceptions of geoengineering
2014 IAGP_Views about geoengineering
2014 Kilburn_Religion and foundations of American public opinion towards global climate change $$
2014 Kim_Cross-National Public Opinion on Climate Change: Effects of Affluence and Vulnerability
2014 Lachapelle_Public opinion on climate change and support for various policy instruments in Canada and US
2014 Lang_Do weather fluctuations cause people to seek information about climate change?
2014 Liu_Rancher and farmer perceptions of climate change in Nevada, USA
2014 Mcneeley_The Cultural Theory of Risk for Climate Change Adaptation
2014 Meyer_The dynamics of hurricane risk perception
2014 Millar_Do wildfire experiences influence views on climate change? $$
2014 Murphy_Adapting to climate change in shifting landscapes of belief
2014 NewKnowledge__National ISEI Visitor Survey Report What do audiences know about climate change
2014 NewKnowledge_Visualizing Change Context Briefing Report
2014 Nisbet_Environmental Advocacy in the Obama Years
2014 O'Neill_Fear Won't Do It Promoting Positive Engagement with Climate Change Through Visual and Iconic Representation
2014 Orlove_On the Origins and Consequences of the Uneven Attention to Climate Change
2014 Perkowitz_American Climate Values 2014 Psychographic and Demographic Insights
2014 Rabe_The Decline of Public Support for State Climate Change Policies 2008-2013
2014 Roser-Renouf_Global Warmings Six Americas book chapter
2014 Roser-Renouf_Global Warmings Six Americas in October 2014 Health
2014 Sarfaty_Key Findings National Medical Association Physician Survey
2014 Schaefer_Religious motivation for mitigating human forced climate change Scientifically informed, politically astute, and collaborative $$
2014 Smith_Climate change perception, observation and policy support in rural Nevada: A comparative analysis of Native Americans, non-native ranchers and farmers and mainstream America
2014 Stevenson_Overcoming skepticism with education: interacting influences of worldview and climate change knowledge on perceived climate change risk among adolescents
2014 Taylor_Public perception of climate risk and adaptation in the UK A review of the literature
2014 Volmert_Getting to the Heart of the Matter Using metaphorical and causal explanation to increase public understanding
2014 Ward_In the public's mind
2014 YPCC_Politics and Global Warming
2014 Zaval_How warm days increase belief in global warming
2015 AP_Speaking out on global warming Public attitudes toward the Papal Encyclical on Climate Change
2015 Ardoin_Nature based tourism s impact on environmental knowledge attitudes and behavior a review and analysis of the literature and potential future research
2015 Baylis_Temperature and Temperament Evidence from a Billion Tweets
2015 Bedsted_World Wide Views on Climate and Energy
2015 Bliuc_Public division about climate change rooted in conflicting socio-political identities $$
2015 Bolsen_Citizens Scientists and Policy Advisors Beliefs about global Warming
2015 Bowerman_Living Guilt Free in a Society of Mass Consumption PPT
2015 Capstick_International trends in public perceptions of climate change over the past quarter century
2015 Della Volpe_Survey of Young Americans Attitudes Towards Politics - Executive Summary
2015 Earthjustice_Environmental Attitudes Survey - Latinos
2015 Evans_Effects of local drought condition on public opinions about water supply and future climate change $$
2015 Farrell_Corporate funding and ideological polarization about climate change
2015 Fink_American Climate Values 2014 Supplement - Faith and Climate Highlights
2015 Funk_Public and Scientists Views on Science and Society
2015 Hamilton_Validity of county level estimates of climate change beliefs $$
2015 Hart_Public attention to science and political news and support for climate change mitigation
2015 Howe_Geographic variation in opinions on climate change at state and local scales in the USA $$
2015 Itkonen_Social ties and concern for global warming $$
2015 Kahan_Geoengineering and Climate Change Polarization $$
2015 Kennedy_Describing and Explaining Cross-National Public Opinion on Climate Change
2015 Lee_Predictors of public climate change and awareness and risk perception $$
2015 Lehner_From local perception to global perspective $$
2015 Lei_Revealing climate change opinions through investment behavior: Evidence from Fukushima $$
2015 Lo_The relationship between climate change concern and national wealth
2015 Lu_Exploring the role of incidental emotions in support for climate change policy $$
2015 Maibach_The Francis Effect How Pope Francis changed the conversation about global warming
2015 Miller_Can the World be Wrong? Where Global Public Opinion Says We're Headed
2015 NCE_Social Analytics Supports New Climate Economys Perception Initiative
2015 Nisbet_Expertise in an Age of Polarization Evaluating Scientists Political Awareness and Communication Behaviors
2015 Norman_Winter Sports Tourists Perceptions on Climate Change Impacts and Responses
2015 Pew Research Center_Global Concern About Climate Change Support PPT
2015 Pew_Global Concern About Climate Change Support for Limiting Emissions PPT
2015 Postmes_Climate change and group dynamics $$
2015 PRC_Global Concern About Climate Change Support for Limiting Emissions Partisan Divisions Suggest Challenges Remain
2015 Raisio_Accelerating the public's learning curve on wicked policy issues
2015 Randle_Public perceptions of future threats to humanity and different societal responses: A cross-national study $$
2015 Sarfaty_American Thoracic Member Survey on Climate Change and Health
2015 Sarfaty_Global Views of Thoracic Specialists on the Health Effects of Climate Change
2015 Sarfaty_Views of Allergy Specialists on the Health Effects of Climate Change
2015 Sarfaty_Views of Pulmonary Physicians on the Health Effects of Climate Change
2015 Shi_Public Perception of Climate Change: The Importance of Knowledge and Cultural Worldviews $$
2015 Spence_Public perceptions of demand-side management and a smarter energy future $$
2015 Stokes_Global Concern About Climate Change Broad Support for Limiting Emissions
2015 Strengers_Climate Science Survey
2015 Tvinnereim_Explaining topic prevalence in answers to open-ended survey questions about climate change $$
2015 van der Linden_The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change as a Gateway Belief
2015 van Duinen_Empirical Analysis of Farmers' Drought Risk Perception: Objective Factors, Personal Circumstances, and Social Influence $$
2015 Viscusi_The relative weights of direct and indirect experiences in the formation of environmental risk beliefs $$
2015 Wiest_Framing, partisan predispositions, and public opinion on climate change $$
2015 Will_The effect of climate change on natural disasters A college student perspective $$
2015 Yale_Climate Change in the American Christian Mind
2015 Zhu_Effects of Knowledge on Attitude Formation and Change Toward Genetically Modified Foods $$
2016 Benegal_Economic Conditions and Public Opinion on Climate Change
2016 Bowman_Towards Consensus on the Climate Change Challenge
2016 Carlton_The effects of extreme drought on climate change beliefs $$
2016 Climate Reality Project_Testing Our Messaging Assessing general salience of the Paris Agreement
2016 Cook_Rational Irrationality: Modeling Climate Change Belief Polarization Using Bayesian Networks $$
2016 Drews_What explains public support for climate policies A review of empirical and experimental studies $$
2016 Gammelgaard Ballantyne_A pilot study of young peoples perception of ICT-based climate visualization $$
2016 Grimes_On the viability of conspiratorial beliefs
2016 Higham_Australian climate concern and the attitude-behavior gap
2016 Hilgard_Cross-pressuring conservative Catholics? Effects of Pope Francisâ™ encyclical on the U.S. public opinion on climate change $$
2016 Jorgensen_Linking climate change perceptions to adaptation and mitigation action
2016 Konisky_Extreme weater events and climate change concern $$
2016 Leiserowitz_Politics and Global Warming
2016 Li_Cross-pressuring conservative Catholics - Effects of Pope Francis's encyclical on US public opinion on climate change $$
2016 Maibach_A 2016 National Survey of Broadcast Meteorologists
2016 McCright_Ideology capitalism and climate Explaining public views about climate change
2016 NextGen_Millennial Survey
2016 Obradovich_African Voters Indicate Lack of Support for Climate Change Policies
2016 Roser-Renouf_Faith Morality and the Environment Portraits of Global Warmings Six Americas
2016 Roser-Renouf_Global Warming’s Six Americas and the Election, 2016
2016 SEI_Building bridges and changing minds: Insights from climate communication research and practice
2016 Shao_Are actual weather and perceived weather the same Understanding perceptions of local weather and their effects on risk perceptions of global warming $$
2016 The Methane Campaign - Member Survey $$
2016 Urban_Are we measuring concern about climate change correctly - testing a novel measurement approach $$
2016 Vandeweerdt_Climate voting in the US Congress: The power of public concern
2016 Verchick_Culture Cognition and climate
2016 Weber_What shapes perceptions of climate change? New research since 2010 $$
2016 Yale_Climate Change in the American Mind
2017 AngusReid_The price aint right Canadians liked carbon tax in theory but support declines as plan becomes a reality
2017 Bakaki_Citizens show strong support for climate policy but are they also willing to pay $$
2017 Bakaki_Do global climate summits influence public awareness and policy preferences concerning climate change $$
2017 Besel_A life history approach to perceptions of global climate change risk young adults experiences about impacts causes and solutions $$
2017 Blaum_Thinking About Global Warming Effect of Policy Related Documents and Prompts on Learning About Causes of Climate Change $$
2017 Brewer_A Statistically Representative Climate Change Debate Satirical Television News Scientific Consensus and Public Perceptions of Global Warming $$
2017 CAL_Extreme Heat and Climate Beliefs $$
2017 Campbell-Arvai_The influence of learning about carbon dioxide removal (CDR) on support for mitigation policies $$
2017 Climate Nexus_Survey of opinion re autos and fuel economy $$
2017 Cutler_ Is Nature Stable Delicate or Random
2017 Demski_Experience of extreme weather affects climate change mitigation and adaptation responses
2017 Drummond_Individuals with greater science literacy and education have more polarized beliefs on controversial science topics $$
2017 EcoAmerica_Finding Common Ground 95 Percent of Americans Agree $$
2017 Egan_Climate Change: US Public Opinion $$
2017 Energy and Climate Change Public Attitude Tracker
2017 Farstad_What explain variation in parties climate change salience
2017 Garrett_Strategies for Countering False Information and Beliefs about Climate Change
2017 Hicke_Using scientific conferences to engage the public on climate change
2017 Hitayezu_Assessing farmers perceptions about climate change A double-hurdle approach
2017 Hopkins_Geographies of Climate Change Belief
2017 Kahan_Science Curiosity and Political Information Processing
2017 Kotcher_Does Engagement in Advocacy Hurt the Credibility of Scientists Results from a Randomized National Survey Experiment
2017 Leiserowitz_Politics and Global Warming
2017 Leiserowitz_Trump Voters and Global Warming
2017 Leonidou_Gray Shades of Green Causes and Consequences of Green Skepticism $$
2017 Mase_Climate change beliefs, risk perception. and adaptation behavior among Midwestern U.S crop farmers
2017 Mildenberger_ Public opinion on climate change: Is there an economy-environment trade-off $$
2017 Mildenberger_Beliefs about Climate Beliefs the importance of second-order opinions for climate politics $$
2017 Mildenberger_Beliefs About Climate Beliefs: The Importance of Second-Order Opinions for Climate Policies $$
2017 Mildenberger_The spatial distribution of Republican and Democratic climate opinions at state and local scales
2017 Mossler_How does framing affect policy support for emissions mitigation? Testing the effects of ocean acidification and other carbon emissions frames $$
2017 OIlson-Hazboun_Public Opinion on Renewable Energy The Nexus of Climate Politics and Economy
2017 Poushter_Globally people point to ISIS and climate change as leading security threats
2017 Saad_Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in US
2017 Schoettle_Consumer Preferences and Motivations for Owning Light Trucks versus Passenger Cars
2017 Schuklt_Brief exposure to Pope Francis heightens moral beliefs about climate change
2017 Schuldt_Does the label really matter Evidence that the US public continues to doubt global warming more than climate change $$
2017 Shao_Weather climate politics or God Determinants of American public opinions toward global warming $$
2017 Sisco_When do extreme weather events generate attention to climate change $$
2017 Spartz_YouTube Social Norms and Perceived Salience of Climate Change in the American Mind $$
2017 Stenhouse_Conflict about climate change at the AMS
2017 Uscinksi_Climate Change Conspiracy Theories
2017 Yale Program on Climate Communication_by more than 5-1 voters say U.S. should participate in Paris climate agreement
2017 Yale_Climate Change in the American Mind
2017 YPCCC_Climate Change in the American Mind
2017 YPCCC_Climate Change in the Latino Mind
2018 6 American Climate Perspectives
2018 Benegal_The spillover of race and racial attitudes into public opinion about climate change $$
2018 Bolin_The News You Choose news media preferences amplify views on climate change $$
2018 Bolsen_The US news media, polarization on climate change, and pathways to effective communication
2018 Bolson_The impact of frames highlighting coastal flooding in the USA on climate change beliefs
2018 Borick_As Americans Experienced the Warmest May on Record Their Acceptance of Global Warming Reaches a New High
2018 Chryst_Global Warming s Six Americas Short Survey Audience Segmentation of Climate Change Views Using a Four Question Instrument $$
2018 EcoAmerica_American climate metrics survey 2018
2018 EcoAmerica_American Climate Perspectives Mid-Year Summary
2018 Esler_Elite Domination of Public Doubts About Climate Change Not Evolution $$
2018 Greenhill_Exploring the Adaptation mitigation Relationship Does Information on the Costs of Adapting to Climate Change Influence Support for Mitigation $$
2018 Gunster_Why Dont You Act Like You Believe It Competing visions of climate hypocrisy
2018 Hamilton_A change in the wind - US public views on renewable energy and climate compared
2018 Hamilton_A change in the wind US public views on renewable energy and climate compared
2018 Johannsen_Communicating Climate Change Reinforcing Comprehension and Personal Ties to Climate Change Through Maps $$
2018 Leiserowitz_Climate Change in the American Mind
2018 Mahajan_Fast cheap and imperfect U.S. public opinion about solar
2018 Mayer_Unstoppable climate change The influence of fatalistic beliefs about climate change on behavioural change and willingness to pay cross nationally $$
2018 Public Attitudes on Global Warming
2018 Whitman_Political orientation and climate concern shape visual attention to climate change
2018 YPCC_Climate Change in the American Mind 2018
1995 Reich_The Greening of America, 25th Anniversary Edition
2018 Marlan_Detecting local environmental change the role of experience in shaping risk judgments about global warming $$
2018 Tesler_Elite Domination of Public Doubts About Climate Change Not Evolution $$
2018 Wang_Emotions predict policy support Why it matters how people feel about climate change $$
2018 YPCC_Politics and Global Warming
2018 Zanocco_Place proximity and perceived harm Extreme weather events and views about climate change
2019 AAAS_How we Respond Community Responses to Climate Change
2019 Ballew_Climate Change in the American Mind -- Data Tools and Trends
2019 Colston_It is Always Dry Here Examining Perceptions About Drought and Climate Change in the Southern High Plains $$
2019 Farrell_The growth of climate change misinformation in US philanthropy: evidence from natural language processing
2019 Lawson_Evaluating climate change behaviors and concern in the family context $$
2019 Leiserowitz_Climate change in the American mind
2019 Ma_Psychological Reactance From Reading Basic Facts on Climate Change The Role of Prior Views and Political Identification $$
2019 Poortinga_Climate change perceptions and individual level determinants
2019 Raimi_Framing of Geoengineering Affects Support for Climate Change Mitigation $$
2019 Shaw_Are the public ready for net zero Recommendations for building a positive public discourse
2019 Taddicken_How Aware Are Other Nations of Climate Change Analyzing Germans Second-Order Climate Change Beliefs
2019 YPCC_Politics and Global Warming (November)
2020 Bayes_A Research Agenda for Climate Change Communication and Public Opinion The Role of Scientific Consensus Messaging
2020 Diamond_Rural Attitudes on Climate Change
2020 McDonald_Climate Insights 2020 Surveying American Public Opinion
2020 RFF_Climate Insights 2020: Natural Disasters
2020 RFF_Climate Insights 2020: Policies and Politics
1953 Kirk_The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot
2006 Dreher_Crunchy Cons: The New Conservative Counterculture and Its Return to Roots
2015 Greer_Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush: The Best of The Archdruid Report, John Michael Greer
2020 Wang_Comparing Chinese and American Public Opinion about Climate Change $$
2006 Abbasi_Americans and climate change Closing the gap between science and action
2020 RFF_Climate Insights: Overall Trends
2009 Malka_Featuring Skeptics in News Media Stories About Global Warming Reduces Public Beliefs in the Seriousness of Global Warming
2020 Rinscheid_Fast track or Slo Mo Public support and temporal preferences for phasing out fossil fuel cars in the United States $$
2017 van Gelder_The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12, 000-Mile Journey Through a New America
2020 Sugiyama_The North South Divide on Public Perceptions of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering A Survey in Six Asia Pacific Countries $$
2001 Bliese_The Greening of Conservative America
2021 Bertolotti_Framing Messages on the Economic Impact of Climate Change Policies: Effects on Climate Believers and Climate Skeptics
2007 Kahan_Second national risk and cultural study - the american culture war of fact
2021 Leiserowitz_Global Warming’s Six Americas: a review and recommendations for climate change communication
2021 Wong-Parodi_Engaging People on Climate Change: The Role of Emotional Responses
2009 Bishop_Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart
2016 Hoggan_I'm Right and You're an Idiot: The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean it Up
2021 Hogan_Humans of Climate Change: A Cultural Journey to Explore Climate-Change Impacts, Solutions, and Hope
2021 Read_What next on climate? The need for a new moderate flank
2021 Spence_Exploring cross-national public support for the use of enhanced weathering as a land-based CDR strategy
2021 Thompson_Young people’s climate anxiety revealed in landmark survey
2014 Givens_Drivers of climate change beliefs
2015 Hulme_Still disagreeing about climate change - which way forward
2015 Porten-Chee_Spiral of silence - how online communication affects opinion climate perception
2018 Smith_A social trap for the climate Collection action trust and climate change risk perception in 35 countries $$
2019 Speiser_American climate perspectives vol 1 - hope for action
2019 Speiser_American climate perspectives vol 3 - health
2019 Speiser_American climate perspectives vol 4 - ethics
2019 Speiser_American climate perspectives vol 5 - cities
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