Headings - Topical Sources
S - Carbon Pricing System Design
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
1992 Repetto_Green Fees How a Tax Shift Can Work for the Economy and the Environment
1994 Goulder_Environmental Taxation and the Double Dividend
2003 Charney_Modeling Practices and Their Ability to Assess Tax Expenditure
2008 Carbon Price Policies Design Questions for Both Tax and Trade #3 PPT
2011 Litterman_Pricing climate change risk appropriately $$
2013 OECD_Climate and Carbon: Aligning Prices and Policies
2013 Pindyck_Pricing Carbon When We Don’t Know the Right Price
2015 Kennedy_Putting a Price on Carbon A Handbook for U.S. Policymakers
2015 OECD_The FASTER Principles for Carbon Pricing
2016 PMR_Emissions Trading in Practice A Handbook on Design and Implementation
2016 Rose_Insights to Consider in Contemplating Carbon Pricing
2016 WSP_Seven Things to Consider When Establishing a Carbon Pricing Program
2017 Cadez_Examining distinct carbon cost structures and climate change abatement strategies
2017 Climate Reality Project_Handbook on Carbon Pricing Instruments
2018 Kennedy_How induced innovation lowers the cost of a carbon tax
2018 Klenert_Making carbon pricing work for citizens
2019 Addicott_Internal Carbon Pricing: Policy Framework and Case Studies
2019 Borissov_Carbon pricing, technology transition, and skill-based development
2019 PMR_Using Carbon Revenues
2019 Wang_Price stabilization mechanisms in China’s pilot emissions trading schemes
2020 World Bank_Developing Emissions Quantification Protocols for Carbon Pricing: A Guide to Options and Choices for Policy Makers
2021 World Bank_A Guide to Developing Domestic Carbon Crediting Mechanisms
2021 World Bank_Carbon pricing assessment and decision-making - a guide to adopting a carbon price
2021 World Bank_Emissions Trading in Practice, Second Edition - A Handbook on Design and Implementation
2021 World Bank_Enhancing Carbon Pricing and International Carbon Market Readiness Through the Mitigation Action Assessment Protocol
2021 World Bank_From the Ground Up - A Decade of Lessons on Carbon Pricing
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