Can Climate Misinformation be Brought Under Control?
S - Communications How To for Climate Change
S - Communications Tools
N - Changing Minds
N - Countering Disinformation
N - How To Communicate Climate Change
Climate Misinformation and Denial
2017 van der Linden_Inoculating the Public Against Misinformation about Climate Change
2019 Benegal_Correcting misinformation about climate change
2019 Cook_Understanding and countering misinformation about climate change
2019 Farrell_Evidence based strategies to combat scientific misinformation $$
2012/10 Diss Information: Is There a Way to Stop Popular Falsehoods from Morphing into "Facts"?
2016/1 Here’s how scientific misinformation, such as climate doubt, spreads through social media
2017/9 Debunking study suggests ways to counter misinformation and correct 'fake news'
Desmog Global Warming Disinformation Database
The Disinformation Playbook
2012 How to talk to a climate change denier
2014 Sinclair_Communicating Climate Science in the Disinformation Era
2017 How to talk climate with your fake news-reading friend
2018 Conversations on Climate Change
2020 The five climate disbeliefs: a crash course in climate misinformation
"Climate change is weirdly resistant to journalism."
Climate Misinformers & their climate myths
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