Will We Innovate Our Way to a Rapid Low Carbon Transition?
S - Innovation Policy
S - Solutions Technologies
S - Technology Futures
S - Technology Innovation and Diffusion
N - Evaluating Low Carbon Transition Progress
N - Low Carbon Transition Underway
N - Solutions Technologies and Strategies
N - Technology Innovation
Can Technology Innovation Drive the Low Carbon Transition?
2017 Flannery_Sunlight and Seaweed: An Argument for How to Feed, Power and Clean Up the World
A Rapid Low-Carbon Transition?
Technology innovation (General Search Terms)
AI - Understand how to promote technology innovation
The Business and Economic Uncertainties of a Slow vs. Rapid Low Carbon Transition?
2015 Funk_Thinking about the future of technology: Rates of improvement and economic feasibility $$
2015 Iyer_Diffusion of low-carbon technologies and the feasibility of long-term climate targets
2015 Socolow_Low Carbon Technology PPTe
2016 Mehta_Low Carbon Technologies for Our Cities of Future Examining Mechanisms for Successful Transfer and Diffusion
2018 Lewis_Designing policies to promote commercialization of carbon-free ammonia energy
2019 Allwood_Absolute Zero Delivering the UKs climate change commitment with incremental changes to todays technologies
2019 Angielski_Contribution of Fossil Fuel Technology Innovation to Deep Decarbonization Objectives
2019 Bushnell_Frontier Technologies and the Human Future Sustainability Solutions
Technology Innovation is Going Crazy
2016/12 Bill Gates and investors worth $170 billion are launching a fund to fight climate change through energy innovation
2017/10 A Small Firm in Germany Has Big Ambitions in Green Energy
2017/10 Transparent Solar Panels Could Harvest Energy From Windows and Eventually Replace Fossil Fuels
2019/1 Gradually, then suddenly Technology change only happens gradually, then suddenly
2019/2 Highlighting Useful Technologies for Getting to Zero: The New Zero Energy Project Product Directory
2019/6 Maybe We're Not Doomed After All
2019/10 Technology will not save us from climate change – but imagining new forms of society will
2020/2 Climate change: Clean tech 'won't solve warming in time'
Clean Energy Solutions Center
CTI Climate Technology Initiative
Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies
GTI - Great Transition Initiative (Tellus Institute)
IEA Page - Clean energy technologies
REmap 2030 - A Renewable Energy Roadmap
Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation
2017 BZE_Energy Storage & 100% Renewable Energy
2017 Turning CO2 into oxygen: Scientists change carbon dioxide to ethanol using the sun
The Solutions Project
2017 Adoption of LED has been extraordinarily rapid
2017 Recent cost trends for selected technologies
Emerging Issues and Challenges with Integrating High Levels of Solar into the Distribution System
PV could have a significant impact on economics of utilties
Renewable Energy Cost Reductions Since 2008
Solar has become much more competitive
Leverage policy and other opportunities to promote technology innovation and deployment
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