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N - Forecasting the Future
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N - Changing Climate Probabilities
2013 Goldblatt_Low simulated radiation limit for runaway greenhouse climates
2007/6 Ghost Cities Of 2100
2011/9 Culturomics 2.0: Forecasting large-scale human behavior using global news media tone in time and space
2011/9 Supercomputer predicts revolution
2012/4 Peak Intel: How So-Called Strategic Intelligence Actually Makes Us Dumber
2012/11 Predicting the Future Is Easier Than It Looks
2012/12 20 years on, climate change projections have come true
2012/12 Just How Intelligent is the National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2030?
2013/1 Big data, language and the death of the theorist (Wired UK)
2013/9 What Our Idyllic, Non-Dystopian Future Would Look Like If We Fixed the World
2013/11 International: Who’s good at forecasts?
2013/11 Navy researchers predict summer Arctic ice to disappear by 2016, 84 years ahead of schedule
2013/11 The Burning Question - Audio Track
2013/12 Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change
2014/1 Half a Billion Clicks Can’t Be Wrong
2014/1 The economist’s guide to the future
2014/2 So You Think You're Smarter Than A CIA Agent
2014/3 Inside the algorithms that are predicting the future — NOVA Next
2014/4 It’s the End of the World as We Prefer It, and I Feel … Stupid
2014/5 The Tyee – A Future Green Utopia? Forget About It
2014/6 7 reasons America will fail on climate change
2014/6 7 Reasons America Should Succeed On Climate Change
2014/6 Climate change heats up 'quants' v old school forecast battle
2014/6 Good Judgment Project Blog
2014/7 What will the world look like in 2045
2014/9 How good are strategic intelligence forecasts?
2014/9 Labor Day 2050: Global Warming And The Coming Collapse Of Labor Productivity
2014/9 Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse
2014/9 Three divergent visions of our future under climate change
2015/4 The four global forces breaking all the trends
2015/6 Exploring a 'future world of our own making'
2015/7 Peering into energy’s crystal ball
2016/11 What will the world actually look like at 1.5°C of warming?
2017/1 A new map of Earth’s ecology-scrambling climate patterns
2017/5 Reconciling predictions of climate change
2017/7 Climate Change Map Shows Where Huge Floods Will be Normal by 2050
2017/7 Climate Progress Dashboard forecasts global warming of more than 4°C
2017/7 Hopes of mild climate change dashed by new research
2017/8 You Fix It: Can You Stay Within the World’s Carbon Budget?
2017/9 Phoenix Will Be Almost Unlivable by 2050 Thanks to Climate Change
2017/9 Taking the Long View: The 'Forever Legacy' of Climate Change
2017/9 What Will Happen If We Fail to Address the Climate Crisis
2017/11 The three-degree world: cities that will be drowned by global warming
2018/2 How business can learn to navigate the Anthropocene
2018/6 Making Forecasts in an Age of Accelerating Technological Change
2018/7 Global Temperature Projections Could Double as the World Burns
2018/8 Climate, politics and the narrow vision of futurists
2018/9 Trump administration sees a 7-degree rise in global temperatures by 2100
2018/9 World 'nowhere near on track' to avoid warming beyond 1.5C target
2018/12 We Asked 105 Experts What Scares and Inspires Them Most About the Future
2019/1 Climate Forecast: World Is "Sleepwalking into Catastrophe"
2019/3 ‘Devastating’ Arctic warming of 9-16°F now ‘locked in, ’ UN researchers warn – ThinkProgress
2019/4 Companies can predict climate catastrophes for you - as a service
2019/9 The business of projecting climate change
2019/12 How good have climate models been at truly predicting the future?
2020/2 ‘The only uncertainty is how long we’ll last’: a worst case scenario for the climate in 2050
2020/3 How Hot Will Things Get?
2020/6 'Superforecasters' Are Making Accurate Predictions About COVID-19
2020/9 What the United States Will Look Like 2040 - 2060
2021/3 Picturing the future of complex, cascading climate risks
2021/6 Global warming below 1.7°C is 'not plausible', reveals our study of the social drivers of decarbonisation
2021/7 Emissions will hit record high by 2023 if green recovery fails, says IEA
2021/10 Climate risk assessment gaps: seamless integration of weather and climate information for community resilience
2021/11 Climate data visualizations for the people: probable futures
2021/12 Predicting the Future is Possible: These ‘Superforecasters’ Know How.
2024/8 The risky business of predicting where climate disaster will hit
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