Social Collapse (or Worse) as a Plausible Scenario
I - DeepAdaptation (Deep Dive)
I - Economic/SocialCollapseNarrative
I - HumanExtinction
I - SocietalClimateRisk
I - SocietalCollapse
I - SpeciesExtinctions
I - SystemicClimateRisk (Deep Dive)
S - Climate Risk (Societal)
S - Human Extinction
N - Human Extinction
N - Systemic Climate Risk
T - Human Extinction
V - Human Extinction
2009 Orr_Down to the Wire Confronting Climate Collapse
2012 Guterl_The Fate of the Species - Why the Human Race May Cause its own Extinction
Societal Collapse
Deep Adaptation
2002 McLaughlin_Climate change hastens population extinctions
2009 Futures Journal Special Issue - Human Extinction
2018 Bendell_Deep Adaptation A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy
2019 Laybourn-Langton_This is a Crisis Facing up to the age of environmental breakdown
2016/3 Mass extinctions and climate change: why the speed of rising greenhouse gases matters
2018/10 New outlook on global warming: Best prepare for social collapse, and soon
2019/2 The Inconvenient Truth of Modern Civilization’s Inevitable Collapse
2019/2 We’re Just 140 Years Away from the Climate That Caused a Planet-Wide Extinction
2019/8 Social collapse is inevitable. But there are at least two very different possible scenarios for humanity
2020/1 'Green swan' event could trigger global crisis, BIS warns
2020/1 Climate Change Could Blow Up the Economy. Banks Aren’t Ready.
2021/11 Profound Climate Change May Be Inevitable, but Society Can Go On
Collapse - The End of Society Simulator
CSER Center for the Study of Existential Risk
Sleeping Financial Giants - The Global Financial System and Earth's Climate Tipping Points
Near-Term Human Extinction Evidence Facebook Group
Humptydumptytribe - The End Times YouTube Channel
2008 NatGeo_6 Degrees Warmer: Mass Extinction?
2013 McPherson_It's Too Late To Stop Climate Change, WE ARE DEAD
2016 Human Extinction By 2030 Climate Disruption. The Movie
2016 Walker_Human Extinction By 2030 -The Crisis of Civilization!
2019 Fried_The Systemic Risk of Climate Policy
2019 Hartmann_Civilisation Could End