Headings - News and Opinion
N - Carbon Offset Critiques
News Stories | Blogs
Evaluating Offset Additionality
2006/8 Carbon offsets - Sins of emission
2007/1 When Being Green Raises the Heat
2007/6 The inconvenient truth about the carbon offset industry
2009/3 Offsetting Green Guilt
2011/6 Thirty Million Dollars, a Little Bit of Carbon, and a Lot of Hot Air
2013/5 Why California should not be allowed to outsource hot air
2015/7 Biodiversity offsets facilitate continuation of business-as-usual destruction by mining companies
2015/8 Carbon credits undercut climate change actions
2016/10 Larry Lohmann: "The problem is not 'bad baselines' but the concept of counterfactual baselines itself"
2016/12 Is carbon offset an effective addition to your green lifestyle?
2017/4 Carbon Credits Likely Worthless in Reducing Emissions, Study Says
2017/8 California's forest offsets do not address climate change
2017/11 Not All Carbon Credits are Created Equal
2019/5 An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth
2019/6 UN Environment official attacks agency’s own carbon offsetting policy
2019/6 UN retracts carbon offsetting critique
2019/8 Why you shouldn't feel good about carbon offsetting
2019/11 Carbon offset gold rush is distracting us from climate change
2019/11 Carbon Offsets Will Only Carry You So Far
2019/11 Forestry carbon offsets grapple with image problem
2020/6 Big polluters are spending billions on controversial projects that protect forests and let them keep polluting
2020/9 Cheap cheats Why are carbon offsets so cheap?
2020/9 Do offsets discourage stronger climate action?
2020/12 The Real Trees Delivering Fake Corporate Climate Progress
2020/12 These Trees Are Not What They Seem
2021/1 Companies Are Clamoring for Carbon Credits, But the System is Rife with Issues
2021/1 Messy Carbon Offsets Show Markets Aren’t Always the Answer
2021/1 Outdated carbon credits from old wind and solar farms are threatening climate change efforts
2021/2 Carbon offsets gird for lift-off as big money gets close to nature
2021/2 Carbon Offsets Should Make You Nervous
2021/3 Cap and trade, offsets at a crossroads in California’s climate policy
2021/3 Is the ‘Legacy’ Carbon Credit Market a Climate Plus or Just Hype?
2021/3 The climate crisis can't be solved by carbon accounting tricks
2021/4 Murder Offsets
2021/4 The Climate Solution Actually Adding Millions of Tons of CO2 Into the Atmosphere
2021/4 The math isn’t adding up on forests and CO2 reductions
2021/4 There aren’t enough trees in the world to offset society’s carbon emissions – and there never will be
2021/5 A Nonprofit Promised to Preserve Wildlife. Then It Made Millions Claiming It Could Cut Down Trees
2021/5 Carbon offsets used by major airlines based on flawed system, warn experts
2021/5 Carbon offsets used by major airlines based on flawed system, warn experts
2021/5 Is California’s carbon offset program actually helping the environment?
2021/5 Startup That Rates Carbon Offsets Finds Almost Half Fall Short
2021/5 Top airlines’ promises to offset flights rely on ‘phantom credits’
2021/5 Verra Response to Guardian Article on Carbon Offsets Used by Major Airlines
2021/6 Carbon Offsets: New $100 Billion Market Faces Disputes Over Trading Rules
2021/6 Wall Street’s Favorite Climate Solution Is Mired in Disagreements
2021/6 Why Are Companies Investing in Non-Verified Carbon Offsets?
2021/7 Businesses and experts reveal plans for carbon offset regulator
2021/7 The US is about to go all-in on paying farmers and foresters to trap carbon
2021/8 Carbon offsets: a license to pollute or a path to net zero emissions?
2021/8 The Fictitious World of ‘Carbon Neutral’ Fossil Fuel
2021/9 One in five carbon credits under Australia’s main climate policy are ‘junk’ cuts, research finds
2021/9 Serious Integrity Concerns Around Australia’s ‘Junk’ Carbon Credits
2021/9 Why I refuse to collude with polluters in the carbon offsetting lie
2021/10 Doubts over Shell’s ‘drive carbon neutral’ claim
2021/10 Greenpeace calling for end to carbon offsets amid 'climate emergency'
2021/10 Greenpeace calls for end to carbon offsets
2021/10 Leaked documents: Nations pushback against offsetting 'greenwash' claim
2021/10 We need to get real about carbon offsets in Australia – they won’t stop climate change
2021/11 Big-business greenwash or a climate saviour? Carbon offsets raise tricky moral questions
2021/11 Carbon offsets are a scam
2021/11 Global survey shows hardly any support for net-zero pledges with carbon offsets
2021/11 How to Repair the World’s Broken Carbon Offset Markets
2021/11 The major flaw in carbon markets that no one is talking about. And a possible solution.
2021/12 Corporations are turning to forest credits in the race to go 'carbon-neutral.' Advocates worry about 'greenwashing.'
2021/12 Indonesian carbon credit project appears to betray its purpose
2023/1 Shell to spend $450m on carbon offsetting as fears grow that credits may be worthless
2023/3 Carbon Offset Seller's Forest-Protection Projects Questioned
2023/10 A tonne of fossil carbon isn’t the same as a tonne of new trees: why offsets can’t save us
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