Headings - Topical Sources
S - Offset Permanence
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Time Value of Carbon/Value of Temporary Storage
2004 Keeler_Sequestration rental policies and price path of carbon $$
200X CAR_Ton-Year Accounting
Chapter 5 - Project-Based Activities
2001 OECD_Forest Projects Permanence Crediting Accounting and Lifetime
2004 Locatelli_Accounting methods for carbon credits Impacts on the minimum area of forestry projects under the CDM
2005 Feng_The Dynamics of Carbon Sequestration and Alternative Carbon Accounting with an Application to the Upper Mississippi River Basin
2007 Neef_Understanding Financial Implications of Temporary Credits PPT
2008 Hohenstein_Potential Options to Address Permanence and Leakage
2009 Makundi_Baselines, Permanence, and Leakage in REDD
2009 Marland_Trading permanent and temporary carbon emissions credits $$
2009 McCarl_Permanence Discounting for Land-Based Carbon Sequestration
2009 Nickerson_CCARs Forest Protocols Addressing Permanence and Leakage
2011 Valatin_Forest and carbon Valuation discounting and risk management
2012 Levasseur_Assessing temporary carbon sequestration and storage projects through land use land-use change and forestry
2012 Murray_Alternative Approaches to Addressing the Risk of Non-Permanence
2013 Chagas_Reference Levels Concepts Functions and Application in REDD+ and Forest Carbon Standards
2016 Thamo_Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration perspectives on additionality leakage and permanence $$
2017 Deng_Leakage risks of geologic CO2 storage and the impact on the global energy system $$
2017 Ruseva_Additionality and permanence standards in Californias Forest Offset Protocol
2021 Bautista_Science to Commerce A Commercial-Scale Protocol for Carbon Trading Applied to a 28-Year Record of Forest Carbon Monitoring at the Harvard Forest
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