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I - BiomassEnergy
I - akaBioenergy
I - BECCSBiomassEnergwithCCS
I - Biofuels
I - LowCarbonFuels
I - Biofuels
I - LCFLowCarbonFuelStandard
Solutions - General TOC
I - 100%RenewableEnergy
I - AgriculturalSectorMitigation/Adaptation
I - Agroforestry
I - BECCSBiomassEnergwithCCS
I - Biochar
I - Biofuels
I - BuildingsAndClimate
I - Carboncoin
I - CarbonFarming
I - ConservationAgriculture
I - EconomicsofClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - EcosystemRestoration
I - EnergyEfficiencyTechnologies
I - FoodSupplySolutions
I - ForestRestoration
I - ForestryMitigation
I - GlobalMACCs
I - LandTransportSectors
I - MACCMarginalAbatementCostCurves
I - MitigatingClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - MitigationEconomics
I - OceanBiomassRestoration
I - OceanFertilization
I - Permaculture
I - ProjectDrawdownSolutions
I - RegenerativeAgriculture
I - RenewableEnergyEconomics
I - Rewilding
I - SectoralMACCs
I - SolutionasHolisticGrazing
I - SolutionasRegeneration/Restoration
S - 100% Renewable Energy Transition
S - Agriculture Sector Emissions and Mitigation
S - Agriculture Sector Futures
S - Agriculture Technologies
S - BECCS Biomass w CCS
S - Buildings and Infrastructure
S - CCS Critiques
S - CCS Potentials
S - CCS via Ocean Fertilization
S - CDRS Carbon Dioxide Removal and Storage
S - Climate as Opportunity
S - Climate Engineering Sources
S - CO2 Utilization
S - Ecosystem Restoration
S - Financing Forestry
S - Forestry Emissions and Mitigation
S - Forestry Futures
S - Forestry Mitigation Potentials
S - Land Transport Solutions
S - Land Use Emissions and Mitigation
S - Land Use Futures
S - Land Use Sectors
S - MACC Curves
S - Mitigation Barriers
S - Mitigation Economics
S - Natural Capital
S - Negative Emissions
S - Philanthropy
S - REDD and REDD+
S - Renewable Energy Futures
S - Sectoral Mitigation
S - Short Lived Forcers
S - Soil Carbon (not Forests)
S - Solutions Technologies
N - Agricultural Mitigation
N - Carbon Dioxide Removal - CDR
N - Renewable Economics
N - Soil Carbon Sequestration
T - Climate Solutions
T - Innovation General
T - Investing in Solutions
T - Land Use Solutions
T - Nature-Based Solutions
E - CO2 Air Capture
E - Land Use Change
E - Low Carbon Transition Recommendations
E - MACC Curves
E - Mitigation Potentials by Cost
E - Negative Emissions Technologies
E - Role of Philanthropic Action
E - Speed of Technology Diffusion
S - Biofuels
N - Biofuels
E - Biofuels
Increase Utilization of Biofuels
2012 Sustainable America_Biofuels Position Paper
2017 Cacciatore_Communicating about Biofuels and Climate Change
2015/10 Green fuel Podcast
2017/11 Ethanol economics, emissions and the environment: A JR briefing
2020/12 French Guiana soy biofuel power plants risk massive Amazon deforestation
Bioethanol from sugar and starch based crops
Biofuels from algae
Cellulosic ethanol
ICAO Global Framework for Aviation Alternative Fuels
WBA World Bioenergy Association
2016 What Is Carbon Neutral and Biofuels
CCSN 6.5 | Electric Vehicles & Advanced Biofuels
Biofuel impacts
2000-2050 - Biofuels vs other renewables in achieving 100% renewables
2011 Scenario land use vs. other scenario
2018 Advanced biofuels grow rapidly
Index Entries
I - Biofuels
Use the Index to Rapidly Navigate the Climate Web
I - Algae
I - Halophytes
I - SAFSustainableAviationFuels
I - BiomassEnergy
I - akaBioenergy
I - BECCSBiomassEnergwithCCS
I - Biofuels
I - LowCarbonFuels
I - Biofuels
I - LCFLowCarbonFuelStandard
Solutions - General TOC
I - 100%RenewableEnergy
I - AgriculturalSectorMitigation/Adaptation
I - Agroforestry
I - BECCSBiomassEnergwithCCS
I - Biochar
I - Biofuels
I - BuildingsAndClimate
I - Carboncoin
I - CarbonFarming
I - ConservationAgriculture
I - EconomicsofClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - EcosystemRestoration
I - EnergyEfficiencyTechnologies
I - FoodSupplySolutions
I - ForestRestoration
I - ForestryMitigation
I - GlobalMACCs
I - LandTransportSectors
I - MACCMarginalAbatementCostCurves
I - MitigatingClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - MitigationEconomics
I - OceanBiomassRestoration
I - OceanFertilization
I - Permaculture
I - ProjectDrawdownSolutions
I - RegenerativeAgriculture
I - RenewableEnergyEconomics
I - Rewilding
I - SectoralMACCs
I - SolutionasHolisticGrazing
I - SolutionasRegeneration/Restoration
S - 100% Renewable Energy Transition
S - Agriculture Sector Emissions and Mitigation
S - Agriculture Sector Futures
S - Agriculture Technologies
S - BECCS Biomass w CCS
S - Buildings and Infrastructure
S - CCS Critiques
S - CCS Potentials
S - CCS via Ocean Fertilization
S - CDRS Carbon Dioxide Removal and Storage
S - Climate as Opportunity
S - Climate Engineering Sources
S - CO2 Utilization
S - Ecosystem Restoration
S - Financing Forestry
S - Forestry Emissions and Mitigation
S - Forestry Futures
S - Forestry Mitigation Potentials
S - Land Transport Solutions
S - Land Use Emissions and Mitigation
S - Land Use Futures
S - Land Use Sectors
S - MACC Curves
S - Mitigation Barriers
S - Mitigation Economics
S - Natural Capital
S - Negative Emissions
S - Philanthropy
S - REDD and REDD+
S - Renewable Energy Futures
S - Sectoral Mitigation
S - Short Lived Forcers
S - Soil Carbon (not Forests)
S - Solutions Technologies
N - Agricultural Mitigation
N - Carbon Dioxide Removal - CDR
N - Renewable Economics
N - Soil Carbon Sequestration
T - Climate Solutions
T - Innovation General
T - Investing in Solutions
T - Land Use Solutions
T - Nature-Based Solutions
E - CO2 Air Capture
E - Land Use Change
E - Low Carbon Transition Recommendations
E - MACC Curves
E - Mitigation Potentials by Cost
E - Negative Emissions Technologies
E - Role of Philanthropic Action
E - Speed of Technology Diffusion
S - Biofuels
N - Biofuels
E - Biofuels
Increase Utilization of Biofuels
2012 Sustainable America_Biofuels Position Paper
2017 Cacciatore_Communicating about Biofuels and Climate Change
2015/10 Green fuel Podcast
2017/11 Ethanol economics, emissions and the environment: A JR briefing
2020/12 French Guiana soy biofuel power plants risk massive Amazon deforestation
Bioethanol from sugar and starch based crops
Biofuels from algae
Cellulosic ethanol
ICAO Global Framework for Aviation Alternative Fuels
WBA World Bioenergy Association
2016 What Is Carbon Neutral and Biofuels
CCSN 6.5 | Electric Vehicles & Advanced Biofuels
Biofuel impacts
2000-2050 - Biofuels vs other renewables in achieving 100% renewables
2011 Scenario land use vs. other scenario
2018 Advanced biofuels grow rapidly