Forests and Climate Change
I - ForestryAdaptation
I - ForestryImpacts
I - ForestryOffsets
I - ForestrySector (Deep Dive)
I - TimberMarketImpacts
S - Forest Adaptation
S - Forestry Emissions and Mitigation
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Forestry Sector
S - Impacts - Forestry
S - REDD and REDD+
N - Forestry Impacts
T - Forestry Ecosystem Individuals
1989 Trexler_Forestry and Climate Change_Analysis of the Guatemala Agroforestry Project
1994 Trexler_Keeping it Green- Tropical Forestry Opportunities to Mitigate Climate Change
1999 Trexler and Associates_Forestry sector benchmarking - task 3 - issues and conclusions
2005 Sivakumar_Impacts of present and future climate variability and change on agriculture and forestry in the tropics
2011 Schoene_Adapting forestry and forests to climate change
2011 Sohngen_Valuing the impacts of climate change on forestry
2013 Mason_The additionality problem with offsets: Optimal contracts for carbon sequestration in forests
2014 Extension Bulletin_Forestry in a Changing Climate
2015 Beach_Climate change impacts on US agriculture and forestry benefits of global climate stabilization
2017 Kim_Assessing climate change impact benefits of mitigation and uncertainties on major global forest regions
2017 Martinich_Focus on agriculture and forestry benefits of reducing climate change impacts
2018 Joyce_Native and agricultural forests at risk to a changing climate in the Northern Plains
2018 Swanston_Vulnerability of forests of the Midwest and Northeast US to climate change
1994 Potential for Carbon Uptake Through Agroforestry
1994 Potential for Carbon Uptake Through Forest Regeneration
1994 Potential for Slowing Deforestation to 2050
2009 Forestry emissions to 2100
2015 Drivers of forest loss in the tropics 2000-2010
2015 Forecasted Deforestation Emissions to 2050
2015 Impact of Carbon Prices on Forecasted Forestry Emissions
2015 REDD Finance vs. agricultural and biofuels subsidies in Brazil and Indonesia
2015 The commodities putting forests at risk
2017 Mandatory vs. Voluntary forestry MACC curves
2017 NCS as fraction of needed reductions by 2030, 37% through 2030, 20% through 2050, and 9% through 2100
2017 NCS mitigation potentials in 2030 - GT per year
2018 Regional breakdown of estimated carbon emissions and uncertainties from deforestation 1990-2015
2018 Sub-regional breakdown of estimated carbon emissions from deforestation 1990-2015
2018 There is no one-size fits all to estimating agriculture-driven deforestation
2018 Tropical forest lost 2001 to 2017
2019 Climate change is likely to have a dramatic impact on tree cover by 2050 in many parts of the world, particularly in the tropics and far north.
2019 Global MACC curve for reforestation and avoided deforestation
2019 Under current climatic conditions there are large opportunities to expand tree cover across many parts of the world.
Key considerations in including forestry offsets
Projected forest changes under different climate forecasts - with and without forest suppression
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