101 - Forestry Mitigation Core Library
2016 Houghton_Forests -- The Bridge to a Fossil Free Future
2017 Griscom_Natural climate solutions NCS to climate change
2018 Angelsen_Transforming REDD+ Lessons and new directions
2019 Busch_Potential for low-cost carbon dioxide removal through tropical reforestation
1977 Dyson_Can we control the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
1979 Myers_The sinking ark
1985 FAO_Tropical Forestry Action Plan
1989 Trexler_Forestry and Climate Change_Analysis of the Guatemala Agroforestry Project
1990 Trexler_Minding the Carbon Store: US Forestry Mitigation Options_WRI
1993 Brown_Tropical forests: Their past, present, and potential future role in the terrestrial carbon budget $$
1994 Dixon_Carbon Pools and Flux of Global Forest Ecosystems
1994 Trexler_Keeping it Green- Tropical Forestry Opportunities to Mitigate Climate Change
1996 The IPCC's Second Assessment Report used WRI's 1994 study to assess tropical forestry mitigation potentials
1998 Trexler and Associates_Biotic Offsets Assessment Workshop for EPA
2000 The IPCC's Special Report on Land Use Change surveys the whole topic comprehensively
2001 Fearnside_Saving tropical forests as a global warming countermeasure: an issue that divides the environmental movement $$
2005 EPA GHG Mitigation Potential in U.S. Forestry and Agriculture
2005 Moutinho_Tropical Deforestation and Climate Change
2006 Backstrand_Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change: Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism
2008 Bellassen_Reducing emissions from deforestation What contribution from Carbon Markets
2008 Ebeling_Tropical Deforestation and Carbon Markets
2008 Kindemann_Global cost estimates of reducing emissions through avoided deforestation
2008 Pirard_Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in non-Annex 1 Countries
2009 GCP_Little REDD+ Book
2009 Ornstein_Irrigated afforestation of the Sahara and Australian Outback to end global warming
2015 Busch_The Future of Forests: Emissions From Tropical Deforestation With and Without a Carbon Price, 2016-2050
2016 Pearson_Guidance Document Options for Nesting REDD+ Projects
2017 Angelsen_REDD+ as Resultâbased Aid: General Lessons and Bilateral Agreements of Norway $$
2017 CIFOR_CIFORs Global Comparative Study on REDD+ PPT
2017 Houghton_Negative emissions from stopping deforestation and forest degradation globally
2019 Bastin_The global tree restoration potential $$
2017/12 Here's a great way to visualize the huge potential of forest conservation and restoration as ‘natural climate solutions’
2019/7 Vast swaths of lost tropical forest can still be brought back to life
2018 Five Reasons the Earth’s Climate Depends on Forests
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