Sea Level Rise Estimates Over Time
2011/6 NAS report - sea levels rising at fastest rate in 2000 years
2017/9 San Francisco and Oakland file climate liability lawsuits against oil produceers to cover costs of sea level rise
2019/5 Louisiana issues broad plan for moving population away from coastal areas
0000 -10000 (2016) Long term sea level rise implications of current emissions scenarios
0-2000 (2014) Sea level change over the last 2000 years
3oC - Asian cities that will be worst affected by sea level rise
1800-2100 (2017) Revised global SLR scenarios
1800-2100 projected global sea levels - not modelled
1850-2010 (2013) The growing rate of sea level rise
1870-2010 (2009) Sea level rise since 1880
1880-1990 (1996) Historic role of greenhouse gases in SLR
1880-2020 (2017) Australian sea levels rising faster since 1993
1880-2100 (2014) Global SLR to 2100 based on IPCC scenarios
1900-2100 (2012) Global SLR scenarios
1900-2100 (2012) The rate of SLR is also projected to rise
1900-2100 (2016) Scenarios developed for the Third NCA
1950-2100 (2009) Projections of SLR based on AR4 temperature projections
1970-2010 (2009) SLR happening faster than expected
1980-2010 (2013) Projected vs. actual sea level rise
1980-2100 (2012) Understanding the difference of 2oC vs. 4oC for SLR projections
1990-2005 Observed SLR vs. model projections
1990-2100 (1995) 1-99% SLR projections
1990-2100 (1995) Cumulative probability distribution for SLR to 2100
1990-2200 (1996) 1-99% Probability Range for New York City SLR
1990-2200 (1996) GHG forcing in w/m2 underlying SLR estimates
1990-2300 (1995 ) Cumulative contribution of climate change to SLR
1990-2300 (1996) Global temperature change associated with SLR estimates
1990-2300 (2009) Recent SLR projections
2000-2100 (1983) Estimated contribution of variables to total SLR over time
2030-2100 (1995) Probability density for Antarctic contribution to SLR
2050-2100 (2013) Estimates of SLR in Maryland
2050-2100 (2019) Total global mean sea-level rise projections
2050-2300 (2017) Probabilistic projections of GMSL by RCP over time
2100 (1995) Probability range for impact of GHGs on SLR and other variables
2100 (1996) Probability distribution of contributors to global SLR
2100 (2012) Estimates of projected sea level rise have varied widely
2100 (2012) Sources used in scenario range
2100 (2013) Projections of potential sea level rise
2100-2200 (1995) Probability density for Greenland's contribution to SLR
2100-2300 (2015) Expert opinion on SLR by 2100 and 2300
2100-2300 (2017) Vulnerable populations based on SLR scenarios
2100-2300 (2019) Probability distributions H and L temperature, 2011 and 2300
2200 (1996) Probability distribution for SLR, multiple authors
12000 (2016) Distribution of sea level rise in 10,000 years based on lower emissions scenario
12000 (2016) Impact on countries and cities of 10,000 year SLR projection
2020-2100 (2012) USACE and NOAA SLR Curves
Per degree committment to SLR based on specific temperature thresholds
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