Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Voluntary Offsets and Markets
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
E - Voluntary RECs
2011 Market Share by Type
2012 Average prices of voluntary carbon offsets, pre-2002 to 2010
2012 Over the counter sales of voluntary carbon offsets by origin, 2010
2012 Projected market growth over time
2012 Transaction Prices by Project Type
2015 Assessment of types of offset certificates and quality standards, rated on scale of 1 - 10
2015 Comparing the 2013 and 2014 Voluntary Markets
2015 Different reasons given for not offsetting GHG emissions - Germany
2015 Impact of different criteria on the purchasing decision of offset certificates in Germany 2012 and 2013
2015 Milestones in carbon market policy
2015 Offset transaction by project stage
2015 The flow of tons to and from
2015 Tonnages by 7 project types 2007-2014
2015 Understanding the dollars
2015 Understanding the tonnages
2015 Volume of voluntary market for offsets in Germany 2012-2013
2015 Volume-weighted certificate prices for voluntary offsets in Germany 2012-2013
2016 2015 Offset purchases and origination
2016 Based on the numbers, far more than half of voluntary offsets were from wind (RECs?)
2016 North American buyers focus almost entirely on "local" offsets
2016 Offset purchasers report more climate risk
2016 Offsets most popular by far in the financial sector
2016 Top 20 purchasers 2012 - 2014
2016 Where the purchases came from
2017 Average price of $3/ton in 2016
2017 Market size by project region - 2016
2017 Market value and price by standard - 2016
2017 Market value decreased in 2016
2017 Market volume decreased in 2016
2017 Perceived risks and opportunities post-2020
2017 Transacted volume by project type - 2016
2017 Volume and average price by sector
2018 Categories of voluntary carbon projects 2008 - 2018
2018 Historical voluntary carbon offset issuances and retirements
2018 Locations of voluntary carbon offset projects 2008 - 2018
2020 Average price and volume of offsets by carbon credit standard 2019
2020 Average price and volume of voluntary carbon credits by country and project category 2019 (India and United States)
2020 Historically traded volumes in the voluntary carbon market pre-2002 to 2006
2020 Overview of voluntary carbon markets 2017 - 2019
2020 Percentage of offsets transacted in 2019 with buyer pre-issuance
2020 Survey respondents’ confidence level in voluntary carbon market
2020 Top 10 countries by volume of voluntary carbon credits project locations 2019
2020 Top 10 project types by volume of voluntary carbon credits 2019
2020 Top five countries by volume of voluntary carbon credit buyers 2019
2021 A 1% carbon allowance allocation could neutralize climate risks
2021 A 5% carbon allowance portfolio share could increase portfolio returns by more than 1%
2021 Annual voluntary carbon market overview 2019 - Aug 2021
2021 Assessing the investment feasibility and attractiveness of carbon market s
2021 Average voluntary market credit prices by size of transaction 2020 and 2021 through August
2021 Carbon market size by project category 2019 - Aug 2021
2021 Carbon market size by traded value of voluntary carbon offsets through August 2021
2021 Carbon market size by traded volume of voluntary carbon offsets through August 2021
2021 Carbon market size by voluntary carbon offset issuances and retirements 2004 - Aug 2021
2021 Comparing the investability of EU ETS vs. CA ETS
2021 Compliance and voluntary markets differ fundamentally
2021 Demand for voluntary carbon credits by sector in 2019
2021 Demand for voluntary carbon credits in MtCO2e
2021 Emissions covered by corporate net zero commitments in target years
2021 Extensive reforms to the EU ETS have resulted in strong price performance
2021 Global GHG emission pathways consistent with Paris Agreement targets
2021 International aviation growth scenarios
2021 Investability comparison of avoidance vs. removal credits
2021 NBS solutions 65-85% of market by 2030
2021 Offset volume and prices by sector of purchaser 2020
2021 Offset volume and prices by sector of purchaser Jan - Aug 2021
2021 Shell has invested heavily in preparing for carbon markets
2021 The distribution of 1-5 GT of carbon credits per year
2021 The investment opportunities in compliance and voluntary markets
2021 The market concerns focused on by TSVCM members
2021 VCM markets could grow by 100x by 2050
2021 Volume and prices of removals and reduction credits 2020 - Aug 2021
2021 Volumes for respondents that reported transactions for 2020 and 2021 through August 2021
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by project type
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by vintage
2021 Voluntary carbon market issuances and retirements by project category 2020 - Aug 2021
2021 Voluntary carbon market sizes by largest project types 2019 - Aug 2021
2021 Voluntary carbon offset volume and average price by offset standard
2021 Voluntary carbon offset volume and average price by project region 2019 - Aug 2021
2021 Voluntary credit demand could grow by 100x by 2050
A 1% carbon allowance portfolio share could neutralize climate risk impacts on portfolio performance
Compliance vs. voluntary carbon markets
Emissions Reductions vs. Emissions
Fossil fuel divestment has taken off!
Geographic distribution of voluntary market
Infographic: A Complete Visual Guide to Carbon Markets
Investors can guide companies toward net zero
Market value has declined
Participants are bullish on voluntary markets to 2020
Prices by project type
Prices by standard used
The central role institutional investors have to play in carbon markets
The VCM demand will grow enormously
The VCM has tripled since 2017
Transaction volume by project type
"RECs" reduce carbon emissions
As governments take real action, carbon prices could rise
Average voluntary market prices should rise to $20-50/tCO2e by 2030
Both emissions reductions and removals projects are needed
How many trees would it take?
Investing in carbon allowances can enhance returns in scenarios with immediate or delayed climate policies
Investors should focus on high-quality credits since they will have more demand
Investors should focus on several variables in assessing VCM investments
Market size in 2030 could range to 1-2 GTs, and $5 - $50 billion
Nature based solutions could supply the entire voluntary carbon market in the period to 2030
NBS credits will dominate carbon markets
Private funding for offsets is critical to achieving net zero by helping to close the $4.1 trillion financing gap by 2050
The most active buyers in the voluntary carbon market are in the sectors of energy, consumer goods, finance, and insurance
The Paris Agreement was the start of efforts to tackle climate change
The report uses an incorrect definition of additionality
The voluntary market is currently small in relation to anticipated demand
There are several ways for investors to participate directly in carbon markets
Trust is needed
Vision for voluntary carbon markets
Voluntary carbon markets likely to hit $1 billion in annual transactions in 2021
Voluntary markets have faced some problems, but . . .
Voluntary markets will make a significant contribution to reaching the 1.5oC target
Why voluntary markets need to scale
With higher quality standards, offsets will fail to realise their potential
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