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Carbon Pricing TOC
I - BusinessCarbonPricingAdvocacy
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonOffsetPrices
I - CarbonOffsetsandCarbonPricing
I - CarbonPriceCorridor
I - CarbonPricingandEmissionsReductions
I - CarbonPricingandTechnologyInnovation
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricinginScenarioPlanning
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonPricingwithComplementaryPolicies
I - CarbonTaxation
I - ClimateExactions
I - ConsumptionBasedCarbonPricing
I - CurrentDamagesasCarbonPrice
I - EvaluatingBCsCarbonTax
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - GlobalCarbonPricing
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - PolicyasCarbonPricing
I - RCCRiskCostofCarbonasCarbonPrice
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - SVMASocialValueofMitigationAction
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - UseofCarbonRevenues
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing in the Electricity Sector
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - Carbon Pricing System Design
S - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
S - Impacts of Pricing Carbon
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - National and Global Carbon Pricing
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - State and Local Carbon Pricing
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Why and How of Pricing Carbon
N - Carbon Price Forecasting
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Carbon Pricing Impacts
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
N - Internal Carbon Pricing - Business and Other
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - State Carbon Pricing
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Pricing Individuals
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
V - Carbon Pricing
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Pricing Scenarios and Forecasts
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
Market Mechanisms TOC
I - AdaptationMarkets
I - AlternativestoCarbonPricing
I - BoundingCarbonMarketOutcomes
I - BoundingCarbonPrices
I - BritishColumbiaCarbonTax
I - BusinessandCarbonPricing
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonMarkets
I - CarbonMarketsandAgriculture
I - CarbonOffsetCritiques
I - CarbonOffsets (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonOffsetsasGreenwishing
I - CarbonOffsetsinCarbonTaxation
I - CarbonPricing (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonPricingApproaches/Strategies
I - CarbonPricingChallenges
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonTaxation
I - CarbonTaxImpacts
I - ComplianceOffsetMarkets
I - EmissionsTrading
I - EvaluatingCarbonMarkets
I - EvaluatingCarbonOffsets
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - EvaluatingCarbonTaxes
I - EvaluatingMarketMechanisms
I - FossilFuelSubsidies
I - GreenBonds
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - LinkingCarbonMarkets
I - MarketMechanismsandTechnologyInnovation
I - MarketMechanismsinAviation
I - MarketSolutions
I - OffsetMarkets
I - PersonalCarbonTrading
I - RECsRenewableEnergyCertificates
I - RevenueNeutralCarbonTax
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - VoluntaryOffsetMarkets
S - Carbon Offset Sources (General)
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Evaluating Market Mechanisms
S - Market Mechanisms
S - Markets and Innovation
S - Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
N - Carbon Offsets News and Opinion
N - Carbon Markets
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Market Mechanisms
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Neutrality
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
T - Carbon Taxes
T - Market Mechanisms
T - Offset Protocols
V - Carbon Pricing
V - Market mechanisms
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Market Mechanisms
E - Carbon Pricing Extracts
Infographic - Carbon Pricing in Canada
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Dividend
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing in Practice
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Pricing Revenues and Use
E - Carbon Pricing Scenarios and Forecasts
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Efficient Optimal Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
E - Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax
E - SCC as Carbon Price
E - Sectoral Carbon Pricing and Pathways
E - Shadow Pricing
2013 CDP_Use of internal carbon price by companies
2008 Utility scenarios for carbon prices vary widely
2009 Impact of delaying action for 10 years
2009 Integrated implementation scenarios 2010 - 2030
2010 Industry winners and losers after inclusion of carbon prices
2010 Winners and losers in a U.S. carbon market
2011 CO2 Values used by utilities in resource planning
2012 Carbon price forecasts for different utilities
2012 Price forecasts for different pieces of legislation
2012 Synapse price forecast
2012 The study concluded that policy and technology change in risk, but impacts almost irrelevant
2014 150 major corporations - 29 in US, have an internal carbon price
2014 500 companies globally report they are regulated by global carbon markets
2014 Map page 1
2014 Map page 2
2015 Darwinism Curve with ($4) minimal carbon pricing
2015 Darwinism Curve with $25 adn $50/ton carbon pricing
2015 Implications of a $100/ton carbon price
2015 Most Common Benefits and Challenges
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Recommended pricing reporting guidance
2015 Selected companies with a carbon price
2015 Solar and wind costs translated into $/ton CO2
2015 The 2oC Framework
2015 The 2oC portfolio approach
2015 Translating a 2oC scenario into a 2oC benchmark - 12
2016 Carbon price impact stress-testing approach
2016 Examples of utility price forecasts
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Linking real assets to financial portfolios (9)
2016 Low carbon impact smart beta portfolio
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Objectives of the report
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Potential price impact of global carbon price after revenue recycling
2016 Prices in existing carbon pricing initiatives
2016 Relative sector impact on PBT by 2020
2016 Risks are long-term, investment focus short-term
2016 Testing 2D alignment for real assets
2016 Testing the alignment of real assets with a 2D target (4)
2016 There is no demand for long-term analysis (19)
2016 Transition scenarios - IEA outlook to 2040
2016 Voluntary vs. mandatory ways to respond to scenario challenges
2017 10 year and 35 year results
2017 35 year sensitivity
2017 Carbon price corridor for the power sector
2017 Carbon pricing could cover costs of universal access to basic services
2017 Carbon revenue recycling can benefit poor
2017 Carbon revenues could significantly expand social assistance
2017 Equity holds of financial actors, top 15 funds, and top 15 banks
2017 Estimated marginal abatement costs under the IEA 2oC scenario
2017 First and second round bank equity losses
2017 Heat maps - sensitivity of asset classes to climate risk factors
2017 OPTrust TRIP Expsoures
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Reclassified NACE sectors to climate-policy-relevant sectors
2017 Risk factors illustrated relatively by scenario
2017 Sensitivity to TRIP risk factors by OPTrust greatest over short term
2018 Recent trends in carbon pricing
2018 The carbon pricing gap for OECD and G20 Countries
2021 IPR carbon price policy forecast
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by project type
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by vintage
Additional design considerations - 1
Attributes of carbon fee pricing
Attributes of carbon shadow pricing
Australian Carbon Prices and Food Prices
Availability of nuclear option greatly complicates adoption of wind
Average abatement cost in 2016 for multiple ETS
Calculated "marginal" benefit cost ratio for 2011
Carbon Pricing by Country
Carbon Pricing Coverage by Country
Carbon taxes around the world
Cheap energy is important for less poverty and better health
CO2 content and tax rates for fossil fuels at $49/ton CO2
Coal keeps electricity prices down
Comparison of relevant signposts within physical climate scenarios
Design and Implementation steps for a carbon market
FASTER principles for successful carbon pricing
Forward looking benefit cost ratios
Framework for evaluating ETS performance (1)
Framework for evaluating ETS performance (2)
GDP will continue to rise rapidly
How Carbon Translates To Energy Prices
How the Corridors can be used
2017 IAM generated carbon pricing to achieve the 2oC target
Impact of Carbon Pricing
Impacts of Australia's carbon tax
Impacts of BC's carbon tax
Income implications of $49 carbon tax with revenue recycling options
Income implications of $49 carbon tax without revenue recycling
Internal carbon pricing in North America - 1
Norway's carbon tax experience
Number of companies planning to price carbon up 23% from 2015
One can project the "CO2 Yield for Crops in the Future
Overall assessment of ETS regime performance
Prices Based on Atmospheric Stabilization
Prices Based on Political Reality
Prices Based on Stalemate
Relative price increases based on carbon tax scenarios
Revised 2013 Social Cost of CO2, 2010-2050 ($2007)
Setting a corporate price on carbon
Six principal design choices in pricing carbon
Subtracting out benefits of energy from non-fossil fuel sources
Summary of carbon tax survey results
Tax, net revenue, and emissions under a carbon tax (main case)
Tax, net revenue, and emissions under a carbon tax (rapid technology progress)
The benefit cost ratio for CO2 is huge
The social cost of carbon emissions
Carbon Pricing for Paris Agreement
Carbon Pricing in Brief
Carbon Pricing Intro
Carbon Pricing Rules of Thumb
Implicit Carbon Pricing
Scoping Out the Topic of Carbon Pricing
Summing Up the Options for Carbon Pricing
437 companies report an internal carbon price in 2015 up from 150 in 2014
2012 What are the ranges of carbon prices used by other utilities?
2013 29 Companies Disclose an Internal Carbon Price
2013 Impact of a $25/ton carbon price on fossil fuels
All tons of CO2 should be priced equally
As governments take real action, carbon prices could rise
Average voluntary market prices should rise to $20-50/tCO2e by 2030
Cap and trade did not lead to a common carbon price - far from it
Cap and trade should have passed, but didn't. Cap and dividend can't pass
Carbon pricing leading to abatement does impose costs - abatement costs money
Common elements of establishing an internal carbon rice
ConocoPhillips Carbon Pricing inour decision-making
Differentiation of responsibilities should be accomplished through the Green Fund
First negotiate a green fund, then a carbon price
Free-ridership cascades into failure
Global carbon pricing addresses the 4 decisive failures of cap and trade
Instruments of climate negotiation should ideally possess three properties
It should be easier to negotiate 1 price than N quantities
Jabil Circuit
Negotiating a carbon charge is difficult but not impossible
No question that there are major compliance issues
Reciprocity is what changes perceptions of self-interest
Talk of carbon pricing evokes the bitter memory of shock therapy in eastern Europe and the developing world. BlackRock’s backstop idea is the logic of the 2008 bank bailouts expanded to the global level – socialise the risks, privatise the profits.
Taylor: 90% of people advocate a modest tax with a strict escalator
Taylor: If liberals are right that mitigation is cheap, then emissions reductions from a carbon tax should be huge
Taylor: Ironically, conservatives have the best answer to climate change - the power of markets and the invisible hand
Taylor: There is NOTHING that will get the job done besides a real price on carbon - regulation can't get there
The carbon prices used were token prices
The existence of multiple uncertain tipping points doubles the optimal carbon tax
The lower the initial price, the more rapid the required increase
The perfect mitigation market scenario
The tradability of a set number of global permits would ensure countries face the same carbon rice
The US and the EU seem less preoccupied with grand schemes of carbon pricing and blended finance, than with pushing a case-by-case approach
This approach would require a serious compliance mechanism
Until countries recognize value of a collective commitment, voluntary altruisim will be insufficient
Works out ~$300/ton in 2050
Works out to ~$80/ton in 2030
Would vote on a universal carbon price, based on the principle of one-person one-vote
Actually prices emissions
But in reality the situation is a lot more complicated, which is why you need a Green Fund
That's been a key source of U.S. resistance
To manage carbon price risk, should use a mid-range forecast
Under an international carbon tax, nations could sort out their compliance however they like
I - ImplicitCarbonPricing
Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
2013 Abatement achieved by policy instruments applied in road transport sector
2013 Abatement achieved with individual instruments addressing electricity generation
2013 Estimated average effective carbon prices in electricity sector by instrument type
2013 Estimated effective carbon prices in the electricity sector
2013 Estimated effective carbon prices in the road transport sector
2013 Estimated effective carbon prices in the road transport sector
2018 Carbon pricing gap by sector
2018 Carbon pricing gap varies among countries
2018 Components of effective carbon rates
2018 Countries with low carbon pricing gap tend to be less carbon intensive
2018 Emissions from electricity generation fall sharply with introduction of a carbon price support
2018 The carbon pricing gap
2021 Calculated components of the price of carbon facing Norwegian motorists as of 2019
Implicit carbon prices today vary widely
Carbon Pricing TOC
I - BusinessCarbonPricingAdvocacy
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonOffsetPrices
I - CarbonOffsetsandCarbonPricing
I - CarbonPriceCorridor
I - CarbonPricingandEmissionsReductions
I - CarbonPricingandTechnologyInnovation
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricinginScenarioPlanning
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonPricingwithComplementaryPolicies
I - CarbonTaxation
I - ClimateExactions
I - ConsumptionBasedCarbonPricing
I - CurrentDamagesasCarbonPrice
I - EvaluatingBCsCarbonTax
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - GlobalCarbonPricing
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - PolicyasCarbonPricing
I - RCCRiskCostofCarbonasCarbonPrice
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - SVMASocialValueofMitigationAction
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - UseofCarbonRevenues
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing in the Electricity Sector
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - Carbon Pricing System Design
S - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
S - Impacts of Pricing Carbon
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - National and Global Carbon Pricing
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - State and Local Carbon Pricing
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Why and How of Pricing Carbon
N - Carbon Price Forecasting
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Carbon Pricing Impacts
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
N - Internal Carbon Pricing - Business and Other
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - State Carbon Pricing
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Pricing Individuals
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
V - Carbon Pricing
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Pricing Scenarios and Forecasts
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
Market Mechanisms TOC
I - AdaptationMarkets
I - AlternativestoCarbonPricing
I - BoundingCarbonMarketOutcomes
I - BoundingCarbonPrices
I - BritishColumbiaCarbonTax
I - BusinessandCarbonPricing
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonMarkets
I - CarbonMarketsandAgriculture
I - CarbonOffsetCritiques
I - CarbonOffsets (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonOffsetsasGreenwishing
I - CarbonOffsetsinCarbonTaxation
I - CarbonPricing (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonPricingApproaches/Strategies
I - CarbonPricingChallenges
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonTaxation
I - CarbonTaxImpacts
I - ComplianceOffsetMarkets
I - EmissionsTrading
I - EvaluatingCarbonMarkets
I - EvaluatingCarbonOffsets
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - EvaluatingCarbonTaxes
I - EvaluatingMarketMechanisms
I - FossilFuelSubsidies
I - GreenBonds
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - LinkingCarbonMarkets
I - MarketMechanismsandTechnologyInnovation
I - MarketMechanismsinAviation
I - MarketSolutions
I - OffsetMarkets
I - PersonalCarbonTrading
I - RECsRenewableEnergyCertificates
I - RevenueNeutralCarbonTax
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - VoluntaryOffsetMarkets
S - Carbon Offset Sources (General)
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Evaluating Market Mechanisms
S - Market Mechanisms
S - Markets and Innovation
S - Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
N - Carbon Offsets News and Opinion
N - Carbon Markets
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Market Mechanisms
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Neutrality
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
T - Carbon Taxes
T - Market Mechanisms
T - Offset Protocols
V - Carbon Pricing
V - Market mechanisms
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Market Mechanisms
E - Carbon Pricing Extracts
Infographic - Carbon Pricing in Canada
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Dividend
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing in Practice
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Pricing Revenues and Use
E - Carbon Pricing Scenarios and Forecasts
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Efficient Optimal Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
E - Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax
E - SCC as Carbon Price
E - Sectoral Carbon Pricing and Pathways
E - Shadow Pricing
2013 CDP_Use of internal carbon price by companies
2008 Utility scenarios for carbon prices vary widely
2009 Impact of delaying action for 10 years
2009 Integrated implementation scenarios 2010 - 2030
2010 Industry winners and losers after inclusion of carbon prices
2010 Winners and losers in a U.S. carbon market
2011 CO2 Values used by utilities in resource planning
2012 Carbon price forecasts for different utilities
2012 Price forecasts for different pieces of legislation
2012 Synapse price forecast
2012 The study concluded that policy and technology change in risk, but impacts almost irrelevant
2014 150 major corporations - 29 in US, have an internal carbon price
2014 500 companies globally report they are regulated by global carbon markets
2014 Map page 1
2014 Map page 2
2015 Darwinism Curve with ($4) minimal carbon pricing
2015 Darwinism Curve with $25 adn $50/ton carbon pricing
2015 Implications of a $100/ton carbon price
2015 Most Common Benefits and Challenges
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Recommended pricing reporting guidance
2015 Selected companies with a carbon price
2015 Solar and wind costs translated into $/ton CO2
2015 The 2oC Framework
2015 The 2oC portfolio approach
2015 Translating a 2oC scenario into a 2oC benchmark - 12
2016 Carbon price impact stress-testing approach
2016 Examples of utility price forecasts
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Linking real assets to financial portfolios (9)
2016 Low carbon impact smart beta portfolio
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Objectives of the report
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Potential price impact of global carbon price after revenue recycling
2016 Prices in existing carbon pricing initiatives
2016 Relative sector impact on PBT by 2020
2016 Risks are long-term, investment focus short-term
2016 Testing 2D alignment for real assets
2016 Testing the alignment of real assets with a 2D target (4)
2016 There is no demand for long-term analysis (19)
2016 Transition scenarios - IEA outlook to 2040
2016 Voluntary vs. mandatory ways to respond to scenario challenges
2017 10 year and 35 year results
2017 35 year sensitivity
2017 Carbon price corridor for the power sector
2017 Carbon pricing could cover costs of universal access to basic services
2017 Carbon revenue recycling can benefit poor
2017 Carbon revenues could significantly expand social assistance
2017 Equity holds of financial actors, top 15 funds, and top 15 banks
2017 Estimated marginal abatement costs under the IEA 2oC scenario
2017 First and second round bank equity losses
2017 Heat maps - sensitivity of asset classes to climate risk factors
2017 OPTrust TRIP Expsoures
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Reclassified NACE sectors to climate-policy-relevant sectors
2017 Risk factors illustrated relatively by scenario
2017 Sensitivity to TRIP risk factors by OPTrust greatest over short term
2018 Recent trends in carbon pricing
2018 The carbon pricing gap for OECD and G20 Countries
2021 IPR carbon price policy forecast
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by project type
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by vintage
Additional design considerations - 1
Attributes of carbon fee pricing
Attributes of carbon shadow pricing
Australian Carbon Prices and Food Prices
Availability of nuclear option greatly complicates adoption of wind
Average abatement cost in 2016 for multiple ETS
Calculated "marginal" benefit cost ratio for 2011
Carbon Pricing by Country
Carbon Pricing Coverage by Country
Carbon taxes around the world
Cheap energy is important for less poverty and better health
CO2 content and tax rates for fossil fuels at $49/ton CO2
Coal keeps electricity prices down
Comparison of relevant signposts within physical climate scenarios
Design and Implementation steps for a carbon market
FASTER principles for successful carbon pricing
Forward looking benefit cost ratios
Framework for evaluating ETS performance (1)
Framework for evaluating ETS performance (2)
GDP will continue to rise rapidly
How Carbon Translates To Energy Prices
How the Corridors can be used
2017 IAM generated carbon pricing to achieve the 2oC target
Impact of Carbon Pricing
Impacts of Australia's carbon tax
Impacts of BC's carbon tax
Income implications of $49 carbon tax with revenue recycling options
Income implications of $49 carbon tax without revenue recycling
Internal carbon pricing in North America - 1
Norway's carbon tax experience
Number of companies planning to price carbon up 23% from 2015
One can project the "CO2 Yield for Crops in the Future
Overall assessment of ETS regime performance
Prices Based on Atmospheric Stabilization
Prices Based on Political Reality
Prices Based on Stalemate
Relative price increases based on carbon tax scenarios
Revised 2013 Social Cost of CO2, 2010-2050 ($2007)
Setting a corporate price on carbon
Six principal design choices in pricing carbon
Subtracting out benefits of energy from non-fossil fuel sources
Summary of carbon tax survey results
Tax, net revenue, and emissions under a carbon tax (main case)
Tax, net revenue, and emissions under a carbon tax (rapid technology progress)
The benefit cost ratio for CO2 is huge
The social cost of carbon emissions
Carbon Pricing for Paris Agreement
Carbon Pricing in Brief
Carbon Pricing Intro
Carbon Pricing Rules of Thumb
Implicit Carbon Pricing
Scoping Out the Topic of Carbon Pricing
Summing Up the Options for Carbon Pricing
437 companies report an internal carbon price in 2015 up from 150 in 2014
2012 What are the ranges of carbon prices used by other utilities?
2013 29 Companies Disclose an Internal Carbon Price
2013 Impact of a $25/ton carbon price on fossil fuels
All tons of CO2 should be priced equally
As governments take real action, carbon prices could rise
Average voluntary market prices should rise to $20-50/tCO2e by 2030
Cap and trade did not lead to a common carbon price - far from it
Cap and trade should have passed, but didn't. Cap and dividend can't pass
Carbon pricing leading to abatement does impose costs - abatement costs money
Common elements of establishing an internal carbon rice
ConocoPhillips Carbon Pricing inour decision-making
Differentiation of responsibilities should be accomplished through the Green Fund
First negotiate a green fund, then a carbon price
Free-ridership cascades into failure
Global carbon pricing addresses the 4 decisive failures of cap and trade
Instruments of climate negotiation should ideally possess three properties
It should be easier to negotiate 1 price than N quantities
Jabil Circuit
Negotiating a carbon charge is difficult but not impossible
No question that there are major compliance issues
Reciprocity is what changes perceptions of self-interest
Talk of carbon pricing evokes the bitter memory of shock therapy in eastern Europe and the developing world. BlackRock’s backstop idea is the logic of the 2008 bank bailouts expanded to the global level – socialise the risks, privatise the profits.
Taylor: 90% of people advocate a modest tax with a strict escalator
Taylor: If liberals are right that mitigation is cheap, then emissions reductions from a carbon tax should be huge
Taylor: Ironically, conservatives have the best answer to climate change - the power of markets and the invisible hand
Taylor: There is NOTHING that will get the job done besides a real price on carbon - regulation can't get there
The carbon prices used were token prices
The existence of multiple uncertain tipping points doubles the optimal carbon tax
The lower the initial price, the more rapid the required increase
The perfect mitigation market scenario
The tradability of a set number of global permits would ensure countries face the same carbon rice
The US and the EU seem less preoccupied with grand schemes of carbon pricing and blended finance, than with pushing a case-by-case approach
This approach would require a serious compliance mechanism
Until countries recognize value of a collective commitment, voluntary altruisim will be insufficient
Works out ~$300/ton in 2050
Works out to ~$80/ton in 2030
Would vote on a universal carbon price, based on the principle of one-person one-vote
Actually prices emissions
But in reality the situation is a lot more complicated, which is why you need a Green Fund
That's been a key source of U.S. resistance
To manage carbon price risk, should use a mid-range forecast
Under an international carbon tax, nations could sort out their compliance however they like
I - ImplicitCarbonPricing