Headings - Topical Sources
S - SLR Vulnerability
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
How Fast Could Sea Levels Rise?
2007 Nicholls_Ranking of the Worlds Cities Most Exposed to Coastal Flooding
2011 Seiss_Implications of recent sea level rise science for low-elevation areas in coastal cities
2014 Kimball_Climate Change Discussion on South Florida Resources at Risk
2015 de Sherbinin_Social vulnerability to floods in two coastal megacities New York and Mumbai
2016 Kopp_Assessing New Jersey's Exposure to Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms
2017 County of San Mateo_Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment
2019 Climate Central_Flooded Future Global vulnerability to sea level rise worse than previously thought
2020 Vandervort_Sea level rise and beyond: Is the US military prepared for climate change? $$
2021 Martyr-Koller_Loss and damage implications of sea-level rise on Small Island Developing States
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