Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Integrated Assessment Modeling
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
2010 GDP Impacts of up to 4 C Change for Multiple Models
2010 GDP Impacts of up to 10 C Change For Multiple Models
2013 What do all of the 2010 IAMs estimate at a 3% discount rate
2014 1 - Socioeconomic uncertainty
2015 Cchanges to DICE suggest that radical reductions become the preferred policy scenario
2015 Changing assumptions has a modest impact on economic output
2015 Changing input assumptions has a big impact on expected emissions
2015 Changing input assumptions has a big impact on expected temperatures
2015 Future emissions reductions don't affect consumption
2015 There is no conflict between what science and economics are actually telling us
2016 IAMs are at the core of climate change economic analysis, but have a very hard incorporating tipping points
2017 Damage function for various IAMs
2017 Scenario outcomes
2021 Current IAMs do not reflect well-developed climate science
IAMs generate very different estimates of damage for identical scenarios
IAMs generate very different estimates of damage for identical scenarios 2
Incorporation of BECCS into IAMs is only a thought experiment today
Will require all sorts of new research
IAMs have been evolving for 30 years to look at economic development on the environment
IPCC assessments rely heavily on IAMs
Modeled with IAMs
Most IAMs are static models, and don't reflect long timeframes well