Business Climate Risk
I:ClimateasOpportunity (Deep Dive)
I:ReportingandDisclosure (Deep Dive)
S - Litigation Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
T - Environmental Risk Ratings
T - Risk Disclosure Network
2014 Funk_Windfall The Booming Business of Global Warming
E - Business Leadership Role in Mitigation
E - Business Scenario Planning
Are companies getting serious about climate change?
2011 Mercer_Climate Change Scenarios Implications for Strategic Asset Allocation
2012 Mercer Through the Looking Glass How Investors are Applying the Results
2015 Mercer_Investing in a Time of Climate Change
2011/12 Interstate and Mercury EPA Rules Force Shut Down of 32 Coal-Fire Plants
2013/6 Navajos Launch Direct Action Against Big Coal
2013/9 Is this the beginning of the end for coal?
2013/9 Massive Direct Action to End Coal Export Mining in Montana
2013/9 Seattle Gears Up for Direct Action Against Coal Export Plan
2013/10 Historic mass action against coal in Caluya
2013/11 How Ontario Went Coal-Free
2013/11 Leave coal in the ground to avoid climate catastrophe, UN tells industry
2013/11 Tennessee Valley Authority to close 8 coal-fired power units
2013/11 U.K. joins the club, vows to curb coal financing
2013/12 Another U.S. Public Funding Institution Will Get Out of Coal Power Plants: New Export-Import Bank Guidelines Adopted
2014/1 Goldman Sachs Sells Its Stake In What Would Be The Largest Coal Terminal On The West Coast
2014/3 World's Biggest Coal Company, World's Biggest PR Firm Pair Up To Promote Coal For Poor People
2014/4 Federal court says coal-by-wire limitation violates dormant Commerce Clause
2014/5 WV coal industry says battling ‘perfect storm’
2014/6 7 Reasons Why Wall St. Isn't Buying the 'War on Coal'
2014/6 China Coal Spending of $21 Billion Seen Risked by Climate Rules
2014/6 Coal regs cheaper than weather shutdowns
2014/6 Geology’s War on Coal
2014/6 Krugman: In The Real War On Coal, The Mining Industry Won And Workers Lost
2014/6 More Casualties to Come in the War on Fossil Fuels
2014/8 Coal industry market value contracting again
2014/9 Is Coal Really “Peaking” in China?
2014/10 Editorial: Australian-Japanese Coal ‘Partnership’ and Why Global Coal is Here to Stay « Breaking Energy
2017/2 Management accountants see negative impact from global warming
2017/4 How to prevent climate change from destabilizing financial markets
2017/5 Over 80% of local council pension funds silent on climate risk despite warning
2017/6 Too Hot to Fly? Climate Change May Take a Toll on Air Travel
CAI Climate Accountability Institute
CDSB Climate Disclosure Standards Board (now part of IFRS)
Envonet - Environmental Information Network
Influence Map - Measuring Corporate Policy Influence
Quit Coal - Because we deserve safe, clean energy
SEC Climate Disclosure Search — Ceres
TCFD Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
0oC - 5oC global social system vulnerability
2014 Business climate collision course
2015 Graphical representation of worst-case scenarios for 2016 and 2026 (1)
2015 The shock scenario
Companies are susceptible to interconnected cascades of risk
Fukushima nuclear disaster risk cloud
Socioeconomic impacts of sea level rise
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