Headings - Topical Sources
S - Dangerous Climate Impacts
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Accelerating Climate Change
Climate Change as Current Emergency?
Climate Emergency
Evaluating the Risks of Abrupt Climate Change
200X Avoid2_What are the implications of temporarily overshooting a long-term temperature goal of 2oC
2003 Baranzini_The impact of possible climate catastrophes on global warming policy $$
2005 Lorenzoni_A strategic assessment of scientific and behavioral perspectives on dangerous climate change
2005 Schneider_Probabilistic assessment of dangerous climate change and emissions pathways
2007 Dietz_Some economics of ‘dangerous’ climate change
2007 Luers_How to avoid dangerous climate change
2008 Smith_Assessing dangerous climate change through an update of the IPCC reasons for concern
2009 Schneider_The worst-case scenario
2009 Shellnhuber_Terra Quasi-Incognita Beyond the 2o Line
2009 Weitzman_On Modeling and Interpreting Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change
2010 Jaeger_Three views of two degrees
2010 McGuire_Potential for a hazardous geospheric response to projected future climate changes
2011 Anderson_Climate Change: Going Beyond Dangerous PPT
2012 Jarvis_Climate-society feedbacks and the avoidance of dangerous climate change
2012 Weitzman_GHG Targets as Insurance Against Catastrophic Climate Changes
2013 Burke_Future imperfect - collision of climate and carbon
2013 Hansen_Assessing Dangerous Climate Change
2013 Jennings_Climate Disruption: Are We Beyond the Worst Case Scenario?
2013 Mabey_Why 2C remains the right goal for global climate risk management
2013 Schaeffer_Adequacy and feasibility of the 1.5 C long term global limit
2013 Skea_Climate policies in a changing world context - is a paradigm shift needed
2013 Spratt_Is Climate Change Already Dangerous?
2013 Tyndall Centre_The Radical Emission Reduction Conference - Abstracts
2014 Huntingford_Complexity and determining dangerous levels of climate impacts
2017 Xu_Well Below 2oC Mitigation strategies for avoiding dangerous to catastrophic climate changes
2018 van der Ploeg_The safe carbon budget
2020 Trisos_The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change
2004 Dessai_Defining and Experiencing Dangerous Climate Change
2004 ECF_What is dangerous climate change