Wine and Climate Change
I - GeographicalIndicators
I - TerroirandClimateChange
I - WineandClimate
S - Wine and Climate
N - Climate and Wine
3. Adaptation vs. Mitigation in Wine
E - Wine and Climate
2. Climate change - Good or Bad for Wine Drinkers?
2003 Jones_Climate and Terroir Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Wine
2009 Greenpeace_Impacts of climate change on wine in France
2012 Jones_Climate change and wine production A global overview PPT
2016 Nicholas_A taste of the future: wine in a changing climate PPT
2017 Clark_Climate change and terroir: The challenge of adapting $$
2017 Roy_Probabilistic climate change scenarios for viticultural potential in Quebec $$
2018 Flores_What is sustainability in the wine world? A cross-country analysis $$
2014/7 Climate Change is Going to Destroy Australian Shiraz as We Know It
2014/10 Part 1 - Climate Change Threatens French Viticulture
2016/3 Global Warming Pushes Wines Into Uncharted Terroir
2017/5 These winemaking regions are most at risk from natural hazards
2017/7 Climate Change Is Destroying Terroir as We Know It. Now What?
2017/8 In Italy’s Drought-Hit Vineyards, the Harvest of a Changing Climate
2017/9 Heat Wave Impact on Wine Grapes
2018/4 Global wine production has hit a 60-year low, as changing weather picks
2019/2 German scientists are simulating future climate change to save wine
Climate Change and Wine Overview
2016 Global warming and wine
2017 Will global warming ruin French wine production?
Adapting vines to climate change gets harder as temperatures rise
Climate influences on grape vines at each stage of growth
Decreasing wine grape quality
Map showing regions to 2050 under high climate change scenario (RCP 8.5)
Pinot has one of the most narrow climatic niches
Projected change of suitability of U.S. regions for premium wine production
Shift of European Grenache wine zone with 2oC
Western U.S. wine shifts under 1oC and 2.5oC
Wine-making areas will expand
Winemaking regions at risk
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