Headings - News and Opinion
N - Economic Discounting
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Social Cost of Carbon 101
2010/3 The future, now for a fraction of the cost!
2017/8 Hyperbolic Discounting Why you make terrible life choices
2018/8 A quantitative approach to evaluating the GWP timescale through implicit discount rates
2019/2 On Buying Insurance, and Ignoring Cost-Benefit Analysis
2019/2 Uncertain but Ominous, or $51 per Ton?
2019/4 Matthew Rendall’s “Discounting, Climate Change and the Ecological Fallacy, ” with a critical précis by Samuel Scheffler
2021/10 Improving Discounting in the Social Cost of Carbon
2021/11 Mark Carney your aim is good but heres how to hit the bullseye
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