Categories of Team Urgency Moves
Energy Transmission, Distribution and Storage Chess Moves
Team Urgency Chess Moves
Congress could create regional siting authorities to approve interstate transmission lines 20, 541
Congress could DOE to create more national interest electric transmission corridors NIETCs 20, 541
Congress could expand DOE's authority under EPAct 2005 to partner with private transmission line companies in areas beyond WAPA and SPA 20, 541
Congress could leave interstate transmission line siting authority with the states, but require consideration of federal decarbonization goals, with a federal court remedy 20, 541
Congress could legislate the transfer of siting approval and eminent domain for electric transmission lines from the states to FERC, DOE, or other agency 20, 540
Congress could revise EPAct 2005 to clarify that FERC has authority to permt transmission lines within NIETCs if states deny a permit 20, 541
DOE can fund additional research, technology, and development on distribution network and smart grid developments, including energy storage. 20, 542
Federal agencies should work cooperatively with states on distribution-side developments to ensure that grid operations remain stable as more distributed energy is added to the grid. 20, 542
FERC can fund additional research, technology, and development on a range of distribution network and smart grid developments, including energy storage. 20, 542
FERC should work cooperatively with states on distribution-side developments to ensure that grid operations remain stable as more distributed energy is added to the grid. 20, 542
FERC, with DOE, can use existing authority to expand the interstate grid to assist with deep decarbonization efforts. 20, 542
If state legislation is unclear regarding “need” and “public use, ” state PUCs can interpret those terms to encompass regional need and regional public use as well as clean energy goals within the state or region. 20, 543
If state legislation is unclear regarding “need” and “public use, ” state PUCs can interpret those terms to encompass regional need and regional public use as well as clean energy goals within the state or region. 20, 543
In areas where RTOs currently exist, an RTO could potentially serve as a regional siting authority for interstate transmission lines. 20, 541
In the NAFTA renegotiation, USTR should advocate increasing the electricity trading relationship between US and Canada and improving the transnational grid to allow for increased two-way flow of cleaner energy sources. 8, 214
Landowners could create transmission corridor districts to increase landowner buy-in to transmission projects 20, 545
Project developers could create transmission corridor districts to increase landowners buy0in for transmission projects 20, 545
RTOs can help facilitate demand response and energy storage through creating rules, incentives, and frameworks to encourage investment in these technologies. 20, 542
RTOs should work cooperatively with states on distribution-side developments to ensure that grid operations remain stable as more distributed energy is added to the grid. 20, 542
State legislatures could amend existing laws to direct state PUCs to consider regional and national need as well as clean energy goals in determining whether there is a “need” for a transmission line that will impact the state. 20, 543
State legislatures could make clear that merchant transmission line companies can seek siting permits and exercise eminent domain authority under the same conditions as electric utilities. 20, 543
State legislatures should mandate and incentivize new energy-efficiency and renewable energy technologies and programs, create incentives that encourage utility customers to participate, and allow utilities to recover the costs of implementing these new technologies. 20, 544
State PUCs could make clear that merchant transmission line companies can seek siting permits and exercise eminent domain authority under the same conditions as electric utilities. 20, 543
State PUCs could make clear that merchant transmission line companies can seek siting permits and exercise eminent domain authority under the same conditions as electric utilities. 20, 543
State PUCs should mandate new energy-efficiency and renewable energy technologies and programs, create incentives for these programs, and, where appropriate, allow utilities to recover costs of implementing new technologies and programs. 20, 544
State PUCs should mandate new energy-efficiency and renewable energy technologies and programs, create incentives for these programs, and, where appropriate, allow utilities to recover costs of implementing new technologies and programs. 20, 544
States can fund R&D on distribution network and smart grid developments 20, 542
States could create transmission corridor districts to increase land0wner buy-in 20, 545
States could eliminate utility "right of first refusal" for new transmission lines 20, 543
States could enter interstate compacts for regional signing authorities to approve interstate transmission lines 20, 541
States should allow commercial energy uses to participate in wholesale demand responds programs, including through aggregators 20, 543
States should consider special purpose development distributs or land assembly districts as an alternative to transmission eminent domain 20, 544
States should find ways to support energy storage in ratepayer recovery rules or other means 20, 543
States should promote integration of distributed renewable energy, storage, and smart grids 20, 543
To the extent state law sets out what is a “public use” for purposes of eminent domain authority, state legislatures could make clear that public use includes benefits to a multi-state region as well as to the individual state. 20, 543
Transmission line companies could create transmission corridor districts to increase landowners buyin for transmission projects 20, 545
Transmission line companies could offer landowners annual payments to reduce community opposition to transmission lines 20, 545
Transmission line companies should meet with communities frequently, provide voluntary payments, partners with groups, to reduce opposition to transmission lines 20, 545
Transmission line operators could enter into "community benefit agreements" for payments by the developer to the community 20, 545
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