Headings - Topical Sources
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Forecasting Carbon Prices
2016 Clarke_Predicting the Price of Carbon: How to Crack the Climate Change Code for Good
2005 Trexler_Of Crystal Balls and Market Fundamentals - Anticipating GHG Prices
2007 EcoSecurities_Anticipating GHG Credit Value
2007 Hodes_Equal Exchange Determining a Fair Price for Carbon
2008 Schlissel_2008 CO2 Price Forecasts
2009 Trexler_Reviewing the Results of Carbon Market Forecasting_NWPCC_Seminar
2010 Pickl_Impact of uncertain emissions trading markets on resource planning processes
2010 Stanezak_CO2 emission trading model with trading prices
2010 Stanton_Emission Reduction, Interstate Equity, and Price of Carbon
2011 Commonwealth of Australia_Strong Growth Low Pollution - Modelling a carbon price
2011 Johnston_2011 Carbon Dioxide Price Forecast
2011 Point Carbon _Advance Training Course Carbon Price Information
2011 Point Carbon_The carbon market post-2012
2012 Chen_The Outlook for Carbon Prices
2012 Wilson_2012 Carbon Dioxide Price forecast
2013 Luckow_2013 Carbon Dioxide Price Forecast
2014 Johnson_Carbon Price Forecast Discussion
2015 CDP_Carbon Pricing Pathways -- Executive Summary
2015 Luckow_Carbon Dioxide Price Report
2016 Clarke Predicting the Price of Carbon - PPT
2016 Doda_How to price carbon in good times … and bad
2016 HSBC_Carbon Pricing Paris agreement supports scale up of carbon pricing
2016 Luckow_Spring 2016 National Carbon Dioxide Price Forecast
2016 Yu_Dynamics of optimal carbon prices with inter-temporal regulation $$
2017 CDP_Carbon Pricing Corridors: The Market View
2017 CPLC_Report of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices
2018 CDP_Carbon Pricing Corridors - The Market View 2018
2018 Ervine_How Low Can It Go Analysing the Political Economy of Carbon Market Design and Low Carbon Prices $$
2019 Daniel_Declining CO2 price paths
2004 Keeler_Sequestration rental policies and price path of carbon $$
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