Headings - Topical Sources
S - Impacts of Pricing Carbon
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Carbon Pricing 101
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
2007 Eggers_The Inconvenient Math Implications of Costed Carbon
2010 DNV_Quantitative Effects of Carbon Price on Business Performance
2010 Lewis_Carbon Emissions May You Live in Interesting Times
2010 Nicholson_How carbon pricing changes relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload
2010 Quantitative Effects of Carbon Price
2010 Trucost_Carbon risks and opportunities in emerging markets
2010 Wilkins_Tougher European Emissions Target Could Double the Price of Carbon
2011 Borenstein_Would Pricing Aviation GHGs Really Lower Efficiency or Profitability
2011 Castillo_Incentives of carbon dioxide regulation for investment in low-carbon electricity technologies in Texas
2011 Matutinovic_Oil at 150$ The tipping point for changing course of civilizations? $$
2011 Neuhoff_Carbon pricing for low carbon investment
2011 Rausch_Distributional impacts of carbon pricing - general equilibrium approach
2011 Rogge_Relative importance of different climate policy elements for corporate climate innovation activities
2011 Vorster_Mitigating climate change through carbon pricing - emerging policy debate in South Africa
2011 WBCSD_Carbon Pricing
2012 Le Strat_Interaction between carbon prices and oil markets PPT
2012 Linares_The effects of carbon prices and anti-leakage policies on selected industrial sector
2013 Chapple_The Cost of Carbon: Capital Market Effects of the Proposed Emission Trading Scheme ( ETS )
2013 Droege_Carbon pricing and its future role for energy intensive industries
2013 Hood_Managing interactions between carbon pricing and existing energy policies
2014 Andersen_The Fiscal Incentive of GHG Cap and Trade Permits May be Too Cheap and Developed Countries May Abate Too Little
2014 CERT_Economic Effects of Carbon Pricing in Washington State PPT
2014 Driesen_The Limits of Pricing Carbon $$
2014 Petitet_Carbon price instead of support schemes wind power investments by the electricity market
2015 Aflaki_Strategic Investment in renewable Energy Sources the Effect of Supply Intermittency
2015 Bumpus_Firm responses to a carbon price corporate decision making under British Columbia s carbon tax $$
2015 Houser_Commodity Market Impacts of EPA’s Clean Power Plan
2015 Jayaratne_Sustainability Living in a Carbon Priced Economy Shoulds and Woulds Making Amends and Sustainability Guilt $$
2015 Krupnick_Putting a Carbon Charge on Federal Coal: Legal and Economic Issues
2015 Madaleno_Clean energy firms' stock prices, technology, oil prices, and carbon prices $$
2015 Peace_Preparing for Carbon Pricing Case Studies from Company Experience
2016 Ecofys_Impacts of global carbon price on consumption and value creation
2016 Springmann_Mitigation potential and global health impacts from emissions pricing of food commodities $$
2017 Acworth_Emissions Trading and the Role of a LongRun Carbon Price Signal
2017 de Alegria_Carbon prices: Were they an obstacle to the launching of emission abatement projects in Spain in the Kyoto Protocol period?$$
2017 Egli_Quantifying the net cost of a carbon price floor in Germany $$
2017 Finon_The carbon prices making low carbon plants competitive
2017 Harvey_Implications for the floor price of oil of aggressive climate policies $$
2017 Li_The impacts of carbon pricing on coastal megacities: A CGE analysis of Singapore $$
2017 Pradhan_Carbon prices and greenhouse gases abatement from agriculture forestry and land use in Nepal $$
2017 Pradhan_Carbon prices and greenhouse gases abatement from agriculture, forestry and land use in Nepal $$
2017 Su_The impacts of carbon pricing on coastal megacities: A CGE analysis of Singapore $$
2018 Avetisyan_Impacts of global carbon pricing on international trade, modal choice and emissions from international transport $$
2018 CPLC_How can consumption based carbon pricing address carbon leakage and competitiveness concerns
2018 Dutta_Modeling and forecasting the volatility of carbon emission market: The role of outliers, time-varying jumps and oil price risk, Journal of Cleaner Production
2018 Environment Canada_Estimated impacts of the federal carbon pollution pricing system
2018 Ervine_How Low Can It Go Analysing the Political Economy of Carbon Market Design and Low Carbon Prices $$
2018 Li_Air quality co-benefits of carbon pricing in China
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