Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Climate Risk Scenario Extracts
Knowledgebase headings pull together materials from numerous sources
Infographic - What are the RCPs
E - Adaptation Scenarios
E - Climate Futures Scenarios in CliFi
E - Policy Scenarios
E - Population Scenarios
E - Scenarios Through Storytelling
E - Underestimating Climate Risks
Are disaster scenarios about tipping points like ‘turning off the Gulf Stream’ and release of methane from the Arctic a cause for concern?
2011 Plan for “Perfect Storm” and Policy Failure Scenarios
2012 There's huge uncertainty about really long-term outcomes
2013 We can only burn 30% of proven reserves on 2oC pathway - massive stranded investments
2016 94% of analysts don't focus on earnings after 5 years
2016 Accelerate the risk, increase the premium, or extend the time horizon
2016 Increase in resource use to 2025 and 2040
2016 Interplay between transition and physical risks
2016 Key challenges of scenario development
2016 Risks are long-term, investment focus short-term
2016 Transition scenarios - IEA outlook to 2040
2016 Translating 2D roadmaps into financial parameters (13)
2018 The most common scenarios
2018 The scenario probability distribution
Analytical process
Comparing the Two Scenarios p.1
Conflict scenario 2010-2020
Conflict scenario 2020-2030
IPCC RCP Scenarios in AR5
No sensible risk management framework should ignore worst case scenarios
Probability distribution of scenarios
Security Outlook 2030 - Three scenarios
Technology Scenarios
The scenarios used in the NCA:vs. the new IPCC Scenarios
There are many scenarios being discussed
2013 There is a lot of uncertainty re future scenarios
1. Some popular climate scenarios
3. What if We Decided to Really Tackle Climate Change?
7. Darker Climate Change Scenarios
A high risk climate scenario for 2050
a. The implications of already committed-to warming.
Key question for scenarios is resulting vulnerability
Radical technology innovation
Solving the climate change externality
Some risk analyses are trying to look at nearer-term risk
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