Headings - Topical Sources
S - Carbon Markets
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Climate Change Market Mechanisms
S - Carbon Market Critiques
S - Offset Supplies and Costs
S - REDD Offset Markets
S - RGGI Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
2014 Miller_The Carbon Rush The truth behind the carbon market smokescreen
200X IEA_China’s Emissions Trading Scheme Designing efficient allowance allocation
201X CR_The Carbon Reserve Carbon Mitigation Asset Procurement Policy
TEQs Tradable energy quotas: A policy framework for peak oil and climate change
2007 Bettelheim_Carbon Markets: the Forest Dimension
2007 EcoSecurities_REDD Policy Scenarios and Carbon Markets
2008 Corner House_Governance as Corruption Carbon Trading and Financial Derivatives PPT
2008 Gledhill_Review of Carbon Markets
2008 Savage_3 Things to Know about the Carbon Markets
2009 Brohe_Carbon Markets: An International Business Guide (Environmental Market Insights)
2009 Caisse des Depots_REI Registry - a revolution in managing your carbon units portfolios
2009 Chan_Subprime Carbon - Re-thinking the world’s largest new derivatives market
2009 Ecosystem Marketplace_State of Forest Carbon Markets: Taking Root and Branching Out
2009 Karmali_The Trouble with Carbon Trading A Short Debate
2009 Perold_The Carbon Market $$
2009 Point Carbon_Carbon Exposure Winners and Losers in a US Carbon Market
2010 Cogen_Options for Financing Offset Projects and Managing Risk
2010 Dargusch_How carbon markets have influenced change in the Australia forest industries $$
2010 Guigon_Voluntary Carbon Markets How Can They Service Climate Change Policies
2010 House of Commons_The Role of Carbon Markets in Preventing Climate Change
2010 Patrick_Greenhouse Gas Markets The Role of Banks
2010 Sovacool_Building Umbrellas or Arks - Three Alternatives to Carbon Credits and Offsets
2010 Spash_The brave new world of carbon trading $$
2010 TransCanada_Experiences with Emissions Trading
2010 Turner_Current Carbon Market Fundamentals Future Prospects
2010 Ward_Issues about market demand and supply final
2011 Aldrich_The Need for More Academics in Carbon Market Formation
2011 Gray_Carbon markets from 2005 to 2010 Minor malfunction or fundamental failure $$
2011 Hultman_Carbon markets and low-carbon investment in emerging economies
2011 IMF_Market Based Instruments for International Aviation and Shipping as a Source of Climate Finance
2011 Lohmann_The endless algebra of climate markets $$
2011 Martin_Climate change investment and carbon markets and prices
2011 Mehling_Prospects for a transatlantic carbon market final
2011 Point Carbon Introduction to Carbon Markets PPT
2011 Point Carbon_Carbon 2011
2011 Tenguria_Carbon Credit Markets $$
2011 Tuerk_Linking carbon markets concepts, case studies and pathways
2011 Valatin_Forest and carbon Valuation discounting and risk management
2011 World Bank_State And Trend of Carbon Market
2012 Cao_An exploratory study on forest carbon markets in Asia $$
2012 CDM Policy Dialogue_Climate Change, Carbon Markets, and the CDM - A Call to Action
2012 Green_The co-benefits of carbon management on country
2012 Lederer_The practice of carbon markets
2012 Maslin_Emergence of the carbon market intelligence sector
2012 Mitchell_Current status and future prospects for carbon forestry in Austrlia $$
2012 Pacific Carbon Trust_Monetizing the value of vented methane
2012 Paterson_Who and what are carbon markets for Politics and the development of climate policy $$
2012 Prag_Making markets - unpacking design and governance of carbon market mechanisms
2012 UN Habitat_Making Carbon Markets Work for Your City A Guide for Cities in Developing Countries
2012 World Bank_State and Trends of the Carbon Market
2013 CCC_Climate change and Carbon Markets An International Framework
2013 Chen_Economic Policy Proposal - Global Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases with an International Trading Currency
2013 Demase_The President’s Climate Action Plan and California’s carbon market
2013 Ecosystem Marketplace_Covering new ground: state of forest carbon markets
2013 Ecosystem Marketplace_Manuevering the mosaic - state of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2013
2013 Fowlie_Market Based Emissions Regulation When Damages Vary Across Sources
2013 IDEAcarbon_The role of an Internatinoal Carbon Reserve and our proposed Design
2013 IETA_GHG Market 2013 - looking to the future of carbon markets
2013 IETA_The World’s Carbon Markets - A Case Study Guide to Emissions Trading
2013 JiQ_State and Perspectives of International Carbon Markets
2013 Mazurek_Investigation of the Effects of Emission Market Design on the Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms of the California Cap on GHGs
2013 Mundaca_Challenges for New Zealands carbon market
2013 Parliament of Australia_Emissions trading schemes around the world
2013 Perez_Environmental Commodity Markets and Emissions Trading Toward a Low Carbon Future
2013 Petherick_Holding out hope
2013 Rajagopal_Market-based emission performance standards in a multi-sector context
2014 Carbon Mechanisms Review Net Means More
2014 ClimateTrust_10 Carbon Market Predictions for 2014
2014 CMW_What’s needed to fix the EU’s carbon market
2014 Ecosystem Marketplace_Sharing the Stage – State of Voluntary Markets 2014
2014 Ervine_Diminishing returns Carbon market crisis and the future of market-dependent climate change finance $$
2014 Mathur_Experiences of host communities with carbon market projects Towards multi-level climate justice $$
2014 Michaelowa_Linking the CDM with domestic carbon markets $$
2014 Penrith_Carbon Mechanisms, Markets, and Projects PPT
2014 Rausch_Markets versus Regulation: The Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of US Climate Policy Proposals
2014 Warnecke_Beyond pure offsetting: Assessing options to generate Net-Mitigation-Effects in carbon market mechanisms $$
2015 Brillinger_A sustainable ag perspective on carbon markets PPT
2015 CCC_Climate change and Carbon Markets: An International Framework
2015 Ecofys_Carbon Markets - An Introduction
2015 Environomist_China Carbon Market Research Report
2015 Frantzen_A Carbon Based Incentive Program Catalyzing the Great Transition of the 21st Century
2015 Fuessler_Design Options for an International Carbon Asset Reserve
2015 Harrison_International carbon trade and domestic climate politics $$
2015 ICCG_International Climate Policy and Carbon Markets N. 34
2015 IETA_GHG Market Sentiment Survey 2015
2015 Lo_Challenges to the development of carbon markets in China
2015 Redmond_The global carbon market mechanism landscape pre and post 2020 perspectives $$
2015 Redmond_The global carbon market mechanisms landscape pre and post 2020 perspectives
2015 Redmond_The global carbon market-mechanism landscape Pre and post 2020 perspectives $$
2015 Thurber_Simulating the Interaction of an RPS with Electricity and Carbon Markets
2015 van Renssen_Carbon market rescue $$
2016 Bryant_Carbon Markets and the Production of Climate Change
2016 de Godoy_A solution for an externality, greenhouse gases: carbon market $$
2016 Hogan_Priorities for the Market Design Initiative PPT
2016 ICAP_On the Way to a Global Carbon Market Linking Emissions Trading Systems
2016 IETA_A Vision for the Market Provisions of the Paris Agreement
2016 IETA_GHG Market Sentiment Survey 2016
2016 IETA_Greenhouse Gas Market Report
2016 IETA_South Africa A Market-Based Climate Policy Case Study
2016 IGES_Market Mechanisms in Charts
2016 Jevnaker_Linked Carbon Markets Silver bullet or castle in the air $$
2016 Johannsdottir_Calls for Carbon Markets at COP21: a conference report $$
2016 Kouchakji_From Kyoto to Paris: An oral history of the carbon market
2016 Littell_Carbon Markets 101 How To Considerations for Regulatory Practitioners
2016 Lo_Challenges to the development of carbon markets in China $$
2016 PWC_GHG Market Sentiment Survey 2016
2016 RAP_Priorities for the Market Design Initiative Whats Missing
2016 Rosenzweig_Global Climate Change Policy and Carbon Markets Transition to a New Era (Energy, Climate and the Environment)
2016 Savostenko_Verified Carbon Products for the Public The Missing Link between the atmosphere and the biosphere
2016 Swartz_Chinas National Emissions Trading System Implications for Carbon Markets and Trade
2016 van der Gaast_The contribution of forest carbon credit projects to addressing the climate change challenge $$
2016 Walberg_Carbon markets and forests -- What does the future hold
2017 Ahonen_Carbon markets and flexible mechanisms
2017 Borenstein_California's Cap and Trade Market Through 2030
2017 Busch_Oversupply Grows in the Western Climate Initiative Carbon Market
2017 Carbon Market Watch_Good-By Kyoto Transitioning Away from Offsetting After 2020
2017 Chomba_Of mice and men Why the unintended consequences of carbon markets matter $$
2017 Coffman_Carbon dioxide removal and the futures market
2017 Green_Don't link carbon markets
2017 Hu_Assessing the operational performance and maturity of the carbon trading pilot program: The case study of Beijings carbon market $$
2017 IETA_GHG Market Sentiment Survey
2017 Jones_A Pioneering Approach to Carbon Markets How the Northeast States Redefined Cap and Trade for the Benefit of Consumers
2017 Keohane_Toward a club of carbon markets
2017 Macinante_A conceptual model for networking of carbon markets on distributed ledger technology
2017 MJB_A Pioneering Approach to Carbon Markets
2017 Taschini_International carbon markets linking and post-Brexit options
2017 Taylor_Cap and Trade Extension Issues for Legislative Oversight
2018 Bryant_Nature as accumulation strategy Finance nature and value in carbon markets $$
2018 CMW_The Clean Development Mechanisms - Local Impacts of a Global System
2018 CTI_Carbon Clampdown - Closing the Gap to a Paris-Compliant EU-ETS
2018 Cullenward_Removing excess cap and trade allowances will reduce GHG emissions
2018 Cullenward_Subcommittee Report on Managing Allowance Supply
2018 Dutta_Modeling and forecasting the volatility of carbon emission market: The role of outliers, time-varying jumps and oil price risk, Journal of Cleaner Production
2018 Gavard_Flexibility in the market for international carbon credits and price dynamics difference with European allowances $$
2018 Gulbrandsen_The political roots of divergence in carbon market design Implications for linking $$
2018 Haites_Experience with Carbon Taxes and GHG Emissions Trading Systems
2018 Hibbard_The Economic Impacts of RGGI on Nine Northeast States
2018 Joltreau_Why does emissions trading under the EU Emissions Trading System ETS not affect firms competitiveness Empirical findings from the literature
2018 Lin_What will China’s carbon emission trading market affect with only electricity sector involvement -- A CGE based study $$
2018 Osborne_Embedding Carbon Markets Complicating Commodification of Ecosystem Services in Mexico s Forests $$
2018 Roig-Ramos_Boom Prices on the European Emission Trading System
2018 Wyman_Allowance Supply and Demand in the California Cap and Trade Program
2018 Zhang_On the effectiveness of tradable performance- based standards
2018 Zhao_Factors influencing companies_ willingness to pay for carbon emissions_ Emission trading schemes in China $$
2018 Zhou_Carbon emissions abatement_ Emissions trading vs consumer awareness
2019 Burtraw_2019 Annual Report of the Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee
2019 Cullenward_Tracking banking in the WCI cap and trade program
2019 GEI_The Risks of Unlimited Banked Allowances
2019 IETA_The Economic Potential of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and Implementation Challenges
2019 Konschnik_Getting to Yes Internal Preparations State Carbon Trading Checklist
2019 Niles_Policy Options to Streamline the Carbon Market for Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emissions
2019 Roth_Current Status of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs)
2019 Schlermeier_UN Climate Summit set to tackle carbon markets $$
2019 Schneider_Double counting and the Paris Agreement rulebook
2019 Stuart_Climate Change and the Polanyian Counter-Movement Carbon Markets or Degrowth
2020 Bayer_The European Union Emissions Trading System reduced CO2 Emissions despite low prices
2020 BNC_Carbon Credit Trading: The compelling case for market tokenization
2020 Carbon Market Watch_Carbon Markets 101 - The Ultimate Guide to Global Offsetting Mechanisms
2020 Donofrio_The Only Constant is Change - State of the Voluntary Carbon Market - Installment #2
2020 Donofrio_Voluntary Carbon and the Post-Pandemic Recovery
2020 Flachsland_How to avoid history repeating itself the case for an EU Emissions Trading System EU ETS price floor revisited $$
2020 Gold Standard_Operationalizing and Scaling Post-2020 Voluntary Carbon Market
2020 IEA_Implementing Effective Emissions Trading Systems Lesson from international experiences
2020 Lee_The Future of Carbon Offset Markets
2020 Schneider_Outside in Using international carbon markets for mitigation not covered by nationally determined contributions NDCs under the Paris Agreement
2020 TNC_Public Comments for Gold Standards Paper
2020 Wang_Price stabilization mechanisms in China's pilot emissions trading schemes
2021 C2ES_Outcomes of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow
2021 Carbon Direct_Comments on the Initial Recommendations of the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets
2021 Carbon Direct_Release of Voluntary Registry Offsets Database
2021 Carbon Market Watch_Reply to the TSVCM's Second Public Consultation
2021 Donofrio_Markets in Motion - State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2021 - Installment 1
2021 FOE_Chasing Carbon Unicorns - The Deception of Carbon Markets and Net Zero
2021 ISDA_The role of derivatives in carbon markets
2021 Kreibich_Suitability and Success Factors of Offsets post-2020
2021 Michaelowa_Setting crediting baselines under article 6 of the Paris Agreement
2021 Michaelowa_Towards net zero Dynamic baselines for international market mechanisms
2021 Moss_Carbon Credit MCO2 Token
2021 Nogrady_China launches worlds biggest carbon market $$
2021 PDF_Position for the Voluntary Market under the Paris Agreement What needs to be kept - what needs to be changed
2021 Prosper_Carbon Trade: The Dawn of a New Age of Investing: An Introduction to Investing in a Sustainable World
2021 Refinitiv_Carbon Market Year in Review 2020
2021 Saraji_A Blockchain-based carbon credit ecosystem
2021 TSVCM_Phase 2 Report
2021 TSVCM_Task Force on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets Final Report
2021 TZ_Turning the Supertanker Powering Chinas coal to clean transition with actionable analytics
2021 Yu_The Potential Role of Article 6 Compatible Markets in Reaching Net Zero
2023 Teo_Uncertainties in deforestation emission baseline methodologies and implications for carbon markets
2024 Roy_Designing for Uncertainty - Amendments to Californias Cap and Trade Market
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