Headings - Topical Sources
S - Climate Change Scenario Planning
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Scenario Planning as Discipline
S - 2oC Scenario Alignment
S - Adaptation Planning Scenarios
S - Climate Change Scenarios
S - Climate Narratives
S - Climate Scenario Methodologies
S - Climate Scenario Variables
S - Low Carbon Scenarios
S - TCFD Scenario Planning
2014 Lewis_Climate science in climate security scenarios
2015 Baum_The far future argument for confronting catastrophic threats to humanity: Practical significance and alternatives
2015 Kunkel_Innovations in science and scenarios for assessment
2016 Star_Supporting adaptation decisions through scenario planning
2016 Straatman_Creating Business as Usual Scenarios for Albertas Energy Systems From 2015 to 2040
2016 Willis_Stress and scenario testing A change of focus - Series Paper 2
2017 Bentham_Scenarios and Energy Transitions
2017 CLIMsystems_CLIMsystems and Resilient Analytics and Climate Scenario Analysis
2017 CoFirm_Climate scenarios for improved strategic and financial risk analysis
2017 Daatland_Energy Perspectives 2017
2017 Henbest_Approaches for using scenarios in strategic decision making
2017 Mazzacurati_Demystifying Physical Climate Risk in Scenario Analysis
2017 McGlade_Scenario analysis at the IEA
2017 McGlade_Word Energy Outlook 2017
2017 Nahon_Integration of climate related risks in scenarios at EDF
2017 Omi_Scenario analysis for institutional investors
2017 Reid_The financial sector and climate scenario analysis
2017 Stern_Business and Climate Risk Using Scenarios to Deal with Uncertainties
2018 CDP_Technical Note on Scenario Analysis - Conducting and Disclosing Scenario Analysis
1998 Tulme_Portraying climate scenario uncertainties in relation to tolerable regional climate change
2000 Maack_Scenario Analysis - A Tool for Task Managers
2003 Mearns_Guidelines for use of climate scenarios
2003 Peterson_Scenario Planning A tool for conservation in an uncertain world $$
2004 Wilby_Guidelines for Use of Climate Scenarios Developed From Statistical Downscaling Methods
2007 Aguiar_Future Scenarios and Climate Trends
2007 IPCC_Towards new scenarios for analysis of emissions climate change impacts and response strategies
2008 IPCC_Towards New Scenarios for Analysis of Emissions Impacts Response Strategies Technical Summary - Technical Summary
2008 Langsdale_Communication of Climate Change Uncertainty to Stakeholders Using the Scenario Approach
2008 Nordlund_Futures research and the IPCC assessment study on the effects of climate change
2008 Santoso_Climate scenarios - what we need to know and how to generate them
2008 Toth_Managing the inconceivable Participatory assessment of impacts and response to extreme climate change $$
2008 UK DECC_Developing scenarios of future climate change for China - Agriculture
2009 Larsen_Climate change scenarios and citizen participation: mitigation and adaptation perspectives in constructing sustainable futures $$
2010 Bryson_Envisioning futures for climate change policy development Scenarios use in European $$
2010 Global Climate Change Situation Room
2010 Randers_The One Degree War Plan
2010 Rosentrater_Representing and using scenarios for responding to climate change
2010 Rounsevell_Developing qualitative scenario storylines for environmental change assessment, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change $$
2010 Tomassini_Uncertainty and risk in climate projections for the 21st century: comparing mitigation to non-intervention scenarios
2010 van Vuuren_use of scenarios as basis for combined assessment of climate change
2010 Wulf_A Scenario-Based Approach to Strategic Planning: Integrating Planning and Process Perspective of Strategy
2011 Burt_Towards the integration of system modeling with scenario planning to support strategy The case of the uK energy industry $$
2011 Duffy_Raising the Bar Climate Projections for Decision Support
2011 Miranda_On the forecasting of the challenging world future scenarios
2011 van Drunen_Bounding the future: The use of scenarios in assessing climate change impacts $$
2011 Vergragt_Backcasting for sustainability Introduction to the special issue
2011 Weeks_Climate change scenario planning A tool for managing parks into uncertain futures
2012 Cobb_Climate change scenario planning: A model for integration of science and management in environmental decision-making
2012 Gerst_Discovering plausible energy and economic futures under global climate change
2012 MacLeod_Useful decadal climate prediction at regional scales
2012 Moser_The Northern Forest Futures Project A Forward Look at Forest Conditions in the Northern US
2012 Nature Climate Change_Building consistency
2012 OECD_Environmental Outlook to 2050
2012 OECD_Environmental Outlook to 2050 - Highlights
2012 Rasmussen_A Framework for Considering Climate Change in Transportation and Land Use Scenario Planning: Lessons Learned from an Interagency Pilot Project on Cape Cod: Final Report
2012 Solability_Climate change energy and businesses Quantifying impacts to 2040
2012 Tapinos_Perceived Environmental Uncertainty in scenario planning $$
2012 van Vuuren_Scenarios in Global Environmental Assessments: Key characteristics and lessons for future use
2013 CCLearn_Resource Guide for Advanced Learning on Predicting and Projecting Climate Change
2013 Dong_Scenario development for water resource planning and management: A review
2013 Enserink_Coping with uncertainty in climate policy making: (Mis)understanding scenario studies $$
2013 Harvey_Global climate-oriented transportation scenarios
2013 Pereira_VISIONS for Venice in 2050: Aleph, story telling and unsolved paradoxes $$
2013 Varho_Combining the qualitative and quantitative with the Q 2 scenario technique The case of transport and climate
2013 Wilson_Along the Scenario Planning Pathway
2019 Haigh_Scenario Planning for Climate Change A Guide for Strategists
2013 Ernst_Climate change scenario planning in Alaska's National Parks: Stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process $$
2013 Hughes_Towards improving the relevance of scenarios for public policy questions: A proposed methodological framework for policy relevant low carbon scenarios
2013 Marra_Background on Scenario Planning PPT
2013 NPS_Using Scenarios to Explore Climate Change A Handbook for Practitioners
2013 Otto_On judging the credibility of climate predictions
2013 Waage_Denver Water A Scenario Planning Case Study PPT
2013 Wright_Future imaginings: Organizing in response to climate change
2013 Wright_Imagining the climate crisis and the great disruption_ an interview with Paul Gilding
2014 c2SM_Toward Quantitative Scenarios of Climate Change Impacts in Switzerland CH2014-Impacts Summary
2014 C2SM_Toward Quantitative Scenarios of Climate Change Impacts in Switzerland CH2014-Impacts
2014 DGR_Three Decisive Ecological Warfare Scenarios
2014 Ebi_A new scenario framework for climate change research: background, process, and future directions
2014 Kriegler_A new scenario framework for climate change research: the concept of shared climate policy assumptions
2014 Mccollum_Fossil resource and energy security dynamics in conventional and carbon-constrained worlds
2014 Miller_Narrative futures and the governance of energy transitions $$
2014 Rickards_The problem of fit Scenario planning and climate change adaptation in the public sector
2014 Titley_Ghosts from the Past
2014 Tonn_Willow pond: A decentralized low-carbon future scenario $$
2014 Van Vuuren_A new scenario framework for Climate Change Research: scenario matrix architecture
2015 Brown_The Future of Climate Change PPT
2015 Hazeleger_Tales of future weather $$
2015 Marra_Advancing best practices for the formulation of localized sea level rise coastal inundation extremes scenarios
2015 Wodak_A critical review of the application of environmental scenario exercises $$
2016 Carbon Tracker_No Rhyme or Reason Unreasonable Projections in a world confronting climate change
2016 Hallding_Beyond Paris: Using Climate Change Scenarios to Manage Risk
2016 Hayes_Colonising the Future Climate Change and International Security Strategies $$
2016 Ross_The Climate Change Challenge and Barriers to the Exercise of Foresight Intelligence
2016 Shell_A Better Life With a Healthy Planet Pathways to Net-ZeroEmissions
2016 Swanson_Rapid Scenario-Planning Exercise to Review Risks of the Agricultural Sector
2016 Truvnevyte_Reinvigorating the scenario technique to expand uncertainty consideration $$
2016 Woodruff_Planning for an unknowable future - uncertainty in climate change adaptation planning $$
2017 2o Investing Initiative_Changing Colors
2017 2oCInvestingInitiative_2oC Scenario Analysis for Banks and Investors
2017 2oInvestingInitiative_The Transition Risk-O-Meter - reference scenarios for financial analysis
2017 Acclimatise_Using scenarios in corporate disclosure of physical clmate risk (briefing note)
2017 Blau_Scenario analysis What is it and how can it help business deal with climate risk
2017 CPD_Next steps for scenario analysis in Australia
2017 Dicembrino_TCFD and BoE Conference on Climate Scenarios
2017 Hall_Using climate change scenarios to test an agricultural conservation framework $$
2017 Hurley_Climate horizons: next steps for scenario analysis in Australia
2017 Kriegler_Climate Scenarios Concepts Content Assumptions
2017 Kriegler_Climate Scenarios What are they and how are they used
2017 Kuramochi_Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries
2017 Martinez-Diaz_WRIs Role in Supporting TCFD Scenario Analysis
2017 McCollum_Transport scenarios: The who what why and how
2017 Venkateswaran_Using scenarios to inform financial planning and asset pricing
2017 Weber_Climate Scenario Analysis for Financial Institutions PPT
2017 Wild_BHPs approach to climate change scenario analysis
2017 Yeh_Global mobility scenarios
2018 AES_AES Climate Scenario Report
2018 CICERO_Climate scenarios demystified: A climate scenario guide for investors
2018 CISL_Embedding environmental scenario analysis in routine financial decision-making in Mexico
2018 CISL_Embedding environmental scenario analysis in routine financial decision-making in South Africa
2018 Cook_Climate Change Scenarios and African Climate Change
2018 CTI_Under the Microscope - Are Companies Climate Scenario Analyses Meeting Investors Requirements
2018 Daron_Providing future climate projections using multiple models and methods - insights from the Philippines
2018 IIGCC_Navigating climate scenario analysis
2018 LaCount_Climate strategy assessments for US electric power industry
2018 Preventable Surprises_Flip the Switch A guidance note for transition planning at energy utility companies XL
2018 Raynaud_Climate Scenario compass Investor primer to transition risk analysis
2018 Ritchie_Defining climate change scenario characteristics with a phase space of cumulative primary energy and carbon intensity
2018 Shell_Shell Scenarios Sky Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement
2018 Stephens_Estimating Portfolio Coherence with Climate Scenarios
2019 Cascio_The apocalypse: It’s not the end of the world
2019 Shepherd_Storyline Approach to the construction of regional climate change information
2021 AES_Climate Scenario Report - Accelerating the future of energy
2021 Koberle_A guide to building climate-financial scenarios for financial institutions
2021 NGFS_Scenarios in Action: A Progress Report on Global Supervisory and Central Bank Climate Scenario Exercises
2021 Sognnaes_A multi-model analysis of long-term emissions and warming implications of current mitigation efforts
2023 Trust_The Emperor’s New Climate Scenarios: Limitations and assumptions of commonly used climate-change scenarios in financial services
2023 University of Exeter_No Time to Lose New Scenario Narratives for Action on Climate Change
2023 WBCSD_Transition planning and climate scenario analysis - food, agriculture, and forest products
2004 Swart_The problem of the future: sustainability science and scenario analysis