What is the Role of Business in Solving Climate Change?
DC Will Business Solve Climate Change?
I - BusinessWon'tStepUp
I - Greenwashing
I - QuestioningBusinessResponses
I - SolutionasBusinessAction
S - Business Climate Responses Sources
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Stepping Up
S - Voluntary Measures and Emissions Reductions
E - Business Leadership Role in Mitigation
E - Business Role in Policy Decision-Making
E - Critiquing Business Responses
E - Responses by Business Sector
2015 Wright_Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction (Business, Value Creation, and Society)
2016 CISL_Business Compendium: How the private sector is building Europe's climate ambition
2016 Edie_The business end of climate change
2016 InfluenceMap_A tipping point in corporate attitudes in climate policy
2016 InfluenceMap_Apple scores an A for support of ambitious climate policy
2016 Linquiti_Carbon Ask The Effects of Climate Policy on the Value of Fossil Fuel Resources and the Implications for Technology Innovation
2018 InfluenceMap_How the US Auto Industry is Dismantling the Worlds Most Successful Climate Policy
2012 PWC_15th Annual Global CEO Survey
2013 Accenture_The UN Global Compact CEO Study on Sustainability 2013
2013 Vandenbergh_Private Environmental Governance
2013 Varnas_Broadening Horizons Business Engagement in 2007 and Today
2014 CDP_Corporate Ambition and Action on Climate Change
2014 Vandernbergh_Can your company stop global warming?
2014 Wright_Creative self-destruction Corporate responses to climate change as political myths
2015 BSR_Creating an Action Agenda for Private Sector Leadership on Climate Change
2015 IKI_Climate partnerships with the private sector
2017 Backman_The drivers of corporate climate change strategies and public policy A new resource-based view
2017 InfluenceMap_Corporate Carbon Policy Footprint
2018 Dickinson_Picking up the pace Tracking progress on corporate climate action PPT
2018/6 How companies are and are not fighting climate change - Axios
2018/6 How the companies that destroyed the world’s forests can save them (commentary)
2018/8 Are B Corps An Elite Charade For Changing The World?
2018/9 How Local and Private Sector Groups Are Taking the Lead on Climate Change
Company actions contradict their statements
COP21 signaled a significant shift
Report concludes of 250 key companies, only 50 influential, 35 opposing action
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