Headings - Topical Sources
S - Offset Evaluations/Critiques
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Additionality of Offsets
S - Evaluating the CDM
2011 Reinhardt_The Political Economy of Carbon Trading $$
2015 Boehm_EDF Energys Green CSR Claims Examined The follies of global carbon commodity chains
2015 Bryant_Fixing the climate crisis Capital States and Carbon Offsetting in India
2015 Schneider_Perverse effects of carbon markets on HFC23 and SF6 abatement projects in Russia
2015 Swartz_Carbon Offsets: Is it Time to Invest
2016 Zelljadt_Offsetting in the aviation sector Evaluating voluntary offset programs of major airlines
2018 Schneider_Crediting Forest-Related Mitigation Under International Carbon Market Mechanisms: A synthesis of environmental integrity risks
200X Lohmann_Performative Equations and Neoliberal Commodification -- The Case of Climate
1994 Goodin_Selling Environmental Indulgences
2000 Chomitz_Evaluating Carbon Offsets from Forestry and Energy Projects
2000 Lohmann_Shopping for Carbon A New Plantation Economy
2004 Bachram_Climate fraud and carbon colonialism The new trade in GHGs $$
2004 Becken_How Tourists and Tourism Experts Perceive Climate Change and Carbon Offsetting Schemes
2006 Kosloff_Fictional Credits or Progressive Action Seattles Utility GHG Offsets Program Goes to Court
2007 Smith_The Carbon Neutral Myth: Offsets Indulgences for your Climate Sins
2007 Victor_Making Carbon Markets Work
2008 Broekhoff_Outside the Cap: Opportunities and Limitations of GHG Offsets
2008 Carbon Offset Watch_2008 Assessment Report
2008 Corner House_Governance as Corruption Carbon Trading and Financial Derivatives PPT
2008 Hunt_The hidden social costs of forestry offsets
2008 International Rivers_Bad Deal for the Planet - Why Carbon Offsets Aren't Working
2008 Ramseur_The role of offsets in a GHG emissions cap and trade program
2008 Roland-Holst_Carbon emission Offsets and Criteria Pollutants A California Assessment
2008 Stuart_Why Bother with CDM and Project Mechanisms
2009 Boehm_Upsetting the Offset The Political Economy of Carbon Markets
2009 Lohman_Regulation as Corruption in the Carbon Offset Markets
2009 SEI_Evaluating and Improving Carbon Offsetting Programs - Policy Brief
2009 Wittmann_Carbon Offsets and Inequality in Guatemala and Sri Lanka
2010 Borenstein_Markets for Anthropogenic Carbon Within the Larger Carbon Cycle
2010 Bumpus_The Matter of Carbon: Understanding Materiality of tCO2e in Carbon Offsets
2010 Bushnell_The Economics of Carbon Offsets
2010 Hari_The Wrong Kind of Green
2010 He_Making Carbon Offsets Work in the Developing World Lessons from the Chinese Wind Controversy
2010 Lewis_Carbon Emissions Hard to Credit ETS Offset Use Again in the Spotlight
2010 Lovell_Governing the Carbon Offset Market
2010 Schapiro_Conning the Climate
2010 Sovacool_Building Umbrellas or Arks - Three Alternatives to Carbon Credits and Offsets
2011 Boehm_Fault lines in climate policy: What role for carbon markets
2011 Bushnell_Adverse Selection and Emissions Offsets
2011 Carlson_The biggest green scam in America
2011 Dhanda_The Ethics of Carbon Neutrality: A Critical Examination of Voluntary Carbon Offset Providers
2011 Hultman_Carbon markets and low-carbon investment in emerging economies
2011 Jaccard_BC's Carbon Neutral Public Sector: Too Good to be True?
2011 Lohmann_Endless Algebra of Carbon Markets
2011 Munden Project_REDD-and Forest Carbon Market-Based Critique and Recommendations
2011 Poudyal_Quality of urban forest carbon credits
2012 Anderson_Interview on Carbon Offsets
2012 Anderson_Offsetting under pressure
2012 Anderson_The Inconvenient Truth of Carbon Offsets Pre-Edit Version
2012 Boehm_Greening Capitalism - A Marxist Critique of Carbon Markets
2012 Boehm_The Atmosphere Business
2012 CDMWatch Newsletter_scrutinizing carbon offsets
2012 Ephemera_The Atmosphere Business - Special Issue
2012 Latta_Evaluating the Response of Land Use and Forest Management in Western Oregon to a Carbon Offset Sales Policy PPT
2012 Lohmann_Critiquing carbon markets: A Conversation
2012 Millard-Ball_The trouble with voluntary emissions trading
2012 van Kooten_Rent Seeking and Smoke and Mirrors Game in the Creation of Carbon Credits: An Example from British Columbia
2013 CAR_Offsets and CEQA: Mitigating Impacts via Offsite Credits
2013 Carbon Market Watch_International Offsets in EU 2020 Climate Legislation
2013 Carbon Market Watch_Rethinking the role of international carbon markets in the EU’s 2030 climate framework
2013 Erickson_Implications of international GHG offsets on global climate change mitigation $$
2013 Hyams_The ethics of carbon offsetting
2013 Killian_The rhetoric of personal carbon offset accounting $$
2013 Lyman_Better Get it right the first time - CARBs offset invalidation provisions
2013 McNish_Carbon offsets are a bridge too far in the tradable property rights revolution
2013 Oliver_Do Carbon Offsets Work? The Role of Forest Manageemtn in GHG Mitigation
2013 Trexler_If Offsets for Keystone Are the Answer - What Was the Question - paper
2013 Turner_World offsetting markets can the patient be cured
2013 van Bethem_Scale and transfers in international emissions offset programs
2014 Brekke_Buying the right to do wrong: An experimental test of moral objections to trading emission permits
2014 Cavanagh_Virtual nature, violent accumulation: The ‘spectacular failure’ of carbon offsetting at a Ugandan National Park
2014 Pearse_Ten reasons why carbon markets will not bring about radical emissions reduction
2014 Schuster_Bird Community Conservation and Carbon Offsets in Western North America $$
2015 Haya_Carbon Offsets in California: Science in the Policy Development Process
2015 Kill_REDD A Collection of Conflicts, Contradictions and Lies
2015 Kollmuss_Has Joint Implementation Reduced GHG Emissions Lessons Learned
2015 Maron_Stop misuse of biodiversity offsets
2015 Wolters_Analysis of German Voluntary Offset Markets - in German
2015 Wolters_Revised Analysis of the German Offset Market for GHG Emissions
2016 Morello-Frosch_A Preliminary Environmental Equity Assessment of California’s Cap and Trade Program
2016 Olsson_The elephant in the room - A comparative study of uncertainties in carbon offsets $$
2017 Aguilar-Stoen_Better Safe than Sorry? Indigenous Peoples, Carbon Cowboys and the Governance of REDD in the Amazon $$
2017 Duggan_Ranking Carbon Offsets - A Primer for Organizational Buyers
2017 Green_Don't link carbon markets
2018 Apostolopoulou_Biodiversity Offsetting and the Production of Equivalent Natures A Marxist Critique
2018 Riksrevisjonen_The Office of the Auditor General of Norways Investigation of Norways International Climate and Forest Initiative
2019 Chagas_Should forest carbon credits be included in offsetting schemes such as CORSIA
2019 Haya_Managing uncertainty in carbon offsets: insights from California’s standardized approach
2020 Lee_The Future of Carbon Offset Markets
2020 Trexler_Should You Buy Carbon Offsets
2021 Badgley_Systematic over-crediting of forest offsets
2021 Benson_All That Glitters is Not Green
2021 Compensate_Reforming the Voluntary Carbon Market
2022 Carbon Market Watch_Poor Tackling: Yellow card for 2022 FIFA World Cup’s Carbon Neutrality Claim
2012 Sandel_What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets
2021 Beechener_Achieving net zero A review of the evidence behind potential carbon offsetting approaches
2021 Carvalho_Offset approaches in existing compliance mechanisms
2021 Carvalho_Potentials for Offset Approaches in Selected Sectors post 2020
2022 Carbon Advisors_Carbon Select 1000: The Comprehensive Carbon Offset Intelligence System
2023 Romm_Are Carbon Offsets Unscalable, Unjust, and Unfixable -- and a threat to the Paris Climate Agreement?
2023 Sylvera_Permission to Pollute, or Pivotal for Progress?
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